The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-26, Page 14PAGE FOURTEEN. 971 PONTIAC' Catalina 4 door hardtop, VS automatic, power equipped 1,971 DODGE Charger, 2 door hardtop 1970 CHEV Impala 2door hardtop, V8 automatic; power brakes and power steering 1970 CitEVELLE 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic, power. steering 1,970 OLDS Cutlass SuPreme 2 .door hardtop, VS, power steering, power brakes, power windows • 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme' 4 door. hardtop, VS automatic, wirer steering, power brakes, vinyl roof 1970 DODGE Polar. Custom, 2 door hardtoPf VII automatic, power brakes and power- 'tearing 1970 DODGE Polaro 4 door sedan, ye automatic, power steering 196! CHEV 4 door, VS automatic; power brakes, power steering 1969 DODGE Polaria 4 door, V8 automatic, power steering power brakes 1967 FORD-Custom. 500 VS automatic, power steering 1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, V8, full power ***************** CAR SALES LTD.. • BLYTH _:,PHQNE5234342- Put your money into our guaranteed invest- • nent certificates now paying seven and three quarter per cent interest. RIA„, GREY(' VG Now is the Time to' Plan Your ring SEEDING PROGRAM SEED GRAIN—Un--ASS SEED FERTILIZER , Supplies of top quality seed grain are limited this spring due to the wet harvest season last year. 'Order your supplies now! Your Co-operative offers you a coMplete line of quality fertil- izers. Contact them' now and arrange for delivery or pick-up of your spring requirements. ,voluminnumminiumm„,. ‘010100umovoi Lo ic know Dipti0 Phone 528-2125 WHIIKHURCW HELD OPEN HOUSE . On Saturday) afternoon 2 - 5 p.m. Mrs. Carl Weber held Open - House for friends and relatives to see the shower and wedding • gifts.received by her daughter Marlene whose marriage was • . Friday evening to Gary Jamieson of East Wawanosh at Bluevale Parsonage. . Pouring tea at•the tables were his mother Mrs. JOhn Jamieson and her mother. Mrs. Carl Weber. • Assisting with lunch' were Mrs. ' Lorne Durnin and Miss, Joann Laidlaw, Showing the gifts were Sleightholm. A few of the larg- . er gifts were swag lamp, blank- 'ets , electric fry pan, toaster , tea kettle , clocks; ironing board, and clothes hamper., A few from here attended the wedding reception on Friday evening, held' in the Legion Hall Wingharri in honor of Mr. and ary arineson newly weds. Around 125 attended and enjoyed dancing to music supplied by the Ailey-Cats. • Mr. and Mrs.. G. F.• McGowan of London spent a few days on the week end-with-their-da-u-ght-er-Mrs7-- Ronald Jamieson, Mr. Jamieson aricl family of East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Ronaldlamieson . and Lori attended the Jamieson- Weber reception on Friday even- .ing at Wingham LegiorPHall. SURPRISE PARTY • A surprise party was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw , Janet and • Kimberley to celebrate her par- ent's, Mr. and Mrs. John Crow - ston of Lucknow wedding anniv- ersary. Present were Mr. and s-:-Orimictirwirr,--Srephen;Fa ye, Donald and Michael; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alton, Anne and Lynn of Ashfield; Mr. and Mrs John Crow, ston of Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crow-ston, Dale and Debbie of Chatham. Mr, and Mrs. 'Charles Moore • • .4, 1011111111111.1.111111111111.1/11.1. THE 1,1.1C.KNOW SENTINEL, kIJCKNOW, ONTARIO- . THE ROVING REPORTER NOTIC- ED THIS WEEK THAT -The grade six girls are most enthusiastic sewers, 'and have really attacked those peasant blouses with zest. -The members of.the band are practising diligently for their • concert on May 6th. -The primary area has a terrific display on Lumbering, including cutting, piling and loading logs, a river jam, and the process of paper-Making. They've eyen remembered to re-plant the trees! -One of the Grade. 