The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 9vil E • IN EATRt FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 8-9-10 AK- M CREAK Nature strikes back! BROWNIE'S CLINTON - ONTARIO 11 vim I. Z. ARKIN, .,. JAI,sN .1.14140111011•4•WR "FROG " " RAY MILLAND- SAM ELLIOTT VAH Ann ADAM , • 120ARKE . MERIC,VINITERMTIONAL • Punt TiehlAS,clatwormffioaucnar * ADULT ENTERTAI NMENT D SEPT. I L WALKABO 1 5.16 1 75 "AN EXCITING AND EXOTIC MONTH& I" Adult Enteetainment ADULT ENTERTAINMENT-__COLOR _CARTOON lErgonA THE IIIIMEApES JAMES H NICHOLSON ..a SAMUEL Z. ARKOFF ' SHELLEY WINTERS MIN( LISTER NO1110501%4, . WHO S'IEW Rt)0? 8v NOME I. Ad Rot AMERICAN INTERNATIONAl/NEMDAiE PRODUCTION a SUN., MON. SEPT. 10-11 .1.1••=1.. IOW ,1 op 41.111. • AlIERIpli V D'ERY,114, TNUFIS., AFRI., SAT. I. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER mrouticust -imemomLs • MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN' / • THE • • GRADUATE • itittisktitIon._. Dustin ROMANI KATIIARIIIB ROSS • PLUS "A '1111S-MOUE' IRK TRULY Of °DICTUMS AND DEMANDINGIO BE SEEN fAlfaliEr' • • • -THIS YERY -iudittixtist, NEW YORK MAGAZINE JOSEPH E. LEVINE DEBBIE REYNOLDS SI-IELLEV WINTERS E TUES., WED.,. THURS.- ANSWERS QUESTIONS EVEN A MAN AND WIFE DON'T DARE ASK EACH OTHER! 0-4 KAMA SUTRA 1.letAkt—to1WOWVeiliiiitiO.Orekskcii-incolo* 1.1 41K100 041iek • M1«[$ KAWLIAtill ImpiAlio 114011,Na/4 MN. MAU' IICANA • LINNYILAA ..4LN.44 • mr A CONTLEILM-0,.1,K..,/, odoN N ON. lArdEn i A RICNARID iR aimmit . Awe i• OWN SCHMICIt • Noftb ticts CArioiiiilAi 04660 11 Co . • SEPT.. 1243t.14-: All About Women ALL STAR CAST CO' OR 411.1104000mimminftemimet COME Id THE * I • WEDNESDAY• SEPTEMBER Oh, 1972 TIPIELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE rommumppliMMINPUPPMENUMNIMINUMNIMPEMMUMMEINIMMEMIIIPII n n n • • • 01. MUM LR 1Mp. COO rt EL CONDOR n • POTiprielld /VeLtUt R.4,1 • .r n • • • • • WEEKENDS I • • ONLY • - plus OCEIZECAMEir OPEN Saturday ,lhe 5th and found that a cousin of Mine who .was .moving tc Hamilton' was having an auction . sale that very afternoon. I dec- ided to attend the sale knowing " that some of my relatives would be there and give me transporta- tion to the country. As I moved about the crowd I met 'one of the Gaelic Elders of the Congrega- tion. He'was married to a. first cousin 'of my father's. and daughter of a Class Leader in • rhe-IvIerhodist-Church. - BUT he — could speak Gaelic quire fluently , and was on' the Gaelic Session., Mr. McLean had a - Gaelic service at 11.00 a..ni. , an English service at 2.30 p.m. and another English s,ervice at 7,30 in the evening. It never occurred ito me to check about the ,Gaelic_ eibLl_could, not speak in. Gaelic , and I had taken it for granted that if they. had a service at all, it would be a little prayer meeting of their own. It came as shock to me when this Elder said , 'When you come in the morning, drop in at my place and I will go with you to the morning service. When CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 CIIIIISSI1111111 LEE NIAIIVIN & GENE HACKMAN "PHINIF Cu',',. PANAVISFOAL* RCHNICOL OH' 4/6 a ger44/0" DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524-9981 U. 11, n a n n n . m • • n n U • M, n mommimmaummammommimessmimpammummumummaiimm▪ . Sun.! .0 Fy.. 8 a Thug • Sat' n ▪ First • n • ▪ Run • n n n n n n n • • • • • • • • • • • n n THE TALES THAT HAVE BEEN TOLD by Rev. Duncan McTavish A GAELIC SERVICE • It was in the Spring of 1920'. I was attending a Summer School in Victoria College, completing about a half year's stUdies in 'Theo- logy before receiving my Diploma. tbe Rev. D. A. McLean minis- ter of Hurdri Presbyterian ChUrch in Ripley. He wanted me supply his pulpit on Sunday, June 6th, as he was a Commissioner to the General Assembly meeting that year in Ottawa-. He intim- ated that I would receive Ten Dollars to cover expenses: 'I imme late y rep le accepting t invitation,as it gave me an opportunity to take a trip home to see my wife, who Was staying at her fathers, recuperating after surgery, 'Here was a chance to earn my fare and see.her and our tbreeLyearold-son who-was--with het. lt-almost seemed providen- tial so far as I was concerned. 