The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-03, Page 9ew 1 1 1 1 MAY 1-4,5-6 WED.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT. How did United States • Intelligence know. of the attack before the Japanese Ambassador? .•,.. - - — — ' 2011i CH8111.4 '• •Immommeimmensamer. Or ..... / 11.41(i 0 , / Xritc,\* — • - 'V •• I. / / SIMI „Br-- • _ ?A- ?. S da It. in / / 1 . : • 4-7-:•••• • '""",001.41P 474' •••,of 0M0 • •11, Air ViAls o er—B e a c DOWNCHILD BLUES BAND SAT, MAY 6 KINCARDINE PAVILION BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON ONTARIO Box Office °pins at 8:00 p.m. First Show at 8:30 p.m. • FRI. - SAT. -SUN. May 5-6-7 -- DOUBLE FEATURE — VANISHING POINT (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Wry Newman - Doan Jagger Color ••••••••••=0: Cheque out a crippled child today. See what your &Mors con Support Easter Seals. . Easter Seal Fpnd Short Of QWecti$. Mir Fri. r Sat. 6 IPlia .... .. 41101.T ElITEETAINIENI oa- ROBERT MITC:IIUM 1 HOME..60 ,,N, ttorr' ,,,4-- ,,,o9- ,,e1g, • „„4,'``-r wo , liarrytreistoo ' tos• ,.., ‘,00- sisgeolgyears haliviLmaibir 1 yivi, .0 -0\0: . 41 on.. P #574Aver Ilit pee-rnocxx-con toseeleioilung: E. soiedlessab I SHOWS ESTART AT 00 ioth.lfellERTAINNINT SUN.-MOW-TUES.. •5 i love 4 Gt) I()\ P E , MAE WEST JOHN HUSTON RAQUEL WELCH (oRi \IDA, MYRA BRECKINRIDGE . _ • Satinity Matinee 6. GISE=.01 We are sorry to ill p, Concession reort that Mr, and. Mrs, Ralph H 12 West, had the misfortune to have their car destroyed by fire onFriday just south of here, Although they, were able to escape they suffered great shock. • -Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge Gilbert of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. jack Scott on Wednesday. Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm visited 011 WQdnesda y with Edna and May Boyle. RuSsell Hewitt has been a pai- nt-in St-.4„osr4)11's ilospital for his routine check up and Mrs. Hewitt is a patient in the Kincar- dine and District General Hospital. We hope they, will both be honle soon and enjoying better health. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr accom- panied-her mother Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton to London where she Underwent surgery at Vic'ioria Hospital. MOVE TO KINLOUGH 1,41.- and: 1V1rS -KeTine th-Ntac Donald moved froth •Kitchener on Saturday to the home of the late James Hodge. We welcome this young couple to the village. Mrs. Dan McInnes and 'Mrs: Oliver McCharles attended the Arts and Crafts Conference and Exhibition at Sarnia on the week end and visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Grabove and family there. Mrs. Steve Saknagi of Toronto visited over the week end. with Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby and on Sunday they all visited, with-Mrs. Lawrence in Palmerston. Donald Barr of Waterloo visited on, Saturday 'with his mother Mrs. John Barr. RepresentativeS from the Anglic -alacElonald and Mrs. an Church here attend-d the Par'=•• 'Kenneth MacDonald visited on ish Council get-together on Sun Monday with the fortifier's parents day evening at St. Peters Parish Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Guest at Hall, Lucknow. . PSLAPE Ulf AN? .. , VY A 'COO HUN' I I.114A1, NA A, ^ '.1,, ,• IHu '",' A', MI I (AM WINO(, A,• ... • .i,I,, , FR TH OM ,r E PLUS E O LANET IES ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. P.. A. Murray attended the funeral of the late Raymond Redmond at Goderich Wednesday. Mr. Redmond was a _former tenches in..he Westford School and a friend of the Murray family. Teeswater. Mac MacDonald ,'who.attended. a convention at Detroit, spent the weekend with his parents .Mr, and' Mrs., Torn MacDonald before returning to •Palm Springs ,. Cali- fornia, 71' Mrs EllwOod Elliott is .the Holy rood Women's Institute ,hostess at her home on Thursday evening. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1.41.CKNOIN, ONTARIO. • MOH 0104. DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY 8 AT CONCESSION RD 4 • PHONE 524 9981 1.