The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-31, Page 9DRIVEN THEATRE CLINTON - ONTARIO , BOX OFFICE OPENS AT S:00 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK June 2.3-4 - DOUBLE FEATURE - EVEL KNIEVEL (ADULT'ENTERTAINMENT) 'Naga Hamilton The true story of the fantastic motor- . cycle stunt rider who is really the "last of the dare-devils" Calor W.••••••••••• COMMANDOES (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) —bsVenClal J. kaNy — Color rris, age 23, Wingham , lost control of his car May lb when it struck loose grav- el while travellingrOn the 6t1-1: concession of Culross Township, causing the car to roll several times throwing the occupants, out. of thesx„Ra,y_mond Harris was , admitted to' hospital with abra- sions and lacerations to right shou-Ider-;;a-r-rn-, -leg and-internal: injuries. Mitchell Braun, age , Wingham , son of Mr. and Mrs. William Braun, received multi lacerations to his fate"and scalp, and right shoulder. Peter Braun, age. 15 , Wingham, received abraiions and contusions' to his • •—' of Essex , husband of the former Ruby Pentland of.Dungannon, Others who attended from this and area were'two nephews, Ron Jacg Pentland , sons of the late Mr. Herb Pentland. anUT611101 nie.1 Fri.2 Sat. ASPLEAIIEFEAPINI4! 1:1 :111' t thy ANIPJF CP •••`1,:"..P.O., Sun.4 Mon.5 Tui. ifilevefige • Asa JOAN COLLINS .JAMES BOOTH Rbvenge, and t • James Gamer . siliK.,_ )' ' _Sirilli--- CHARLTON HESTON THE OMEGA 'alt) Lou Gossett: Susan Clark - - -- MAN - - — BoxiaSwils ENrardAsrier PalrewIlw NIA VARNER BROS A KINNEY LEISURE SERVICE , a«: r'•;•*".'''' r-'7:4'1'7"""'"` hr' 4. P•o"' — WILT 1.111111TAIISKIT Next BILLY JACK CHISUM injuries to her right 'foot when she' caught it in the wheel ofa• tractor May 20. • Theresa deBruyn„ age 22.4 R. R. 5 Luc_know ., . received injury to her- left foot ,when she -Stepped on a nail whilecutting grass at'her home. ' . - • Brian Reid, age'12,: Wingham,. son of Mr. and Mrs, Scott Reid; . received, injuries to his left hand -came .bly-PojearEhrWsili •by the lawn mower at his home. Mrs. Graham (Joanne) Sholdice„ Walton-, fell off a horse. dUring rode() race at Teeswater , causing .injury to her left.leg, righrarm,, and ribs.. She was..brought into hospitalT,by-Tee-sw,ater7Emergeric y Fire Department. • BUY RESTAURANT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The change in ownership be- comes effective June lg., The restaurant will be closed, that day and. Will re-open Priday. with spec- ial favours for customers during the Friday and Saturday opening, ---Y.i).tchAtalLbe,foun.lsewh this issue in an advertisernent. Mrs. Frances Keil"will end 21 years in the restaurant business in Lucknow during which time she trained,and graduated as 'a registered nurse. Since her marriage, to George Keil of Gor- treTwirs. Keil harcontinued to Operate the Lucknow business, commuting to work. ii• ••• or• •••• ••• , Srt CSIO•a• P4serus GEO It g HAmILTO.N k- SUE LYON • agrAwo,DRIVE.IN THEATRE HWY. B GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524 99 541 Boiler Beach May 31 June: 1-2-3 . • ' - - • • —;;;:r- 1-07, _4 Ano- Tafrr9 er•-•=. • -. • ,._ . the last of the daredevils! Also starring ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Color Sun. Mon. Tueso June 4.56 / A, re re .1 ..... „or V • 4 THE TODD LUNGS tECHNiCapir • PANAVICAIN' NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES PRESENTS A FILM WRITTEN DIAECATEDD DARIO ARGENT° Technicolort Techn 'scope* Arkronterwserr ti thinning. Our next meeting. will probably be July 20. Vitamin Diggers Ra pm:a, Now NOTE: VHE FRENCH , CONNECTION" and "MOVE" previously advaiiisad for --Juno-1-13--wilt—NUT !HI showing until A ugust 10.15. OPENING EVERY. NIGHT INCLUDING SUNDAYS THURS. FRI. SAT. June 8;9-10 -, DOUBLE FEATURE - THE ANDERSON TAPES (ADULT' ENTERTA INMENT) Seen _Connery Dyan Cannon Martin: Balsarn Color YOU CAN'T WIN 'EM ALL (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Tony Colts - Chailas Ironton Color Cartoon SUN. ,.MON. TUES. June 11,1243 -; DOUBLE FEATURE -- DOCTORS' 'wives AtiAtiTTANCI M,pH. .Cl hi 6", 0n May 25, at the. Lucknow public School, the Vitamin Dig- gers held their third meeting. We opened with the 4-H Pledge. The roll call,. which was to, tell onevegetable in their gard- en which required thinning , was answered by each girl. We discussed: how to stake Graduates At Wingham-.Hospital Mother Mrs. Mary Bere and Mrs. Lorne Iyers was co-host- / ess to a lovely shower for Miss Judith Million of Stratford, held at Win • ham at th _borne of Mrc Harold 'Congram'on Saturday evening. Friends and relatives from here welcomed the oppor- tunity to:honour Judith 'and also to I renew former acquaintances. EUROPEAN. HOLIDAY. Mr_Robt..._atathers,acrarnpa .ied bY het sister. , Mrs. J. , W, Mac Leod of Kincardine, returned on Sunday Mai 28 , fron-i-a72-3 da y holiday in Londbn, England and in, several countries on the contin- ent: Belgium Germany,, Austria , five drays in Italy from Rome.to • :Capri, France with two'days in Paris, then back to London, Eng 'land, and from Heathrow airport, London,' to Malton International , head and laceratiOns to both airport, then to Preston and knees. Paul Braun, age 15, Wing- ham received multi-abra.Sions to his back, chest and arms. ,The accident was investigated by Walk etton 0.P.P. Ken LaPointe. • perry.,Rammeloo, age 6, Blyth, ,son of Mr.. and Mrs.