The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 18rrnkuli e • insulate Your WITH MUHL THE FAMOUS VERMICULITE INSULATION MICAFIL INSULATION IS FIREPROOF. IT CAN BE POURED BETWEEN THE JOISTS IN THE ATTIC AND BETWEEN THE STUDS IN THE SIDE WALLS, AND YOUR HOME IS SEALED FOR YEAR ROUND COMFORT. LIONS VARIETY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in the area, provided two sets of "male" square dancers. Beecher Menzies, dressed in kilt and rep- resenting the Clinton Club ,i,,sang some Scottish songs. Luclaiow's own Silver Seven, a vocal group from the Lucknow Lions Club, ' included Al Hamilton. Joe Agnew, Bill Hunter, Barry McDonagh, Art Helm, Jack McKim, Gordon Brooks ; accompanied on the piano by Mrs. _Tom_Pritchard.-A— duet by Joan Elliott and Julie. Valiance was Brussels Lions Club's entry. There were two extra numbers throughout the evening. Tees- water's Clown President rode a one-wheeled bicycle up and down the aisles amidst the audience. PAGE. EIGHTEEN • -.11 I I I I • 0.- • -0n 11111Migs. • *aiming.- • aiMins-* • +41111111100- BRING NEW BEAUTY AND LASTING PROTECTION TO WOOD PHONE 528-31.18 There's' no chipping, no cracking, no peeling JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. Rez keeps wood looking beautiful :longer • Because it breathes with the wood To lethumidiity escape ,LUCKNOW CAN IDB SERVE YOU? One-i:•faurreprqsen-t-atives will be at THE BEDFORD HOTEL, GODERICH MONDAY, JULY 10th, 1972 If you require a term loan for a new or existing business, you are invited to dis- cuss*your needs with him. An appoint- ' rnentCan be arranged by telephoning MR. J. D. BRINKLOW TELEPHONE: 524-7337 TERM FINANCING FOR CAXAMAX BUSitiESSES 197 York St, Loncion 12, Ontario o INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK A graduation banquet was held for the grade 8 graduating class of Brookside School on Thursday , June 29. The•banquet started at seven o'clock when Lois Adams said grace and made a toast to the Queen, Donalda Hamilton and Lori Miller provided, a prelude of Music. After the banquet Joan Hackett introduced the head table. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacLenruin, Mr. and Mrs, Don Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kemil•feltand,Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Anderson; Billy Errington made a toasrto the school board. Mrs. Marian Zinn.of the school board replied. The graduates in- troduced themselves and their guests. Merle Gunby toasted the grad- uates and Cheryl Hodges replied. Grant Johnston' toasted the parents and Mrs. Roberta Whytock replied. Eddie Noble introduced the teachers. Barry Elliott toasted 'the teachers and Mrs. Gordon Anderson replied. 'Doreen Hart- in thanked the Blakes ladies for the meal. Mrs. Chris Cook re- plied. Patsy de Graaf proposed a toast to the.school and Don.Cameron replied. Some of the graduates sang two songs , Joy to the World, and Country Road`, accompanied by Rick Orr on the guitar. • BIG GAME. ivk WANT ADS The other, number was the.Lions • Zone 3 own "Tiny Tim" singing, "Tiptoe Through The Tulips", 7 identity unknown. Judge's for the entertainment were Mrs. Lorne Sparks of Kinloss and Mri. Ross Cummings and Mrs. Wm. Scott of Lucknow. They chose the Sea forth Town_and Country Four, as first prize winners. The Bayfield Whistlers placed second and Joan Elliott, and Julie Valiance,' Brussels'. entry , were' third. Consolation prizes were given to all other participants. 