The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-24, Page 13THE VOCKNOW .SENTINEk., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Somethin xtra tev, ered 0 ;bury itior The Lord Simcoe has something extra for you. It's'a 2 night 1ght. special fo_r_t_wo_at a (lost of only Speci -• al ' $58.90. It includes deluxe accommodation for two nights, dinner in the famous at T oronto s apt= s Table com- plete with a bottle of champagne, breakfast each morning in yourroom and a sightseeing tout of Toronto's many exciting attractions all for only $58.90, subject to advance regisirat ion. You 'get something' else that's special at the Lord Simcoe — it's friendly hospitality you will enjoy throUghont yOur stay with us. Ste Your travel agent or contact‘us at 150 King Street West, Toronto. Telephone: 3627 1848. • t and of Mississauga; Ken Srnith and Chuck Laister' of TillsonburgL Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Irwin and . --fa—nrily-oiSarnia. Sunday dinner guests included Mr. and Mrs': Bill Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kempton and family and Mr. NelSon Williamson and Mrs: Barny Williamson. Mrs. George Messenger, ,Linda:.and_Jane, Spent the holiday Week end at MuskOka with Barbara's parents, Mr. and:Mrs. Mapes. Miss Gail Messenger is' employed _for 'the week_ends_and-holiday months at the Lighthouse Variety Store. , Carl Lowry and Lynn Ferguson of Toronto visited with, their par- ents here on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell •Lynn and David and Mr. and Mrs. Ewyn, Carnpb-ell, all of London spent .the week end'at their home here. • WEDNESDAY? 24th, 1972' PAO* 'THIIRT1111111 ' For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on Three Couples* Honoured On Their 25th Anniversary Kairshea Honour , • 'The Grandmpthers. The Kinloss Kairshea Institute met at the Institute Hall Thursday afternoon, May 18, Mrs. Dick McQuillin as -hostess. The preSident, Mrs. BOb•Gilchrist was in charge. The scripture was read by Mrs. Annie Maclntyre. A thank you note was read from Mrs, Welsh who his moved to Tara. Members were'remindecl of Achievenient Day June 3rd in. Lucknow. Also theladies were asked and decided to cater for a 50th wedding anniversary in the community. A reminder was' also, given of the 75th anniversary of the founding of, the Women's Insti cute - a district picnic is to be held June 13th, 6,30 p m.. at , ‘. Silver lake to commemorate this occasion. The regular June meet •- ing at the InstituteHall will be June 22nd at 1 p.m. with a lunch-, eon meal. There will be a Sun- shine Sister gift exchange. The Youth and Recreational ComMittee-rheaded-by-Ken-Rotrl ston and Rick Pritchard , were present. They told and explained their work. They want ideas and • Pat 011agato, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years WALKERTON PHONE U14234 help from thecornmunity in getting a recreational programme going.: Mrs. Bob Gilchrist gave a report, on Officers Conference held i.n Guelph 'which -she 'a trend - ed. The roll call was well re- sponded to " Bring and antique and tell something about it". • Mrs. Clarence, Ritchie chaired the meeting for the programme which followed, "Ten Command- ments from.T.V. and contest • guessing antiques".. As this was the Grandmother's meeting, each grandmother had a corsage pres- ented to them as they entered the 'meeting. A contest for the oldest Grandmother was won by Mrs. Annie MacIntyre; youngest grandchild, Mrs. Farish Moffat; most grandchildren,. Mrs. W. J. youngest grandmother , Mrs. Cliff Rouiston. A' reading -wa=s-giverr-by-Mrs; Annie MacIn- tyre "Blessed are yhey". Mrs. Dickie gave a ref.ort on the District Annual. • /N;t1rs. Annie Maclntyre gave the courtesy remarks. 