The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 6WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1972 Make-Trip West Mr. and, Mrs. Theodore Red- ,mond left-last Wednesday_by plane for a holiday in Western Canadao They plan to visit their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. George Hackett and. Mrs. Redmond's.sister and family Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy in Cal- gary. ey I L. .- 'kiting other relatives in Lethbridge and Edmonton. FrOm Calgary they are flying to Victoria Island where they will visit Mrs. Redmond's broth- - er .and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. --Toe Hogan ih-Sidriey;-13-.• . They were accompanied to Mahon Airport by Mr. and Mri. Angus Cline and family. "I'VE ALWAYS - WANTED MY OWN FARM" "When t bought this 50 acre farm 3 years ago, I finished 200 hogs", reports Andy NiSbet, of R.R. 4, ------.-1---Stfattord—Angy-recalls that his biggest problem was lack of capi- ' tai tor repairs and expansion; barn, silo, etc. Now Andy produces 2,000 hogs a'' year with Minimum investment and one of the ways he does'this is by treating .his corn with 'BP Prop- corn-whichmeans-he-doesnlheed-a--- silo. "University of Guelph ..tests Showed that Propcorn treated high' moisture corn was good far my hogs and could be stored' almost any- where". For the full story On Andy Nisbet :and other farmers who have saved time and money by treating high moisture corn with Propcorn, look tor the 8-page insert which ap- ,peared in the July issue of Farm and Country, or write BP Oil Limi- ted, Agricultural Chemicals Branch, 124$ Sherbrooke. Street West Montreal 109, or Niagara Chemi- cals, Division of FMC of Canada Ltd., Burlington Ontario, or ask: TED ROUSE - at RIPLEY FEED AND SUPPLY • ItIPLEY, ON'I'. UBL1C NOTICE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATURE ON THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD INVITATION TO SUBMIT • WRITTEN BRIEFS On June 30th, 1972, the Ontario Legislature appointed a Select Committee to examine, inquire into and report upon the Ontario Municipal Board and to make recommendations on: (a) the purpose, object and functions of "the Ontario Municipal Board. (b) the jurisdiction of the Ontario Municipal Board. (e) the structure and organization of the Ontario Municipal Board. (d) the procedures aad practices of the Ontario Municipal Board. (e) the procedures by way of appeal from the orders and rulings of the Ontario Municipal Board, including appeals by way of petitions to the.Lieutenant Governor in CounciL (i) the relationship of the, Ontario Municipal Board in the discharge of its responsibilities with the Provincial Government, local govern- ment and the individual citizen. The Committee invites written briefs from individuals and organizations who may wish to present information, opinions or --suggestions-regariling_any of_ the_above_inatters_relating to the Ontario Municipal Board. BRIEFS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY SEPTEMBER 15th, 1972 TO THE CLERK OF THE COMMITTEE, BOX 233, -. MAIN PARLIAMENT BUILDING, TORONTO 182, ONTARIO . . John P. MacBeth, Q.C., Chairman' Alex McFedries, Clerk • IA ONTARIO OLIVET Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and May and Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and Allan attended a family gathertng at the home of Mr and Mrs, Jim. McNairn of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, George Rigg of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs., David, Rigg and Mon, Nanc.y and Ronald McGuire and friends attended the C.N.E, and Ontario Place on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stacey and family of Barrie visited for the week end at the home. of Mr. And Mrs• Raymond Hamilton and family. Mr. Stacey is a brother of Mrs. Ray Hamilt'on. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engel and children of Dublin spent last week at their cottage and called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black and families. • Mrs. Jean Whitehead of Toron- to visited with her daughter and son-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. David Rigg._foen S wfurondmay . thisA community attended the final sing-a-long prograrn of this summer in Kin- Cardine on Sunday evening. • Mrs. Madeline Campbell and Mri. Ella Stacey-of Port-Stanley-- visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Hamilton and farnily on Friday and Saturday. They also called on, Mrs. Myrtle Stacey.'