'The Seaforth and Bayfield 'Lions ,Clubs- returned their prize mOney as a donation for Lucknow's swim' Ming pool. The final number of the even- ing was a beauty contest. There were 17 c-Ontestants, members of the area Lions. ClubS. Larry .Reeves of Ripley was the winner and was crowned by Gordon Brooks, 1st Vice President of the Luckriow Lions Club. Gerald Priestap presented prizes to all the everiing's.winners. Gamer Farrier provided.a pianeL for the evening and CKNX mobile unit , with' Roy Bennett , provided the sound system. Char- lie Webster of the Lucknow Lions Club, promoted and organized the Variety Nite. Bob McIntosh was in charge of the Beauty Con- Les Room Eleven presented the play "-Here COIlleS. the Bride",.. The actors were Poreen.Hartin., Don Foster, Larry Hackett Eddie .NOble , Jim Whytock. Gary Alton introduced.the gUest speaker , Don Kenw.ell of the Huron County, Board of •EdUca , tion, Ralph Morrison thanked. him. Mrs. Harvey .Alton presented the PuniannOn Proficiency Award .to Shirley Dougherty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Bert D'ougherty. . Angus MacLennan announced that Ruth'Nolt .had won the Pen-. , manShip Award,. Ruth was ab- sent and received the award the folloWing day.. 'It is presented• by. Mr. and Mrs,, Angus .MacLennan. The 'Science awards were presented to Lise GUnby and Lori Miller' by Ralph Cameron and Mrs. Murray Wilson on behalf of Ash- field and 'West Wawanosh Federa- tion of, Agriculture 'Robert Graham expressed apprec- iation to Mr. and Mrs. MacLen- nan for, his contribution in the .past.. Elaine''Haggitt introduced the valedictorian, Janet. Whytock, • -daughter of Whytack.. . • • • .Angus MacLennan,' school prin- cipal, performing.his last public duty as. principal,. 'expressed his' pleasure at, being associated with' 'Brookside since the school opened. He spoke 'of the happy-years at Brookside and of .thepleasure he • hi • • I WEDNESDAY., JULY 5th, MI: uatSintugd e6iii.atidratesas:smi received at Weicicuhesndoawy!hsaansgssem: bly when stafrand students pres- we ite MacLennan dmai ssfrtahmewehadr epao ratiria; titos of p Mre p, e the school wall. lie said that he dAi Alton, 08 public grad,blie John God Save y thejosatan fFfiaa cnd ettht epsica hyoedol,., .The Queen" to close the evening, SchoolLoi in the 111Gieroagorra Anderson -Kevin BlaCk-,-kiyce Charnney Philip Chandler, Brian Cranston, Ben) Culbert, Patsy DeGraaf, Lori Deller, , Shirley Dougherty , Billy Errington, Rob. ert Graham, Lise Gunby, Elaine liaggitt , Donalda Harn, Mon, Susan IrVin, Roddie Mac- Donald , Jim MacKinnon, Jini Mo6ee, Lori Miller, Stephen' Moran, Ralph Morrison,, Rpger Morrison, Lori Pentland , Heather Stevenson, Rita Verhulst, Janet Whytock, Larr) Sally Dorscht, Barry Elliott, Bonnie Hackett , Joan Hackett, Larry Hackett ,_11ichael Hack. 1 ett , Dan Hartin, Doreen Hartin, Susan Hayes', Cheryl Hodges, Glenn Irwin , Gra nt- hns torr ;7 • Debbie MacDonald , Alex Mac- Lennan, Sheryl. idcLennan Jan. et MacPherson, .Debbie Maize, Edwin Noble, Laurie Noble, Ruh. Nolt, DOug Park.; Vicki Park, Jim Pentland., Elwin Schultz, Jim Whytocky Shar ,YOU ris-, Don-- Foster. Brookside Banquet For Graduates INSUL-AIR WASH TUB Keeps your wash water hotter for more loads. 5 casters), for perfect balance. Full time filtering with Simpla-Filter. Auto- matic electric Timer. Deluxe instinctive safety wringer with giant 2 1/4" rubbei. rollers. Eleven pound Full Family size 'tub. I 11111116 Air THE HOME LAUNDRY SPECIALISTS wogwommissmoomssswoom— Greer T.V.and Ilectric LuciMow Phone 528-31 12 1..0.•••••••.000" WEE the tin frg stir I c sor the stil an the ter rob Ma whi Thi the Luc • Nil etc COIL beg fth Iiow add She nin pul Sab THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO ONTA:RO WOOD FINISHES the ed. san tho fro inc tra col act ed USE .pec the .wa Ma ed Go wh wit wh Th has fea 'tur tra pra chi she