The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 1Les , Pena Buys Local Shoe Store Les' Petter of Kincardine has purchased Marhan Shoes in Luck- now.., Mr, Petter who has been inthe fobtwear business in Kin- cardine for 21 years ,. took over the LUelcnow -business on Septem- ber 7th. He is well known to many in the area and was a friend of the late Gerald Rathwell, who operat. ed the Lucknow shoe store for he farm home of Mr ; and . Jack turran, located on the concession of Ashfield Town- , about 1 .1/2 miles west of Lucknow Dungannon road, was pletely levelled by fiie on Fri- Morning of last week.. Noth--- was saved' from the burning ' lding. and Mrs. Curran-were in gstonat tie tine visiting wit! it daughter Dorothy. • . , ar,vey Kilpatrick of Belfast, ving along the road with a d of baled straw , noticed es coming from thecho,me. He flagged down Howard Blake and a call 'was put in to the Luck- now Fire Department. Phones in the area were put out by the fire and the call was made from the home of Hugh Me nary. With-ntrone -at-the- far-rn-y-the- fire had considerable headway when discovered , and fanned by a strong wind blowing to 'the north- east, ,.the structure was a mass zsf flames when firemen arrived. 'The wind couldn't have been in a worse direction and the near- by barn, filled with grain and • straw , was soon on fire. irerrier'i and other workers pulled boards off the barn, pulled the burning straw out• and used what water was available on the Lucknow Fire Truck to fight the barn fire sue- cessfully. Although at times the bartrapp e ared-that-it-might-gca-as_ well, the fire fighters managed to eontain the fire. A stack of hay, on' the north side , of the barn , 'elite and- this was later extinguished by lay• ing a line to a pond to the north CONTINUED ON PAGE Destroys Jack currqn Nome Barn Levelled By Fire On Walter —F arm_ A happy reunion of the Forster family on Sunday at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster near. Ripley --suddenly changed-into-a - lime of trouble, when the barn on the farm took fire and was destroy• ed in a matter of about 20 min- utes. Cause is believed to have ' been from combustion. Sixty--six-familyinembers-w ere-- CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 13th, 194 "e•••76, $6.00 A Y•ar In Advanco.-$2.00--Extra To U.S.A . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1072 Singto Copy 15o 24 0111.10; • .Miss. Exeter Named Miss Midwestern Ontario. Nursing Grad I 19c IT 83c 69i FE 10c 79c VE 10c VE 13c E 10c Jo-Anne Burke , 19, Exeter, is e new Miss Midwestern Ontario. e was crowned Saturday even- us Dominion of Canada, Bonny ady of Perth , Ontario. Jo-Anne is the daughter of Mr. d Mrs. John Burke of Exeter is employetLatExeter-flow - in that. town. She, had earlier en named Miss Exeter; 'She pes to carry on a career in eative designing. e-new-Miss Midwestern Ont- (Alas earned the right to crim- e in the Miss Dominion of nkda-contest -inNtagara Falls xt summer. First runner-up was Julie Dal- Miss Grand-Bend-. She-is- years of age and is the daughter . and Mrs. J. H. Dalton oft Kathy Emewein, Miss Walkerton; 41. •••• 4P i ........ 44" AP 4P IP I I I I I' I I I 4P 4/4. 41" .0P • II it:41t401,641: 4 04 04 41` t .5,),.1 ire 41 p ..w0 04"..4*:* 00. it • 40 lir t ie •• * (4, 4•0\4,4041"iii, • • Pe li 4141•V‘itt ° . . . ' 1411 os ..... il .1:47%4140100•1 A, 411 4 40 .." * 0 14 I. :4 0 • 4 e vli 40 . •.. , `j„,11`14•11,01, V k g/ e w ........... .1' 0 0 'V.V. 4.111.411`ew* : 44 rt. It le 't 1.16.1:4.4,1P4.4, I i s 41... ir• 444 _.