The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-06, Page 4FOR SALE 22" Admiral tele- vision in good condition. Pho 528-3531. ' ICTURE FRAMINCf our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo Studio, Winghain. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure 'handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact. Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. FOR SALE - a McClary 24" elec- tric stove, like new. Phone 524- 7624. FOR SALE - Moffat heavy duty clothes dryer, nearly new; 21 cu. ft. deep freeze; chrome kitchen table with extra board and 4 match- ing chairs'; nearly new step table; 2 table lamps; floor polisher; 2 el ric heaters, 1 long, 1 round; 2 ra ; Dearborn 3 point hitch plow, real good\ condition. Elmo Pritchard, 528-2747. #i• -- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco, Umbach's Pharmacy:. H. and B. Discount and Koyle's Supertest in Lucknow, •HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES paid for dead and disabled cows. and horses. Call collect 881-3459 . Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal,, • PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single , decks from ' $1.19 'up as well as double deCks - - -antrz-eaellfe--deckS-TI-euthre, -Cards-- only). Drop in at The Lucknow • Sentinel. , • . ;L. Farm Automation, Stable' Cleaners Silo • Unloaders, Cattle PeederS ' Andrew' Berg Highway .11 1 MILE EAST OF PHONE. 4$2.72t2 S. REMEMB . • . TO HEL rs SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game - winner take- all: 14 reg-- 'War games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot Game for $115.00 0'1.59 calls or $25 consolation prize. Proceeds for new swimming pool. BUS TO LONDON FAIR. Bus leaving for London Fair from Montgomery Motors September 14th and 16th at 9:30 a.m. For reservations call 528-2544 or 528- 3007. ION Reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helm (Joan Pollard) in the Lucknow Arena, ' Saturday, Septembertjt Music by "The Country Boys". Lunch served. , RUMMAGE SALE tumm-age-Sale-wi11-.be het the former Silverwood's Lucknow on Friday and Saturday,, September 22 and 23rd. Sponsored by the Olivet Unit of St. Andrew's U.C.W. Ripley. Time to be an- nounced later. Any donations in gOad condition gratefully received. Phone Mrs. Jack McGuire 395-2827 or Mrs. KiyHemiiton, 395:27917 OPEN HOUSE The family of ,Mr. and Mrs. George Walker' are holding open house to honour their parents 50th wedding anniversary at the Bel- grave Institute Hall, Saturday, September 16th. Please join us after 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. No-gifts-plea HILRAY FARMS LTD.- it ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD • The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Diug Free _Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom kit- lirig by appointment. Phone 528-2132 NOTICE Will the person who was seen taking the, sports jacket film the Lucknow Legion please return it to the hall 'to avoid further action. NOTICE OF MEETING • Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold a meeting on Thursday, September 7th at 9:00 p.m. in Lircknow--Town-H-all-to-finalize- plans for the Fall .Fair, September 15th and 16th. TREE PLANTING ASSISTANCE Do you have some land you' want reforested in 1973? Is so, contact the: .• Secretary - Treasurer • Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Box 5, Wroxeter, Ont.' 519-335-3557 FO ENT -HOUSE FOR RENT -- concession , Kinloss Township. Apply to Maurice Hodgms at farm or phone. London 433-1905 or write 53 Adel- aide St. S., Zone 42, London. FOR RENT - bed sitting room in Lucknow,. furnished, cooking facil- ities, linen supplied. Glenn's Apall- -ments--phone--5-28-37-2 SUNDAY SCHOOL RESUMES FOR RENT OR SALE -.=. 