The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 3WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, .1112 THE I,UCKNOW SENTINEL, I,LICKNOW,. ONTARIO. mon vines . . , gat'gtsestMtstfkfots4ememaemo^esvs^es,etgeva,evest-mizw. a^msiamizvidveveziwzwzcomkgsstssiosovostosssawaissydravxmismarnsusmsgaggo BEST BUY! YORK BRAND • Mrs.. Harold Stanley arid Mrs. --firw-England of-Lucknow visited._. in Barrie•last week with their brother Murd9ck and Mrs. Stew- art and with their brother Jim Stewart in Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Sandra, Cheryl and Heather of HolyroOcrspent the week end with Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Smith and Deb bie of North Bay. 'Mr. and ,MrS. Jim Smith who had spent the past two weeks at ,North Bay returned 'home with them. 20th, pals red in ompris. t, Barb. acIntyre,' et Thor. .rgaret vlacDon. Mao- 1, Roddy )n, acDonald tyre, dy Mae• r.enzie, RED & WHITE FOOD STORES FEATURE' 141.0z. Bags FEATURE!. — DR. BAICLARD'S 15 F1. Oz. Tins . . • AYIMER FANCY BUY OF THE WEEK s. V v's.- ••••., 'te tr.r.19§vvvvvvvtr4vvvvvvvvt§*www0tRvtnr4. PHONE-5284001— ftwetttmostwolstkomytomporongmowt~wswzmwm4m§v*Rmw4wetitftnmtviztvwsonf 11 -fifvfewmpftewnwomostostRootsi book 0 Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thompson of Lucknow attended the conven- tion for "Homes for the Aged" 'held at the Skyline ., Toron— to last week end. Mr. Thompson is superintendent for the ^Bruce County Homes for' the Aged, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moffat. of tarria6, formerly of Conces- sion 8 Culross, left from Mahon by plane on Thursday night , Sept- ember l4 for Edmonton, then by bus to Wanharn, Alberta to visit their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and mss , J a m McKenzie and fam- ily and other relatives in' Alberta.' Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNaughton Jr. visited last wee-k-end-M-Ilek--- now with his parents. Jim Mc- Naughton Sr. returned to Toronto with them where he is a patient in Wellesley Hospital. ISaac Nikon of Belfast accom- panied his five sons',.John of Bel- grave , Carman of London, -Ralplrof-Wingliam , Wayne --of Lucknow and Delbert of Stratford on an enjoyable fishing trip last week• in Northern Ontario on Lake Nipissing. Mrs. Jim McNaughton spent a . few days in London visiting with her daughter and son-in-law Mt. .Mrs. Ed Thom, Mrs. Stuart Collyer, Mrs. L. C: Thatripson ., and Joanne visited last week in Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wallace, and his father Mr. Stephen Wal- lace of Regina, visited with • , -' - and Mrs. Ru die-H-enning-Ind--fa-rfr-- - ily. She also visited Miss Nellie Venning at the McCormick Home. Miss Venning 'wishes to be rem-' embered to her many friends in - Lucknow. ' -Tonto-a' illsiormifdl -- ro ncr A o . and Mrs. Ron Rothwell. Other visitors were Mrs. Al Martin and Ned Martin of Long Beach, Cali- fornia ,/who returned home last' Saturday after a three week holi- clay with relatives in_Luc know , ep en s cousin Mrs. Jac Mc- Kendrick on Friday of last week. : Mrs-. Charles-Steward has'rettirn• ed to her home in Lucknow hay-ingspent the past week in London , - • , . .-•-• Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook Of Lucknow visited this past week with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Hack- ett of Cochrane and their family of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ha• c,kett and Mr. and Mrs. Egon Anderson , of Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, Ansonvflle. , • Visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. • • d pagt few days' were Mr.' an • Lou Northan of Hornchurch, Es-' sex, England. Mrs. Harvey Treleaven of . Harvey•Webster of Lucknow for the IRWIN Toronto and'Norwood. • • and.: Roy Cringle of Lincoln Park, Michigan visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Swart, MacPherion. ' . , Mrs. C. M. Johnston of. Sarnia, the fOrmer Dolly Webster: of this community , visited over the week end with Miss Helen Thomp- son of Lucknow. • Mrs. Howard Agnew of ._. Lucknow' returned.taler_horne_ two 'weeks ago from Wingham Hospit- al, • ,, -Mtv-and-Mrs-,--Lloyd Ashton of LucknOw flew to Ottawa Sunday, where they are visiting with Mr, and Mrs...Fraser Ashton and An- tome.Wingharn, also visited with her son Gordon, who is a patient in Victoria Hoipital; Lon- don. - . - • ,. _ ,-; -:- ...• •A , • may. r . - ._-_ :. I i ; 1 '.' i I 1 (.-; • I . - at Wingham and District Hospital on August 30, to Mr. and ./virs,_john_Irwirt-, R.- 7-Lucknow-i--a- son. BAKKER - g • London is ccgairl-a patient--in-Vio-- toria Hospital, where she has undergond.surgery•on •her ankle , • which she fractured in a fall September .5th. - . ' andber Dist-pl . trict Hospitaatl WoninSellaptmern , to Mr, and Mrs. Sipke Bakker, a son. •, • .. ,