The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-31, Page 12FAMILY BUSINESS. • 1922 .FOR F.I.FTY.YEARS ON THE OCCASION OF THE 5 0 t h &, ‘(4 eviva AS A FAMILY BUSINESS THE TEESWATER CREAMERY LTD. Cordially Invites You to Our . Open House and Plant Tour JUNE 9th and 10th, 1972 SNACK-1ABLE7AND COFFEE OPEN 10:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. • 1 • NORFOLK AERIAL SPRAYING LTD John Tarr, President WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY WILL BE DOING AERIAL* SPRAYINi IN THIS AREA 4•11. ""••• THEY WILL. BE REPRESENTED BY FRANK SZEKELY WHO IS NOW BOOKING HE WILL BEGIN FLYING BY THE END OF THIS MONTH. FRANK MAY BE' .CONTACTED IN LUCKNOW 3 9 5 - 5 1 8 3 DAY TIME 5 2 8-3 5 3 3 EVENINGS AFTE R-1 01:M. ic=it<==mc==oi1C===otIC=;=xiCx?==pi , AERIAL SPRAYING DOESN'T COST - - IT PAYS 1111 /111NE 41111k VW M 411111i. IT 'PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR EXPANSION ANDEQUIPPING AT HOSPITAL PRIZES EARLY BIRD DRAW' 1 . --JULY 1, 1972-V00.00 2 - JUL Y •15, 1972-$200.00 PER .3 JUL—, r-29,-197•2-----$200700 - AUGUST 12, 1972-$20n 00 5'•;-, AUGUST A, -197J-1200'00v ,TICKET JACKPOT DRAW SEPT. 16,19/2 ist Prize - '2,000" --TirePrize - 'SOO" KINCARDINE DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND SWEEPSTAKE # 1 FOR TICKETS WRITE: BOX 2,000. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO PAGE TWELVE TINI!...t,UCKNOW .SENTINEL.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st 1972 0 I FieldDayHeldAt St. Josephs School AMBERLEY 1Hiram Collins were Mr. and Mrs. 1Paul Schmidt and girls of Sebring_-_-_. Congratulations are extended 'to yUie ' Mr. and. Mrs. Murray Thompson 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Steele and (Janette Lowry) who on Sunday be- grandchildren, Mr. Robert Steele: came the proud parents of .a baby Mrs. Art Wagner, and Mr. and girl •- a sister for Kenneth and Mrs.. Ramly.Doyle , all of Detroit , Janeen. spent their. Decoratioh holiday Best wishes fora seed ek.end-at-their-Pont-C-la-rk-cot- ------'— t recovery go out to Reginald God- tag e. , frey , who is a patient in Kincar- . dine General Hospital. —Mr. and-Mrs7,-tetil-Huirip Baptismal services were held and Mark were "dinner guests. in Kincardine Anglican Church with Mr. and Mrs.' ,Leonard Courtney on Sunday at the lake. on Sunday. Mr. and . Mrs. Bill Godfrey attended •with their infant son, Jerry, receiving baptism. Acting as godmother was Miss Gertrude Lee Walden and as god- father Leroy Godfrey. Lester Ferguson conducted the Church Services at Pine Rivers United- Church on Sunday in the absence of Rev. ,Mr. Hill, who is attending Conference. Larry Ir- win of Ripley was guest soloist singing "Let. There be Peace". Mrs. Lynn Lowry and Mrs. Ernie Gibson were at the organ and piano; KINGSBRIDGE NEWS St. Joseph's School Field bay was held on Thursday of last week. Thee events were short dash, long dash, long distance, long jump, triple jump, high jump, softball I throw. In each division, these were 'first , second and third place winners picked. for each event. As it would be too lengthy to men, don all these winners, the champs -for each division are as follows: Jr, girls „,Donna Drennan.,_ _runners up, Phyllis Hickey, Leola Chis7 holm; Jr. Boys, Peter Van Dyke, ,runners-up, John O'Keefe , Peter Hendricks; Intermediate girls, Donna Frayne, and Anita Doherty, runner-up, Ann Drennan; Inter- mediate boys, Tom O'Keefe, runners-up, Harry Van Diepen- beek, Frank Van Aaken; !Senior girls, Nellie Knoop, runners-up, Virginia ChiSholm, Mary Ann Miltenburg; Senior -boys John-era wford-,--runners-up-,- Eddie Sinnett , Bernie Van' Osch. In the open events, Girl's shot put, Nellie Knoop„ Virginia Chis- holm; Mary Ellen Foran; Boy's shot put, Terry.Austin,, Darryl Wisner, John Crawford, and Bernie a nOlerctia). I would like to correct an error made in the write up of the Public speaking in last week's edition; in grade five speeches, second place should have been Joanne Van Osch, not Joan Tigert. Sorry girls.!..._ ______, ,.7. _____ - - ENTERTAIN AT HURONVIEW On. Wednesday, May 24, the Ki ridge G. W. L--were-L in--- charge of -the May birthday party held at HurOnview, Clinton., Members of the League who went were, Mrs. Joe Courtney, Mrs. Clarence Doherty, Mrs. Gerry Vogt, Mrs. Walter Clare, Mrs. Eugene Frayne, Mrs. Cliff