4 bedroom 1/2 gallon ice cream - 85c Lucknow United Church Sunday house in Lucknow, available Oct- With •$5.00 purchase -.75c School will 'resume on Sunday, ober' 1st, close to downtown. Con- RESTAURANT NOW OPEN September 10th 10 am at . . Classes • tact Archie Nicholson, phone 528- New Lifeeed Dealer for all ages. 3611. Open-Daily 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday Eyening • PAPERING - PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- KINILOSS, ONTARIO ° BLYTH BINGO FOR RENT - farm house close to , Come to 'Blyth Lions Club Bingo, Lucknow, 3 piece bith-7-4 bedrooms, every Saturday night • at 8:30 p.m. built in kitchen cupboards, tom- starting this Saturday, September bination furnace. Available im- 9th in Blyth Memorial Hall. Ad- -inediately. Write to Box A, Ludt- mission $1.00; 12 regular games,of now Sentinel. STAMPS FROM LUCKNOW SENTINEL 01 • PAO! FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WE.pNESpAY; SEPTEMBER oth,117 El 1. • • • • ...Me ' • • " " • • • •.• • -•: ........ 4•t • • • • • • ••••• • • •\ s, • \ • skt.. ‘-s• ' 4 ' ••4:::•••••::•:•• f , • FOR SALE FOR SALE COMING EVENTS NOTICE 3 • WANTED FOR SALE Ford tractor with frontend loader, new tires, in good condition, all hydraulic . with plough, disc and snow-blower; John --Deere-TPF-4ea er, good condition; new tires, 75 bushel; hay wagon with 'new racks, good condition; accessories, water--bowls;--tent-l-B-ERG _STABLE__EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. posts, anchor posts, plank and 2 x 4. like new; lots of extras. Isaac High, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5451. GIBSON UPHOLSTERING Furniture - Cars - Trucks Car seats rebuilt - recovered Phone Wingham 35711217 evenings. FOR SALE - 2 Ayrshire heifers, due September 20th. Jim Graham; R.R. 3 Goderich, phone 529-7412. FOR SALE - used electric broom With cleaning attachments in good condition. Wraith Electronics, phone 528-3115. FOR SALE --- used range in good 'indition:-Greer-T:Vrand-Electric- Lucknow, phone 528-3112. ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows; doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin; your local dealer. SILVER LAKri GENERAL STORE- apples! One customer sal ear y apples make the best sauce." She EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING blanches and freezes them for pies sand and gravel.' Phone Symes toO. '$3.00 per bushel; .75c for six Bros. Liicknow 528-3047 or 528-2608. quarts at farm. Will' deliver if we can. Crabapples and pears too. Phone 357-3569, Showalter's, White- church. FOR SALE - hardwood slabs. de- .4.4 • • THE TEESWATER NEWS is available at The Lucknow Sentinel, er 10v per cup -Int est' in the news of Teeswater and Dis- Bruce County, first Published in welcome. Proceeds for .new Swim - line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Add $1 for shipping and handling Chore - Boy Milking Parlotirs: of The County' of , Bruce 190,7 fq-6-tc-sseau--Tea,at-her-horhe--on.:Friday.: -Lowry. Barn SupPly. • AmberleY, `Written by Norman McLeod September 15th from 2 - 4 and phone 395-5286. i same price. 8 - 10 p.m. in honour of her dough ' ing; • Weststeel-Rosca Granaries sequel of this, book, The History Lucknow will entertain at a Trdli- pment or s arm- a so a‘e ava a e e • • • TROUSSEAU TE'A Equi f pus hbuttoti f We 1 h bl Mrs Ronald Fo sten R R 1 ' 4, • IMMEDIATE -PAYNIENT for good standing timber and bushes. Write Robert Eagleson, Aisla Craig,:giv. ing_ location and lelephone-riumbe- or phone, 232-4450 before 8 after 6 p.m. WANTED All types of fat and replacement cattle. PHONE , IN THE EVENING '832-5865 or phone 881-0863 WANTED - housekeeper for family of 4 children, SepteMber 19th to 23rd, 'Mrs. Jack McKim, call 528-2704. WANTED- a high school boy to -do --iriihdng--after---setroorthirralr Apply Clete