The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 12PA Mrs Mrs, and Mrs, new ter I a re kill mot Min gnts will hei how G. Sad Sat Mrs De . Oa wit bert and whe h r ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY in TWELVE 11111t Imilunigulnr mon 1 imi 0 . - '..11 1114 Mrs. oung , 1 Car WHITECHUR.CH 'eek end visitors . Bob Mowbray . Relison Falconer, Lynn of Sarnia. . Fakoner , s that her 3arbara Mintz cent graduate rd in a. traffic her Norma tz. Some „.9i:the_LAtig$idP recall when three little ;e on the farm ',4 . Van Der George Le Hamilton irday visitors . Bob Mowbray. Ir. and Mrs. bie , Blaine ville were hii parents Coultes and Mrs. MerVyn re they spent Lady received sister of of the Mrs. sons Tiffin of Jack and holiday. Mr, her Accident nurse, is married now Klippe. with Pipe time were accident. with Norma's Newmarket, older eommunitY resided Lucknow Kevin and parents • - Killed NEWS Mr, and Mr, and • Brian, Paul On Sunday the sad (laugh- had been Her to Glen resid- Mintz and. in the owned , by and Mrs. were Mr. and Coultes, of visitors Mrs. Al.', of Brussels, enjoying Mr..at , Mrs 'Brussels Centennial s Quite few from here ttend ed Brussels Centennial. Y,P.S, HELD BEACH PARTY 'On Saturday evening White- beach party at Lake Huron at t e end of the 12th con. of-Ash- h field. ,, 14 TO start things of, a soccer ball game was enjoyed followed by a stroll along the beach, the waves, Twigs were gathered for a camp, fire , around which ' all gathered and enjoyed a sing song after which lunch was serv- ed_to arounda gathering of U.._ • „ — 13i-. Willis, Earl Wilkens and Mr. Stanley spent Thursday at London. Mt.-and Mrs. Irvine Storey and Heather of Goderich.were Sunday visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex VISIT HOMELAND For Chalmers Presbyterian Church, while , their pastor Victor Wybenga , Mrs. Wybenga and John are on holidays for a month their homeland Holland, the congregation will attend services at the United Church at 10 4 ..III. church and. LangSicle Y.P.S. held new a olyrood i where Many got sprayed from Craig. '. with the message given by Mr. . Carl De Koeijer and return to Chalmers Church for Sunday School at 11.15 a ,rn. ' Congratulations to the Public School pupils of the village and community who arrived home on Friday 'with report cards stating they had passed into the next grade. To those who •failed we extend our right hand of fellow - ship to press forward and win next year. • Congratulations to Miss Joyce • Tiffin on being chOsen as a seC- retary at 'London for the assistant manager's office'of the Bank of Montreal and to Miss Gayle Rintonl, Whei has been— — accepted to work at the Toronto Dominion Bank, Wingham. • 'Miss Alma Conn and her friend Miss Melanie. Williams of Toronto 'and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and 'Trevor of London spent' the holiday with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn. Little Kimberley Rantoul of Unionville on Sunday went to visit this week with her , grandparents grandparents Mr. and. Mrs. Gord- on Rintoul. a i s H Mrs.. . Was WI "Never be a fraid something Harvey Houston, er, and guest speaker meeting of Dun'gannon meeting was held Church Sunday Mrs , Wilbur the speaker. begin with you;" told members from Auburn, . and talk hand ' Helen's W:I7SECieNtieWeirthe Houston f her F. W. Public , "'stated of School Brown "Public Goderich growth and said W.I. thanked very was in , told Houston Speaker Relations Mrs. their their their _ _ of starting 11 . at the W.I. the United rootn. and of the and with of the materials, W.I. badges . with a book Mrs. Mrs. opened Mrs. introduced Relations Houston visitors . hearts. in formative . Offrc- June, The St. the mem- quiz and • R. C.. by the tledge, Mrs. Rutledge welcomed the pxesident . Mrs. WitiolTrbs:earrn:-.:sekea members sCao:e:t4, for the opening Ode and the Mary . . "Qliote an. Objective of W.I." , was answered by the merribe r i s, The visitors answered the roll by standing asoatstoth:,i,r,rWhe:' was called • . . Public eye is' have . Y ave bimsytmra7timcccbleenreaagdh4::: your picture taken," was given hearty asilnlg.s,oNlings w. ams .e ncj loayi. er ed nhieY nt of God. each W.I. gave two delightful "Food• For readings,Thought" and "Mild Discipline". Everyone errjoyed'the singing' by St: Hererill W. I. , particularly the 75th anni- versaty song. After a brief busi- ness period many took the. opportunity to examine the P.R.0 display and the family heirloom quilt of Mrs. Houston's, Which she • . Erland is giving to the L Lee home (recently purchased by the F. W.I.0.). Lunch was served by Nirt. A. Kerr and committee, Mrs. Rut - Mrs. Blake , Mrs. Brown, Mrs. McNee and _ . mrs. Mcelenag- han, and everyone enjoyed a per- iod of visiting. .Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black ofledge, Belgrave, after visiting with her beginning and Women's Institute help of a display available books Mrs. Houston hers should wear proudly and over She ended her about the new the work of the McClenaghan or address.. The meeting WEC Ar Fn At Sea om ce ours t urin, gin Al: Six ecei ear Th( ore nt a( ffer ty tl avr lus a osts. Wh GAAND OPENING SPECIAL SILVERWOODS ;4 GAL. GRAND OPENINA_SP_EC . OPEN SUNDAYS 'GRAND OPENING SPECIAL WONDER SOFT Bathroom Tissue GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 12 o'clock noon till 6 p.ini CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES__ Nommiummomm., -1- g‘