The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 10• . WATCH FOR SIDEWA-LK 'SALE AND .LUCKNOW SUMMER CRAFT FESTIVAL AUGUST 4 . and 5 Jim Smith thanked Mrs. Robert- son and all who had taken part in the meeting. Mrs. Henderson closed the meeting with prayer. 1 . Following the meeting all, sat down to a picnic supper that the Social Committee had arranged , and which all enjoyed. Mrs. Torn MacDonald on behalf of the Kin ,7 lough Society thanked, the Luck- now ladies for the invitation to the meeting:: ladies for their kindness. Mrs. Joe Finleon was appointed lunch convener due to the vacan- cy made by Mrs. St. Marie leav- ing the parish. It was decided that ladies of the St. Augustine C. W, L. would cater to the Graduation Banquet" in June 1973. The Spiritual Director closed .the meeting with the League Prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess in charge. The next meeting will be held A_ugust 1st. • A poem "Creation was read by Jackie Whytock. Cindy Moore and Donna Thompson received the offering and Debbie.Hickey gave the offering prayer. Karen and Nancy-Quipp gave a duet, He's got the whole world ih His Hand. The treasurer Calvin on• behalf of the Messengers present- ed the U.C.W. President Mrs. Milian Moore with a gift of mon- 7 y for the Mission Fund. Richard Moore gave a reacting, Thanks- giVing of Summer. Ceorse Jarnie son gave the. Benediction. The Messengers and their lead- ers 'Mrs. Quipp arid, Mrs. Laidlaw then held picnic games and con- , tests on the grounds outside. The U.C. W. held a shOrt business 'meeting after which conics an-d -- ice cream 'were served. • i fev anc a8 •Eld bet to Summer Services July 2, 9, 16 South Kinloss Church, July 23, 30, August 6, 13 Church August 20, 27, Sept.'3 Lucknow PresbYterian Church e's"'".""'""le"1/4","4"4".0w0".."•04.:**.0%.". Lucknoyl Presbyterian Church Rev. Glean Nobie, B.A., B.D. " "Violater Moe 17410 JULY 16th 10 a..m. Sunday School 11 &M. Morning Wcethip At South }aim thumb July 23,' 30, Augu 1.3 Services at Lucknow United cburth ‘1, LUCKNQW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Nf Van Stempvourt Pastor SpeOvices: l0':43 Ian. Service 2:31) Ser 'vice 'VISITORS VnKLCOMi THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO wEpt4EsPAY, JULY 12th. 1912. WO St. Joseph's C.W.L. prayer led by Father E. J. Den- .tinger opened, the July. 10th meet- ing of St. Joseph's C. W, L. in St. Augustine CWL The July meeting of the St: — Augustine C.W.L. was held in the Parish Hall Tuesday, July 4th at 8.30 p.m. with 9 members and I visitor. The President Mrs. John Franken, was in the chair. The meeting opened with the League Prayer. The correspondenceivas read, - thank you notes from Father Cas- ,sano, and from the family of Lyal Mulhern and Mrs. Mary Phelen and Mary Bciyle. An invitation 'was also read from the Kingsbridge C.W.L., inviting the St. Augustine' C.W.L. to their August 14th meeting. At this meeting Murray Gaunt M.P.P. is to be guest speak- er. The financial report given stated $65.57 in the bank. The The Spiritual convener report- ed one baby card and medal sent out; one get well card sent out, and one mass card. Rev. Father Edward J, Denting- er, our new Parish Priest was pres- ent and is our new Spiritual Director of St. Augustine, C. W.L. Father Denting& was welcomed by our president and he gave a short quotation on God So Loved the World and also spoke on the work of the C. W. L. The president, Mrs. ,Franken, presented Mrs. Myles St. Marie with ,a gift on behalfof the ,,League members. 'Mrs. St. Marie thanked the president and Presbyterian W.M.S. The annual picnic meeting 'of the Presbyterian Church Afternoonv Auxiliary of the . Woinen's Mission- ary Society was held at the church on Wednesday, July 5th, with an attendance of forty, when the Home -Helpers ,and• visiting- society-- from Kinlough attended. Mrs. k Morgan Henderson opened the meeting ;with the poem, "That Day". The hymn Jesus the very thought of Thee was sung, and the Lord's prayer , and the Aim and Purpose of the W.M.S. was repeated in unison. • .6 , • Mrs. William Porteous gave the Bible Study, taking the subject , "I am the Way" , reading the scrip. ture from John,14, after which the 95th Psalm was read in unison. Mrs. Noble Johnston led in prayer. Ruth,Ann, Tom and Robert Hend- erson favoured with instrumental bselectiosis which were enjoyed. Thank you cards were read, the treasurer gave the report for the supply secretary and the roll was called, Mrs'. M. Henderson giving the offertory prayer , Miss Sadie Johnston ga& a reading, "Neighbours". Mrs. Don Robertson of Kinlough gave a very interesting and in- formative talk on'"Lifes• Gardens", which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Kingsbridge Hall. Mrs, John Austin gave the scripture readings and led in the pra7er for vocations. President Mrs. Joe, Courtney welcomed our new spiritual Dir- ector Father E. Dentinger, , Broth- er Carl.yoll, 26 members and 2 guests. Mrs. Con Hogan reported 'that our shipthent 'of 74 boxes of used-clothing-for -Madonna House , Cornbermete; was picked up right' at Kingsbridge by Guenther- • Tuckey of Goderich and this. was so much more convenient than in previous years. Another shipment will be sent in near future. Correspondence read by Mrs. Frank Riegling, included thank you cards, and a letter from Mr. Murray Gaunt re-affirming his plans to. be our 'speaker August 14. His topic will be farming, and there will be a question and answer period. Mrs. Walter Clare, Christian Life Convener gave.a reading on "Marriage". and also reported that we have a new Guide Leader MIS. g: Vanderburgh, also ,Mis- Judy•Moran and Mrs. T. yan- Diepen, as helpers. A sign is being ordered to 'be placed at front of Church. This will be electrically illuminated. Mrs. Jim Martin advised that a new service pin is now avail- ablefor a league memberfbr outstanding , service , if she has never been President or a 25 year and the Citizenship Trophy. C. W.L. on the National, Prov- incial-and Diocesan levels was explained. Mrs. John -Austin repotted on visit to Thompson nursing home in Ripley. Plans were made for two octogenarian parishioners' birth- day parties in near future. ' Brother Carl said that a group of Senior Citizens from London would like to come for a days visit. A date to be set later. Mrs. Carl Riegling reported on furnish- ings needed in Rectory, which the C.W.L. will purchase in near future. • Mrs. John,Austin reported that the deadline for Dioces,an resolu7 tions will be much earlier this year ,. so now is the.time to be thinking about them. Mrs. Eug- ene Frayne advised re Consumert, Complaints , that a letter sent to Box 99, Ottawa , brings results. Also the NFU warning regarding "Pyramid" Selling was , explained. The onec at the top are the ones who make the big profit, Father Dentinger spoke on "Faith". urging to never lose faith and keep our trust in Providence. Meeting closed with prayer. Make Money Gift For Mission Fund WHITECHURCH NEWS The Messengers held their July meeting at the United Church on Wednesday when the U.C. W. were entertained. The call to worship was given by Colleen Kenneth Quipp reacrthe scripture. A poem "Churches" was ' read by. Linda Moore. Prayer was given by ,Murray Gibb. All the messengers then sang Jesus Loves _ Me. ,war4.1"‘"~;"•"."..04 •Fv•40:4.0* member. • Social Life Convener, Mrs. Wilfred Austin reminded the ladies that now at vacation time to be ever mindful of ail the school children now on vacation , and the added dangers at this time Of year for children. Mrs. John Howard reported .that 80 had been served at the Knights of ColumbUs Communion Break- fast on June 18; and about 70 at thd Grade 8 Graduation . Banquet June 29. Graduation pins-- were given out .to the graduates , • ANTADS Pack IWArer PAGE TEN ANGLICAN WIC JAJCP:110W AREA PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector. One service at . 11 alin. JULY 16th July 23rd Ripley Church July. 311th Kullougli_aurch WIN $3,500 KINCARDINE DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND SWEEPSTAKE # 1 LYCKNOW UN_ &CIL Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. • Minister JULY 16th 11 a.m. Morning Worship Those wishing transportation to church contact G. Hunter 5284741 PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR EXPANSION AND EQUIPPING AT HOSPITAL PRIZES .aCKPOT DRAW 1"."1•000%011",".."0"001411."0 SEPT. 16,1972 st Prize - '2,1)00" ?ad Prize - 100" EARLY BIRD DRAW s'o --JULY 1, 1972—$200 00 2_-_,JULY 15, 1972—$200 00 s 3 JULY 29. 1972-. S200. 00 4 - AUGUST 12, 197,)—$200 00 — AUGUST 25, 197/— $200 00 FOR TICKETS WRITE: BOX 2,000. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO ov