The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-24, Page 12• WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th, 1972 HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWELVE a NO SERVICE at Huron Men's Chapel Sunday, May 28, June 4 Plan to attend the Dungannon UCW The rungarinQtr United Church Women entertained the grand- mothers at their regular meeting held. May'16th at 8.15 in the church basement. Mrs. Ivan. Riven opened the meeting-Wish a reading entitled "How To Grow Old Gracefully". .The devotional on "Prayer" continued with Mrs. Laverne Pentland reading Bible passages from Luke followed by :prayer by . Mrs. Riven. Mrs. C. McClenaghan gave a reading entitled "My Get Up and Go ;--Has *Got Up- and-Went" . - - Mrs., I. Rivett introduced Mrs. Laverne Pentland,' who gave a very colourful and informative talk on• their trip to Mexico and Texas. The grandmothers brought baby pictures of themselves and a "Guess Who" contest followed. Winners of this contest were Mrs. Gordon Smyth, and Mrs. Gordon Congrarn. Mrs., M. Reed-received a gift for being the oldest grandmother. present. Mrs. L. Pentland read a poem on "Grandma's and Grand- pa's". Business part of 'our meeting followed with the roll call, cor - ,respondeoe,,and-t,reasiirer's report.' 'We are invited to Mrs. Gordon Finnigan's home in God- erich for our June meeting.. Lunch hostesseS were Mrs. G,. McNee , Mrs. J. Errington, Mrs. M. Reed and Mrs. R. Henry. A plant or bulb exchange concluded an erfjoyable Chalmers Church Held Anniversary' . WHITECHURCH NEWS Anniversary Services were held 'Sunday May 21•at 11 a.m. at Chalmers Presbyterian Church, decorated_ with beautiftil , bouquets of cut flowers and pots of colorful mums. Guest minister was Rev. G.L. Royal. Director of music for the morning service was Mrs. Jean Ross. The choir sang The Last Mile of the Race and Glory to His . Name. The quartette of Irene De Boer, Alma Conn, Jane Laidlaw and Kathy Gibson sang Beside Blue Galilee.. The sermon was To be or Not To Be, by Rev. Royal stressing that minds have to be made up to determine whether they wish to be Christians or not to be. It is everthe same in all walks of life to be or not to be. In, the• evening at 8 p.m. the trector The congregations Of Chippawa Hill and French River were. well represented with many friends from all over Bruce Presbytery. The crowd entered the sanctuary to -organ music rendered by an Anglican Church, lady who 'said:, zit_doesp matzos Oar rhurft beautifully redecorated church. One of the 1972 Highlights in Bruce Presbytery took place in Saugeen Centenary Church, Chip- pawa y Stotesbury was inducted into this enthusiastic congregation and you belong to as long as Be lieve and Love our Neighbours...1 • Conn. The choir gave the mess- age Near The Cross and Moment by Moment. A male, chorus 'of Wesley Tiffin,"Paul Laidlaw. Paul Elliott , Jim de Boer , Cecil de Boer, Murray Simpson, Wall- _ace _Conn and Lorne Forster san Deeper Deeper. Rev. G.L. Royal's Message was . Gift of Life. He referred in opening to the young life killed on • Highway 21 during the after- noon. Due to the accident his lif'e had not been spent through the afternoon as he had planned. The Gift of Life comes in many forms in nature, animal and all life. In' the lives of people Jesus is the - Mediator because of the Resurrect. ion and as a result people are in Church today. If we but ask, Jesus will be-with •us always where ever we are. ANGLICAN CHURCH' LUCKNOW: AREA PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector . LUCKNOW -UN ITED.----CHURC Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Mfnister MAY 28th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Guest Speaker At.-G—Nicho Form Foster Parent Association: . Wright, Chief Mason; Mr. Lavernf Indian Affairs; keV. Mel Boyd, Supt. of }Rime Missions; Rev: Walter King, Cape Croker for a few words'.' Rev; Wright in- formed those in attendance that in looking through BruCe Presby - tery history , Chippawa Hill and French_River churches were two Of the first Churches built in Bruce Presbytery in 1831. Evening Auxiliary The May meeting of, the Luck- now Presbyterian Evening Auxil- iary was held on May the 16th •at• 8 p.m,. in the Fellowship ROPM of the Church Basement with 17 ladies present.' Mrs. Lloyd Moffat , the Presid- ent , in charge ,, opened the meet- ing with a reading entitled "Giving". The Hymn was "Give Thanks to . God".