The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-21, Page 10PAGE TEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO. Joint Meeting Of Area Catholic Women's Leagues Hear Reports On 52nd Diocesan Convention. At Sarnia aims "to help consumers help themselves". On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Carol Hendrikson, credit counsellor , family service Bureau , Sarnia , addressed the delegates and the 100 visitors on "Family Budgeting". Most people carrprofit from working to a budget. Earning a good in- come is only part of the story. It is good.spending habits that en- --able-onto-come-out left at the end of thebudget period. To Adopt Another Foster Child Olivet Unit of St. Andrev, s lorqpNESDAT, JUNE 21st, 1971 Trinity UCW 144..CondidotOs on Thursday, June 15th in the Church, basement, with 26 mem- United Church Women was held 'The regular meeting of Trinity St. Joseph's Church Confirmed: At • bers,present and 12 visiting Grand- mothers and 2 children. Mrs. Jim Hunter opened the meeting with a short prayer and Hymn 142 nssigan . The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Hunter welcomed the Grandmothers. Mrs. Harvey Ritchie was in charge of the Devotions, and we learned about "Abigail". Mrs. Donald Hack- ett real the scripture, followed by the singing of Hymn 241 and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie' closed the devotions with prayer. Mrs. Rusgell Alton gave ,a humorous reading about "Grand- ma". Mrs. Charles. Wilkins had a contest on well-known hyrtms. Mrs. Warren Zinn gave the Study ' Book on Africa. Mrs. Ken Alton conducted a short sing song. Mrs. Warren Zinn discussed informa - • tion she had received abourthe Craft Festival. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Hummel, and Mrs. Charles Wilkins• gave the "Trinity Tattler" while lunch was being prepared. The committee in charge served a 'delicious lunch. Mrs. Frank Ritchie will be hostess for-the_July meeting. IN04100%."".".".••••%".•WarrNonfteiro%W. / ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The' Rev. R. Odendahi Rector JUNE 25th Trinity 4 One service at 11 The Ascension Kinlough LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister Minister JUNE 25th 10 a.m, Sunday School a.m. Holy Communion •wishing I Those transportation to. church. contact Wm. G. nHimter 528-2741 LUCKNOW ' • Stammer Ser7iees CHRISTIAN- :4; July. 2,, 9, 16 -Sch s Church REFORMED July. =. Angu. 6. 13 CHURCH 7 IA:KJ:row 'cr±ted Church J. W. Van Stemilvoort August 20. 27. Sept. 3 .Pastar Services: 10:00 alt. Service. 2:30 pin. Service VISITORS WELCOME what took place at the London. Diobesan convention as read at the The following is. an outline of joint meeting of the Lucknow , St,. Augustine, Wingham, Goderich, and Kingsbridge Councils of the Catholic Women's League held in St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge. Parish Hall on Wednesday, June 7th. The 52nd Annual'Diocesan Convention was held at the CarterbiiirlfiriTSainiaT-Ontario- on Tuesday, May 16 and Wednes- day , May 17. The theme of the Convention was, "Communicate, Dedicate , 'For God' and Canada". Convention opened with, the col- our party procession of the Sarnia . Girl Guides, followed by Rev. Father A. P.. Spencer, newly appointed Diocesan Director; Mrs. Lawrence Howard , DiocesanPres - ident; the executive .merribers and Conveners. League Prayers were said , followed.by scripture reading and the Hymn "All That I Am" was sung. Father Spencer welcomed the ladies who showed, such an interest in the C. W.L. Don't let your interest stop as soon as the-convention-is- ov-er-, the real strengthjs when you go home and put into action what you have learned. Let's all ban together and see what is really needed across the Dominion of Canada. We are willing to do things for our church, for our neighbours, everyone who is in need of our help. We have something that is worthi_vhile, Let's go out and sell it. Let's make , the League grow , let's make it more helpful. Dio- cesan President , Mrs. Lawrence Howard London, emphasized the importance oldialogue between councils of the diocese and the - executive. "This is your League,, we want your help in running it 'as it should be , she said. Rev. but personal prayer is„the spring-, board of Christian Life. Some 200 delegates were delighted with- "How----Not-tO-Cond Meeting"' or 'a Leadership Course. 