6's has a ' talented Mom. Her poem "Grade Lucknow Central School... Six Gym Period" is up in the science room, and if you think you'd like to play Borden Ball, read the poetry first. ,(Thanks Mrs. Moore). -The coffee rabies, end tables and lawn chairs coming from the shop recently would make some carpenters envious. Just think how good you'll be in a few years, Idds! -Chris and Robert did a great repair job on the library maga- zine rack (with a bit of help frOm Mr. Cayley). Thanks boys. Just think, no niore maga- zines on the floor! (??) \O as high as -11.1.11M11111."..17111 '14011 Thl iety staff other the 0 was tl help WWI one made our b tact t do so' goes 1 for sp and family of Wrbxeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and family. Misses Joyce Tiffin and Mary Lou Wall , prefects at the Wing- ham High School were treated to a bus trip last week to places bf interest in toronto.' 1 Local Buyers At Holstein Sale A bred heifer brought the top price price of $1,950 when 115 head .of purebred Holsteins•from the herd of .Rowntree Farms Ltd. , Woodbridge, Ontario, were sold April 7 at Brti- backer Sales Arena , Guelph. The sale brought a total of $88,055.00 for the excellent average of $765.00 each. 73 rriilking fe- males averaged $778..70; l5 bred -- heifersaveraged $949.00; 7 open yearlings averaged $677.85; 20 heifer calves averaged $481.75; and six baby heifers averaged $432:00. Twenty head sold for over $1,000.00 each. • James Drennan-,-.Dungannon , bought four cows with , his highest price being $1,050.p0. For the others he paid $825.00, $725.00 and $675.00.. Local buyers included Lloyd McClinchey, Auburn, Ontario, who secured six milking cows, including one at $1,150. , one at $1,000.00, two at $850.00, one at $800i00 and one-at '$525.00. Held District 8 Annual At Hanover District 8 of the Ontario Horti- cultural Society held their annual meeting on Saturday, April 15th - • in Hanover Coliseum. Members attended from all of the sixteen societies comprising District 8 including Auburn, Blyth, Brussels, Chesley, Clinton, Eastnor Town- ship, Goderich, Hanover, Luck tioWT-MaTkdaleTT.Neri'Sb=1, Port Elgin, Ripley, Southampton,' Tara , Teeswater & Culross'and Wingham. A delicious luncheon was served at 12 noon. Mrs. Wm. Klie , director of District 8, acted as chairinan for the meeting which followed. The .mayor of Hanover, Rev. J. Swan, gave the address, of eel come. • Greetings were also ex- tended, by President of Hanover Society and Mr: Eric/Slater, rep- resenting the 0.H.A. Mr. Frank Stone ,' of Simebe , . guest speaker, gave a most inter- esting talk on the subject ' 'Dahlias' along with slides show.- .ing beautiful specimens of this • TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 71Aufor=2---yeara 73/ for 5 years Lealand Hill, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets; Goderich 524-7381 lovely flower and his colourful gardens featuring datilias. The following were returned to office for another year. District Director Mrs. Wm. Mlle, Hanover; Assistant directors., Mr. W. Field- ing Wingham and Mrs. Wm. Bray., Lions Head. Using Department of Agriculture,recoMmendations as a basis, he will recommend a mixture of high quality name-variety seeds. These will be blended with prescription accuracy in the exclusive CO-OP Seed Mixer. QUALITY AND SERVICE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT COMMODITIES OF YOUR LOCAL CO-OP. THAT IS WHY IT PAYS TO SEE YOUR CO-OP FIRST. Custom spreading and equipment leasing Got a tractor but no spreader? Need your fertillier, applied fast? Then see your CO-OP and arrange the fertilizing service you need. Convenient pick-up cuts costs Your CO-OP. BULK SERVICE CENTRE is stocked with fertilizers that meet your requirements, ready for immediate pick-up.. ALSCLAVAILABLE AQUA-ANHYDROUS FOR YOUR CORN REQUIREMENTS VAR] Th Bight -Frida the si of pr cone cessf crow) night Then horn( Penes view+ Wedr Ta sectil Irwin *Mars De Enid by. pr Jude, Ali was u ory the SI and" past. flare while qtfll Cloy( Th+ tradit Potes Per Sally Susan Arlen