The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 1'Noy 'Noy 10c. Collecting Stomp-s. $ince Childhood ' 9 $6.00 A Year In Advance --.$2,00 Extra To U.S.A. 'jot's Will Speorhead.Fund:,.Roising Drive WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1972 Singis Copy 15c 24 Pages. firm gave the matter close atten- tion and have provided the work- ing drawings and sketch plans for the proposed pool foOthis community. The pool would be of the vinyl liner type with 14 gauge galvan- ized steel framework.' There would be a 4", concrete slab under the vinyl because of exist- ing soil conditions at the site .CO-NTINUED, ON PAGE 22 TONI Co0 Of Completed Pool About $3.5,000 SWIMMING P 1 OL GETS APPROVAL '1c 8c I. lt, !4c. , sical ott glect• ils :know ning .ally fine talent contest ,on Satur- day evening received praise from those who attended.' The Lucknow Recreation Plan- ning and Development Commit- tee, organized under the Oppor- tunities for Youth program of the federal government , and working in conjunction with the local Rec- reation Committee , was respon- sible for the event and did an exceptionally fine job. Lucknow•DistriCt Lions Club hags agreed to spearhead a drive to raise funds by public donation to install a swimming pool in Luck- now to serve the surrounding area. The decision to go ahead with a pool was reached at a meeting in the Lucknow Town Hall on Thursday night of last week. Rep- resentatives attended the meeting frOm Kinloss Lucknow , West Wawanosh and Ashfield Recrea- tion Committees, Luc know-Coun .Lucknow, Community Recreation_ Showcase, staged Fridayand 'Sat- urday in the Lucknow arena , was lucknow Gopher Second In Heat CONTINUED ON'PAGE 16. The stamp collection of Mrs. A. E. McKim of Lucknow attract- ed wide interest at the Recrea: tiOn Showcase last week end. Mrs. McKim , left , shows Mrs. onor day, noon' George McInnes Minim-Car, $500 To Staff George McInnes of Lucknow , an employee of J. E. MacDonald's Imperial Service Station,; is. the proud owner of a new .car and 'two fellow employees, Doug Haldenby and Mike Courtney , are' each $250 her ariresult of George's good fortune. George was-one of the winners in Imperial Oil's Muscle Building Contest. Additives sold at the garage, contain lucky tokens Inch are inserted by the company as part of the :Contest. George, in his normal duties at. • CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 Art Breckles Sells Main Street Block Left England 26 Years Ago, First Visit With Mother S NEWS Mrs. A. Allan Of Farnharn, England arrived Saturday 'for a month's visit with her daughter , Mrs. Donald J. Maeintyre, Mr. MacIntyre and family. It is" twenty-six years since Daphne • came to Canada as a war bride and this is their first visit together.. . • Purpose of the two Oa)/ Sti°34-7- ,Walden, riding-olubi--Mrs,---K-e-n- -- case was to help area people be- Taylor; skating club, Mrs. Barry come more familiar with the McDonagh; sports equipment, ortunities avail- Lucknow and District Lions Club 'recently entered .a challenger; in the World Gopher Derby at Eston, Saskatchewan. The world- derby: is sponsored by, the Eaton Lions. Club. 300 Lions Clubs from the North American Continent entered the fromderby and from these 64 were drawn as runners. About4CLOO-people---watched•-each of the nine races run every hour on the hour, While the Lucknow Club did not place in the big money which was won by clubs from Leader, Saskatchewan $400; Oyen , Alberta $200; Vancouver Central " $100, they did:place second in the first heat and as such picked tip 5 $1 -, -wkirehTWas- not a bad- invest- ment for their $5 entry, fee. Lucknow will no doubt ,be back in there next.year when the world's top gophers .run again. Art Breckles has sold his apart- ment block on Campbell Street to Mt. and Mrs: TonY Bedford of Tbronto. Mrs. Bedford is the former Sharon Stanley, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley of Lucknow. Mr. Breckles built the block 21 years ago , Art doing most of the work himself. it has two. apart- ments upstairs, presently occupied by Mrs. jake HUnter and Mrs. Maud Sherwood; one downstairs occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett Sr. as well