The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 16• • 1 SIDECIAL$ OVEN PRIDE FLOUR, 7 W. bag 69c SUNSPUN MARGARINE,1 W. pack 29c UTOPIA TOMATOES, 19- oz. tin 25c CHECK OUR IN-STORE SPECIALS . ARNOLD'S R.R. 7 Lucknow Lanes GENERAL STORE Phone 529,7248 .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES Harry Alton, .Ruby Nixon, Telford Aitchison, Clyde Reid, Viola . Sturdy, Lancelot Morrisen, Evelyn Spindler, Dorothy Cook, Irene Carbert, George Naylor. Leah Smith, Andrew Huston, Mabel McClure, Alfred Mitchell, Gladys Webster, Annie Campbell Harold Blake, Hazel Fitzell, Doris lefferson, May McQuaig, Hazel Webster, Earl Stauffer, Theo Howey, Frank Bogues. A. L. Outram, teacher. TALES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 the minister is away we always take charge of the service, and the preacher Preaches in English. It was then I realized rhad three sermons 'to deliver the next day , but it was 'a memorable occasion for me, and one I shall always be grateful for.' My Gaelic friends.' must have' appreciated-what-1 said- that morning, for a large number of them were back in the after- noon, and even four of them were in the evening Congregation. WON /00 AUGUST 26 STILL '2500 to go the mind of a Scotch Presbyterian in those days no greater honor could come to a borne , than that God should call a son to the • ministry. It just happened to My birthday - a. fine way to cele. br4te. " Lucknow Business Men's Associa don, requested that consideration be given to haying a Provincial Police officer stationed perman- ------ently in-Lucknow- _Recent incid PAO" SIXTEEN Ilmimomiumw ents in the, Village stirred the lock Street between Campbell and Ludgard Streets. A thorough dis- cussion resulted 'in the-unanimous adoption of a resolution, moved by Dr. G. Newton and seconded by J. W. Henderson, in favour of / a pavement being laid on Have- lock Street to replace the gravel road. WITH MARGARET THOMPSON •••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ was com leted The alarm was 20 YEARS AGO I P i ereCted on a 40 foot windmill tower on the hill close to where. MAY-I952- - the standpipe -stood :At was -e-lest ricaily controlled from the tele- A petition circulated by' the il phone,exchange as well as one ' outdoor control. A meeting of the ratepayers of the Village of Lucknow was . called for the purpose of consider- ----iftig the-matter_of_paving_Ha_v_e_/,__. 'A school report of Lucknow, Public School for Senior and Junior IV named the fallowing students: Margaret McKenzie, Clara McKinley', Cordon Alex- derr--y Dusaimi--Fra-n eq Webster, Norman Paterson, Dor- l othy Douglas, Jim Spence ,Gert- ie McCall, Freda Ferguson, Phemie" Irving, Evan Geddes, 60 YEARS AGO MAY 1912 -My -Gaelic Elder--took charge of— the service, and we opened with the t,wentr,third .psalm. The Precentor with his tuning fork, led the choir, as no organ was permit- ted ihere. He read a line ,and then we' sang the line. all through_the_psalm. It took a long While but there .was soinething very impressive about it all.. It was-custom I suppose that came down from a day when people hadn't any hYmn books and could- n't read them if they had. An Gaelic• eldei led in the Long Prayer. I shall never forget him as he stood in his pew with hands uplifted, and poured forthhis soul , in prayer, the other members•all standing as was their custom": Just why I never. really 'knew except that. Anglicans knelt:, and there wasn't much love between • the Scottish descendents and those who were mostly English. His terminal facilities might have 'been •imptoved upon, and I got to thinking I would have to cut the, sermon a bit before he ended , but there was no doubt in my mind that he '"talked with God". The only part, of the service in English was the sermon, hut 'it a Fall Fertiliz4ion Pays ,UseBULK. SPREADING SERVICI for convenience Why is a Fall application of ertiliser so profitable?' TOP DRESSING HAY AND PASTURE insures winter hard' ness and hence winter survival of the , alfalfa and clover. Thy increased soil fertility- level also- means extra spring and summe growth—highar yields/more feed per acre/more milk per cow) more gain on beef., FALL PLOW-DOWN, another important requirement for net -yearly-cash-crops:Plow-down_prevents_sted burning when a large' amount of fertilizer than is safe to apply near the seed, is tolt used. The fertilizer is better mixed in soil, and where straw or corn stocks are turned under, results in a faster decomposition. REMEMBER ! CO-01! Bulk Spreading is fast, labour saving ani economical: You get CO-OF Fertilizer spread folutuarapproxi mately the bag price. Another of the many farmer-pwned Co•ol services. • lucknow District Coop phone 528-2125 FERTILIZERS w'as an experience I wouldn't have missed for anything. This was the church to which as a little .lad I had been taken by my parents, before I cast my ith-the-Methodis r- ed how they might feel toward Me, but I was soon set at ease. .„, It'was clear from the beginning that 'they still thought of ' me as one' of their boys, and ,they were rejoicing with me that I had chosen to enter the ministry. In HAVE YOUR IHOMETOWAVIMI HMS FOLLOW YOU... •4 community to action. 'Officers elected' at the annual - Business Men's Association were: President , Wm. Schmid; ,vice- president , Gordon Montgomery; secretary -treasurer , Archie Smith; executive committee, Porteous._Lloyd Hall, Oliver Glenn, Lloyd Ashton, . Russ Button, Ernie Crawford. • Ross Gammie bought Ed • ' Thom's West Wawanosh farm. / This.farm had been in the Thom family ,for 85 years, since the late William Thom came to West Wawanosh from Dalhousie. • 40 YEARS AGO MAY '1932 The' work of raising the siren under the direction of,Dave Milne THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 14/CKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESPAY;. SEPTEMBER 6th, 191 ti - Final draw - Sat., Sept. 16 at Legion Hail at ,9 p.m, Chief Sweedland will' draw winning tickett. Kincardine District General Hispital Binding Fend SWEEPSTAKE Sept. 16 1st $2000 2nd $500 Tickets $2.00 each For tickets Write Box 2000, ,kincardine, 'Ont. o%"ima";*P.*.+ao*%*it*oi***."*ogtr%•%•ftn0'.***%*'%"di'60"''•"'kow**'%"-'''''''d%'%" MONUMENTS ror se:OttOOMis61-tind-a4air-price:,..00A monument Corieetly•designed from quality material, rely on --$KELTON-MEMORIALS - t Pat ESTABLLSHED OVER 'SIXTY YEARS. . WALKERTOIC • -PHONE 88i4234 ONTARIC .