The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-28, Page 20t • 0. Couples Return From Trip To The West Coast Mr.. and Mrs. Russell. Phillips of I3elfist and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hackett of Lucknow have- just returned from a three week motor canapingtOR aoross_tiorthi_ ern Ontario, through the Western Provinces to Vancouver Island and home by way of the United States.' 'Registered tfade mark of General F AodS Lithitgd • ington attracts a great mans tour- ist5 ; especially at night wher, the lights are turned on. They car- timed on their war• driving ac-rost: the States of Washir' )5-•ton 7 North Dakota, Idaho; nesota Wisconsin ant 1.'1k:1-Agar:. An excursion into an Iron. Northern :1Lichigan finished off an excellent holiday. • call was at the home of Mrs. Tom Phillips tear Sandz;,-; N tic higaw. PAGE TWENTY THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO wEDNESDAY, ,IVNE. 28th, lgit WE aruce School:130ot Ahopunce Salary Increases Teacher salary increases averag- ing 6.26 per cent were ratified Tuesday by the Bruce board of. . education. Increases for next tern vary from eight per cent for those with lower salaries to 3 la• per cent for the higher salary ranges. Teachers' minimum and maxim- , urn salaries with the present figur- es in brackets are: category 1 .elementary'. $5,600 to $7;500 ($5.500 to $7.300); category 2, $5,900 to $9,300 ($5,900.to $8,900); category 3, $6;400 to $11,000 ($6,300 to $10.500); • category 4, elementary and cate- gory 1, secondary, $7,200 to $12,200($7,100 to' $12,100); cate- gory 5 elementary and category 2 secondary, $7.600 to $13,100 ($7,500 to $12,700); category 6' ings called. "If I'm not considered an good to the committee I Want off ," he said. committee chairman George Loucks of Chesley told the board he was not sure who was on the committee. He also said few committee meetings have been held.. Board chairman Maitland Ward- er of Lions Head urged Mr. Mac- Rae.to "make no move" ... while I check why you've been ignored." Port Elgin council asked use of the high school grounds in that" town as a parking lot during July and August. Employees at Doug- las Point construction site would leave their cars, on the grounds while they continue to work by bus. The board authorized the school principal to work out an agreement with town council. Points 'of interest along the way were Armed Forces Day at C.F. B. Shilo where they were the guests of Sgt. and Mrs. W. R. Burke. They visite and Mrs. Bert HOwlett at Calgary „, and Mrs. Albert Phillips, who was there from Vancouver. A very pleasant afternoon was spent at Cochrane with Mrs. Isobel Hawkwood, Mr.' and Mrs. Sam Sholock, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawk- wood and Mr. Bill Bancroft. ^ Mrs. Hawkwood sends her regards to all of her friends and relatives in the Lucknow area. The. Buchart Gardens on Van- couver Island must' be seen to be appreciated. They proceeded hAr-k -t-n the Okanagan Valley and on into Washington State where the Val- ley ends. In the valley the floods have.caused hundreds of thousands of dollars damage. Trailer parks were, washed away , orchards ere •• half half co'vered in the, raging waters while farm lands, buildings and crops were submerged. Stnali towns that lay beside the Columbd is River 'were flooded to the ex,- tent that boats were 'used to get . from One . place to another. • ; . The Grand Coulee Dam in Washl I I I 1 I elementary ana category 3 sec - ondary, $8,400 to $15 ,100 ($8 ,30Q, to' $14,600); category 7 element- ary and category 4 secondary, $8,900 to $16,100 ($8,800 to $15,600). Increments vary from 'a low of $300' a year in category 1 to a high to $600 in the higher cate- gories. Arthur Davey of Port Elgin, chairman of the salaries committee said the salary agree- ments of the Bruce board are in line with those other boards that have. completed negotiation. Other salaries approved, direc- tor of education, $31,000 ($30,000); superintendents of schools and superintendents of finance , $26 ,500 ($25,500); superintendent of building main- tenance and superintendent of transportation and purchasing, $12,800 ($12,000). Chief accountant and office manager, $15,500 ($14,500); Seri- WEBSTER REUNION CONTINUED FROM PAGE ,1 microphone and expressed his pleasure in being our representa- Jive in Parliament, as well as ?being a descendant of the original Webster family. Earl Webster of Oshawa, who is the only living member who took part in the dedication of the Webster Cairn in 1933, spoke