• is • -•••••••?;•••••• ?"11 .... „ • . ,,,. . , is 4•4 :.-......••4 41/00e`ot .44 0.4.441,4444“ 4 it 411sZ., ......41•04•04 414,0 •0111.‹,. 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S 444‘40.******0 4pd !i... •e S l'ost•••,?"0,•...4 ::4.4"` ..40 - owe, 44 4. Ape • t $ okik *** ******40 04 *k:It * et • ****$404 4,, 41 $... ** *** At* e t*. Grand Bend. She is a hairdresser. Second runner-up was Caren Folk, 20, Miss Meaford. Caren s-t-he-da-ughter-of-Mr. and-Mrs: Alex Folk of Meaford ,and is Ares-' ently employed at Talisman. Ski Resort in secretarial work. The first place winner' in the contest receives $,0 , the second place winner $25, and .the third place $15. Each girl was present- ed with.a gift by Bob Gilchrist president of the Lucknow.Agricul- viral •Society. Laura Bennett , Miss Paisley Fall. Fair; Betty Lou Dunkleman, Miss Meaford, Kinsmen; Lou Core', Miss Kinbardine-Fail-Fairt-Sharron Kennedy, Miss' Durham Centen- nial; 'Elaine Keiffer, Miss How- ick; ,Karen Sutcliffe, Miss Wing- ham Kinsmenr Norma Jean Kreut- 2karrip, Chesley Fall Fair;_ Jane MacArthur Miss Arthur Cen- tennial; Jannette Schieck, Miss Drayton Fair; Beverley MacPher-, son , Miss Lucknow Fall Fair; Judy Mudge , Miss Zuric Bean Festiv al. Charles Webster is. chairman-3g Judges 'were Mr. and Mrs. Bren- the contest. 4 Bob Finlay acted den Geoghegan of Hamilton and as master of ceremonies for the Miss Dominion of Canada. They evening; -spent-most-of 'the day with the Others in the contest were Oils and had dinner with them that evening. Enumerators have been busy ' this past week compiling the lists of eligible voters in the forthcoming Federal election. Compiling the lists in Luck- now-have--beenMrs.-----Kennet Lucknows,s 107th annual Fall Fair 'was held on Friday and Satur- day and will go down in the hist- ory-of the Luckribw Agricultural Society as one of the best. Fair weather on. Fair-day has-been the____ habit in recent years. Weather can make or break a week end such 'as this , and Lucknow has been fortunate in recent years to Murdie, Mrs. Philip Stewart , Mrs. Leslie Purvis and Mrs. Roy CONTINUED' ON PAGE 24 Janice Brooks. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G6ftlon Brooks of Luck- now , graduated July 28 from Kitcpener-Waterloo Hospital . SchOol of Nursing. Janice was valedictorian of her --class and cointnences nursing ,duties at Victoria Hospital in London in October. g. He will atriloquism CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 have _the weather man smile on them. 4 / / * • • The indoor exhibits were open -for-viewing in-the-arena on Friday evening. Local entertainers prov- ided a program on Friday night. CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 A campaign with leadership as a key issue was forecast last Thursday night by Alistair Gilles- pie, Federal Minister of Science -and-Technology, at-a Bruce-Lib—, eral meeting in Walkerton that "nominated` Ross Whicher of Wiar- ton. "The stress will be on charac- ter rattler than policy or pro7 grams. In Pierre Trudeau we have a leader who anticipates events rather than being 'forced to- _react.to them after they happen;' Mr. Gillespie said. He cited the prime minister's action in gaining undisputed lov- ,ereignty over the Arctic during the last, Parliament. The' 54-year-old Mr. Whicher CONTINUED 014 "PAGE 2 ALUE 69c RDAY 08-3410 s was in-. Sam Gib- le building implement ted -on the__ d by ;ave the rink was )W Agricili' Enumerators Busy With Name-Lists -JANICE-BROOKS oss gcsili ult or Liberal Party In Bruce, Nominated Last Week At Walkerton Meeting •