• Vii(; rri- 0'011 Dungannon Lodge Hold Banquet At Parish Hall Dungannon Loyal Orange Lodge held their Annual Banquet Gunby, a grade 8. student at Brookside school. She was intro--; dtioed by Ross Errington arid pres- ented with the L.O.L. trophy by Howard Blake. Lise is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gunby of R. R. 1 Dungannon. This is a centennial project of the Dungan- non Lodge and a trophy'is present- non Lodge , welc.omed every/one' in a' very cordial manner, A hearty vote of thanks was extended by Jerry Cranston to the ladies of the parish' for preparing and serving the meal and this wa's replied to-` by Mrs, Belle Mole. During the'evening sever- al instrumental selections were .given by Carol 'Martin on her accordian which were greatly en- joyed -by all., The guests atthe head table were introduced' by Alan'Webster Which included the County Mast- er Of North Huron , •Edgar Howatt and Mrs. Howatt .of the Belgrave Lodge. He Was Called on for a evrrernarks-and-e3cpressed-his7— High gent was Frank ,Alton appreCiation as a guest and corn- with . Bob Gilchrist second.. The mended the lodge for a fine and ,doOr, prize was won by Jerry Cran- store. This was a new feature triec by the lodge and proved to be a very enjoyable form of entertain- mept. ty !L.= :he tin esly. - e opNospAy, MAY 1rd, 1972. KINLOUGH ;THE MARRIAGE OF A YOUNG STOCKBROKER (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Richard Benjamin Joanna Shimkus Color Cartoon • COMING 'NEXT,• WEEKEND: , --CHAOME :&.-11-0T-LEA114- LOLA. 44;;;;ift %Min his PI =. -in the Lut-know Ang Ican:PaTIS ed—each year to the top speaker Hall on Tuesday , April 18th with from Brookside and North 90 members and ,their families Ashfield Public Schools. and friends attending. After sing- The Lodge was also very pleas- ing the "Queen", the Chaplain ed to have Lloyd Hern, County of the Lodge , Frank Alton offer- Master of South Huron as guest ed the blessing and all sat down speaker for the evening. In his own hurhorous• way-he pie and ice cream included. ' interesting talk on "Drugs", ern- Lorne Hasty., Master of Dunganphasizing their harmful effects on young people of to-day and future generations. Mr. Hern is a mem ' tier of the. Woodharn Lodge and is a director at mental bospital in London. The Master then expressed the appreciation of the lodge to all those who assisted in making the banquet 'so successful and the re- mainder of the evening was spent playing "crokinole" with Glen Webster and Ross Errington in' charge of the games. There were 12, tables in play with prizes awarded to the highest scores.. ".1-ligh .prizes-lor the ladies went to Mrs. Jean Hem, London and Mrs. Winnifred We.bster. • sociable evening. An interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of her speech "Porripei-i" by Lise • RESTRICTED ,to etitiONS Is YtAkS AGI 01 Ova ADMITTANCE ' '01. (1P fi'r Di 11,04 MAY 7-8-9 • The story old —Young-- On onthe way up. • • • • • ‘440, NiE,00,4,s00," iioN004"44004,N1410%001 0100, Moe a • a COMING NEXT , .„ THE STUDENT NURSES and BIG DOLL. HOUSE tiSHOW STARTS AT, DUSK" RESTRICTED 4%-lt,6-3t•-•)->t.t.9-it.e›-x~lt.")..*oltax.0114m.ot~4 •' The Easter Seal Fund is .$20.00 shortof $930 objective 7, You • still.havctirne,to help the Lions Club of Lucknow and District reach their 1972 campaign figure • In, mailing youdonaition to day, by leaving it at N1cDonagh Iniur- ance office or the Bank of Mont- real. • This will be the final. list of donors published this year,. The' lions Club wish to•thank all who have assisted;them in their work. with `Crippled Children. ,N1rs. W. 0. Hunter; H'.•F. Green, C. F. Riegling, Mrs. Grace Campbell, Mrs. Lila Rit- chie , (Arvin Reed , Gerald Mlody John O'Connell., Alvin I lamilton , ra tr rich Fraser N lac Kinncin Joie_Nla ErrintOn , t;ilbert Ilainilton. Jim NieNaughton, Robert Irvin, Ira Dickie , Alex Hackett , Spence Irwin , Archie' Aitchison , Nrc'd F. Andrew, NI. A. here ; Cyril Ca iipbc11, T. (1cNiurch Yen ing, 0. Thomson , Futnee Dunsmuir, PLUS • n Pi PAM GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 Mike NichogJack Nicholson, Culdite6mom,AmhorGarkmilila ra An and n .Marbet and Jules RON* %%Wt. N.N 14.‘"0•••‘%•0%%•••• •N',4"\NN, it 1410,0.30k arna 46, lippyledge. etoa,..o.*eoo Sun. 7 Ainn.8. Tue. 9 . Plet10 Wet Thu. '4 Fri. Set. 'NEVER GIVE A INCH" wag the motto of the Sterner' of Oregen,.. and the It they del PIM MAN • IIENW RIM MI= • :IN h "Sometimes a Great Notion" a. "TheCticlit7edeowboys of Calico &lusty- " -baalots" , Nanette Blocker Fairs), it. 40 ..110464XLC kuluVIISAI 04C 004 ve-- 114 ; ' / / / • / / / / O / / / / / _Jr / / / / /