The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-26, Page 1• •44.•••41•••••••••• ON‘ 0 .10. • 1YE MUNICIPALHIES ACRE E ON COST DikRING EDICAL CENTRE FORMUL A 'i • . -- $6.00 A Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. 4 WEDNESDAY, ArRit, 26th, 1972 Single Copy 1Sc ' 20 Pages fire Destroys Home Of Ce it Garniss Kinloss Township Council has purchased 10 acres of land on. the 6th concession of Kinloss from Eric Hackett. The property will be the site of the :new township dump. It is located on the east, half of lot 16, 1 1/4 miles east of the Luc know -Ho lyrood road on the north side , on the former Dennis Kenny farm: Kinloss Council, is presently' -tendeil-rig--for-fencing-on-the-prop-- .erty and an attendant to, look after the waste disposal site. It is hoped that the site will be in use in a• couple of weeks. • • •• • • • • • 40. • • ••• • •••••• ***Vs*•••• ••• ••• •••• •••• LOCATED ON 6th Kinloss Purchase_ 10 Acre Waste Disposal Site Machine Buried in Cellar Area on information received from other municipalities who have con• strueted similar buildings and are estimates only. Present plans call for ac'commo'- Huron Board Announce 11 Shuffles. Angus MacLennan of Luckno‘;v principal of Brookside Public School since it was built and formerly principal at North Ash- dation for three doctors and a' dentist., field Public School, has 'been transferred by the Huron County hoard of Education and will as- su riie the prine ipa iship ,or Hu lle tt • A fire, breaking out in mid kfternoon on Sunday, completely gutted the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ga'rniss on Rase Street West htLucknow. Afreezer and china'cabinet was llthat was Saved from ,the home. e'remainder of the furnishings personal possessions' were lost the fire. • • Lucknow Fire Department re.- eived the call about '4 p. m . and re On the scene until 9. p. m . cfore the fire was extinguished . When firemen. arrived, on the ene , the south-west corner of home was beyond control and ue spread quickly into the. 'part, ions and the ,rest of the house . was fanned .by a stiff •wind . Mr. and ,Mrs.•Garniss were way at, he time of the fire and rived back to find their home sting-out-of-obaral-,=lhe ix • aughter Susy was down town a,t CONTINUED ON PAGE 2O DAYLIGHT TIME -Q3EGINS This Sunday , April 3Oth will e the commencement of Da y - ght Saving time locally. Offic - change overtime. is 2 a,. m.'•• unday morning and you are adVis - to move your clocks ahead one urbefore retiring Saturday, night. Died In Alberta Samuel Alexander Beaton of • lgary, Alberta died on Wednes - ay, April 5th. :lie was 68.. • 'Mr. Beaton was born in North . • iakota on March 23rd , I survived by his wife the .forM 7 ..Mary Arin'McPhee , a former ember df this cbmintihity. The funeral service was held Calgary .ortApfil 7th,. with bur- in Queen's Park Cemetery. Lucknow Village Council has' engage'd a new clerk-treasurer tb succeed Wayne Jamieson who is now deputy-treasurer of the County of Bruce. Alfred E. Herbert of Weston, a summer resident on the 4th of Kin- losS Township, will commence his new duties on May 15th. There were five applications for the post. Reeve George Joynt interviewed Mr. Herbert 'in Toronto earlier • and he met with the entire coun- CH on 'Saturday afternoon when he was offered the position: " Mr. has is 52 years of.age. lie has been involved in account- ing work all his life. For 36 years he was an employee of Ryer- son Press in Toronto until that sold in 19-7 New Operators At Sepoy Drive-In Central School at Londesboro next term. • . the move is one of a series announced by the Huron :Board to pfincipals and vice principals in the county. dulph, were added to the Huron riding. , Mt. Thomas, a forrner. Royal Canadian Air Force jet pilot , has been reeve of Grey. Township and _atrienther_ofauron County cotin - ell for the last four years. He is married and has three children: , Guest speaker at the convention held in the Central Huron Secorid , ary School, was Judd, Buchanan;' M.P. , London Wes' . Mr, MacLennan, a native of Glarnmis, came to North Ashfield . Public School and served as prin- cipal there for close to two years. 