briefly, expressing pleasure in ' b-eing-pretent-a-rid-eXterfdlifg-- - thanks to each and everyone'on committees who had been res•on- sible for the- success of the day. Special prizes of 1972 silver dollars were given at this time , as follows: Oldest 'lady, Mrs. Violet Webster; Oldest man, W Webster; Youngest baby girl, Jennifer Tricia Pym; youngest baby toy Jaines Wessel of Tren- ton; birthday nearest - picnic date, Mrs. Mabelle Mc- Clymont, Varna; wedding nearest picnic date , Mr. and Mrs. Grant Webster; 50th wedding anniver- sary,, Mr. and Mrs. George (Sadie. Cook),Hackett; coming the farth- est distance Howard Reed; Santa Monica, California; largest fam-, A business meeting folloWed at which time the following officers were appointed for 1973; President, Mr. Elgin McKinley; 1st vice, Torn Webster; 2nd vice, Harvey Keyes; 3rd/vice, .Mel Webster; Secretary_,__Jessie_Kirldand; Treasurer , south, Mel Webster; treasurer, north, Alex Andrew. ,The retiring president , Harvey' Webster thanked all committees for their efforts. 'The next pitEliC will be held-on - heads will receive three-quarters of the alloWance for the position. Clerical staff category 1. $3,800 to $5,200 with incrern- ,ents of $300 ($3,600 to $4,800); category 2,• $4,60.0 to $8,100 with increments of $350, ($4,400 to $5 , 800); executive secretaries, $4,700 to $6,700 ($4,500 to $6,200). All staff for next term has been , engaged with exception of a teach- er for girls' occupation at Walker- ton district secondary school, the meeting was Lola, This term, for the first time, enrolment fac- tors have required staff transfers between schools in Bruce. Ross MacRae, trustee for this area , asked to be removed from the trust accounts committee. He said he has been a member since the- committee's' inception and has never been included in any meet- From there they travelled on to. Banff and enjoyed a gondola iide to the top Of Sulphur Mountain which has an elevation of 7490 feet. The view was rnangificent and there was still plenty of snow ily at picnic ,,~.Mr, and Mrs. Jim around. From the-re they travelled Hart , Varna , Mr. and Mrs. Cane westward and were, able to see. an McQuillin. first hand the slide darnage and the terrible havoc caused by the floods. the third Sunday in June , 1973. The executive expressed their gratitude to. Harvey Webster for all his guidance through this spec- ial occasion, the fiftieth picnic. Friends and re latives attended from California , Edmonton, Big Valley Alberta , Indianapolis, Kirkland Lake Sarnia , Windsor , London, 1.1.itchill, Galt , Trenton, Seaford:, Clinton , Varna , Toron- to. Goderich, Zurich, *kir/ Dzha w russels ; tza ngel •3 Ile , Cochrane Walton, ;" Se..fr..arinet , el wei.,i at r.r..an) frorr; 3`L:-.7 Cr'rtn n g areas. . • Those a•=e.nting La.bc , farew • -ie.! 'fr.terfat er- pressr.:.-:, • mee• "th" , Save 7on the purchase of one package or bottle of Certo pectin when you give,this coupon to your dealer. N ne tr in le in le hi rn al I TF L It's So easy with Certo;' the natural fruit • pectin. . • Certo makes your jams, jellies and preserves 'taste so much' better, because yOu .boil.for only one minute. It's go'od 'to know- the fruit's fresh flavour doesn't get boiled • away. You can also get a bigger yield and. a perfect set. • . Get a good start on the season. Clip the. eou pon-a nd-buy-you reerto-n-ow. . int for custodian, $8,300; chief cu5t odian $7,800; Senior audip- visual technician,, $8,000.. Responsibility allowances for supervisors, $2,700 ($2.500); co=ordinators, $3,200 ($34.000). Secondary school principals of schools with 1,000 or more students, $22,000 to .$24,000, increases of $1,000; secondary principals of other schools, $20 ;700 to $22,700, increases of $1,000.. Annual increments for' principals vary from $600 to $700. Vice-principals of secondary schools; $19,500 to.$20,500, an increase of $1', 000 with $500 increments. In addition directors in second ,- ary schools will get $2,0-00; maj- or department heads, $1,800; department heads, $1,500; minor department heads , $1,-000; sub- ject chairman, $700 and acting r MR. DEALER. General Foods redeem this Cbupon for the 'ca, „I GENERAL , 30 for handling provided V.0 •e• . 'FOODS from your 'customer • 91, the coupon offer An, (•...•P• c" COnstftuteS fray0 Fa•ture • :•• •.: , to O evidence satisfactory c rwo,a, d tha you have complied w t•. ••••••••• ,Coupon All coupons scit.u,Lt'0 f.' t become the property of re', et a c For redemption mad to r :r,..P 0 .•' Box 3000 Sint Jot•cl • • s•