The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-03, Page 12WEDNESDAY,, MAX 3rd. 1972 'WEI LoCal Women At U.C.W. Conference —• -Hamilton Conference. If, C. 'W._..' Mrs. G. Powell of Port Dover U.C.W. welcomed the visitors. Nancy Hardy reviewed the • Study Pac and the Literature available for U.C.W. groups was discussed and displayed by Mrs. C. Howse, of Ariss, Ontario. Mrs. M. Johns, President., presided for the business meeting. There will be a school for leaders at the univer- sity of Waterloo on May 1.5 , 16 and 17: In the, afternoon there were 3 study groups Music with Cairine Haw'kes and Pearl Wade Communication with Mrs. Howte and Citpenship - Mrs. A. Durant. • In the evening the Youth Choir • of St. James United Church, Sirncoe, presented the rock Ora- torio, "Joseph" , which was well' received by the audience. There was also a.Panel - "Christian yOuth in Action" with lVloderator 'Mt.' Brian Jackson,: Kitchener, and Panelists'', Anne Morwood of ; Ancaster,who has served one sum-. mer with Crossroads International; Jennifer Wittick of Elmira, who, has worked_with the Caravan_Pro- gram; .and George Watson of Niag7 ara Falls, a hostel worker. Mrs. Davis of Burford thanked the Pan- eliSts and Moderator and welCom- ed the delegates to, Erie Presbyter- ial of ,which she is U.C.W.Pres- ident, A social hour was enjoy-.- ed' after the program. A Worship service by Mrs. Frances Rigg, Wellandport, opened the. Wednesday session. Rev. Peter McKellar of Courtland spoke on. Africa and the work • ' • '_being_done there, by Rev Don Pletsch and his wife, who is a registered nurse. Rev. McKellar spent eight weeks'working with them in Africa aboui One year • tural specialist as well as a pastor Delegates from the Presbyterials of Bruce, Erie, Halton, Hamilton, Niagara, Sudbury and Waterloo, met in Grace United Church, Port Dover on April 18th and 19th , for the 10th Annual Meeting of •tr. • NY, ' MRS. WM. SCOTT, ORGANIST ANNIVERSARY :SERVICES • SuOday, May • 7th, 1972. MORNING SERVICE — 11:00 A.M. EVENING' SERVICE 7:30 P.M.„ a ” • SPECIAL' MUSIC GUEST SPEAKER Dr. A. E. Bailey, M.A., Th.D., Senior Educational Consultant with the Board of Christian Education Everyone Welcome No Service At South Kinloss or Dungannon LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Pastor Serrrless: 10:00 Lim Serif ;:3;1 p.m. Service VIRTORS WELCOME JUST F YOU ARE AS , W E LCOME AS THE FLOWERS IN MAY Huron Men's-C-hapel - AUBURN John Woodhoeise Crusade Clinti7:1 1:" Evil Prevails When Good Men D9 Nothing MORt NIGHTS LEFT REVAIK—RUGG-LESIIIII PAU1 PARR and the SONGMASIERS THE vuOicHow SENTINEL, I,UCKNOW, ONTARIO PAO" TWELVE Announces Sale Langside Y.P.S. Of New Church LANGSIDE NEWS The langside Y.P:S, held their LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • REV. GLENN NOBLE, B.A., OM., MINISTER In addition to running an exper-. imental agriculture station, Mr. Pletsch has a 30 point charge. helps to educate the children in the area and is responsible for building schools. The African people need a lot of help and Canadians have the know -how that Africans need. Rev.• Mc- Kellar warned, that if Christians &net help;°Comniunists will. At present there is a long list of re- quests for people with technical skills-and also a long list of peop-. le who would be willing to fill the jobs, but there is a great need for money. The Churches in the African Cc:gantries would he en- couraged to take a greater role in leadership within their. count- ries if they get support from out- side their country. Rev. Jewitt Parr , President of Hamilton Conference conducted the. election of Officers. ND:S. Grace McFadzeri brought greet- ings from the Division of Mission .41 Canada. Rev. Roy WilSon of Hamilton told. the'women,,of a practical step towards union of the Anglican Church and the United that took place in Hamilton when fire destroyed First United. Church a.few years ago and caused, pari- shoners of the Church of St. Thom. .as to share their.facilities with The United-Church-congregation. The two congregations have rec- ently joined for. services held at the same hour with clergy of both groups taking part in the ser- vice. A questionnaire sent to. United. Church members shows that on the whole they wish to continue sharing services with the Anglican Chutch members. Mr. Wilson said, that the experiment has proved that "the church is,/ the people not the building". Mrs. F. N. Greenleaf of St.' Catharines was elected President of the Hamilton Conference U.,C. W. Mrs. M. Johns, Hamilton, will continue to serve on the. EX7 ecutive as ' Past President.' The Conference closed with a ••• Communion Service conducted by Rev. Jewitt Parr and Rev. John yarcly, Minister of Grace United. Bruce Presbyterial Executive delegates were Mrs. A. Heard, Port Elgin; Mrs. H. W. McCul- loch ', Paisley; Mrs.' J. Hill, Ripley; •Mrs. R. Neyvette, Kin- cardine; Mrs. B. Ruttle, Kincar- dine; Mrs.' J. Kirkpatrick, Ripley; Bruce Presbytery Meet At Tobermory pruce Presbytery of the United Church, meeting