The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-28, Page 11CRAWFORD MOTORS
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Recommend All
Train Passenger
Service Resume
I must say that it will be a very
interesting situation.
Ross M. Whicher, M.P.
Saturday from 7:00, p.m. to 11 p.m. will feature a gala
showcase of local talent
Dttritlg the entirety of the showcase you willte entertained 'by a variety
of interesting displays and exhibits. Learn about YOUR community.'
Make the showcase a MUST.
Married In Ashfield Church
Dear Don:
Enclosed please find a co
'the Report of the Standing Com-
mittee on Transport and Communi
cations, that was presented to,the
House of Commons. this'afternoon,
concerning the Hearings that
were held in Southwestern Ontario
Ottawa , June 21, 1972.
Friday,July.. .7
Pursuant to its Order of Refer-
ence of Uriday, May 5 19.72,
our Committee held public
hearings in Sbuth Western Ontario
for the, putpose of hearing repres-
entations on the adequacy of pas-
senger service: in that area. Dur-
ing these hearings which were
held in London, Chatham, Strat-
ford'and Walkerton,: Ontario,
6m. 1-ttee received approx-
imately fifty-five briefs and
heard from sixty-eight witnesses.
In additiOn,. your Committee was
presented with petitions, letters
and Mail-in coupons containing
several thousand names asking
for 'restoration or continuance of
rail passenger service in the South
Western Ontario region.
As 'a result of hearings by Jibe
Canadian Transport Coinmission
held at Owen Sound and Guelph,
Ontario in 1970 six distinct rail
passenger services were ordered
discontinued effective November
1, 1970; At the time of the dis-
continuance, the Canadian'Trans•
port Commission assumed and the
residents of the affected areas
were informed that the bus lines
in the area could adequately ac-
commodate. all public transporta-
tion needs. After almost two
years the, evidence presented to
your Committee indicates that
there is widespread dissatisfaction
with the type of passenger service
offered to the travelling public. of
South Western Ontario. Your
Committee also found that exist-
ing bus services in the area do not
constitute a satisfactory alternate
public transportation service.
Therefore your Committee rec-
ommends that all rail passen,ger
services which were discontinued
on November 1, 1970 should be
re-established immediately and
a moratorium should 'be placed on
-all-pending-passenger train discon-
tinuance applications in Canada,.
until the study referred to here-
after is completed, as recommend•
ed in many briefs and particularly
in that brief presented by the Gov-
ernment of the Province of Ontar-
Your Committee also'recom-
mends that .a joint study group
Composed of representatives of
Federal, Provincial, Municipal
officials and railway employees be
established immediately to •
determine a minimum rail pas-
senger network as defined in re-
lationship to the Most efficient
and adequate transpohation systerr
making the best use of all modes
of transportation-at7the-low-est--:—
possible total cost.
Your Committee also recom-
iiends that departmental officials
concerned with ferryservices,
river erosion, and airport
upgrading study the problems ex-
pressed during the Chatham hear-
ings by municipal offidials 'to
determine the feasibility ofearly
andpractical solntions to these
serious problems. ,
Your Committee further recom-
mends' that the railways be direct-
ed to investigate better methods
of transporting feeder cattle, from
Western to Eastern Canada partia-
ularly with a view to the
upgrading of feeding and watering
stations on route and the use of
improved cats in which cattle
could beefed and watered on the
A copy of the relevant Minutes
of PrOceedings and Evidence
(Issues Nos. 10 to I4) is tabled:
Respectively 'submitted
H. Pit Lessard,.
/ The marriage of Almajean
Parrish and Marcel:Carl Nobert
was solemnized in Ashfield Pres-
byterian Church on Saturday,
June 3rd at 5.30 p.m.
Rev. Finley 8tewart of Kitchen-
er and Rev. Kenneth Rooney 'of
Ripley officiated at' the double
ring ceremony.
The bride, is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Farrish of Luck-
now. The groom is the, son of '
Mr. and. Mrs. Adri,en Nobert of
Given in Marriage by her fath-
er, the bride chose -a goWn of
nylon organza: The high neck-
line and natural, Waisitine were
trirnthed with green satin. The
bodice and long 'full sleeves were
of chantilly lace. A hooded coat
of chantilly lace -accented with.'
green satin ribbon was!worn Over
the dress falling into a train.
She carried a white bible crested
with flowers.
Maid of honour was Miss
wore a floor length gown with
skirt of nylon floral flocked organ
za and natural waistline. The '
.bodice and sleeves were of white,
batiste trimmed with lace ruffles.
The high neck-line and .long fulL
sleeves were trimmed• with green•
grosa grain ribbon.. She carried
a basket of flowers.
o •
Bridesmaids were Miss Carol
Nobert 'of, Waterloo,- sister of the
groom and Miss Barbara Farrish
of R. R. 3 Lucknow. They wore
gowns of yellow polyester chiffon
over taffeta , with' full skirt , high
neckline and long full sleeves
trimmed with green grosa grain
ribbon ruffles down the front and ,
each carried a basket of flowers.
--Flow er-gitleather -Mc -
Dougall of R. R. 5 LucknOw and
Karen Clark of Thunderbay:
Heather was dressed similar to the
maid of honour and carried an uth-
brella trimmed with white lace
and yellow flowers. Karen wore
a gown of white criniplene, nat-
ural waistline , long full sleeves
and hooded coat of whiter criinp-
lene accented with green satin
ribbon. She carried flowers on a
white bible similar to the bride.
Ringbearers were Robert Camp-
bell of R. R. 3 Lucknow and : •
Michael Thomas of Kitchener.
Groomsman was Larry Farrish
of .Kitchener brother .of the bride.
Ushers were Murray Kropf of Kit-
chener and Ben Kane of Baden.
A reception followed at the
Lucknow Legion Hall.
The bride's mother chose a
dress of blue organza over taffeta
long sheer sleeves and beading
around collar:.
sleeveless dress of silver brocade
with round low neckline.
The couple will reside in,
'Kitchener , where the groom ms
employed at Superior Box Ltd.
and the bride is with Uniroyal Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles
of Lochash spent a couple 'of days
in the Chatham, Leamington
area. /They represented the Luck
now.Craft Festival at the' Ontario
Craft Foundation dinner' and meet•
ing held at the Holiday Inn in
Chatham on Monday, June 19.
They took advantage of the
extra time to visit relatives'in
Leamington, Ridgetown, Petrolia
and with Rev, and Mrs. Doug
Brydon at Watford,
The Brydons ire moving to
Southampton by July Ist.where he
wilt, be minister, in the United
Church there. Mr. Brydon was
minister in Ripley for several
years and was largely instrumental
in starting Night. Schools in the
Represent Festival
At Meeting
As you note, the gist of to
whole statement is the unanimous
rerommendation that-all-roilway
passenger servide, discontinued ,
as of November 1, 1910 be re-
established immediately, and
secondly, that a Joint Committee
of municipal, provincial and fed-
eral railway employees also be
established imrnediately• to work
out a satisfactory transportation
..system for our area ,.at the lowest
possible cost.
Your guess is as good. as mine
as to what is going•to happen,
WTI must Say that it w8uld be
most difficult for the Oovernnint
and the Canadian Transport .
Commission to ignore such a rec-
ommendation from a Committee
which is composed of all Parties,
and which has a. majority of Gov ,
erhment Members sitting 'on it.