The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 11• • STERLING TRUSTS TORONTO - 372 Bay Street (416) 364-7495 BARRIE - 35 Dunlop Street (705) 726-6495 ORILLIA - 73 Mississaga St. E., (705) 325-2226 1972 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1972 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELIVIEN of ed 7 )el, in Kincardine when such was uot•the case. Sometimes in news writing an item supposed to be a true fact: turns out to be an incorrect rumour. Mrs. Rustin would like folks to know that she is at her Ripley home. Phone 528-2001 Fairview Dairy ser- er- °r- • ks" bn- 0 AIL ed of ing iv- lest . Th , - nd • a kes • BY AB WYLDS. Congratulations are extended to Miss Sherry Pollock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pollock of the fifteendu, north of Ripley , who Went all the Way in the Dairy Princess competition last week at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. A year. ago Sherry won the Bruce County Dairy Prin- cess award at Walkerton. .0n August 24 at the C.N.E. she'-won in the preliminary round elimin- ating last year's runner-up. Then on Tuesday of this past week Sherry took the semi-finals and ' on Thursday evening in the•finalt in the arena in the Coliseum she cess. On Saturday morning she had her new white car in Ripley and- gave-her-grandmother Ernie Pollock a ride around town. Some of the things Sherry won in- clude trips to Britain and United States, credit and service cards for car travel, a silver tea service , luggage typewriter , a wrist watch, a television set ; besides several other items and 'for the farm back- home a tractor radio and pure bred Ayrshire. ,Sherry took part in the Kincardine Fall Fair last Saturday. However she will be Unable to be at the Ripley-Huron fall fair as she is 'scheduled to be in • Madison*, Wisconsin on September 30'; She has a manager director and for the Congratulations of the Ripley Huron area 'folks goes to Norman -Ballwhamas_first in_Grade_13 last June at, the F. E. • Madill SecOndary School in Wing- ham with the high average of 90.2 per cent. He is the son of Rev. and Mrs. George Ball of Ripley. Normans prans to take Engineering at Universityas his oltcler brother Gordon did , only 'Norman will go to Toronto. Norm- an ways awarded an Ontario Schol7 arship of 3150 and as'an Ontario Scholar receives a special certifi- cate. Our •apolOgy to .Mrs. Hilda Rus- tin of Ripley for reporting that she was residing at FaithaVen in Miss Dianne MacKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKay of concession 10, Huron took part in the Silver Dollar Competitiori at the Orangeville Fair last Satur- day, Dianne was one of four en- trants from Bruce County in thi's 4-.H Dairy Competition. The• competition is. quite difficult in- volving a lot of work. It includes a quiz on raising dairy 'cattle •and a written essay on a - current dairy to-pic. Dianne also had to show her calf and she was. judged on her showmanship abil- ity. This makes three girls along the tenth concession of Huion Township who have been "putting the place on the map" - Ellen Elliott, Sherry Pollock and now ' Dianne MacKay duIng this past • month. On Friday evening August 25k , 1072 a farewell party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Needhath and daughters Donna and Mary who are „leaving their tenth con- cession farm to reside in their' home in Ripley. Neighbours and former neighbours gathered at the Needham home for a good social visit. After readings by Mrs. Donald Gillies and: Mrs. Morford Mackay were given atedi, _sp,ekches expressing farewell wishes by a feW neighbours, pip. Elliott , as master of ceremonies, read an address coMposed bylack Carter. A swag lamp, T. V. tables, and a cannister set were presented to Russ-and Elv-a---anc4edrooFn-1-a-mps to Donna and Mary. A bountiful lunch was served: Many years of well deserVed retirement are wish- ed to Rusi and Elva and the hope that their years in Ripley will be most happy. The address was: TO RUSS AND ELVA NEEDHAM • Now we're gathered here tonight , 1 am Sure you all know why , Let us turn our memOries back, orne-yea-rs•-gone4 . • When,Russ was cdtirting Elva , Maybe I shouldn't,say, He drove a buckskin driver, That had 'often ruri away. He could kick, balk or stand, Just as pretty /as you please, Of course it always happened.; en, he got you in a squeeze. AT LUCKNOW FALL FAIR SATURDAY, SgPTEMBER 16*, PLAN NOW FOR YOUR ENTRIES IN THE FALL FAIR • . • LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF VARIOUS CLASSES YOU CAN ENTER AND THE CASH'PRIZES GIVEN. 1. Decorated Bicycle $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 .50c 2. Deborated Tricycle 3.uu 2.00 1.00 ..50c 3. Decorated Doll Carriage 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 4. Best Costumed Rider on decorated pony. (Animals will not be judged) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 5. Largest fathily at .the fair $5.00, 6. Oldest Lady at the fair 5.00 7. Oldest Gentleman at the fair , i 5.00 8. Best Original National Costume 6.00 5.00 3.00 worn by Lady visitor at the faie' 9. Best Copied National Costume worn 6:00 5.00 3.00: py Lady birector at fair 10. Best Copied National Costume 6.00 5.00 3.00. worn by Lady Visitor at fair , 11. Best Original -National Costume worn 6.00 5.00 . 3.00 by Lady -Director at fair ' : 12. Be§t National Costume worn by 6.00 5.00 3.00, • Gentleman visitor at fair 13.• Best National Costume worn by Gentleman director 4 6.90 5.00 3.00 Schools Parading in•Costume 8.00 6.00 4.00 2:00 Public School Floats in Parade° 15.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 High School Floats in Parade 15.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 Decorated Cars J0.00 7.00 5.00 3.00 Antique Cars, pri6r to 1930 12.00 8.00 r)5.00 1q. Be4 Soddy Float 25.00 20.00 15.00 , 20. Best Comic Float • 25.00 20.00 15.00. ,21. Best Patriotic Float _22-..Best-Clown (in parade) i==zo cor==14)=0====o=roc=1 , CLASS 16A - SADDLE HORSES 1. Parade .class (must ride in parade) 2. Saddle hOrse in saddle, rider properly attired • • 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00." 4.00 2.00 3. Western Pleasure saddle class 12.00_10,00 8.00 6..00 4.00 2,00 4. Best mare or gelding on grounds ,5.00 3.00 2.00 Th is Week In next year is an employee of the. Milk Board. In this position 'she is under their direction at all times during the next year. Her father WalLy_takes_her Bilffaln for Tuesday of this week. Every- one here is quite.happy for Sherry. A bus load went down to Toronto 'from Kincardine and Ripley areas on 'Thursday to, cheer her along 'in the competition. This is the first time a Bruce County girl has won the Ontario-title. . * * * 25.00 20.00 15.00 •73.00 2.00 •-azag:5 and Ind era int tas.§, -.RODEO EVENTS 1. Potato Race on pony $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 2. Musical chairs on horseback . 6.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 Entfy- fee-• of- 50C per-entryTin-each-of-the- follovving- four events to be paid to the secretary by 1 p.m. on fair day , 3. Barrel race on horseback 6.00 4.00 °. 3.00 2.00 4. Flag race on horseback - 6.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 ( 5. Pick up race on horseback , 6.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 6. Relay Race on horseback 6.00 4.00 3.00 -2.00 • GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Here's a great way to put your money to work: 8% interest, guaranteed on 5-year term deposits. Other terms available. Minimum deposit, 5500. Call or drop in and see us today. Alex T. MacNay, Box 125 Miller MacKenzie Ltd. Breckles Bldg., Tel. 528-2320 One night he went for Elva ,' To take herto a show , So they both got in and cuddled up, Tiff the buckskin wouldn't go. They sat there for an hour, Till they both ran out of talk, So Elva said we're going, ---r--We'll-bot-h-g-et--out-a-nd walk.. So down the road they headed, The night was dark as pitch, And Elva said "Russ hold me tight , I may fall in the ditch." It Was late when theY. arrived in And the stores and streets were blaek So they sat and rested a bit, Before they headed badk. • RuSs said one thing I'm thinking, And that I knoW I'll do, Is sell that damn old buckskin, They can put him into glue. ,He may be so'contrary , • He'llneither lead nor drive, But I don't give a didley damn, If they scorch him alive. • The Needham's were good neigh- bours. While they lived on this farm, They always- gave-a helping hand , And did no person harm. r • We are sorry they are leaving, -0-eth4s it's for die -best , When years creep upon Us, Its time to take a rest. We wish you health and happiness, In the new home you have bOtight But don't forget your old neigh- botirs , We'll miss you a lot.. Our thanks .to Mrs. Lois 'Mackay,. a neighbour across the tenth from Russ and Elva , -for this report. The John Schnurr Contracting mats eruther , and-other-equip- ment from Hepworth which had ' been hauling gravel north , ; C014TINTJED ON PAGE13