Dalton, R.R. 7 LA, now, phone' 529-7124. WAFtED -- to rent or buy, 2 orl bedroom house in Lucknow. Write to Harry Edenborough, 9 Meadow. lark Rd., ElMira, Ont. • WANTED - cattle to feed for the winter. Phone, 395:5436, HELP WANTED The following positions are open at The Bruce County Board of Ed. ucation' Administration Building, Chesley, Ontario: • 1-r---Aeeounts--Rayable-C-Ierks- ' typing required 2. Secretary for duties related to work-of Academic-Superintendents- and Supervisors Salary range' $3,800 -.15:200 plus generous staff benefits, . Apply in writing not later than September 11th giving details of qualifications and experience to: Mr. T. K. Veenstra, C.A., Chief ccoun an Clerk) and to SuperAtendent of Schools (Secretarial , The Bruce County Board of of Education Box 190 Chesley, Ontario • HAY1.110 0n S • • Those we love, we never lose. For always they will be, FOrever loved, foiever near, CARD OF THANKS ' Edna and:Dynes Campbell wish ro -express"-regs- -s-ine-ere-tirariks---i0 111'6 many friends, 'relatives and neigh- bours for the cards and expressions . ' bours and relatives for 'the baby We wish to thank friends, neigh -1 441.1- .ds_-_:anth-Lttters-reecivcd f011ow4-1 ing the birth of our daughter. Antone and Delores Van Osch ' We wish to express our sincere thanks for cards and letters` re= ceived 'from neighbours, relatives and friends who remembered us in the loss of a,. beloved husband, father and' son-in-lavv. Cliff and Kay Crawford, ', ,Joaii.,:Michek_and Lori Lee Avis Amami TABLE PAPER Table Paper• is now avaikble in checked patterns of yellow, green or red 36" wide by 100' length, priced $3.50 a roll. Also available as before in white at $2.25 a roll. The Luclmow Sentinel. FOR SALE - 3 first - litter sows due in two Weeks, bred' Saddleback. Bert Dougherty, R.R. 6 Goderich, phone 529-7312. • FOR SALE SKI WHIZ 1972 MODEL CLEARANCE' 1 new 300 1 new 350 .. under f-W1 warranty 1 Formula 1 demonstrator all at low clearance prices! - Shop open week-day evenings 6 - 8 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. CLARKE (FERGUSON Ski-Whiz sales and service POINT, CLARK PHONE 395-5454 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers - Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 • Teeswater '392-6170. --- - SALE' Last call , for early A • 4. CFI1SHOLM tract: pick up a copy. '1906, second printing in 1960.' ming pool. BARN EQUIPMENT - complete _ PRICE $7.00 , I • week: CURRAN - in loving memory ,of liVered, 6 cords 524.00. Craig's Saw- DANCE SATURDAY' • Mrs. Herbert C. Curran, who pas-- mill, Auburn, phone 526-7220. The Lucknow Legion are' spon- sed away, September 7th, 1970. - ' soring a dance 'in the Hall, on Sat- THIRD PRINTING urday. September 16th. Music by. NOW AVAILABLE "The Twylites". Admission $1.00' •n games; $25 special; door.' prize. $125.00 jackpot on 60 'calls or IN MEMORIAM under; if not taken $10 added each SUNOCO,' DISTRIBUTORS . LUCKNOW Phone .529-7524 or 524-7601 FREE . BURNER SERVICE ' Products For Farm, Home and - - Industry_ Ever' remembered by her family. Durham Kinsmen Monster Bingo ---1 in the Durham arena on Friday, thankMrs. Lorraine Clark wishes to Sept. 8 at 8:30 p m : $3,200 cash; neighbours,. who all her friends, relatives and !!!•,. prizes: a draw each night for 19 in, visited or Sent , --,, 'cards,! letters, gifts or flowers while color 'I'v and a 1972 American Lon- Motors Gremlin on the Final Even- a patient . in Victoria /Hospital, -,-- don.' Special thanks to all my i ing: admission $1.00. I -nurses and Doctors' on 6th floor for :,--- • - the special care they gave me. • er, Donnas forthcoming marriage. of • sympathy extended ,to them in 1 DURHAM BINGO i the loss of their brother and sister. SANDBLASTIN G " • DEMOLJTION WORK ARNOLD STOTHERS . PHONE 52941463 . FOR EST•IMA'fES