The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 14WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1972 EC L S GENERAL; $TOR E R.R. 7 Lucknow Look— Phoni..5294248 visttcs spEcias ORANGES GOODYEAR 3 doz. for $1.00 OLD COLONY CANNED POP, zip top carton 24 —10 oz. $2.45 _KISMET_SOFT MARGARINE 2 lb. for 69c CHECK OUR IN-STORE SPECIALS f HURON-BRUCE FIREPLACES A SPECIALTY BRICK — BLOCK — STONE MASONRY REPAIRS RESIDENTIAL — COMMERCIAL Phone -Ripley 19-5-2483 Industrial Design .Materials.jechnology Mechanita Technology ResOrt & Hotel- Admin'istration xesourceS Technology * owpr souNp CAMPUS First year Engineering Technology, a common ytar for all Technology, Programs and, first year only of programs indicated by asterisk will be Offere'd in Owen Sound. For full infotmation, write or 'Barrie, Tel: (105) 728-1951 or 376_-06$2.. phone' the. Admiss'i'ons 'Of f i ct , , Owen Sound Campus, 1150 8th SL, E., Georgian College of AOplied'Arts and To.chno1o0y 401 Duckworth Street, Same,Ontado ONE YEAR CERTIFICATE Advertising .Procedures' *General Secretarial Media Procedures .RetaiL.Meichandising taxes by your retirement plan Wiley y-Qu pvtttto your- R inc.. and ine an e ffort •to straighten away the outstanding busineSs of the _islature, sessions-continued - until midnight and 3 a.rn. this last week. Over 200 bills have *Rust' cop.4pANy SINE 18439 been passed by the Legislature • Lealand Hill, Manager and Estimates of all government Elgin and Kingston departments ,have been debated Streets and approved. • The Legislature has now ad. Goderich 524-7381 journed, and will reconvene in -immionomm0 the Fall. VG THE LUCK.P.MWSERiTII1 L, 1,NICKNOW,.. ONTARIO' .PAGE- ,FOURTEEN. LEAVE FOR CYPRUS pollutants from cars without going *Mr. and Mrs. Don Dore and beyond control levels sought for family visited on. Sunday with 1973, Mr. Auld said.• . 'Mrs. Ian McNabb and bbys and Officials of the Department of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Karns and girls, Municipal Affairs had an. "unac - who were enjoying a week end_at ceptable relationship" with Cam- " the cottage, before Mrs. McNabb brian Stationers Limited, the and the Karns leave for. Legislature's Public Accounts Com< ajor--Mc-NabbLw-ho mittee said-this-vkeek-in-tabling • is stationed there. its report. . • The Committee was critical of more than $1 million worth of purchases made by the Department of Cambrian over a two year per froln 1969 to 1971. ,-------__ Mr. and Mrs. Don -Robertson travelled' to Sarnia to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Harris and'family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mackay of Waterloo visited on Saturday , afternoon with' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson. Bill Mackay will be spending this week end in Port Elgin at a Union ,Steward's camp. • Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins spent Dominion Day week end with their son Johnny in Barrie. BY MURRAY GAUNT M.R.P. HURON-BRUCE , Auto pollution controls proposed by the Federal Government for 1975-'76 could cost car buyers an extra $100 milliOn in Ontario according.to Ontario Environment Minister. James Auld. Calculations of future air qual- ity-indicate_Ontario_will reach proposed federal-standards for The Committee found" "that purchasing practices and proced- ures in the Department were tot- ally unprofessional, that there was a wide spread avoidance of com- petitive tendering, and that there was an unacceptable relationship between the Department and Cambrian. AU health workers in Ontario from doctors to speech therapists, wj in future be regulated under. REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK Ted McClenaghan of Kitchen ,- er spent the week end , with, liis mother Mrs. Lillian McClenag- han. Torn Morrison of Lucknow has' sold his 6 acre property on high* way 86, with its driveway oppo site Bill Evans home. Mrs. Robert Mowbray on Wed- nesday last accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer and family to Newmarket to attend the funeral Of Barbara Mintz and her husband to be, who were killed in a car accident. MT. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and Shelley of Sarnia were accom- panied here by, his mother Mrs. A. E. Purdon, who had spent a few weeks with them and spent • Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. On Saturday at 7,30 at the Presbyterian Church, Listowel,•Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray attended the wedding of Kenneth Twitzer - and Gayle Henderson. The recep- tion was held at Atwood Commun- ity Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDoug- all and. Harry Caldwell of Londes- boro were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill [Untold. Chalmers C.O.C. and W.M.S. meeting will be held Wednesday afternoon July 19 in the church Sunday School room with leaders Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Victor Emerson and Helpers Mr's. Hugh , Simpson.