'The spoof was part of a work- shop on the-importance of CommunicatiOn. The Moderator; Mrs. Howard , said communica - tion is essential if the league. is to' be a living organization. Not , only are words important , but also attitudes and-actions, Mrs_. Gorski said', in communicating league aims. She stressed the importance of good communica- tion between league members, between Councils, and with the corntnunity, as well as with the meali. Take the chuldi into the- world through the press, she said, "Tell them not what you did but why." There are more thin 105 ,300 league members in Canada , more than half of whom are in Ontario. Membership in the London dio- cese is, 11,567. "The program of the League must be geared to the locality in which we function" delegates were told. A panel discussion on "We the consumers" was held Tuesday night. Miss Deanna Burns, U.C. W. met in the 'Sunday School room on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Melvin Calling gave the scripture and comments, Mrs. Leo. Pedersen gave a short study of the countries of Africa 'known as the Ivory Coast noting the contrast between the modern cities and 'the more primitive village and rural communities, Mrs. Walter. Black spoke on some of-the social problems met with KINGSBRIDGE NEWS On Wednesday evening, June 14th, Confirmation was held in St. Joseph's' Church when 144 candid- ates from three Parishes-were confirmed. The Parishes were Wingham, Goderich and the Par- ish of Ashfield (Kingsbridge.and St. Augustine). In the absence of our Bishop, Rev. Msgr. P. A. Mugan, Vicar General for the Diocese of London,, was the offic- iating prelate. The forty-five students confirm- ed from the Ashfield Parish were; Margaret Austin, -Michele Austin, Terry Austirr, Anne. Boyle , Mary Anne.Boyle, Rita Coza, Colin Chisholm Nancy Chisholm , Virginia Chisholm, Rosemary Crawford, John Crawford , Shawn Dalton, Anita Doherty, Joanne Doherty, Paul Doherty, Mary Flien__Eoran„Eddie_Franken_., Dow:, na Frayne Lucille Frayne ,-EMari- anne Frayne, Linda Hendericks, Rita Hendericks Mary Ann Gerd- es, George Hickey , Anne Marie Howard, Nellie Knoop, Gordon Kinahan, Devvie McInnes, Mary Anne Miltenburg, Debbie Maize, Randy' Maze'Ricky Maize Ronnie Moran, Joanne O'Neil, Torn O'Keefe, Eddie Sinnett, Shieb Sinnett, Janice Tigert , Judy Tigert , Wilma Van, Aaken, Mary VanDiepen, Henry VanDyke, Bernice VanOsch, Henry Van- Rooy; Darryl Wisser. The adults were. Miss Mary Barger, Mrs. Mary. Louise Dal- ton, Mrs. Jean King, Mr. Fred- erick Koehlmann, Mrs. Beverley /vlacInnes Mrs. Evelyn Maclnnes, Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., 11 a.m. Morning Worship 10 a.m.. Sunday School Phone 528-2740 JUNE 25th John. Vinter, Superintendent of Huron-Perth Separate Schools. Rev. Robert Nchoils, B.A '11.16 'ALT 8.**, • Mrs. Zena Riegling, Mr. John J. F. Lynch, spoke on the import- Sheardown. ance of prayer as a' • communicating link between God Several members of the Knights and Man. It is difficult for of Columbus, Father Nagel Coun- individuals to _pray_in_todayls____ cil, Goderich, and their wives,, attended the annual luncheon on 'busy, scientific world, he said, Sunday at St. Joseph's Parish Hall, following the 10.30 a.m. Mass. Guests were 'resent from the Stratford and Seaforth Coun- - cils. The guest speaker was :Mr. •-li -4F- -assistant -consumer consultant , ,. .