The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 1601 PAGE SIXTEEN • 1. 73 horsepower engine - -2-.--Four=speed synchromesh transmiSsi 3. Front disc brakes 4. Fully reclining bucket seats *' • *Suggested retail price Corolla 20) 2-door sedan 1:.11.11. Vancouver, Calgary. Toronto, Montreal and Moncton; local, treiglit, license and' provincial tves I KLAND HURON RD,GODERICH Be Sure and See Us at the Auto Show Tonight and Tomorrow Night in the Goderich Arena MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a lair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely .on. , SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat' O'Hagan, Prop. EsTABLEKED OVER SIXTY. YEARS. WALKERTON PHONE 851.0234 ONTARIO am pleased to enclose a cheque as a donation towards this pro- ject. Very best wishes for suc - cess in this endeavour", is the , wish'of. Robert McKinley M.P. - of Zurich. • Ill • • .• "Please find enclosed a small donation to the Pool Fund. Good luck with the venture ," Is the comment of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw of London. • • • * • "In memory of my, parents, Mr. -and-Mrs,. John M. Strathdee ," writes Evelyn S.' Kennedy 'of Bed- ford, Ohio, in donating to the pool hind. • • • S . • . "My thanks to whoever remem bered me. I am always interested in the progress of my native vil- lage. May every success attend your progress always Good Wishes ," is the comment of Iso- bel M. Macintosh of Hamilton in supporting the pool fund. • • • • I. "Enclosed please find donation towards Lions Club Pool Fund, Good Luck," writes Harvey Mc- Quillan, of St. Catharines. 39 Contestants In Fall Fair Babe Contest . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Comments Continue On Pool Project Comments and financial sup- port from former residents con- time to be received at The Sent- inel and by the Lucknow swim- ' ming pool committee. • • * •• • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER .29111, '1172 • - • ...Y..- a • S• With 39 entries in the Baby Contest at Lucknow Fair, it was not an easy task for judges Mrs.' Dan Cleary of Waterloo and Mrs. lack Morris Of London, both' Reg* istered Nurses. Entries were up this year from 30 last year. The girls stole the show with only two boys placing among the nine win- ners: Mrs.' Jack McKim, Luck- now , was director in charge of _ the contest. Five month ,old Rhonda Hogan , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hogan-of R. 3 Goderich, was first place winner in the "Under 6 Months" class. Placing second was Julie Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pentland of Dun- gannon. Shannon McNeil, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob McNeil, R. 6-Goderich was third. Other contestants in this class • ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Purdon were. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Gaunt 'at Chatham. On their return they were accompan- ied by Miss Beatrice McQuillin who spent the past week in chat- 14111-. Mrs. W. I. Miller and Isobel . • . and Miss W. D. Rutherford were Sunday visitors with Miss Laura Salkeld near Goderich. Mrs. Harvey Webb returned on Friday from a four-week tour of Scotland and England with Mr. On Tuesday the Rose, family re- and Mrs. Dan Rose and family. _ _ turn to Ghana , Africa. Mr. Robert Lyons Sr. is a pat-- ient.in Wingham and District Hospital. The 110th anniversary of St. Helen's United,Church will be held on Septeniber 24 at 11 o'clock. Rev. Robert Nicholls B.A . 'of Lucknow will be guest minister and Miss Annette Ou-ghto-ri . ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner and family of Lucan were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran and Paul. • Mr. and .Mrs. Ken Grewar,. Nancy and Bradley Of Mississauga spent the week end at.the Webb farm. • "Good Luck" writes Chuck and Georgie McDonagh and girls of Oracle , Arizona. • • • • • "Glad to send along a small gift towards the pool. I hope 'the kids have as much fun in the new pool as, I had at the Carding Mill, down at Anderson Flax Mill," writes Stuart Cameron of Ken- more, New York. fc • • • • "Best of luck with your new swimming pool," writes Ken Hodgkinson of Listowel. • • • 41 * " I must .congratulate the Lucknow District Lions Club on the initiative shown in spearhead- ing-a-drive forrhe installlation-of a swimming pool in your town. I TOYOTA 5. Electric rear window 13. Cigarette lighter 21.60 amp. hr. battery 22. Dual braking system 23. Wrap around bumpers 24. Side running lights 25. Back-up lights 26. Washable and removable' trunk mat defroster 6 Whitewall tires 7. Full vinyl interior __ 8._Electricwindshield washer 9. Two-speed whidshield wipers 10. Padded recessed dash 11. collapsible steering column 12. Glove box• a 18. Power boosted fresh- ' flow ,ventilation 19. Swing-out side rear Windows - 20. Unit body construction 15. Three-position courtesy, lights 16. Hand-brake warning light 17. Three point retractable sat elts' 14. Heavy duty heater- , defroster ' 27. Recessed spare tire 28. Tool kit and jack 29. Electrophorus paint application 30. Four-Way flashers rgamaaimemo. R. 1 Holyrood; Tanya Snobelen (Mike), R. R. 1 Ripley; Michael White (Robt.), R. R. 2 Kincardinq Jennifer Hunter (Wayne), London; Susan Miller (Alan), R. 5 Luck- now . ' Julie Martin, 12 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Martin of Kincardine Won the third class "12 to 18' Months". . Placing, second was David, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Elwood Elliott of Holyrood. Lisa , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilken of R. R. - 1 Ripley was third. Other entries I were Michele Barger (Ken), Luck-4 now; Lisa.Koyle (Garry), Listowel; Sherry Hodges (Terry), Dungannon; Sandy Maclntyre (Donald), R. R. 6 Lucknow; Laurie Hayden (Jim), R. R. 3 'Goderich; Heather Priestap ere. (the parent s name zn (Gerry), Lucknowrjarnes-Fuller- brackets) Michael Curran (Ralph), ton (Carmen), Paisley. R. R. 1 Dungannon; Deborah Mac- Kinnon (Doug), Kitchener; Barbara Helm (Ross), R. R., 2 Goderich; Colken Cook (Ivan),-Ripley; J. J. (James) Grubb (Francis), Lucknow; Shama Andrew (Bill); R. R. Lucknow; Laurie O'Neil (Joe), R. 'R. 3 Auburn;. Brian Redmond (Ambrose), Lucknow; Trina Humphrey (Bob), Lucknow.; Jeffery 'Kehl (Dave), Hespeler. In the second class "6. to 12 Months---T" Mr-e,-and.-:.Mrs,-.Doug Martyn's 8 1/2 month old daugh- • ter. Ainslie of R.. 3 Lucknow took first place. Second -wai Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garry Koyle Listowel and Jeannine daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Finlayson of R. R. 3 Teeswater was third. This was the largest Class- with 16 contestants. Other entries were Joey. Curran (Donald), R. R. 1 Dungannon; Brenda McNee (Eric), Dungannon; Linda Ack- worth XKen), London; Patrick Hunt- er (Ted),' R. 5 Kincardine; TaM- my Fluckler (Don), Ripley; Matt Rhody (Alan), Ripley; Jeffery Haldenby (Daire), R. R. 1 Holy- rood; Shannon Keir (Randy), Dun- gannon; Bradley Murray (Gerald), Ai.