The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 311,49.72. WEDNESDAY, 4)1.14Y 12th, 1972 THE ILUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAO, Tlilt1111 S r-f re. the week, run• nald sk I bra. rn, mr, al ter 011 ed, a front 3ill his den 1111111a1111111111TE BEST BUY blaze, BEST BUY ,d id er of Legion d stud• :rcises chool, stud; de 8 )rn the The the iced . le and FEATURE! — RED '.& WHITE 8 to Pkg. BEST BUY BMHROOM TISSUE BUY OF THE WEEK MEAT A CHICIDEM, DOUNSMA,MACMMHS I CHEESE, LO • MEAT. DUTCH MN& ACIMULDIESSIN MCK114. HEAD CHEESE -- —528-3001 rt 4 ,Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stuart (Ethe,1•Martin)Of R. R. 1:Egan- ville were visitors last week with her brothers Fred and coldie Mar- tin, R.A ".3 Lucknow.' Mr. 'and Mrs. Chuck McDon- agh , Anita and Cindy of Oracle, Arizona are visiting with his `par-1 ents Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDon- Received Class Achievement Award agh of Lucknow and other family Master"Austin O'Donnell spent the week end in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Terry O'Donnell at Mrs. Margaret Paton's home._ On_ Saturday all attended the Proctor and Gamble annual picnic at Crystal Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Melva Stewart Guelph visited with her parents Mr. arid Mrs. Wilfred Drennan on. Sunday 'and they all attended the Hackett Reunion at Ashfield Park. Jim Webster of Amberley is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs .4 Charles, Hender- son and son Brian 'of Toronto visit- ed on the July 1st week end with her mother Mrs. Charles Steward, in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs: Adrian Beros and baby son Gregory of-W,illowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes of Kincardine, visited last Thursday with Mrs. Jack McKendrick. Recent visitors With Mrs.. Jim O'Donnell and Austin were Mr. and Mrs. Bert O'Donnell and fam- ily of Itexdale. "members. OLIVET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baulch of Toronto were recent visitors in lacknow with Mr: and Mrs. Jack Jordan and with Miss Elizabeth Jordan, a patient in Wingharri and District Hospital.• Mrs. Oscar Hodgins of Lucknow returned home on Monday from Wingham and District-Hospitat, where, she had been a patient for a week.' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pepper (nee Caroline Mathers) Stephen ,and Jeanette returned-to 'their' home in Saskatoon on Tuesday. Caroline, Stephen and Jeanette - arrived, at Malton Airport on June 20th for a three week holi- day and Wayne joined them a week later fora two week holi- day with their parents Mr. and. Mrs.'Pharis Mathers of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper -of Mitchell. :4 Nth. Jim Nixon of Orlando, . Florida was a visitor last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett, Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham moved . on Monday' of last week to GoderiY, • Mr: and Mrs..: Bill Johnston, Kirgie and. David Noble were visitors last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Noble Johnston, Lucknow. Mrs. Philip Stewart speht last week in London at the home 'of Miss Winnie Stewart. On Sunday. July 2nd Winnie had a surprise birthday party for her mother and those who spent the day at her home were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart andGreg of Dun- das; and ,Mrs. Allan Stewart of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, Sandra and Ross of Oak- ville; Mr. Robert Fisher and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompsoh Maudie Fisher of Lucknow;. Mr. and Aline of Windsor visited the and Mrs. E. A. Reynolds and first of this week in Lucknow with DOnald of Toronto, In the even- Misses Helen Thompson kid Lorna---inwail -enjoy-ctra -delicious din- Campbell. net at Hooks Restaurant. Bushell were in Goderich last Tues. day as Mrs. Colling's aunt , Mrs. Barclow , passed away at the Huronview Nursing Home. Miss Joanne Hamilton attended a shower on Sunday afternoon for Pam Farrell at the- hone of Debbie Wilson. Mrs. Jim O'Donnell• visited friends at ChatswOrth, Holland Centre and di'aen Sound. c, Congratulations to Carol ail- ling , daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colling, for receiving the Achievement Award for her class, at the Milton School. Mr; and Mrs. Robert Oshorne Joyce, Joan and Sheila and Mrs. Elmer Osborne attended the wed- ding of Miss-Lynda• Reavie and Wayne Elston in Wingharn United Church on Saturday, Miss Reavie is a cousin of Robert Osborne's. Mary Ann Coiling successfully passed her Grade Two music exam. Her teacher is Mrs. Marion Gam- ble of Ripley. . Mrs; Melvin Coiling and Bill