'I arrived on the noon train on ft ST. HELENS Recent visitors with Mr.: and Mrs. B, W,, Rice were Mr. and Mrs. J. Staples of Stirling Heights, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smithson of London and Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Phillips and 7 son of Georgetown. Rir many years Mr. Phillips lived with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woods: Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Martin and Wayne were recent visitors with Mr. arid Mrs. Freeman. Martin at HawkesVille. Thursday evening at 8.30 p.m. the St. Helens W.I. will hold their September meeting. Guest speaker:will be Mr. Marvin K. Streich of Wingham. The roll call will be name a public assistance program in our commun ity. Motto. - Mrs.-Fred McQuil- lin. Lunch and program - Mrs. George Webster , Mrs. Er est Snowden. Patients in Wingham and Dist-. rict Hospital are Robert Durnin and Steven Durnin, Torn Harlton of St. Marys spent the week end with Dale Gammie at the Gammie cottage. Week end Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller were Mr. -and Mrs. A. Head and. Mrs. Evelyn Smith of St. Catharines. Sympathy 'of the community goes out to the Gaunt families in the loss' of their Mother, Mrs. Joe Gaunt this week. • Stuaday visitars Mrs. Gordon Lyons were Mr., and Mrs. Howard Packham, Mrs. Packham Sr. and -Miss-C-ampbell,- of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs John Lyons of LondesbOro. Etivhsitema COntry. One cigarette upsets the flOw of air and blood in your. lungs. YearS of smoking can cause emphysema. And-in-the l4sc decad-e,,41eaths from emphysema almost tripled in this country. To investigate the relationship of smoking and emphysema, two prominent researchers-stu-dMI whole-lung sections from,autop- sieS of 1800 men and women. Then they checked the lungs for the degree of emphysema that might be present: Later they found out from relatives the smok- ing habits of the dead persons. Of the persons who' had never sm• "-d regularI , ©to no-emphysema ar all. The air sacs, where 'oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged , were not' damaged and torn. •The walls of the urban blood vessels around theair-sacs---were-not----a-bnorrnally— thickened . In contrast, of the persons who smoked 20 or more cigarettes a day for years, 99 per- cent had some degree of emphys- -seina....._And_menty_perce_nt of _ these smokers had advanced emphyse,ma. Their lungs looked lacy , 'dotted with holes where thousands of air sacs had euptured and broken. Among persons with the same smoking habits, the degree of emphysema in their lungs increased with age and the number of y:ears they had:smoked cigarettes: Other studies show the chances , of dying froni emphysema are. 25 times greater for people who sthoketWo paas a day than for nonsmokers. For further information, con- tact your Christmas Seal Associa. tion, 634 Eighth Street East , Oiven Sound , Ontario. A family trio, Koby, Bert and Torn Amning sang several numb-. ers at the Clinton Christian Reform Song service on Sunday evening. Mr. -Arie 'Van Derende led the ser- vice with Chris Geutter as pianist. Debbie and Cheryl Flynn enter- takined the residents with step dance at Monday afternoons get together. Marie Flynn accom- panied the Huronview orchestra for the old tyme music session and led the •sing song along with whin- teets,*Gladys, Dale and Donna Flynn. The- McQuaid family of Sea forth provided the variety program for Thursday Family Night. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuaid, Mary 161,4 Wu.6 (4 COMPLETE UNCUT VERSION GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 =*==24 PARA' What's New At Huronview PHol FiL8 se.9 Sen.1O Mml l To 2 CONQUISIA :31 00 A vitAtallo stgmAih+3 If.catMette fri. Set Starts WEDNESDAY! DU TI11t HOFFMAN DOGS" CO/LOR, Onocuszcs Catherine, Norman., Bernard , Alaynis, Paul, Anne Marie and Madonna, who appeared on the Big All show last Sunday, play old time favourites and western music on a variety of instruments. , Mary Catherine and Anne' Marie • were not able to be on Thursday show owing to illnesS and were replaced by Mary Ann Segerean as announcer and Verne Sawyer step dancer. Wilson Hawkins, a friend of the family, ,thanked the enter- tainers on behalf of the residents. Several familie,s 'of the residents took advantage of the fine weath- er last week and had a picnic with their relatives at the lawn tables. ,GOOD THINGS' HAPPEN WHEN YOU HELP` A . k RED CROSS