. Both ladies are cousins of Mrs. Mr W-a-Ffe-n-RiGli,andr- baby of Wingharn visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs'. Oscar White All and may on Sunday. , forn Mr: Bert Eaton .visited with his brother, , Fred Eaton of St, ThOmas for the holiday weekend, ton n ur CC MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND ONTARIO COMMUNICATIONS NQTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS S cal ou r I lb,I d, 5th ere eir ith fth Mr nit cet e r PAGI SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LNCICNOW, ONTARIO Returns Following. Year In. France c o r - Mrs. John Austin and Eugene spent a few days Visiting with relatives in Toronto last week. Mrs. Ursula Hebert was admit- ted to the Alexandria and Marine Hospital in Goderich last week. Faye Hogan is spending a few 0 e an - • wanting to do some drainage in the near future. takes a little time, any application for work to ,be done this fall 1. Any drainage works, either should be made to council within surface ditches or sub-surface the next very short while. Care tile' must have a good Outlet if . should be taken to state an effective drainage is to be achiev- amount on the application that -ed.-Outlet-draihs-involving-neigh----Avill--adequately-cover-the-work- bours4 may be established under to be done. A' farmer is entitled The Drainage Act, usi. one of 'to a loan of up to 75% of the act- the three Sections: — Section 2 ual cost of the tile installation -- -a "mutual agreement" ' drain but cannot receive more than he for neighbours who can all agree Section 3 has applied for. As a guide to es- on how the' drain is to be estab-_ timating costs, - consider $150 - lished and paid for; =-$160 - acre for systematic tiling a "petition" drain for neighbours work' or 20c - foot for 4" tile where. the majority can agree on installed in single lines. In addi-the need for drainage, and where 'tion, add some amount to cover the work, assessment, etc. is raid cost of any outlet or main tile out by a drainage engineer hired lines that must be installed. by the municipality'', Section 4 — 4. Guidance in the use of a "requisition" drain for situa- either The Drainage Act for the lions where neighbours cannot installation of an outlet, or The agree and where one •property -owner feels te_must_ push _thin Tile Drainage Act for the bor- gs _r „_,, _ Towing,of money is readily_ avail-161yard to °tit-ain a-11 litittet• tc"." able from the . local township of thete types of drains has pec- clerk. ;Mar advantages and limitations, • 5. Assistance with any farm ' that in turn make each applicable 4 drainage problem is• also read- to certain situations. --‘ ily 'available through the county ' 2. Money is available from the office of the Ontario Ministry of Province to help finance the es- Agriculture and Food. tablishinent of. farm drainS. , H. E) Bellman, (a) Under The Tile Drainage Agricultural 'Engineer Act, low-interest money may be Bruce-Farm-Report-- GRAIN EXCHANGE -This year as a_serNice to farm- ers the Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food is co-ordinating a grain exchange. This is' not an attempt to manipulate the mar- ket — our 'only desire is' to get buyers and sellers of grain to- gether. weeks 'holidays with her parents Last—year a ,_ grain-corn---ex—IvIr.--and Mrs. Con-Hogan-be fore-- change was held, and it has been decided to include oats and bar- entering her final year at Brescia ley 'this year. Each Wednesday, Ha , • 11 London from September 6th until Novem- ber 29th, a list of buyers and sellers will be sent to those part- borrowed through the local town- icipating in the exchange. Once ship council for the installation -thee list has been •received then • &tile drainsimindividuallarms. it is your responsibility to' make The loan may be for any' length contacts and arrangements. of time up to 10 years, 'at a cur- If you are a buyer or a seller rent interest rate of 4%. of oats, barley or grain corn then (b) A grant of money, up to contact the office of the Ontario a maximum of $3,000 is available ood—fr-o-F-1 hv-Province-underits--G in Walkerton. ital Grants Program to an indiv- . Rick, Upfold, idual farmer to help defray the Soils and Crops Specialist cost of drainage work on his own DRAINAGE ASSISTANCEfarm.3. Farmers wishing to' borrow A wet season usually causes a • money under the Tile Drainage renewed interest in land drainage Act must do so through the local on the part of farmers. This sea- township council, It is necessary