The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 3FEATURE! — SUGAR SWEET KOOL lif) 61 - AID EP a 4j, FEATURE! $0 to PItg. Rid & White It Oc TEA BAGS •10 26"x 36 Li RUBBER WEDNESDAY, JULY 5111, 1M RED& WHITE FOOD STORES THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, PLEASE C-9/ THIS Just Try It sunspun WEEKEND Just Once! ONLY ! GE JUICE FROM CONCENTRATE PAGE Timis 32 fl. oz. bottle Regular 49c Value BEST - PARCHMENT COLOURED 1111 PACKS • SATIN MARGARINE 199c • BEST BOW - MACARONI KRAFT DINNERS. 71/4 •L 217c FEATURE! RED & WHITE APPLE PIE • 24-oz. SueS 4 C • FEATURE! - CHOICE °BALMY TOMATOES 28 FL oz: 4 FEATURE! - FACIAL • 2 x'180 WHITE SWAN TISSUE 3189c biliii"su 16-N" 2 roll. Pack ck r , ASPIRIN ' " BUY OF THE WEEK DEVON AC 1190 lb._ OPtN • FRIDAY UNTIL 10 .O'CLOCK WHITE STORE Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Simpson Mrs. Annie Jewitt is a patient of Teeswater Were Sunday visitors , in Wingham and District Hospital, with Mt. and Mrs. George Saund7 where she was admitted on Sunday. ers. 44/ Mr ; and Mrs.. Fraser Ashton and Antoine of Hull..Quebec are visiting this week with Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Lucknow. Visitors last week end with Mrs. Jack Campbell,, Lucknow were Mr. and Mt's. Russell Frederick of Guelph. • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ritchie , Troy and Todd of Lucknow mov= • ed on Friday to the Floyd and • Ezra Stanley house on HaVelock Street north, the former Hender- son home., The Ritchies had been residing 'in the Glenn home on Campbell Street, east. Mrs. Harold Stanley. , formerly of Kin-loss,is-residirrg in the:bt her Tia lf of the Stanley duplex.. Mt. and Mrs. Robert Martin of Fort Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Glen "Rutledge and family of Lellore, Manitoba visited recent ly with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton : "Sure enjoy the paper" says Harold MacGillivray •of Calgary in renewing the subscription. 'Harvey-Ha-11-oftDet-roi-t-s-pent a few 'days in Lucknow with Mrs. Jack Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Hall. Visiting during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter. were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Best of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane and Arlene of Stratford, who also visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Keane. , Mrs. Irma Robinson of Toronto was 4 guest last week with Mrs. Jadk Carnpbell, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dahmer of Halkirk, Alberta , called on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finleon of R. R. 2 Lucknow last Thursday afternoon. Jim worked for Henry at harvest back in 1952 and 1962. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Routledge , Barry , Barbara and Leslie, of Lenore Manitoba have spent several days in the vicinity visiting with Mx. and Mrs. Douglas Graham, Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Alton, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Warren Zinn, Mr.. and. Mrs. Chester Hackett arid Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith. Mrs. Jack Gilchrist and Brian of Toronto are visiting, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist of R. R. • 5 Lucknow. • • Dawn Ann Nelson , 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nei.' 'son of Kincardine'and formerly of Lucknow, broke her leg on Satur- day while going up the stairs in her home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holmes of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wells of Calgary, Alberta , visited Monday with their Cousin Mrs. Jack McKendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are remaining for awhile with their cousin. D. awe a, patient i Wingham and District Hospital. He was admitted last Wednesday. Leonard MacDonald Of Lucknow is a patient in St. J at, London and underwent leg surgery on Tuesday of this. week: Leonard had been off work and confined to his home over six _weeks prior to entering hospital on Thursday of last week. THE GRAVEL ROAD . CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 the passing motorist takes for _granted_a_nd-why-not„However— the foundations of our present highway served well thOSe of yeit- eryear , it is good to, reflect and respect the foresight of our fore- fathers and still further welcome progress through the ages. " THE RAMBLER" iE • .• • "I-thought—you `were-going to your lodge meeting?" "It was postponed. The wife of the Grand Exalted Invincible • Supreme Potentate wouldn't let him out to- night." STAMPS 7 PROM . LtIcKNOVV SENTINEL ti