The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-17, Page 11LC) 4-41 , • Cs9 (X) •cr C4) 61", cr) I c) 0 co co ep Lr) c- c-aNt M c•-•o.„1 •• ' r- 44.4 .44 DJ LiD ' 0 LC) LID C%) 40 C, Le9 CANADA PUBLIC HEARINGS . • The House of Commons Standing Committee • on TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS . The Standing Committee on Transport and CommuniCations will hold public hearings South Western Ontario during the last week of May 1972 for the purpose of inquiring into the adequacy of the rail or substitute passenger service ih _that area. 'Ili is intended to hold public hearings in the following places at the times indicated. ' ' LONDON, ONT., Monday, May 29, 1972, Holiday Inn (Ballroom) 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. • I . CHATHAM, Ont., Tuesday, May 30, 1972, William Pitt Hotel (Marina Room), 9:30 a.m, and 2:00 p.m. • STRATFORD, ONT., Wednesday, May 31, 1972, Victorian Inn (Victoria Room), 9:30 a.m. and 2:00' p.m. • WALKERTON, ONT., Thursday, June 1, 1972, Hartley House (Bruce Room)', 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Organizations or individuals whs, wish to make presenta- tions to the Committee should contact, as soon as possible, the Clerk of the Committee as follows: • Clerk of the Standing Committee on • Transport and tommunications House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA, 0A7 Telephone - (613) 9962005 • /1 - 'I Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin. Other visitors• were Steven Mat Nay of Amberley and Mrs. Har old Fowler and Janice of St. Helens. • • 10 as high as • Put your. money into . our Meta, certificates, now • • paying' seven and' three/ , quarter per cent • " interest. • VG GREY 73% for 5 years Lealand . Hill, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets • Goderich 524.7381 mama tf 1!_ign4 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, •1„11CKNOINeONTANIo. ASSEMBLY "The children Of the Open Arena were responsible for the Friday Assembly , with. Nancy Thompson in charge. We began the open- ing exercises with "0 Canada", led by Debbie Bolt at .the pimp.. Colin Cameron read the Bible Story and led in "The Lord's Pray. er" We sang the hymn""When Mothers of Salem", accompanied by Jeff VanStempvoort at the, piano. Rob Henderson played a piano solo and Kevin Clarkrepd- ered toe-tapping music on his fiddle. Debbie Bolt was at the piano again for "God Save Our Queen"., ....4 •-•4 W 4-4 C) „II, r" 4-44 I-1 = 0 ' = -m ° 0..-9"E A-!UE-'F-4 Mr- 0:14-cis Pe44--- ._,, 1'4-w.) --". -4.6r• 0-,.., 1,-,"4,-.4"--,-, = o. gs .4,_,--- .5 -_ a) ic-t ...... c ci) cl ...,,...-- 1.1.1 z 4.1 a) w > E Co " W ,.', >4 0 a) P = .) ° u) 5 4 w 0 ta.4 41 54. LI = ch • z 0 x c...., ..... v) = ,-,-! ;.... ,..,... 0 = at.. , 0,0 c.,, ...., _ 4.1 ci) 0 •-. F '0 '.-. 1"1 . "r .1' Z t V) .-•f 4) W (1/ `-- Z-0 ' ' L.4 .4..' CO a) -,.. ••::', . .. Ctj 0 cam. E -+ ...., ...' . •-""4 $-4 V) --... ccic-...>ct-iniCs.1 .. ...qa) ..g,.i..,.0.-t .:; r 8 = 4 C“4 r-: 41 c71 8 0 t "4- 0 g --' :d 01 ' (,) ..•• •-.1 0 (2) t) 0--) g14' f-i . (9D to Z 44 RE C O VE R IE S OF E XP E ND IT U R E . o • 0 MI V44.4 4444:: '0 0 V) . C4 0 • Ct .." (4 (/) g CrtJ • 0 0 t c0 0 Cs) Lf9 414 CO C.9 .4 44 44, CO OD Lf9 ••= arid Lucknow Central School... U) = to co w4-0 tow • ... a) 0 = cb , 4,-a",." w c.4 ...T. s' E, . = u. ., = Cr .cam '." W (.2.1 'CI Ctl •0••"1 • 1:./ g 6 (4.4 a.) (/) ‘:/ = .0/ ti) al 2 g e) .•«. CD = • W= 0) Cl) a) ,o 54 0 0 0 .4 0) bo s-4 63 4 ..-, s., 4 t til up • to c = •-• a.) .-. 6- "1:1 v).....-6-.--4 44 74 I t".' --9 ¢ -0 a 8 d; ....„......,„„F_s_... _ ...0,....7.1!4.5.....q 44 ct 42) 1.• C.) • EDNESPAY, MAY 17th, 191-2 Gambles Head. Dance Group Graduation night was April 29, when the Huron Bruce Swingers danced in the Lucknow Public School with Egbert Jacobs as alkr. Eight couples graduated andreceived certificates and badges. At the conclusion Of danci*, a smorgasbord lunch was enjoyed by all. During lunch the graduat - mg class entertained with a short Pr°01111,P!' , . _ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil,Downham, Stratford, made an official Visit from the South Western Ontario Square DanceAssociation. Downham broUght greetingS from SWOSDA. He gave an informa- dye address concerning SWOSDA. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Clayton, London, the editors of the WOSDA Bugle were also in attend• ance, On Wednesday evening , May 12, the Huron-Bruce Swingers danced in the St. Helens Hall for the final dance of the season with a good crowd in attendance. Following the dancing session rn E ts cu r„ 1. . o . • . o , r.,-. 1: a7 s o 0 ....cd. t. ,„ Q., • u) a):5- = ill,' 44...s • w x co v, •,,, . (1.4 ;..4 Lil C.)" >94 ti . al rt Clog C.) ' = .3) o.) .o. „I i..5 , ,r, 0 • 01 4-1 ..t.'41)-84' 0 C: 1.4 1-• f.4 ttO 1,1 E444 0 0 . 0 0 a).- -r4 <3.) x .--, cu ., 0 ..,.., -g cn cl,,,ct r.z. r.z.) 4)4 0. • tr, 6 (1) M t) .4.,. cig CD ..., 9 4 A co Izi 0 i-i. ca,..9 . to 1.1 s).. 2 ...4 ....... v) c) co tit, r 40 o o ti)eti g g g :4-. -"a4ofci 0.) -4-. • 1 ° - mc.),.9 4.1.: cu-p-.4 $-, ',' cv-, `4°444 E-4 E--0 0 -540,(1, • LANGSIDE Mr..- and Mrs. Ian Wallace and ' Susan and ViCki, Valli and Matt Woodley, all of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer. Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Woodley are preiently holidaying' in England,. Mr. and Mt's. Jon pregman of Exeter spent a few days with their son Robert Bregman,' Mrs. Bregman' and family. Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Young and family visited Mr,. and Mrs. Do BROWNIE NEWS On Tuesday, May 9th, the nies be•an t eir meetin. b playing skipping •games .. Barbara Hackett was Fairy Queen for Brownie Ring and the Sixers collected Fairy Gold. We closed Eirownie Ring with. BroWnie Prayer. ' , At Pow Wow several Brownies showed things of nature , these Brownies, were Janette Howald, , Betty-Stanley Anita Gyay and Darlene Howald. Marilynne MacIntyre told about her-Post-Gard collection forLa Collector Badge. Janet Wilkins then,displayed her doll house and Intuit= to:finish ter To_y_rnaker Badge. Darlene Howald showed a picture she had made from things she found out=of-doors. Deborah Bolt read her bulb diary to the Pack. Anne Alton and Betty Stanley brought paper bag mask to show , that they had made fOr their Craft Badge., Bar- bara Hackett had the books with her, that she was reading for Book. Lover Badge and then she told the Brownies a story of Brownies in another country. During work period Janette and DarieTIE-Flowakl passed-their )test for cleaning shoes and 'sewing on two kinds of buttons. Janet , _ Wilkins passed her test in First Aid. Marilynne Macintyre sang 0 Canada and God Save the Queen for Brown Owl. The meeting was brought to a. close with the Squeeze and Taps. qt. PICTURES The Grade 8, graduates all smil- ed nicely - (we hope) for the photographer on Thursday. SPORTS Grade 7 and 8's are organizing ping pong in the gym for noon hours.. Baseball leagues Will , be starting shortly. . • O (:) „4 r"- le) tp.4 CO N .„ ti-• • LC) ts. .-4 44441 c> t"... LID CO •-• GRADE 4 AND 5 BOYS' FLOOR HOCKEY LucknoW defeated. Ripley by a score of 8-2 in Ripley. We hope that the Ripley Team will visit our 'Lucknow gym for a return match, the' election of officers for 1972- 73 seahm took place. Past Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Struthers; Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble; Vice Pres- idents, Mr. and Mrs, -Robert-- - Mann; Secretary Treasurers , Mr., and Mrs. Robert Jefferson;. Public Relations , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter; Press Reporters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne.. The ,St. Relens' ladies catered to the group with a smorgasbord dinner, which was enjoyed by all, The Huron Bruce Swingers plan to have some summer dancing so watch for further information. Anyone wishing to learn square dancing this fall, watch for details in a Later issue of the 'paper. 0") N .-4 0 co ctoo'M •tz:t cr, r- Cs.l• Cs:. c;Nncric‘j u, &pa,'" N o") N co rt.) (C) Cs1 • (1) C.4 if --V11111111111111111 1 PAGE ELEVEN Martin and family Sunday. here-will-he-rro-church-ser - vice or sunday school.at Langside next Sunday aS"anniversary ser- vices are being observed at Whitechurch. . . Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacLeod and Dawn, Lynda McQuillin and Don Nickel, all of Toronto spent last week end with their parents TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 71/4 for 2 years