son is no exception. With this in to make application and receive mind, the following points are proval- ahead of the time of act- mentioned-as----guld= _ te4 • • l<INGSBRIDGE NEWS Annie Van Diepenbeek, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van- Diepenbeek , has returned home after a years study in Frande. After completing her term there, Annie also spent the summer working as a telephone operator before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Osch and family of Waterloo spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch. Mrs..Marie Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Austin of Torontb visited during the past week with Mrs. Austin's (Sr.) brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers of Sarnia and also.with relatives in Mount Clements, Michigan, , Mr.. and Mrs. Jack McConVille 'and family of Agincourt spent the 'week end with Mrs; Marie Austin. .Mrs. Ken Heffernan of Brampton visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Heffernan. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray of Detroit have spent the summer with John O'Connor and_ other O'Connor relatives. Mr: and Mrs. Pete Van Osch and family were Sunday visitors- with Mr. and Mrs. tiniy gael and family of Blyth. Rosemary Hogan of Woodstock spent the week end with her par,- ents Mr., and Mrs. Dennis Hogan. Congratulations, to Kathy Hogan On qualifying.as an Ontario 3171 1 1 I I I • 1111., Si un t , PP pe V. D. Noilipovits, District Enginisor, -Ministryf_Transportation and Commutications• 581 Huron Straot, P.O. Box 6, Stratford, Ontario Telaphona: 2714550 ti PURPLE GROVE Bob Forster of Gold River , on Vancouver Island, B.C. spent the week end at his home-here. Mr. and Mrs. Judd Mailette and Jeffer ey of Kitchener and. Mr. and Mrs. Norm Deacin of Toronto also visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster. Miss Sally Dingman and Ken and Wyatt Barnes of Qlio, igan spent last week with Calvin Robertson. They also visited with many other old Grove friends. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Orr of Conn; Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEwan, Jamie , Ken and Sandy and Mr: and Mrs. Walter.' Forster were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.-Don McCosh. Purple Grove extends sympathy to the family of the late Ira Needham. Mr.'and Mrs. Francis Boyle attended the funeral of their Uncle Robert McCormick on Fri-. day. Sympathy is extended to his wife. Mr. and Mrs..Ivan Harris, Bil- lie , Ivan Jr. and Angela visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Robertson. Mrs. J. C. Mc Nab of Lucknow dropped in at the Rob- ertson's on 'Friday to have a chat with the Harris Family. Mr: and Mrs. Robert Blackwell Christopher and Peter of LondOn, Mrs. Martha Huston of Ripley ' 'and Miss Margaret Robertson of Lucknow were guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Robertson Sund y. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mackay of -vi'sit'ed-visit -, ed-on-S-aturday- withMrs. Bob Thompson and Robbie. Kathy Picot of Kitchen- er and Mrs. Archie -1\--nners of Kincardine spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Thompson and Robbie. For "Winter Maintenance Operations 1972-73 Season" the follow- ing equipment is required. MGM - with mihimum G.V.W. 27,000 lbs. suitable for mounting power sanding units 'are required at the following locations: 1 Truck — St. Marys and Milverton 2 Trucks — Guelph West, Guelph East, Erin, Exeter, Grand Bend, Goderich, Ilarriston, Shelburne,No? Hamburg, Clinton, Galt, Listowel, Arthur and Wingham. 3 Trucks— Mitchell 1 TrOck — with minimum G.V.W. 42,000 lbs. tandeir required for Galt, Arthur, Listowel and Wingham The successful bidder Must have P.C.V. License or app1Y_ for same within 7 days of being notified. 4LOADERS-:-:--.1Withoutoperator)-at-the-followinglogations: 1 — 1 Cu, Yd. Loader — Guelph West, Guelph East, New- Hamburg, Harriston, St Marys, Exeter, GrandBend, Clinton, Goderich, Mt. Forest, Shelburne, Mitchel, Milverton and Erin 4 — 13/4 Cu. Yd. Loader --- Galt, Arthur, Listowel and Vitingluun • Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry willbaf received by 'the District Engineer, until 12 o'clock noon,"oc time, Monday, September 18, 1972 Specifications, tender forms and envelopes may be• obtain• ed in person or by mail from the District Office in Stratford Whenrequesting tenders please specify location(s). The lowest or any tender, not necessarily accepted: . •