The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-10, Page 10PAO, TIEN • GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Here's a great way to put your money to work: 7 3/4 % interest, guaranteed on 5-year term deposits. Other terms available. Minimum deposit, $500. Call or drop in and see us today. STERLING TRUSTS TORONTO- 372 Bay Street (416) 364-7495 BARRIE - 35 Dunlop Street (705) 726-6495 ORILLIA - 73 Mississaga St. E., (705) 325-2226 • •01 • Miller MacKenzie Lid. LUCKNOVV, Brockles Bldg-,4Tel. 528-2320 Alex T. MacNay, Box 125, k.1/OK.NOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • WEDNESDAY. MAY 10th, 1972 O 4 •• • Martin, reported on the meeting . of the Ashfield Women's MissiOn- ary SObiety which some of our members attended and at which. Miss Jessie NacPherson of Kin- cardine was guest .speaker with the-topic_!!_Reform-Schools." Mrs Eugene Frayne , Social Action Convener , had an interest-, ing article on what, portion of the retail price of beefsteak goes to the rancher,: feeder, trucker, -abattoir , retaile-h-ctc. Church Life Convener , Mrs. , John Austin, reported that Sunday: April 23rd as well as being VocaT tion Day was also Diocesan ' League Day. Our new executive was installed with memberS doing the .readings and taking up the offering. Cultural Life Convener , Mrs. John HOward, reported that the 17 pins for the Grade 8 graduates. _haw arrived._ Communications and Public Relations Convener , Mrs. Jim On Wednesday , May 24th at 2p,.m: the league will look after the May Birthday Party at Huron 7 view. There are 23 persons with -May birthdays,who' will be remem- bered with a gift. Mrs. Eugene Rayne has offered to shop for these. The Cancer Campaign had 12 persons canvassing in this area with Mrs. Joe Courtney es team captain. The theme of Father H. Cas- sano's message was "Mothers". As this is the Blessed Mother's month he asked all mothers to pray for vocations. Card tables are to be bought. Mrs. Wilfred Austin' offered -to• buy one. r uuring lunch Mrs; Con Hogan iwop the Mystery Prize. Lucknow Unit Thos.. Ificketewas host* ess:for the regular U.C. W. meet'- in Unit 1 on May 2, Mrs. E, We; Rice presided, opening with a poem ,•"On Friendship Road" fol- lowed by hymn and prayer. . ..* Scripture reading from John 15 , on "The True Vine" was read by, Mrs., Wilfred Drennan„ Approp- riate readings, "Springtime" and "A. Mothers' Prayer" were given by Mrs. Vernon Hunter. Mrs. Rice spoke on "Beauties of Friendship" resembling a flower which flourishes when tended. If a person has no friends, life is not worth living and all should live by Christ's standard, "Greater love hath no man than he layeth down his life for his friends". We also are known .by the friendships we keep, The requirements of friends is summed up as our trust in friends, faithfulness in keeping them, sharing or partnership e.g. Jesus chose disciples to go along with him, sympathy_: and the higher.friendship of God. Mrs-,7-Eunie-e-Dtmsmuir-lartra Lucknow Unit 3 Mrs. Robert Nicholls was host- ess at the manse on. May 2 for Unit 3 of the Lucknow United.' Church Women. - Mrs. Gordon Kirkland opened the meeting with a ,poetic and the hymn Happy the Home When God is There, was sung, followed by theLord's'Prayer,„, • Sixteen members answered the roll.call, naming a favourite woman of the Bible and why.' Mrs. Harold Treleaven report- ed for Christian Citizenship and Mrs. G. Hunter for Commun- ity Friendship. In the, absence of the treasurer , the financial report was given by Mrs. Jake Hunter. Mrs. Glen Walden presided for the program. The scripture was read by Mrs. J. Hunter. Mrs. W. G. Hunter gave 'a. commentary on the scripture God speaki to human hearts through words. Mrs. Wal- den led in prayer and gave a read• ing, "A Time of Singing”. Mrs. Walden gave a study on -Kenya ,-Afri-da arid .tolds61—`n the experiences of an Ontario couple waking there. They, are seeking means to,increaSe arid distribute the available water supply.. Storage areas or holes, for up to 5,000;000. gallons of ..water-are-required-to-last a ye-ar, or until the next storm comes. Mrs.. Nicholls led an interest- ing sing' song of African songs and- showed articles from many African countries. Read- ings were given by Mrs. Ed Thom and Mrs. Chas. HaIlarn, Grand- • mother is Off Her Rocker,' and Mother. .The hymn., The Glory of the Spring was sung and Mrs. Walden closed the meeting with prayer. 