'When BrOokside was opened , he /, LCONTINIMP ON PAGE 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*****••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**••••••• LuOnow Hi re New Clerk-Treasurer . Stephen Park Of Dungannon, 14-year-old son of Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Park, had an unusual find in a cellar area of their house recent ly. He discovered the head' of an old sewing machine, dated 1876, as Well as hundreds of wooden handles and an old fashioned coal skuttle. .rk 'cellar under the front portion of the houlse is filled, in with earth and upon commencing to dig lt ....0...a.,...atcphen came upon• these oddities buried in the dirt. The home is the former StiricTel I propetty:'in Dungannon and prior to that was the Jim Stonehouse . place. rchitectural Firm Engaged To Draw Plans Agreement has been reached on the cost percentage-lbreakdown on the proposed new medical centre to serve this area . • Four• area townships/and the * village of Lucknow have, agreed to split the total•cOst of the pro- Gject as follows; Lucknow 3010;, Ashfield2010; West Wawanosh 20%. Kinloss 200)0;. Huron Town-ship14%, Representatives working on the:- 'iee•t-ay-Lucknow , Reeve George loynt; Ashfield ,,Reeve" Girvin Reed; West Wawanosh, Councillor Charles McDonald; 1(illloss, Reeve Oryille Elliott; Nunn, Councillor Donald, MAC"' Tavish. Estimated cost of the project is $60,000, These figures are based • Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Tom Grafton of Goderich have leased • The 'Sepoy Drive7In in Luc knOw from M. and 'Mrs. Oliver Glenn. They will open this-Friday and plan to operate-seven-dayskT Mr. Grafton is a bookkeeper and specializes in farm tax ser- vice-in-the Goder-ioh-a-re-a . Grafton has considerable exper- ience in the food business as- have _ members_o_f_their_fa assist in Lucknow. They will continue to reside in Goderich. • Oliver and Lenore Glenn and their daughter Janine have operat ed The Sepoy brive-In for the , past two summers. • • • • • • • • • •••••• • • • • • •• •'• • •-• •• •• •••• •••••• ••••-• •• •• •• ••••4 •-••••••• • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Nine Register Nominate Charles Forlindergarten—lhomus of-Gr KINGSBRIDGE NEWS As Liberal Choice Kindergarten Registration took, place recently at St. Joseph's School for nine children, who are to commence school in Sept- ember, 1972. They are Eddie Bedard (Fernand), Nlary Lynn Doherty (frank), Vicki-Lynn Doherty ;• (Stanley), Freddie Durnin beth), Paul Foran (Gordon), , Gerda liendericks (Martin),. Chris- tine Stapleton (Neil), Mary Joe Steffler (Clem), Kenny VanOsch • Their teacher w,ill be Mrs. Larry Park. Grey-Township Reeve Charles' Thomas was nominated a Liberal candidate for .Huron' riding in the upcoming federal eleetion'Mon- day night. The 4:4-year-old Brussels area The firm of 'Cluff and Cluff has been engaged as architect for the medical ce!itre. ' wl'iorPri",,-1•1•rox ••• • • ":1 ',1011 '11711:11111:PilyIII '1111'111;110 11111111114Prill!!!`1111111;!1 '":,1111111r111111 • ; • , • , • • • Bill lfatk Will Succeed Him At Brookside rartner7defeaTed Mts Jeln • of 'Bruc efield •, a .vice-president of the•Huron Riding Association. ' A: third 'candidate for the .norn ination',. former Middlesex '.Coup--' ty!warden Wilson Hodgins:from .• Biddtilph ToWnship, withdrew. Before• the' last federal eleCtion • in 1968, two. Middlesex County • ,:nri:1-13- * 197 111-- ,he has 'been acting as comptroller of the Arrow Leasing Ltd :. a car and truck rental firm. He was in the Canadian Army for five years during the second world war. About ten years ago, Mr. Her- bert purchased,the 'William F. IvlacDonald farm on the 4th of Kinloss and has been a summer resident in this community. He is quite familiar with the village. He is married and has two grown .daughters. • Her Herbert's basic salary will - be $7600 plus additional salary for the highway. accounts auditing • and the'arena bookkeeping work. This is set up on the same basis as'the former clerk;There was a:$O00 increase. in the basic sal- 07—Ssince-third ary. • ?,11 • len, 4n, • eV- uth :ott. to