The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-31, Page 1SUSAN ANDREW DONALD ANDREW 131 0,00 A Yoar In Advoneo —$2.00 Extra To U,S.A. HUSBAND AND WIFE GRADUATE WITH, SIMILAR DEGREES FRIDAY Oc• 1. 400 Ae 60. ZZZZZ 4" .0' BROTHER AND S1517K RECEIVE DEGREES Mr. and•Mrs. Donald Andrew graduated with degrees of Bachel- otof Science in Agriculture at the convocatiortotrire-University- of Guelph on Friday , May 26. Both majored in animal science. The ceremony was held at War Memorial Hall. ' Donald is the son of Mr. and' Mrs. Alex Andrew of Lucknow. Mrs. Andrew is the former Susan Cleland, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Brock Cleland of Lucknow. Attendi-ngthe-graduation wer Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andrew , Dr. and Mrs. Brock Cleland and Cheryl Draper of Burlington. Seventy-two classmates enjoy- edihe ,week end together at Elgin House in Muskoka. lc I le on Lloyd is the son of Mr. and Mrs- Alex Whytock of Teeswater and Mrs. Whytock, the former Roberta rielm, 'is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob-Helm-of -Ash field Both Lloyd and Roberta will be .actively involved in the restaur- ant business-. CONTINUED ON' PAGE 6 Lucknow Engages Dog Catcher Lucknow Village Council. has made arrangements With Dick Eisler 'of Goderich' to serve the community as dog catcher. Several other municipalities are also negotiating such a ser7 vice. • . . An-adv-e-rt-isement indicates that effective pn Wed- nesday, June 7th, any dogs run- ning at large will be 'considered as strays and will be dealt with mder.the local dog bylaw. WEDNESDAY,. MAY 310,1972 Single Copy. 15c 20' Pages he I re' the Carol Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Canipbell of Lucknow, is spending the summer working in Copenhagen , Den- • mark,. She has completed her first year in Fashion Careers at Humb- er College and through a student exchange arranged by. the school .and the' Manpower centres, is spending the summer 'working at the Hotel Angleterre in Denmark. Carol flew from T9ronto on Ma 19th and ward receitest_by her parents indicates. that she is enjoying her work and life in • , Denmark.' She has already made a ferry trip to Sweden. Her friend Barb Lillow of Blue- vale is alsO in Denmark and is employed about ten miles from Carol. Spending Summer In Denmark The future role of Ripley Dist- rict High School will be studied by a special committee of Bruce County Board of Education. John L. Bowers, director of ed- ucation, asked the board to -appoiria-special-committee study the school's role in light of restructure' boundaries with. Hut- On .County Board of Education, now being negotiated, and plans for an addition at Kincardine Dist- rict High School:. Ripley is the smallest second- ary school in Bruce County with 110 'students. More than 500 Bruce County students attend secondary school in Wingham with, the Bruce Board paying tuitiOn fees for these stu- dents to Huron Board of Education The high school boundaries, established before, the coming of regional boards of edu6ation; CONTINUED ON' PAGE .20 Board Studying . Future Role. Of Lynn Campbell Is Riple_y_Ifigh School To Student In Graduating Class KATHY DOHERTY SAVES CHILD FROM DROWNING pulled down again for the second' .time and his sister was unable to find him: She called for help to 'other swirritners-on tne •beach. a — Kathy Doherty, fifteen-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Frank Doherty , Port Albert , quick- ly dived into the water and unex pectedly landed right on Tony and brought him to shore in an un- conscious condition. Tony was given artificial respiration and first aid at the scene and has AMBERLEY NEWS. Graduation. ceremonies are. being'.held this week in London for a class of young people who ate graduating in the field of Law Sincerest con.ratulatioris out to Lynn Campbell, Wha -not. only. graduates •as the top student . in his class of one hundred and eighteen members .„, but ,also is'a • Gold 'Medal Winner. To be. the recipient. of such' an honour , Lynn had. to topliis_olass__ and alsO be an all-round student,' ••rnaking Many.cOntributions to. Ifis Class and 'the University. This.f011oWing year Lynn will be taking post-graduate studies ita. 'England.. He is the. son .of and Mrs. Chester Campbell 'of London and foritierly of thiS. area and the .Amberley community says " "Well done". • • • • BEV, G. CURRAN Beverly Gordon Curran , B. K. son of 'Mr, and Mrs. James H. CONTINUED ON PAGE. 2 CORINNE M. MacDONALD A. MUS. MUS.BAC. Douglas Point. Corinne graduated from the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Music with an Honours Educa.-, tion with an Organ Major. She also has her Associate of Music in 'Piano (Solo Performers.). Corinne plans to attend Althouse C011ege of Education in London in Sept- ember , taking the Elementary Option. John Henderson . Receives Award Woid was received by John _ Henderson of Lucknow that he has been chosen by the adjudicator of the•Grey County Kiwanis Festival of Music , •to receive a' scholarship in the amount of $50 to further his musical education. The scholar- ship was donated by CKNX 'Radio and Television' in Wingham. John received the recognition for his performance as a pianist CONTINUED .ON PAGE 18 Bob Greer of '.Lucknow carded, the low gross.score ,to win the Vic- toria Day 18-hole men's golf competition at Wingham Golf Course, the first of a series, of tournaments planned for ,the Wingham Club. -Bob-is -the-sorrof-Mr4-and DANIEL FRAYNE Daniel Frayne „ OR of Mr. and 'Mrs. Eugene Frayne of King-S-. 'bridge., graduated on Friday May 26 from-the University of . Guelph. and received a Bachelor of Science in. Agriculture , major- ing in Crop Science. The convocation was held at War Memorial Hall. Danny is presently employed by The_Ontario Department_oL Conservation in the Kincardine Grand Bend area.: Lloyd Whytocks Buy Log Cabin Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock purchased the Log Cabin Restaur- ant business in Lucknow from Mrs. George (Frances.) Keil of Gorrie.' Mrs. Whytock has been employ ad at the Log Cabin for the past year. - Mr. and Mrs. Whytock and their four children 'Jim 14, Janet -137---Donna-lfrand-Darreneill continue .to reside at their farm on the 10th of East• Wawanosh, about three miles south of White- church. 20 the 54 re- KINGSBRIDGE NEWS Tony Knoop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Knoof Sr, ,._ who reside on Highway 21 and who is a grade five student at St. Joseph's • School, Kingsbridge, was.a near drowning victim on'Sunday after- noon at POrt Albert. Apparently Tony and one of his sisters were in swimming and were pulled down under by a swift under current. ,Both managed to • come up, but then Tony was recovered fully: GOLD MEDAL . WINNER, GRADUATES IN LAW Guelph Graduate --Top Golfer COMME RCE .GRAD Clarence Greer. uslifire Is rea Point Clark Area AMBERLEY. NEWS The Ripley Fire Department, answered a fire call on Sunday afternoon to' POint Clark, when a fire on a rvacant lot threatened to get out of Control. Flames were licking up the sides of the dry trees and with the underbrush on fire too , great con- cernw_ as_ea_us_ed for a while. With many at the lake , local men were goon on the scene with shovels,and chain saw and ke,pt the fire confined until the arrival of the fire truck. The lack of rain has made bat areas a real fire threat, in the past few days. • He completes' his-fourth-year Carol Campbell 'Courtney and Corinne MacDon- ald, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. 4.4acDonald of Rip- le 'were recent University grad- uatescompleting four year Hon- our courses. COurtney graduated from the University .of Waterloo Faculty of Science with a Bachelor of Science degree (Honours Biology). He is -employed for the summer at