'The ladies appreciated being shown through the manse by Rev. and Mrs. Nicholls. During lunch Miss Kathy JOynt favoured with. . piano 'selections. SUNDAY, MAY 14 AYNE McLEAN PLUS THE SINGING HISEY FAMILY Westfield Fellowship Hour at 2 PI HURON MEN'S CHAPEL Auburn at 8 p.m. 1 "Evil Prevails When Good. Mel Do Nothing" display on June first. Mrs. Ray- .flard asked -for used clothing for - a bale_ , • Miss Helen Thompson was hostess for the May meeting of Unit 2 of Lucknow, United Church Women. • • ,, Mrs. Eldon Henderson welcom- ed 22 members and 2 visitors to the meeting.. She opened the -meeting-with a-poemP-rayer4or-- Peace". The roll call was answered with a hint •for spring. Mrs. WalteTDexter arid-Mrs. Nelson Raynard are to visit the sliutins during May. An invita- tion was received from Dungan- n non U.C. W. to attend a craft. . . • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Lucknow POINT TO PONDER Unless religion can be at home in the home, no amount of re- ligion in the Temple can save . ' E. Stanley Jones ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNO_W_AREA_PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector MAY 14th Sunday After Ascension St. Paul's. Ripley — 9:15 a.m. • .1 Kingsbridge 'CW1 Resolutions To Be Poo Of Agenda solo "Mother" accompanied by Mrs. Wesley Ritchie. The roll call was answered by naming the floral emblem of a 'provincewith fifteen present. Announcements of the U.C. W. to program and at Brucelea Haven in October and an invitation to attend ladies — Day at-Dungannon United-Church on June 1 from 10 a ..m. to 3.30 p.m. The bale will be packed in i • June, used clothing to be left in the church kitchen. Mrs. Al Irwin reported on Stew- ardship and read "The•Soul Spring Cleaning", and Mrs. Grace Campbell read "If Jesus came to your house" for Christian Citizen- shiF•. Piano solos were played by Darlene Hackett and enjoyed by all. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah' Benediction followed by grace. Lunch was served by the hostesses. , On Monday evening, May 1st , St. Joseph's Council of the C. W. L. met in the Chiireh Hall, with nineteen members in attendance. Father H. Cassano opened the meeting with the League prayer and Mrs. Joe Courtney presided.' A president's pin is to be pur- chased to be worn by the President and passed on to 'each new Presid- ent. Drivers taking cars to the deanery meeting are to be paid 'mileage.. Correspondence was read by Mrs. John Austin. A handbook is to be ordered for conveners. We are invited by the O. C. W. of Dungannon. to a "Ladies Day" being held on June 1st from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. in the Dungannon United Church. The Diocesan Convention is to. be held this month in Sarnia. Of the four resolutions accepted this year by the DioCesarr Council, to be voted on at this Convention, two were presented by St. Joseph's Council. These two were with regard to increasing farm incomes and the • prt.strvation_of_rhe fanitly_far.m. Also mentioned was the resolu- tion of St. Peter's, Council, God- erich regarding the insistence of pre-marriage courses. The fourth is in regard to assistance to needy pensioners. Mrs. Joe ,Courtney. ,and Mrs. Clarence Doherty are epresenting-the-three-couneHs---'- of ow parish at this convention. Mrs. Walter Clare .Christian Farnily Life Convener, reported that Vocation Day was observed on April 23rd. A report was giv- en on the Girl 'Guides in which it was stated that new leaders will be needed for the. Fall. 4.0%.".0%."...7•0'%844%."."..0%"•944."•."..^..".0%,".",,00 4 St. Peters Lucknow 11:95 a.m. Church School 10:30 a.m. Ascension Kinlough 10:30 a.m. Lucknow Unit 2 St. Paul's, Dungannon — 3:00 p.m 2nd and 4th. Sundays , Christ Church, Port Albert , 3 p.m. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister MAY 14th Christian Family Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morgjtorshi Sacrament of Baptism Mrs. Peter Cook gave a read- ing "Spring Cleaning:'. Mrs. Ray- nard'Ackert reported for Christian Missionary. Education. Mrs. RaYnard read the scrip- ture and Miss Ada Webster gave ---die-devottaris--MrsrRaynard en played a number of familiar hymns. Miss Helen Thompson told the story of "Amazing Crate" and then she sang the song. The "Or., igin of Mother's Day" was given by Miss Lorna Campbell. Mrs. 'Ross Shiells spo'ke'on motherhood. She told of the life of Hannah and how she was an inspiration to all mothers. Mrs. Henderson closed the' meeting With prayer. , During lunch Mrs. Jessie Allin and Miss Joanne Thompson played some lovely piano instrumentals. Christian Family Sunday NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School will meet at 10:45 to attend Churc.h Service as a group. 11 a.m. lifor—ninWorslii Sacrament of Baptism Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2790 ,MAY 14th LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN • REFORMED . CHURCH J..W. Van Stenipvoort ' Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service ..2`.30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME wl Pt of cl •