• Mrs:James-Aitchison presented_ the Scripture and medi-, tation. The W.M.S. Purpose was re - peated by all and the roll,cail answered. :Business and corres- pondencelvas discussed: The minutes of the last 'meeting were read by the. Secretary and approv , ed as read. The offering was received and the dime cards col- lected for the bale allocation. The topic "Independence in Africa" was most interestingly . presented by Mrs: Robert Gilchrist. A film strip, called "Sing the Glory of Africa" was used along with the topic to add much inter- est. Mrs. Isabel Mullen gave a rea • mg ca a ed -1-ientagel . The' June .meeting will be on the 15th , a picnic' supper at the cottage of Mrs. Jack MacDonald , with the children invited. In the • event of rain, it will be held in the church basement. - The closing hymn was "Breathe on Me , Breath of God" and then Mrs,Lloyd-Moffat.ledimprayer A lunch and social time follow-- ed. Carman Osborne , Hanover, led in call to worship with Vernon Roote one of the congregation reading the.scripture. His grand- mother , Mrs. Roote rendered a beautiful solo, "God still loves you and He 'answers prayer". Rev. Ftonayne of Southampton delivered the message. • Rev. John Hill of Pine River presented Rev. StOtesbury, who came from York Presbytery to Saugeen Pastoral charge. Rev. G. Wright of Mount' Forest presided. for the induCtion. Rev. Stotesbury was received into the congregatior. and 'Bruce Presbytery. Rev. Stotesbury Welcomed eve ryune-a-uthea-lied-en-Re • Following several organizational meetings, the foster parents of the Hnron County Children's Aid Soc ethave=formed-a-Fester-Parent__ Association, The executive of the Associa- tion are _as_ follows. President, Walter McClure, R. R. # 2., Sea- forth, Vice President, Gordon Blanchard, R. R.. # 4, Walton, Those wishing transportation to church Contact " Wm G. Hunter 528-2741 POINT TO PONDER Christ. Church, Port Albert 3 p.m. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister If we cannot do the good we would, we ought to do. the 'good we can. oftandwo..^.9••••^0":".^.......0%",0% "a".0aroaaram,"0%,.........."0"160%."••airaorawfa. LUCKNOW - CHRISTIAN REFORMED . CHURCH J. Wr-Van-Stempvoort- - Pattor We have a wide selection of styles of sandals for women, girls; men and boys. Sacvlais: 10:00 a.m. Strike 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME If it's a casual shoe you need see our selection Secretary, George Sikma , R. R. # 2,' Wroxeter, and Mrs. Russell Snider,'R.- R. # 2, Zurich, who will act in the dual capacity of Treasurer , and liaison With the Society's Board of Directors. Mrs. D. Scott, Nile, is the AsSociation representative to the South7west- ern Ontario Regional FosterParent meetings, and Mrs. Marian Hind- march of the Children's Aid Sac- iety staff will act a's staff liaison. The aims and purposes, of 'the Association, and a constitution -were iatified at. the March meet- ing of the Association held at Wesley-Willis United ChUrch ,- Clinton. Special guest at the Mardi meeting was Miss Shirley Norrnan of the County Board of Education, who presented a film, and answered enquiries concerning children with learning problems. ES Phone 528-2140 MAY 2sth 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship , MARHAN SH LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3111 John Woodhouse Crusade With Deverne Mullen & Romaine Plus the Watch .men Quartet,Choirs Wingharn May 20 to 2.7 F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham Each night at 8. P p.m. Goderich May 28 - June 4 Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich everyone welcome "Evil prevails when good men do nothin Mrs. James Humniel Spoke. On China TO.. U.C.W Group The Gener'al Meeting of the Lucknow United Church Women was held in the Fellowship' Room on May 16. President Mrs. George Newbold opened the meeting and then turned it over to the Christian Education committee convened by Mrs. Wm,. G. Hunter. Mrs. Hunter led In prayer and, Mrs. Jack Campbell read the scripture from Psalm 42 and Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. Mrs. Gordon Cayley gave a ,read- ing. Mrs. Herb Barger,then fav- oured the ladies with two delight. ful selections on her accordian. Mrs. Jack Campbell gave a read- ing entitled "The Bridge Builder". Mrs. Eldon Ritchie introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. James -Hummeh-w-hoas.born in China, Mrs. Hummel then talked to the ladies about some hurnourous experiences she had, while iii' China from 1945 to '1948 and told about the pictures, while'they were being shown. She closed with .a Prayer of St. 'Francis -troll -Peace. Mrs. Robert Finlay thanked the speakerlollowing which Mrs — Shepherd accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Graham sang "Lord Speak to me that I may'speak". Mrs. Hunter thanked all who helped •with the program and asked Rev. Nicholls to close with prayer. At Chippawa Hill It's Cool... It's a San FOR SUMMER