The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-31, Page 20WEDNESDAY MAY 31st, 1972: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY Imam. CKNOW FRUIT MARKET YOUR "LOWEST PRICES". FOODLAND RE eineginiamipsiiiiiEiaiiiganignitiNgORMESIERNW MAXWELL HOUSE 61.0Z. REG. $1.53 SAVE 28c Instant Coffee • Pay Only $1.2.5. The most handsome collection we've .ever shown . ,„ One of the best blazer values in Canada. The most comfort- able and most wrinkle resistant blazers you'll ever wear in navy, brown, beige. Sports coats in smart patterns and cloths in a variety of colours, all sizes. WESTON'S 14 OZ. A REAL BUY! White Marshmallows 3 . Pkgs. $1 E. D. SMITH PURE 9 OZ. SAVE 28c 3 Jars 89c SIZES 36 TO 46 SHORTS AND TALLS AS WELL . AS 'THE REGULAR LENGTHS • Assorted Jams LIBBY'S 11 OZ. SAVE 15c Tomato Catchup 2 Bottles 39c. SUPREME 16 OZ. Peanut Better SAVE 31c 2 Jars 87c 40, 60, 100 WATT REG. 4 $1.44 SAVE 46c Light Bulbs Sale 4 Bulbs 98c • VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY; FRIDAY,• SATURDAY JUNE 1, 2, 3 • 'PHONE LUC'KNOW 528=3420 -.9.0.•••4-4, • ,•„6.,>4.44,4* yAa All washable, double knit, fortrel blend / and all permanent press. Colorful selection in sizes 29 to 46 THAT Mr. and Mt.'s. if. D. (Bud) Thorripson of Lucknow.,spent last week in Regina , Saskatche- wan, where Bud was the dOe- gate from Royal .Canadian Leg-. ion Branch 309, Luc knoW at the Dominion Convention. •• 4490454 t ).4 t.994,../.961.4,4`f- -,-.Abia..9 14.44taktg4.9 c>c 1.* /5S o no Ac Qua gBe+a• • 4,ik.,4'4 94 L. 4944,11,4 t 4 .$4-49944 i94 W4 y z..it,•5?,19,40)14G <“, i4,4,4 1,1,4444 ..,,,,,,iont.h.411•4.' SEE . . . y he Sen in THAT a community ,choir,is being, formed in Luck.now with the first. .practice 'slated for Thursday of Wear_a_knit suitonce_ancl_youllnever_wear anything else. Fine polyester knits that never show a wrinkle. PLAIN SHADES OF BROWN, BLUE AND BEIGE PATTERNS IN ALMOST ALL SHADES THAT Lucknow Fire Department were cut on two successive days , last week. On Friday afternoOn, a grass and brush fire on the farm of Omar Brooks on the 4th of t&tan-t-ed-byMN—and The choir plans to sing varied types of.music and everyone, all age's, 'are invited to panic- ipate. THAT a number of members of the Lucknow DistriCt Lions Club ' were in attendance this week at the District A Ontario and Que- bec ConVention in.Kitcherier an Waterloo. The focal Lions Club sponsored the • Lucknow School. Band which attended and rode on the loCal float throughout the parade on Sunday. Mrs. Barry Haldenby, was the cause of an alarm. Firemen wet down the threatened area. A call on Saturday took fire-' men to the town, dump where another fire was threatening. BOARD STUDYING THIS OFFER GOOD' UNTIL JUNE 10 THAT during the past week, Mr. and Mrs. John C. MacDonald of Ripley were honoured on three occasions by friends, neighbours and relatives to mark their 25th wedding anniversary. Many messages of congratulations a d lovely gifts were received: . OTHER PRICE RANGES $110,00 AND $125.00 AND $135.00 SIZES 36 TO 46 THAT Mr. and Mrs. Wayne JaMie• son are moving to Walkerton on Saturday; June 3rd. Wayne.is employed as deputy-.treasurer of the County of Bruce in the coun-' ty town. • ucknow) Ltd tl la THAT Michael McNall, son of Mrs, Julia McNall of Belgrave, 'graduated on May 13th from Sir Sandford 41~leming College', Lind- say, as a Biology Technician. PRONE , 528. 2126 CONTINUED FROI PAGEI continue to exist.' This year, however , these bopndaries will be negotiated between the two boards arid possibly changed. The board set up a committee of Harvey McCurdy, Leonard Courtney and W. A. 1)avey to Consider future 'enrolment in .Ripley and recommend whether the students should be moved t Kincardine. The Kincardine plans also call for facilities for students from the south of flume County now , attending Winha Figh .8chool under an agreement with Jiuron County schl9o1