• , Ontario region, bureau of Con- * 4 POL'it TO PONDER t sumer Affairs; said that one of °*4 faith that has never been :+ the prime purposes of the °; tested is not only riot apprecia, +4 ! depart merit of Consumer Affairs l• ted: it is not even understood. ; ' "Is tc make ...-ou responsible It Elton TrUeblood 4+ cons1;rners" . Mrs. Jean .Bell ...i.+±..........„..4.......4_.+_.1' - ,statet the volunteer organizatiOn Guest speaker at "the Banquet was Sister Mary Isobel ,,Public Re- lations officer for St. Joseph's -Hospital, London.. A former journa list , Sister Mary Isobel recently returned from a two year teaching assignment in Tanzania with the Canadian International peaking_ to the convention theme , "Dedi- cation -through communication" she stressed that the C. W.L. should be seeking out new ways of service in the modern world. How pleased she was that she had been taught 'at the early age of 3 to speak out and she told of how 'her •randrnother who was'blind in mission leprosy hospitals. Mrs. 'Elmer Osborne read a poem "Life's Precious Things" and Mrs. Stanley Blackwell gave a reading on Sunday School. 'Reports' were heard from the Treasurer, Friendship secretary and Manse committee. It was decided to adopt-another Foster child as the girl they have assisted for several years will reach the 'age limit this year and they have' found this 'a very interesting project. lived with her parents ; and had to be fold exactly what was going on. Grandmother would say "Well come on now'', get it • Out of you". We must be able to quote our ideas in a suitable Lang- wage. Those who get involved are afraid of being laughed at and hurt. Meet the challenge head on with courage and faith, In real life, are we ready to lay our selves_on_the _The_ Catholic Women's League, haS had a long and glorious history. Tim- ‘2 es are changing; the old ways just aren't good enough for ,the rapid,changing ways of life. I am not suggesting. that` the Cath- olic Wornen% League shoUld die, On the other side is a coin of "Loire and Humility" Our' Dedi- cation is "To God and Canada". London Diocesan executive for the year 1972: -19 737-is-Director,ftevere_nd_A_P Spencer, Pastor of St. London; 'Past President , Mrs. Law-_ mike. Howard , London; President, Mrs. J. J. Gardiner, R..# 3, • . A. Gorski, R. R. # 4, Harrow; 2nd Vice Pres. , Mrs. P. J. Pal- lona , LondOn; 3rd Vice Pres. , Mrs.. L'Belanger, Windsor; Recording Sea. , Mrs. Ralph Ring- ham , Ariiherstburg; Correspond - ing SeC. , Miss Ouellette, Windsor; Treasurer., ,NIts. Walter Pallier , Goderich. Uni the 'Gre ed twe' Mcl shiF .1 ing lure itat ler. art! Dec give Mir Iv the • .mei atr fort was Dori Iv the ate '• and tic en you purchase your We • iiii,invagions from. The Lucknow Sentinel you will receive one year's free subscription (value $6.00) to ,The Lucknow Sentinel SUBSCRIPTIO TO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • • q //i(w4 Mks. E. C. Spencer , London, was one of several people honored at the closing banquet of the Catholic. Women's League London DioCesan Council Convention. At the dinner held in the Canteripry Inn, President. Mrs. Lawrence How .- ard , recapped the work Mrs. Spen- cer had done in collecting clothes from'the diocese to be distributed' to. Indians. Mrs. Spencer has been providing this service for 11 years. Once 100 boxes of clothing, were delivered in one shipment „ and the front porch collapsed. In recognition' of her work, Mrs. Spencer.was presented-with the Maple Leaf Service' Pin; a pin which is given in recognition of outstanding service at any level of the organization. As a tribute to Reverend J. L. Hennessey, director, recently retired due to ill-health-;-it-was-a-nnounced that the former diocesan education award , which Rev. Hennessey starred-, wilrbelmown-henceforth-/ as the "Father Hennessey Diocesan Award': . The Education • • Award assists with education below the university level toieligible applicants. Mrs. Lawrence How- ard , who retires as President , having served 2 years, was pres- ented with a Life Membership.