Austin, Mrs. Jack Van Oadh and Mrs. An- tone Van Osch. Nine 'school girls also went along to entertain. Mrs. Walter Clare was chairlady and with' Marianne Frayne Ax the piano the girls,sang several popular numbers: -Many toes were tapping as Shiela Sinnett preiented a SCottish dance, Mary Luanne Clare 'and -Marianne Frayne gave , their prize winning school speech es, then the ladies ana joined in. singing Happy Birthday the twenty residents, who celebrate their birthdays in May and each of these ladies or gents' were presented with a little gift. , A light lunch of,cup cakes and tea was served to approximately' 120 residents. Former area resid- ents, who joined'in the party. and -with whom the- ladies had a little visit were, Norman O'Connor-, Morgan Dalton and- Leo. Moerbeek 40th ANNIVERSARY On Saturday , May 20th, Rev. Father Michael Dalton celebrated his 40th -anniversary in the Priesthood at Marian Villa Court- land , .Ontario; where he resides. Father Dalton spent` his boyhood in Kingsbridge. He is how retired :Sincere s rnpathy is .extended to Mr ! and Mrs. John Murrarand family in the sudden death of their son, David John. Fred Gilchrist has been a pat•L ient'in Wingham and Pistrict Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Many from South Kinloss attend, ed the Anniversary Services in Ripley on Sunda evening when Rev. J. L. Burgess of Ottawa, a fortner minister, was guest speak- Denver . Dickie spent last week in Milwaukee. Wisconsin in work for Dominion' Road Machin- ery Company. RETURN FROM PUERTO RICO Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham ,aturd- from Vero. Beach, Florida. They had flown back to Florida "roil] ,Puerto Rico a few weeks a`go. Mr. and Mrs,. Ira. Pickle attend- ed the Convocation at 'CtieIph UniVersity on Thursday where Douglas received.his Master of Science degree. ' • There will be .co'nlinuiiion Set- KINLOSS sT0f1 On N van corn' s, hi ent 31 An ble pro lice nty s, na e stun theii Can; Besic ng dent ffice m. UNIT The tes fC 1 Sch udent mpe ilea featt rtrt HS'! nts dsel Gui rter Re ourtr d,R Mr: and Mrs. Jim Mills and family of Weston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Art Smelt- zer. Sunday guests with Mr: and Mrs„ et 0 Conner of Toronto was un= vice at South Kinloss Presbyterian area. Another sister Mrs. Margar- attend. 'Church on Sunday, June 4 at able tor-attend Congratulations to Dan Frayne, 12.30 p, m, and Choir Rehearsals . for who graduated from the Agriculture are being held iirprearation. al College , University._oLGu_elph_,,- ---A414-ster-1-4uglies- Anniversary Services on June 11. on Saturday, May 27th. His pAr- ery last week. We hope he enta, Mr. and. Mrs. Gene Frayne makes a speedy recovery attended the graduation. ed to home' here. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank NlacKenzie and He ther visited on Thursday . Mrs. Mary Lambertus, who Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Marsman Lith Miss Isabelle MacInto'sh of spent the winter months with her daughter in Hamiltori,,,,has return and family of London were Sun- day visitors with Mr'. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton. , Mr. and Mrs. Artibrose Hartman . */ and family of 'Kitchener were QUEBEC VISIT . . Dake-attended_the_fieef rierd ..._ Ira , Douglas and William week end visitors with: Mil; Cliff Austin.........ML.:and-Mts-yrnOrld----- , doting The Week. Austin of Toronto were 'also callers Dispersal Sale held at the Bur- . day, June . adults left early Monday morning chased'. These .are a Special Quebec. They will return Satt.tr- loped„It_this centre h$ ejuitneex3crudr.sion to Victoriaville,i Charolais wash Correctional Centre on lenity of Guelph. wWaesdhnceosdwasya,nNalacy;a2v4es. wEie,rgleitpur. -Hereford cross devel. the Univ - Twenty three students and ten - ut wi .e assisting in Ingersoll this summer. Members of his family who.attended the,Anniver- sary were , Mrs. Josie Cleary of Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Dalton of Windsor, Miss Antoin ette Dalton of Detroit , Sister Maureen of London, Ray Dalton, Terry Dalton, Mr. and -f thfs I o. • Hamilton and -also spent some timeat McMaster University. -Brian Keith was host to a Grade XIII class:Party at the home of his parents*, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith on-Saturday evening.