„-Mrs„.Auchie-Rardon_._ Roll call to fie answered 'by a Child of the Bible. The courtesy remarks to 'be given by Mrs. John de Boer. . Mrs. Al Olson and Rickey . of LivOnia and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were Sunday afternoon callers on Mr. and Mrs., Torn M.or- rison•and enjoyed a trip to see Kenneth Morrison's horse Ginger and her two Year and one year old colts on pasture. Ginger was' a favorite of the vii WHITECHURCH lage children, always allowing all to 'bestow their affections on her and willing to give them a ride on'her back. 'Mr. and Mrs,l_ Bill Ford of Wingham were Sunday evening" -, holidays.mr. a and , Mrs. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis last week moved from Toronto to a Town House in Hanover , where he will begin the first of August as. Chiropractic Doctor. During the month of July , John,• is look - • ing after Dr. Henninways office in Listowel while he is on Gordon Rintoul, Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Rintoul on Saturday at 3 o'clock attended the Wedding of Glen Weatherdon and Lynda Cameron at Trinity linited_Church.„Astifield„Th• dinner.was at 5 o'clock in the Anglican Church' Parish Hall, Lucknow. tpda intre-daughter Of Mr'. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron (nee Euphemia Rintoul). Mr. and Mrs, John Rintoul of Milliken attended the Weatherdon- Cameron Wedding and on the week end visited with Mr. and Mrs.' EWart MacPherson Lucknow , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon/Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wybenga , John, Clarence and Kathy left last Wednesday 4-norning for Bbwmanville , where Kathy will remain with her 'sister Rudy, Clar- ence will visit with his cousin Freddie while his parents Mr. and Mts. Victor Wybenga and John spend a month with their parents in Holland.. Home for the week end were Joann Laidlaw of G oderich, Alma Corm of Toronto, Irene de Boer of Stratford ,and Janette Johnston of Miss LOn Anne don. Weber :is this week . enjoying a weeks holiday from work at the Bank of Commerce, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross visited Sunday With their son Jim Ross • and Mark and with Mrs. Ross and daughter born on Thursday at Kitchener Hospital. The comm- `trexrendrcohratuiarion Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross.. r r. an' s. Ia ton c ultz arrived hbme on Friday after a • few weeks visit with their daugh- ter in, Manitoba . Mrs. Al Olson and son Rickey of Livonia spent the• holiday week end with Mrs. Charlie Tiffin, Mt. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. • and Mrs. Victor Emerson, Russ • Ritchie and Mr. .and Mrs. Tom • Morrison ,. commencing September 6, 1,2 72 THREE YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Art & Interior Desi:gn Business Administration-General Business Administration-Marketing Civil Technoloegy Electronic Technology General Arts & Science to ogy— -arp-a-1--Rtra TWO YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS 'Art & Interior Design Communication Arts Electrical Technician E ecL Technici an Fashion Promorion General Arts & Science: ;General Business Industrial Deign Enrol now in career oriented education - More than 87% of the 1972 Georgian College graduates are now employed Furl-time bay 'Programs -for 1972-73 being--offered-in Barrie HIGH Salaat-GRADUATES ."Industrial Technician Law & Security Administration Legal Secretarial Medical Secretarial' Residential Counsellor Resort & Hotel Operation Secretarial Art's .*Survey Te,thni.cian . WI Lug but pout suffic body TI energy Feed pasti M exte to S will pip( lv hoer don foil( Jc few is e sum R visi the dun was tart T all con aga unit of ( wit] are, M time Cati; of C beet: ell grou the seve frotr 1104 thet( next PURPLE GROVE Visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dore and family were Margie Collins, Deanna Scott, Jamie Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilkes of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. • Wm. Wood of Durham and Ron- nie MacDonald and Steve Hall of Lucknow. • Vicki Dore enjoyed the camp ' out on Saturday when she assisted Mrs. Marlene Coiling and Mi. Roy Davies leader of the Ripley_ Cubs. one Act by a board of seven lay- men, the Provincial Secretary for Social,Developrnerti told the Leg- islature this week. • He said the legislation will be unique in bringing into one Act legislation pertaining to all health disciplines. ' The Board will be given sub- stantial authority over all activ ities of those practising in the health field, particularly in the areas of ethics and standards. The Prime . Minister announced that_there_would be &pointed a Select Committee to inquire into' and report on the Ontario Board; the Minister of Agric- ulture said there would be, a select committee appointed to study land drainage in all its .aspects; and the Minister of Transporta - tion and Communications announ- ced the establishment of a Select C.ornenittee on snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles in the Prov- registered retirement plan. can be deducted from the income' on which you pay tax. Put that money away in monthly instalments in your Victoria and Grey special savings account. 'beginning right now. You'll earn high interest until the end of February next year and you can put it into your own retirement income fund and. deduct that amount from 'taxable income., Let us set it all up for you. Get smart today 'at Victoria and Grey. •