in Tobermory ' elected Reverend George Wright , of Mount Forest for a second term as "their chairman. Rever- end Arnold •Proud of Teeswater will become ale new secretary. • Reverend W. Wilkinson, Lion's Head led the worship service. Holy Communion was celebrated. Delegate's to, the General Council meeting in Saskatoon in . August_wese_electest, those,chos- en 'were Reverend GeOrge Wright, Reverend G. R. Strome; Mrs. R. Slade'and Mr. C. Oshorne. Reverend R. Wagner reported a World, Mission Festival is being planned by Hamilton Conference, to be held in Walkerton Second- ary School, October 1'. Chairman of the Camp Council gave a comprehensive report en the seven camp sights within the bounds of Hamilton Conference , stating that Silver Lake in Bruce has .over 200 acres with buildings above average: Plans for future deVeloping are well underway. FiVe thousand trees are to be ' planted this year. New ministers coming into Bruce Presbytery 'effective July 1st will be Rev.lames Stockton, of NdOla, Zambia , to the Arthur charge, and Rev. David Bauman of Palmer Rapids; Renfrew Pres- bytery , to Clifford. The' approval was, given , to the _a_11,_frorn inwood_chargeL,Ia. ton Presbytery to Rev. George Trigger of Tobermory. Re V; ra kr-immune ed— Singtirne would be closing May 21st, completing fifteen years, but would be returning ,again in the fall. •° Under the Christian Education Chairman, Rev. J. Strapp, a one • day work shop is planned for May - 13th.at Walkerton United Church for all leaders of boys and girls and youih groups. Elsner Umbach of Lucknow , speaking for the United Holiness `, Church, has announced'that Unit- ed Holiness has completed the purchase of,the unfinished church building formerly owned by the Church of God in Goderich. The sale will be finalized at the end of April. According to Mr. Urnbach, the purchase involves the taking over of finanCing arrangements by United Holiness ,as well as the' pur- chase of the lot. "The Church of God did give us a great deal of work they put into the church on their own,tithe to date, free of charge , as- well as some funds cf51- lected for the building," Mr; Umbach said. "This amounts to about $875," The basement portion of the building on Huron Road in doder- ich is , already completed and the congregation is meeting there now. "We hope to have the build. 'ing bricked in and the lawn sod- ded as soon as the weather permits ," the United Holiness -spokesinam-said-an&-we',--are-ai-m- dinPgnet°b'yhafvaell. " the complete work "The building should be an in . 1871 and . again in 1.883 farmers in' Ontario were' paid 25 cents by their., municipality for each • tree 'they established .on boundary lines of' farms or along tbe highWay. • • asset •to theneighbourhood and • Will be a h'aridsorne structure when pr-efer rocalllt a Chapel theu.41:i, since .4 is not as large. 2s, niany . churches," • '• LUCKNONV UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A., Minister MAY 7th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship LUCHNOW AREA PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector MAY 7th EASTER S St; Paul's Ripley — 9:15 a.m. Ascension Irmlough 10:30 a.m. St. Peters Lucknow 11:45 a.m. Church School — 10:30 a.m. ANGLICAN CJ{URC • ReV. R. Nicholls reported an increase in Mission and•Service - funds of 8.36°%o over, last year's first threel month period: Conference is being held at Waterloo 'May 25 - 28M, A gig- antic celebration of Ministry is _planirethior Sunday„Ma,y_28tliat7- 3 p.m., to be held at 'the Physic- al Education Building, University of Waterloo.. Speaker will be the Moderator, Rev.. A. B. B. 'Moore.. Musical Director Lloyd Bradshaw , who is the director of Melrose Un- ited Church, Hamilton, also the director of the University of Mrs. JackrAckert, Holyrood; Mrs. Toronto Chorus, Canadian Opera erctoli Hunter;-Lircknow", cnid Company, and Ontario Place, Mrs. L. Cartwright, Walkerton.' will be directing a choir of over 200 voices from the Hamilton area. Due to time, the area bOundary study was not dealt with fully, ed a joint meeti- g with Grey 'Presbytery could be arrange I for a June meeting when this could be more fully studied. Resolutions Were given by Rev. D. Byrd of Conn, and the day's °' session was Closed with prayer by Chairman Rev. G. Wright. SrPaul'S,'Dungannon — 3:00 pIn 2nd am, alth Sundays Clbrist ChurCh, Port Albert 8 p.m.. 1st, d and 5th Sundays See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. Cheque out a cripplod child %dal,* YOUR I S meeting on Sunday night at the, home of o Nli. and Mrs. Peter de Boer. Bob Moffatand 'Ken Scott conducted tht-,-worship service, • Mr. Wybenga briefly discussed some aspects Of the meaning and purpose of the Lord's' Supper, . • The main business item for:the evening was to-discuss the Family Day service on May 1:1.in which.' It he young people and other. tnetr.- bers of the congregation will take part'. - . . / • The meeting was closed with the benediction.• Aftet that ,Ir.s.. de Boer 'served lunch., in fir Bu