- Pierre- Ranimeloo ,, was lighting a fire- 'Cracker Ma -, 17 'When it ex•loded - in, his face. The child received serious burns to his eyes , face , ears and, neck. •He was given emergency treatment at Wing- ham Hospital and transferred via ambulance to Victoria Hospital, London. Robert 'Brandon,, Teeswater, was struck in the e eye by a ase . e receiv ed a fracture over. the eye and damage to the eye. He received emergency-treatmen(and was,- transferred to Victoria Hospital,, Abe. Penner, R. R. 2, 'TeesWat- London. • cr,,lacera-ed-lrtrrigh!-first finger Syly4a VancierHo at home on May 24: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bien John. Meurs, R. R. 4 Wingham , VanderHock, Kincardine caught age , son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter her right first finger in the door s • Mews, received a fractured left" of a school bus, amputating the second 'finger -when-he dropped end of the finger. bag of Cylinders on his hand. 4 - John Kramer, Guelph, rec-ei'ii- ed a 'partial amputation of his Terry Rintoul, age 6 , Wingharn right second finger when he son of Mr.-and Mrs. Paul Rintoul, caught' his hand in a lawn 'mower fell off i v _ at Silver Lake cottage.. first and second degree-burns to WEIDNESPAY, MAY 31st, 1912 SPRING FASHION SHOW coming to. F. E. MA ILL SECONDARY SCHOOL .00 THURSDAY JUNE 1st at 8:15 p.m. Admission 25c EVERYONE WELCOME! • THE l,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LIOCKNOIN, ONTARIO ways and walks.' Mrs. Walden showed us hoW to Sault Ste. Marie enjoyed the admitted to hospital with 1st , itiiisplanrandsheitold- us- about ---week-end visithereith his 2nd, and-3id-degree burns suffered when the furnace blew up at `his home. He received • burns to both arms, right foot and ankle., face, neck and 'both eyes. while swimming in the Maitland Michael A. Fischer-, R. R.-1, Form9sa, escaped serious injury May 25 when he crawled under a tractor- to release the loader , which released .suddenly coming down onhis back; causing abla- sions 'to that area. Anne Graham ; R. R. 5 , Luck- now , cut her toe on the lawn tomatoes, weed control, insect they visited another cousin, Miss mower while cutting grass at and disease*contrOl, lawns, drive- Rena Stevenson, Hensall. home. Mr. and. Mrs. John Bere of Kenneth Walker, Brussels, was DUNGANNON NEWS congratulatiOns to Marsha Hodges who was one of the R.N. A graduation class at Wingham Hos- pital on Friday. She received a' special award for bedside nursing. Debbie. Hodges completed her 2nd year at Fanshawe College and now goes io St. Joseph's Hos- pital again. An unfortunate mishap occurred recently when Doug Kerr was training his horse at Dungannon race track and the animal dropped dead. Mr% and Mrs. Victor Errington visited in London this week end with Mr..and Mrs. Wesley Alton, in honour of three of their birth- days. When returning on Sunday the Maitland River and received: in the barn. CISCO PIKE a deep faceration to her left foot/, Robert MacDonald, R. R. 2 Color AwitTANce John Monger, R.12. 2,'Wing- . Cartoon Oen* Hackman ham, received:a lacerated mouth Reis Kristofferton while playing sOcCer. . Joanne Anger', age 13 , Wing- ham , stepped on a sharp object Dyan Carmen harp . daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. rla thu-r-I-Itrlitrard nor when she Coles sharp object' while swimming in stepped into a, pail of hot water home. Helen says it is fantastic to see 'so much in three weeks about which you have read in a life -time . Laverne, and Frank Pentland accompanied by Benson Pentland of London attended the funeral service of a cousin in Essex on Sates-d-a-F—Ht---w-a-s-Gtorge-S-a-1 . Julie Stamper, age 3 , R. R. 1, ed a compound fracture to his right arm. . Bluevale ,. daughter of Mr. arid , Mrs. 'Wendall Stamper , received Cheryl Hubbard, age 9 , Wing- req . npnes • At Hospital a t ee t er -tott er an r ace • Wingham, was admitted to hos- Pital with' a dislocated left should er 'dim- a fall into a' deep ditch at Kingscioni -liall., Wingham. Mrs. Mildred' Purdon, R. R. 3, Wingham , received painful • a r/ / METROCOLOR ADVITDITERTAMMENT PLUS Leo Von Clear - is back in blazing ACTION va t•