The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-03, Page 15BODY REPAIR REHABLE•ECONOMICAL _ You'll Get a Good Deal -from Us... Just ask your friends. You can rely on us for fair estimates, reasonable costs, expert work. After accident damage or just daily wear and tear, let us restore your car's like-new look. FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS Windshield Replacement, at Competitve Prices ( MILLS Free ESTIMATE W. J MOTOR. SALES LTD. St. David. St., Goderich . 524-9449 Mother Celebrates 90th Bitthday PUNGANNON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnston of Dungannon spent last week with her mother Mrs. Jean. Hill of Owen. SoUnd, who was.celebrat- ing her 90th birthday , Wednesday April 26th. PAWN PIPTION ' MONUMENTS For sound counsel and-r-fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS • • HIGHWAY, 86 LUCKNOW OPEN 11 A.M. TO 2 A.M.- 7 DAYS A WEEK WELCOMES YOU With ERIES Vigil",. rt to le • or- They 1, Earl- id vas at :lass saf- ari. ,tter them, ope's to NEN Nate th -sOn [ngs- ,nd ,dren, ose Mrs, ing ener range )ridge • in at ' bus - )ar,r- lay tors on of fft CONTRIBUTED • Mr. and Mrs. •HarveY. Webster of Lucknow attended the annual' , meeting of the.Ontario Association for the mentally retarded held in, the Chateau Laurier Hotel., Ottawa, Harvey was a .delegate from the Wingbrn and DiStrict AsSociation, being'the member of this associa-. tion on the advisory Board of Hur- on County Board of Educatibn. ' They had the pleasure while awaiting coffee in the reception toom; prior to the meeting or symposium on education, to meet Gordon MacIntyre from the' Atirora Board of Education, form- erly a teacher at .Lucknow High Ihool. • - Needless to say, they had a' lot to mull over and a very pleasant time doing so. During ,the lunch- eonperiod they sat' at the same table and had as their guest the wife of the Switzerland Consul. It was at this time Mr. Macln= tyre showed all present his .ring ch_wa,E--pres-enteli-tO irrnrin 1941from the Lucknow Clansmen Club, This, he said, has.been worn With_pride_for the .past 30 years. On Saturday night at the O.A. M.R. Banquet , Mr_ and Mrs,: ester were seated with members from Kingston, Meaford and • Thunder Bay and much to their surprise and delight , when men- tioning Lucknow , a Mr. 'Watts from Kingston asked if they would happen to know ,a Mr. 'Harold Burns. They replied.that they were former neighbours of his Attend Annual Meeting In Ottawa THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW; ONTARIO , mother and father and sure: did know Harold for many years. This opened 'up a new fine when 2 representativ-es from Thunder Bay-also kneW, Haroldicrorn-his teaching days., The lady from 'Meaford association also had a mutual friend. It just goes to prove ,' mention the ,name Lucknow and you ,know someone new who ha's had some connection with someone from this village in Bruce. Thig proved to be• a most worthwhile convention as the speaker fOr the main banquet was the Honorable Robert S. Welch, Provincial Secretary for Social Development. Mr. Welch assured the group' that the mentally re.7. tarded are most impOrtant people' and, having deditated work- ers such as' members of Q.A.N1.12:: [lie' Government Of•dntario will do all in its powerto.See these people have every oppOrtunity for educa'- tion and a place in this world equal to all. Mr. Harry Red Foster presented a sizeabl&cheque to the associa- tion to further the work and Canada Dry Gingerale received a t iT participation in using retarded young adults in their London _Branch.- The w-as one of these boys being honoured by this crowd of-over 500 people at the banquet which 4all goes to prove that these retarded children can be helped , must be helped , and .most important 'of all is that the powers of education have' : • now seen the light and guarantee equal opportunity to all. While attending the convention Edith and Harvey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Richardson. The ladies are 'sisters. 1 80th BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stirling and Darlene of Thamesville were home with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin, and, with, them., on Sun- day attended a birthday. party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irvin and -Ta , 9th concession of Ashfield. The family gather- ing was in honour of Mr. Wm. 80th birthday on Monday, May 1st. On Saturday morning Sharon. Young unfortunately cut her left thumb badly with a chisel. At emergency at Goderich Hospital she received several stitches and returned home again. Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Stewart and little son of North Bay spent the week end recently with the former's 'parents Mr-. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart,.4th concession of Ashfield. Mr; 'and Mrs.•Paul Henderson and three girls of Toronto visited last week end with.Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton, and inLucknow ' with ,Paul's mother , Mrs. Gatnet Hendeison. " Mr. and Mrs. RoSs Spry of Niagara Falls, N.Y. , who have recently returned from Florida , spent seKeral days with-.Mr.,_ and Mrs.. Lorne Ivers this past week. Rev: and Mrs; Clarence Mc - Clehaghan were among thOse in ,attendance to honour Rev. J. Ure Stewart at Seaforth on Sunday. Rev. Stewart has cbmpleted 65, years in the ministry and,contin-. ues to 'preach almost every: Sun-, , day. In June he will be 90 years of age -. Congratulations, Mr. Stewart from' your many interest ed friends here! On Saturday evening in SaltfOrd Hall, Goderich, two couples were' honoured on their wedding anniversaries. Mr: and Mrs. Calvin MacIntyre are 45 years ~riiarrL.eds, —and,„Mrs . Reid of Goderich• , 30 years. 'The two ladies are sisters. Friends and relatives from the Dungannon area were among the guestS who Attended. ,Misses Ruth .Bere and Fran St. Pierre of Windsor spent several days this week-with the forther's mother , Mrs. Mary Mere -and amily:-The-g-w have completed"their' first year at. University in Windsor and plan to resume studies there in mid May. Mr. Norman McDonald of Rex- .dale spent the week end with Mt.. Others Who visited on SUnday included Mr. Fred. Fowler of port Elgin, and hiS.son Ross and grandson Ralph of Southampton. Recently Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler. of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs.' Tom Fowler , Darrell and Karen of Parkhill Visited them also. The Spring Concert at Brook- side on Thursday evening was well attended. All enjoyed the variety and excellence of talent. presented. Mrs John Ryan returned to her home in Dungannon on Saturday after having spent the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd in 6corgetown and Florida, Mrs, Ernest Pritchard; Toronto spent several days this week end with her brother , Frank Pentland, and other members of her family AMBERLEY Congratulations are extended to Janice Paquette and John Ruth- erford who were married in Pine River United Church on Saturday. On Monday evening of laSt week a shower party was held for Janice PaqUette in Ripley. Misses Dianne, Sandra and Linda Kemp- ton sang a couple of numbers on the programme accompanied by Wendy Courtney on the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtney' attended the annual banquet of the Gene alogical Society, held in Port .Elgin on Tuesday evening. Guest speaker for the evening was Dr. Harold Minshall of London, : who gave an intersting and inform- ative talk on writing up a family tree'and particularly how he had traced his ancestors. Sy.my of the community is extended to Finlay MacLennan and family in the loss of his ,;. brother', Eldon MacLennan. Miss Kathy Elmes of Toronto spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Elmes. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hill and little son Matthew were home . from. Sault Ste. Marie to visit with Rev. and Mrs. Hill and family for the week end. Miss Judy Thorburn of Toronto •visited on the week end with her parents Mr.. and Mrs. Duncan Thorburn at Amberley. Misses-carol-Coy,r-tney-ancr 'Shirley Reid, both, of Kitche,ner, spent the week end at their homes -lie re-; Mrs. jack Campbell led in the' pre-service sing-song at Pine River. United Church on Sunday , with Mrs. Wayne Lowry and Anne, Ferguson, at the piano and organ. The double trio of Mrs. Ernie Gibson, Mrs. Perrin Lowry, Mrs. Bob Courtney, Bob Courtney , Lynn Lowry and Glenn Boyd sang "Walking in the Narrow Way'. Flowers were placed in tne church in 'memory of little Dean Gibson, by Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gibson. Several young hockey players; along with their Dads frorn the area , attended the Father-Son 1-jocke_y Barispet heldinXpley on Sunday night. ut. around here. Spring weather is,hete and seed- ing 'is in full progress'. CrocuSes, little blue violets, and daffodils are now in bloom. and_Mrs. Frank Thorn •son, and Joanne spent this week end at their cottage in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sowerby, Thornhill, accompanied, by Chris Bell 'Of Agincourt; also Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Blake and Becky of Galt visited arts-we-ER end at th-err parental homes" here and in God- erich. Dinner guests on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Graham McNee'and -family included 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Orr ;Dale and Donna , and Mr. Eiton,Orr, , 'Kincardine Town- ship; also Mrs. Mary l3ere and Jamie. Other callers were Mr. and Mrs. Wes Irwin, Kincardine. Mrs. Muriel Smyth and het daughter, Eleanor, Mrs. David Evans and. DUffie of Brantford visited this week end with Mr. Brown Smyth. Mrs. Bert Wiggins, Brantford , called to visit Mr. and Mrs. .Porky Wiggins and Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Wiggins,on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and . Matthew of Kitchener were home• for the week end with Mr. and -Mrs. Irvine Eedy and Martha. i. 1972 this ng- Viss S an. Ild. ° .ded like ?art MATJeLd; 1972 WALKERTON Pat O'Hagan, riop. Established Over Sixty Years PHONE 8814224 ONTARIO FOR YOUR PATRONAGE 14' AND THE WONDERFUL RECEPTION WE RECEIVED THIS PAST WEEK The Best In -food and Service