The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-24, Page 11day evening.. Several from this community attended the shower for Barbara MacTavish which was held in the Sunday' School Room of St. Andr- eivs United Church, Ripley on Monday evening, May 15th. Home with his parents for the holiday weekend was Bill Black of London. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and May were Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNairn and Karen of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Herb White of Parkhead , they also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted White. PARK GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 SLIN:MON.TUES. Farthers wonder why fertilizer manufactured in Canada is sold cheaper in U.S, than to Canad- ian farmers. Local 528 farmers are asking why a situation like this was allowed to develop. BEAT lr 5 Boiler . Beac --P.715:574 =re 47_, :a45 4.1%'f •!!!!!1.,' 1 '10 riatbahe THURS. FR. /SAT, MAY 25-26-27 EVERY TAMI.MCAULD MEET' A FREE-FLYING PRAIRIE% mice in his Meta, 6 • , • • "4...m annial. Anniversary Service at Knox Memorial United Church at Pinkerton on Sunday.' J.J. Hodston, Downsview, was a' Monday v is i tor-with his-parents--at Holyrood. PWS NBC tAntony413alchis SECRETS of S .1111ZAIRRE SUE BOND MARIA FROST CATHY HOWARD KENNETH BENDA • •ANTHONY ROWLANDS, .. SHOWS START AT I DUSK CARRY ON CRUISING #651174y0- AOKI ENTERTAINMENT DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RO 4 • PHONE 524 9981 CARRY ON AGAIN DOCTOR ' ORTENTERTAMMENT "Sunday Bloody Sunday" dendacksOn It-terIBrich MurrayHead PLUS "Where's Poppa?" COLOR by Det ure United Artists Tues. ovir Wed. 31 Love thyme neighbor: P'u>The Swappers • Plypeit COLOR THE ‘u.c.KNow SENTINEL, LucKN.Ows.iaNTARoo PAGE. ELEVEN. N.F.U. NEWS • . Al • anni.........0..a..............................mmummia, • An ABC Pictures Corp. Presentation • • • • • . • • • , . It "KOTCH" o *. ,. . , • • • • WALTER MATTHAU Thu. 25 Fri. 26 so. 27 • .... A • • : II " A "Kotch" Company Production • Color t 4sk. ,,., i I A Subsidiary of the American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. W a • • • THEATRE CLOSED • n 28 MAY -'25 JUNE. I Grace and Audrey were guests EIROVVNIE'S Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall KINLOSS DRIVE-IN THEATRE . CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPENS AT SAO P.M. • FIRST SNOW AT DUSK lit'1972 miser WEDNESDAY,. MAY 24th, ln. Hold Successful. Rummage dale OLIVET NEWS The Olivet unit of St. Andrews. U.C.W. Ripley had a very succ - essful rummage sale in Lucknow on Saturday and due to the gener- osity of so many people donating • articles they are going to hold it again in two weeks so be sure to watch for the adver- tisement in this week's paper. We are sorry to hear. that Mrs. Gerald Coiling had the misfort- ine to break a, bone -in -her-foot on Saturday. Mrs. Harry Coiling underwent surgery at Victoria Hospital, London last week. We wish her a speedy recovery. We are glad to hear that Walter Roulston is able to be home from Ki cardine Hospital. Biting for a few days last • week with Mr. and Mrs. David Rigg and Michel. Meade were °Rick RObson of. Kincardine and Mr. and /\4tks, Len Lottridge of Regina. Mr. and Mrs. David King of Goderich visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGuire and family on Sim- LOCAL 335 Local 523 of the National Farm- ers Union in Manitoba ran into a fertilizer cartel and encOunter- ed some strange pricing situations in its effort to bargain collective- ly for its members. The 'bargaining committee made several attempts to buy fer- tilizer locally, but found by cross ing the border into North Dakota, they could save $24. a ton, so, they ordered 300 tons. The, fertilizer ordered proved to be manufactured in MedicineFlat„ Alberta , shipped aria C.P.R. to Hansboro, North Dakota , the clos est point for the N.F.U. farmers. It was unloaded arid trucked -back into Canada , duty free. The fertilizer cartel learned of tRe deal and the American dealer • was visited by a representative of a Canadian supplier. The' dealer was told that his supply 'of fertil- izer •was in danger of being cut off if he sold to Canadian f4fTilers. The American dealer .was forCed to stop supplying the N.F.U. • farmers; only one carload out of the 300 ton had been received. Along the U.S. border., practically all the American deal- ers had the same warning. Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MacDougall.of Bay- field. Mr.. and Mrs. Ira pickle and . Denver ,'Douglas from. Guelph and Walter. from Toronto, spent' part of the holiday week-end at Hope Bay. Something 'unusual CLEANING, • • ite • • PAINTING. 1 • mminommumimmummompimmomfmie 10 out ough ig• at The Recreation Planning and Development Committee has been pusy this past week with initial plans for a number of activities for the• community. • On Wednesday the 17th, first registration was 'held 'fOr house league softball in Lucknow. About.. 14, youngsters, under the Manda tory age of 12, were signed: Any' boy or girl wishing to register•or requesting further information, -s-hodliks-to-p-at4h-e-Reereat-ion-€4-:- ity and anyone who wishes to hear more should get in touch with Don Johnstone or theitRecreation Office. ° Interest has also been shown for the initiation of a, fice, or phone 528-3428. It is' hoped that enough youngsters are interested so that 3 or'4 teams can be 'formed for Saturday morning competition: Progress is also being made for the beginning of a boxing club in the area.' A great.deal of enthus- showitkr ct'v I . - For this, time of year, the bay was filled with ice, so the breeze off the water was very cool and there were no black flies or mos7 quitoes. Nine members of Kairshea Women's Institute attended the District :Annual held in Teeswater on Tuesday. ° . Rennie Graham of Toronto_spent the week-end at the horne 'of Mr. ,and Mrs. Allan Graham and at his cottage near Kincardine. Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs. Douglas Graham , Mrs. W. F. MacDonald and Mrs. Ira' Dickie attended the- May meeting of Maitland • presbyterial Society-held in Bluevale on Wednesd,ay. Mrs. Evan:Keith prepared and gave, a very impressive In• Memoriam. The weather was perfect for the weddings on Saturday. Best wishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander. Thompson (8haryn Maw- bray) who were married in Luck- now Presbyterian Church and to -N11..firtilvilT7G-Ernd (Lynda Dawson) whose wedding took place in South Kinloss Pres-• byterian church. ,Betty Harnilton of Niagara Falls,, Eileen Burt of London andConnie MacKenzie of Toronto were at • their homes for the.holiday. St1011— and Waliac:e attended the Cent- FRI. - SAT. - SUN. May 26-27-28 — DOUBLE FEATURE — LE MANS ,Steve McQueen - Ego Andersen Color SUDDEN TERROR Mark Lester --_-_11ortel Jeffries Color Cartoon FRI. - SAT. -' SUN. June 2-3-4 — DOUBLE FEATURE — EV,EL KNIEVEL . (ADULT '.ENTERTAINMENT) George Hamilton The 'true .story of the .fantastic motor- cycle stunt rider who, is really 'the "last of the dare-devils" • Color • COMMANDOES (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Lee Van Cleef Jock KeNy MAY 28-29-30 Cyr saitzsz I t Sun! Mon. raw EVERYMAN SHOULD MEET ,—A.111EfflYINGSTEVIAIMESS_ ► ohm in his lifetime. community choir tor, the district. Information can also be obtained from our office, .by' phone or in person. The' ReCreation Planning and Development Committee is spon- soring a fishing contest for young and Old in the community. Prizes are being donated by Machan's Home Hardware, Greer T. V, and Electric and Jones' Pro Hardware. For details see the ad in this paper. There are many other, ideas for activities that could be held during the summer months in Lucknow and district.' We are' interested in your ideas they are the only basis, for any successful programme, so bet's hear from you. The office, is available by phoning 528-3428 or by dropping by, arty time dur- ing the day.