0 Canada and • 'Grace were sung and lunch serv- ..edAy...the,hostessM.rs_D_Mc.,-__ Quillin and directors, Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie and Mrs. An"nie AMBERLEY NS It is the Merry Month of. May and in this Community it is the time of weddings and wedding anniversaries, LEONARD COURTNEYS Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Courtney celebrated 'their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on May the seventeenth and were honoured by their-neighbours. on the -- -- Second: Everyone gathered in. the Amberley hall on Monday . evening of last week. Cards were played with prize winners being Mrs. Gerry McLeocland Gary ,Courtney. Leonard and Muriel were called to the front and while Donald Courtney read the' address, Melville Henry present.L ed a large picture on behalf of all present. Leonard' made a fitting, reply and the ladies served a, 'delicious lunch. REV. AND MRS. JOHN HILL Rev. John Hill and Mrs. .Hill are also celebrating their twenty- fifth wedding Anniversary this month and were honoured at a -surprise preselitation-jollowing Sunday morning Church Sdvices at Pine River United•Church. A lovely luncheon was prepared and served by theladies.'' Leonard Courtney, 'Clerk of Session,. read the address and Eldon Bradley and John McDonald RrAlent,eLtke,„,gifts_ on behalf of the congregation.' A lovely lace tablecloth, a three- tier anniversary-en -e--- and also a chrorne platter were presented/. Mr'. Hill thanked everyone for ,the gifts and the "unexpected celebration". JOHN C. MacDONALDS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Courtney held a dinner at their home on Sunday to honour Mr. and:Mrs. John C. McDonald (Mary Coda- ney), who are twenty-five years married on the twentyrfourth of May. Present for •the occasion were Courtney and COnne Mc- Donald , Miss Susan Farrell, Miss Florence 'McDonald., Mrs. Clara Courtney , Miss Carol Courtney • and. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Courtney and chtldren._An-ernio- was spent together with gifts,, being presented to Jack and Mary and also, to their family, Courtney ,and. Corinne, who were presenfed with GraduatiOn gifts; having graduated this year frorn their respective Universities. CongratulatiOns are extended to andAirs_. Charles Liddle HURON 'BRUCE. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE (PROVINCIAL) - • ANNUAL .MEETINQ .Wingjoin. Cooncil ;hatbers TOesfiay, May., 30th Annual Meeting Business and Election 'of Officers • am ***us• mm.i' mamiik-4(' IL . I . • BANK FINANCE RATES e.g. 36 months at 11.78% on new and •. used models .,, USED CAR SPECIALS '--1972 Cheirolet Impala 'door hardtops, .4 . fully equipped --.1971 . Chevrolets, Pontiacs, models such as' Tempests, Le Mitns, ,Fords, Mustangs, and Valiants 1970's in Chevs,. Pontiacs — various models, • Plymouths, Fords and Valiants 6 Chevs, Pontiacs and• Fords ,1969 20 --1-965=1-968-Models - — - — - - - 1970-FORD Custom, 500 stationwagon 1969 FORD Country Squire 9 passenger stationwagon 1968 FORD CuStom 500, 9 passenger stationwagon ' . . . . us END TRucxs' ,. , 2 — 1970 .G.M.C. 1 tons, 12 ft. stake body, dual wheels, 350. engine 1970 FORD lh ton pickup, 6 cylinder, standard transmission i969 FORD Y2 ton • 2 L- 1969 G.M.C. WO cab and chassi '1969 CHEV ,3/4 ton pickup 1968 FORD F500 with stake body . 1968 G.M.C.' 950, 16 ft. stikg . . . 1968 G.M.C. 1 ton pickup, V8 • • Brussels. Motors . BP Service Station — Phonit 81174123 wa 1 led who were married 'on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Len Elines spent the hOliday Week-end in Windsor: On Saturday they attended Grad- uation exercises for their sister- in-law , Mrs. Larry Rillet , who received her B.A. Congratulations ate extended' to,Miss Margaret Anne Courtney who was chosen Queen at Ripley District High School Spring Prom held on Friday evening. Best wishes are sent out for a speedy• recovery to Mrs. Duncan Thorhurn of Amberley and mfrs. Wilfred Janisse. Both ladi=es are , patients in London's St. 'Joseph's Hospital, following surgery. Mr. and Mrs: Allan McDougall 'and.family visited on. Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smelt- zer. Mrs. Joe Mazur (Iva Smeltzer) of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smeltzer. Visitors on the week-end with Mr. and Mts. BOb COurtney and family were Torn and Moe Leon-