as the office Of Crawford and Mill and Miller - McKenzie. The new owners obtained posses• sion July L cil, Lions Club, the arena opera- tional committee and interested citizens. Bill Hunter, chairman of the Lucknow RecreatiOn Committee, acted as chairman for the even- ing and introduced George Lyons of Owen Sound, an engineer with Imperial Pools, who explained the proposed swimming pool. Mr. Hunter and members of his com- mittee have sought information -On various pools. The Imperial able in the area. !, Displays were setup in the arena which opened Friday from '4 to 11 p.m. and again on Satur- day from 12 noon until 11 p.m. Displays included; flower ar- ranging, LucknoW HortiOultural SQciety; photography, ,Brian Keith and David Lougheed; Wing- ham Recreation Dept, , Jim Ward; oil painting , Mrs. Ross, Shiells Mrs—Vernon_Hunter , Mrs. C. Roulston; pottery , Mrs. Merle Gunby; ceramics, Mrs. Lorne Hasty; rug hooking, Mrs. Ed Wadel; stamp collecting , Mrs. A. Glen. Fanshawe Graduate RICK PRITCHARD Rick William Pritchard , Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard. of es awanos •, graduated rec- ently with honours froth Fanshawe College, in Recreation Leader- ship. Mr. and Mr's. Pritchard attend-: ed the ceremony which was held in Centennial Hall, London. Rick is presently employed the recreation program in Luck- FioW Ja,ck (Audrey) MacDonald of Lucknow some of her collection which she startedswhen she was a child. • resided and where he has been fisr some time. Mr. and Mrs. Itid have been residing in Kin- cardine for 4 years,' in. Wingham for 5,years prior to that and prior to their living in Wingham, they resided in Lucknow. They have a family of two boys, Terry 18 and Kevin 5. Purchase Lucknow Bowling Alley Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul of The Nile area have purchased the Lucknow Bowling Alley from Mr. - and Mrs. Bob Farrish. The neW owners obtained possession the first of the month. Bob and Ina Farrish,purchased the business the first Of this year from Mrs. Fred (Dove) Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Farrish have taker up residence on their farm on the 12th of Ashfield. k the ,formeryelen Gibson, a nat- ive of Riverhurst. Hugh is a gar- age mechanic at Millarville. AAAAAAAAAAA HOLIDAY TIME . This will be the last issue of The Sentinel until August 2. The office will close this Thursday and will reopen again on Mon- day, July 31. There will be no paper-published-on-July--19-a-nd . • CorresPondents and any contri- butors of news are asked to sub- mit it as it happens. News will ' be edited'throughout the holidays. It may be mailed or dePositedi in the letter slorin our door. AAAAAAAAAAA. Showcase Was Fine ',Community Activity Albert Gammie employed as_aminsuranceagent Sells Ross Street Apartment House Fire Destroys Home, Lose All Possessions Albert Gammie of Lucknow has said his apartment building on Ross Street at the southern outskirts of the village to Irving Reid of Kincard,ine. Mr. Garrimie purchased the • home from Herb, McQuillin thirty years ago this coming October,,......" Prior to that it was the Connell , residence. At the time of the sale, July °1st , it contained six apartments and the dWelling Atse&lxy_Mr-landMrS. Gammie The Gammies have moved to their Ross Street home, just to the north of the apartment Wild- ing, between the residences'of Armstrong 'Wilson and Clarence Greer. 14 . .The new owner is no stranger to' Lucknow where he formerly • and Mrs. Hugh Houston • and family of MillarVille, berta lost their home arid all their possessions in a fire about 4 a.m. Monday Morning of this Week. Word was received by phone on Monday evening by his parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston of Holyrood. Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Houston and their young son • Heath, age 5, awakened in rtime to get out of the house ," but It fire had' aclvariced so quickly that. FIngh was unable to get back into the building to save anything. Their 'older son Duane, age 7 , was visiting at the time with his aunt and uncle at InVermere , It is four years since Hugh went west to live. He is married to 111011111111 ' . • , , . , , . . .,., .. • — • ,