The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 9PLUS 4i GUNFIGHT" KIRK DOUGLAS JOHNNY CASH iA I .1 .0" SHOOT OUT 0' 'Color Cartoon CLINTON - ONTARIO Box Office Opens at 8:30 First Show at Dusk • WED.-THIDJ10114;MYRE12*-13-14 Great. Family Entertainment BLACK .BEAUTY .A ,WILLIE W. Mark Lester =Walter Slezak N TH CHOCOLATE Color The classic children's novel Cider FActorra,„„„„ Fi4E-. POPCORN FOR THE CHILDREN 'BEFORE 10 P.M: " THURSDAY. JULY 13th- SAT SUN.-MON.+TUES. JULY 15-16-17-18 —DOUBLE FEATURE — (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) AU MagGraw • Ryan O'Neal TbsYsses #1 kst follor John Marley&RayMilland , 5' COMING WED.-THURS.-FRI, JULY 19-20-21 —DOUBLE FEATURE (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Pallaumanslielmfolloa A ORESORY PECK LEE REMICK L IN A HAL WALUB mana•saRRazin Sometimes a Great Arotkm Sn 5' 5' 4, OK it nil I ih ey went t o learn about St,,, the easy's SCHOL FOR SEX.4 a51:44/6-' BRIVE.IN THEATRE HWY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524.99111 • aV Sun.1 6 only A YOUNG GIRL S SEARCH FOR SENSUALITY! IWO, DANIELLE OINMET 'GUY ODIN • MKNEL HIE ' plus o Jolive,tobefree 1 Color THEHOUSE BAT DRIPPED BLOOD :40-;•.; leeping BeauN lECNIRRAMA* TECHNICOLOR' WED. 103 Fri:1-4 sfft.15 swil6 Aw.17 71..18 1wi.19 - WINNER OF 5 ACADEMY AWAROS ALONG gEsTEE, TIIE FRENCH COtillECrION 20Th CENTURY•RIX PRESENTS "'RE FRENCH CONNECTION" A-PHUP MARIE PROOUCTER slums GENE HACKMAN FERNANDO REY ROY SOCCER TONY I.0 BANCO AWOL DOZZUFFI motor. WILLIAM FRIEDION MODUCCOSY PHU D'ANTONi wtool PLOW KENNETH UTT mom maw G DAVID SOHINE • srmmi. ERNEST ROYMAN caoRBY DE LUXE* 0, la Hiatt PARA' GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 moan' STROTHER MARTIN No KUM UMW • 5Th say 'vow user voarloi ac PEACCNNED BY CAROLE AMC • MUM SCOW IT ND NOril • SCASIENRAY BY RPM OLD ADAPTATION BY Oil GAY • ME Da Tit NOVEL 'AY MANE" BY P.S MOW MU= BY OM FORMIM DEMO BY SRAM ROSENBERG • Trorriakow POW Lust SUN..—MON.—TUES, JULY 16-1718 V • - "CHROME aid HOT tatta- *taut SMITH • TONY YMMG • ANCHAEl. lOWNES • PETER DROWN 7 MAIN Ian . STEPANS . KATHY RAMAN LARRY gamoP.,. • _ _ Cc Vidiv15 4464,, oaf - •• . • ••• .,1•1/21 • 0..0 .1.01 A.).C...• COLON rr 4.441C•ir . . PLUS BURL IVES .BROCK PETERS .DAVID CARRADINEeNANCY KWAN ADM EITERTAINNT' 111" Mr0-41171112 JACK PALANCE as Kolby / .." .0 .0 I. .00 .00 .0 had as guests on Sunday, his sisters Mrs. H. R. Hall, Miss L. E. Durn- in and Mrs. 'C. A. Whitely. • Mrs. Olive Straughn was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Dawson.. • iass,C,lara_Sproule visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott. Mr, and Mrs,. Gerry Glen's company this past week were Brian and Robbie Glen, sons of NIr. and Mrs. Vernon Glen and also Frank Glen, son, of Mr. and' Mrs. Donnie' Glen. - Guests of W. and-Mrs-:=Frarrk-- Glen and Bud were Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glen and, twin girls, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Glen, Robbie , Brian and Julie, Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Glen, Linda, Frank and John_and_Mr_and_Mrs.,_Oliver— Glen and daughter Janine. Mrs. Joe, (Gertrude) Dauphin ; Mrs. Donna Legue and daughter Amber, andElroy Batten and Jim, all of Chatham were guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Joe. Dauphin, Susan, and Mark. Also visiting the Dauphins for 'a week_are_Mrs„ • Donna Armstrong and Judy of Richmond. John Young visited at his par- ents home on Sunday but returned to Guelph on Monday morning. Bill Dutton of at caught a 14 inch pike at the Port Albert river mouth on the week end. 1 is a fri d-itng. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivak left on July 9th for Winnipeg to visit his brother and other relatives. Misses, Ann and Catharine Ribey , visited their grandparents Mr: and -Yrs, Wm„---Wiggins la-St week. , Alex Chisholm returned home Friday from a trip, west. WEDNESDAY, JULY nth, THE 4MCK.N.OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE' NUNS 'Mrs. Haivey Noblitt, Ottawa, president of the F. W.I.O. , is in London, England attending the Council meeting 'of the Associated mussallon. ,n ..A" . m'o n namit' WARY , ia. / Kumar . Aukir , 4= e• ••••• ,-....6 AWN I 1k1 Yi I IT , .4.. t II A CAJiltf TT 1, 11141( WI . malt situ ii nommootair . , . I • U D , $ E sierring Jean. Collins • Peter Cushing • Roy Dotnce Richard Greene • Ian Hendry Patrick Magee • Barbara Murray. Nigel Patrick • Robin Phillips and Sir Ralph Richardson , Purchase Erland Look who's GONE BANANAS! Th..13 Fal 4 s0.15 TERROR Min. 17 Tu..18 w.d.19 1; DENIM LIVES! "TALES uteri THE 1, A..111k it and IN EVERY ROOM IN... Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodges, Annette and Timmy left last Sunday on a two-week motor trip to Banff, Alberta'. Mr. and Mrs. David Dawson accompanied by Mr,, and Mrs. Bob McWhinney enjoyed the long holiday week end at Kingston and Niagara Falls. Little Jacqueline Dawson visited her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Dick Park. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McWhinney returned home last Sunday after a motor trip with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole of Lucknow. They visited several relatives 'and — friends 'en route to Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper. • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 'Stormes of Kitchener spent Wednesday with Mrs. Cecil Blake and Barb- ara. Beth McConnell enjoyed visiting with ihem also. Mrs. Ernest Pritchard is holiday• ing this week at the farm and assisting her brother Frank' Pent- land.. Randy and Blair Alton of Luck- now spent the holiday week end with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burt and, children, Rhonda and Randy Of Goderich visited on Sunday with Diane's-parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Park. Janke Park is visiting her sister Cblleen and,husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Naylor at Clinton. , Mr. and Mrs. AllanPark of • Fort MatLeod, Alberta , have a • baby daughter , Lee Anne.. Con- gratulations! -Mrs. Mervyn Hay (nee Ethel ase)ol-Toronto r_her-couSin Mrs. John Glenn (nee Mabel Mc- Taggert) Of Exeter, Miss Margar7/ et Disher', Mrs. Robt. Bissett and her Sister Miss Lillian. McArthur of boderich, called on several friends in the village this week.. Visilors •last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ivers were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elliott and two children; Colleen and Robbie. of Garden City, Michigan,• Mrs. Mary Cousins and George Miller of Detroit, and ',Mrs. Harold Con- =grarrr—lv-arflyn and 4ohn of Wing- ham. Mr". and Mrs. Jim althea spent the week end, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ellig`, in -Guelph. Mrs..Cecill Blake, Mr. and , Mrs. Grant Sowerby of Thor,nhill and Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Sowerby left Saturday on.a three-week motor 'trip to the Western prov- inces., , Mr. and Mrs, Dan MacInnis and children returned-home after — • ••:. GOOD THINGS HAPPEN • WHEN YOU HELP RED CROSS • • . • %Ali • e The Fedeiated Women's Institute ot'Ontario pUrChased•the Eriand Lee Homestead at Stoney; Creek in' June, Mrs.. Lee was co-founder with. Adelaide Hoodless of the 'Women's Institute movement in February, 1897. 'The Hoodless property at St. George is owned • by the. Federated Women's Insti- tute, Of Canada, WALT ,DISNEY THEBAREFOOT rEalrNcaAlh • EXECU11111E . • 44, n‘ DUNGANNON • GET ATTENTION Countrywomen of the World. The Fall-Boar4 of Directors Annual meeting of the F. W.I. 6, will be held at the, 'King Edward lHotel _November 20:24th ._ Lake Huron.. Mrs. Mary tiere came home for the week end but will con- tinue with her course at Toronto. Mrs. Annie 'Bere is a patient in lexander Marine and General • Hoipital. • We, wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Bob Ott and Nlatthew will spend a week at home with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy while Bob takes a'course in Boston. Earl McIlwain visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young. Mr., and Mrs. Eric McNee were able to bring their baby ; daughter home from Wingham Mx. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin