The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-05, Page 15• Deal from Us.. Just ask your friends'. You can rely on Us for fair estimates, reasonable costs, expert work. After accident damage or just daily wear and tear, let us restore your carls_iike-new look. FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS Windshield Repladement at, Competitve Prices J . MILLS MOTOR SALES LTD. • St. Davjd St.; Goderich 524-9449 Free ESTIMATE EspAY, Stli, .1912 0.72 • aslicks Observe 6th Anniversary WHITECHURCH NEWS. :Congrotulation.s to Mr. and earl Caslick who on Wednes - , March 29 quietly celebrated it 56th wedding anniversary. ohelpthem celebrate were Mr. • ' mrs, Wilfred Casliek of Wing- m Mr, and Mrs. Ronald. and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 0, They were presented with. ted plants. Weekend visitors with Mr. and , Russel McGuire were his e1 Mrs. Gus Lentiria and Mr. ntina of Toronto, Elmer Mc ire of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. alter Quanz and family of Palm- on and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Guire of Elmira. Mrs, Herb Hunter and Trevor of ndon visited last week with her ents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace an. 'Herb Hunter joined the on Thursday and all visited ithloknow relatives, return- home to London-on—Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley Jason were Sunday visitors hhIr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn. On Saturday evening at 8.30 teen tables of Progressive Euch players enjoyed the game , th Mrs, Wallace Conn giving. e instructions , in Whitechurdh mmunity Memorial Hall. ore winning prizes were - bigh- t lady, Mrs. Jith Coultes; 2nd Mrs. Wesley Tiffin; high nt, W. Taylor; second high, rman_Coultes.. _Two _draw _ re made by Cheryl Walker. e winners were Mrs. Bill - ans-and Dave GibbLuneh-was rved by the sponsors White arch Women's Institute. ON CAMERA Congratulations to Mrs. Neil oul, who on'Tuesday on the 41• Er5 7 ed ya was .ds SO. Id is e KINLOSS A large crowd observed Easter Sunday at' the service at South Kinloss on Sunday. The >• • Bible Readings by Rev. Glenn' • Noble'wer,e interspersed with mus- ical numbers. Frank MacKenzie sang "Open the Doors of the Temple":' Linda Sparks played a piano solo and the choir ,•under the direction of •Mrs. Lorne • . sparks , sang an Laster Anthem. ( 0. worth. • 1.• ~ar Loa rolhn • Sa 11 THE IAICKNOWIENTINEL, .144CKNOW, ONTARIO PAWN SEVENTEEN • One Contest was the winner of 'a polaroid Camera. . Mx.. George 'Young and Mrs, Fred Tiffin spent Tuesday with Mrs. Gertie Tiffin of Wingham. Mrs. Bill Evans, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. Victor Wybenga and Mrs. Dawson Craig attended the W. M.S. Thankoffering on Wednes- day at South K The' Presbyterian Church. The ladies sang aCcomp- anied 'by Mrs.- L. Spark's. Chalmers Presbyterian Sunday School re-opened on Sunday April 2 with an attendance of 29.. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Coultes, Debbie, Kevin and Blaine of Oak- ville visited , on the'lOng week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Coultes and her parents Mr. and Nirs. Mervyn Pipe of Brnssels. To help Mrs. Earl Caslick celebrate her birthday on Satur-, day night were Mx. and Mrs. Wil- fred Caslick of Wingham , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caslick of Culross, Mr. and Mrs. Lizzmore and Mack of London, Darlene' Coultes , Diane Caslick of Kitchener and on Sunday Miss Alma Conn and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley and lason helped with the celebration. Mrs. Mildred Elliott, Bruce, Betty and Gordon of Ailsa Craig , Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Mrs. Galbraith cif Witigham were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and lamily. - Mr. and Mrs. Gershom. John- ston of. Wingham were Sunday visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Char- les Woods and family of Egmond- ville. •. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wybenga sp-enta little time-on-Sunday afternoon with the'residents of Pinecreit Manor to Share with them the Joy of Easter. Mi. Wybenga read the' Resurrection Story and meditated on the prom- ise of life which i Seen in the • empty tomb from which Christ arose. Mr. -and 'Mrs. Wy- benga sang a duet In The Garden. Several Easter hytims were sung. Mr. Wybenga closed, with prayd. SURPRISE BIRTHDA Y PARTY On Saturday evening a surprise birthday party was planned for GershOln Johnston of Wingham and held in the assembly room of the Belgrave Arena. Present for the celebration were Mr, and Mrs.. Douglas Smith and Sharon of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight ,Smith of Kitchener; .Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Larry McMichael and family of liespeler; Mr. and Mrs. Charle Wood , Sylvia and Rickey and Misi Hildebrand of Egrnondville; Mrs, Lois NIcMich- ael and Bruce of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Reg Peacock , Ruth , Nancy and John of Thornton; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie , Brenda , Stephen, Donald and Mary Ann of 2nd concession Kin- loss;. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Arkell and John of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rabinson, Bill. Judy and Janice of Donnybrook; Mr. and Mrs._ Jack Johnston, David, Donna of St. Pauls; M.r. and Mrs.' Fred' MacPherson of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston, Paul, Ruth Ann and CarOl Ann of. List- owel; Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston and George Grigg of • Witthirn. Cardgames were en;* lO'yed and prizes were given, At lunch time three beautiful birthday cakes With greetings were present- ed to Gershom and a bountiful lunch Supplied by ,the attenders was enjoyed. ' 91st BIRTHDAy To help Mrs. Tom Inglis celebrate her 91se birthday on Friday, March-3T were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams and family , and Mrs. Jack Inglis and family, of Ripley and Alex Inglis. Miss Janet Inglis, her granddaughter remained for the week end. • E'a rk of Montreal s The First Canadian Bank You want fast action on a car . loan. And:\ you probably don't want to dip too deeply into your savings, either. So if you've got your eye on a new car, turn in at your nearest' Bank of Montreal and talk to our people'.-We can tailor a low-cost car loan to fit your budget—quickly. - Quf.-life-insured loa-np -can help you get that new car. We want you to get your money's Ripley Legion liall Filled For Ventlup — Meeting-Of-L-ocal History Group-- -2 The Ripley Legion Hall was fil- I two little girls and sang "I don't led to Capacity for the last meet- Want to play in your yard".. ing of the Local History Group for this season. Mrs.' Donnie Mac- Donald was chairman for the con- cert. She expressed the thanks of the committee in Charge for the willingness of all to share their talents./ 'Mrs. 'Olive Young played some lively sChottisches to start things off in a happy. vein.. Then Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mrs, Steve Irwin and Mrs'. Wm.- Courtney made a pleasing quart-. ette. Donald Blue called off for two square dance sets with Frank Scott and Mrs. Roy McKenzie providing the music. Norman ' MacDonald recounted "The Cre- ination•of Sam McGee". Contests were led by Mrs. Stewart Needha and Miss Ada Gawley. Bill,Arn- old played the mouth organ ac- companied by Mrs. -Stuart Shiells., Dr. andiKIrs. W. A. BuCkton of Forest and. Mrs. MacConnell of Mildrnay were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Herb •Buck- lon. Miss Verda Alderson is visiting at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sparks. Easter visitors with Mr. and .• Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Heath- er: Ken Jackson of Galt , Miss • Connie MacKenzie of Toronto and Rod MacKenzie frau London. Mrs.' Arnold led in' making plans for Fall and fOr a bus trip in June. Sir also showed the third Re-printing of Robertsonsi History of Bruce. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ardill Mason, Mrs. Ernest Pollock, Mrs. Wm. Courtney, Mrs. Morris Reid and , other helpers. Ever,yone was grateful to the committee in Charge of such an enjoyable afternoon. They were Mrs, Frank Fair, ,,Mrs. Donnie MacDonald, Miss Ada aawley and -Mrs; Gordon-Scott 1•• tion ; they proved to be, song sheets and the men used them to good bie"Tout had toes tapping with his violin selections. lie was accompanied by Mrs. George McLean.. Mrs. 'Bill Arn- old and •MrS. Alex .McAuley ,read excerpts from. an 1899 and a 1900 issue of the Kincardine Reporter:. . Fares were given •for a boat . , trip to Cleveland, Ohlo;• Entrance examination results gave the stnd- eni's. marks; the Sarah and the Wanderer had loaded cordwood at .the dock recently; Emma POl-. lock' of Con. 12 had married Nath- aniel Bell; and John Tout and -helpeis—had-hauled7br-ick—from4he.... .• Kincardine yardS to build' Pine River Presbyterian. Church. There were an amazing nuniber of ad Vertiscments for patent medic- ineS. James Kirkpatrick has not forgotten 'his' comic readings. Mrs. John A. MacDonald and Mrs. Kirkpatrick played the part of o- 1d at. e' • en were called to. the front to be presented with Honour Rolls from Mr. Trudeau. On closer exarnina • Miss Martha Martin of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Allan.Giaham and family. • Denver Dickie is On a business ot trip to Lafayette, Indiana. Kenneth,HOuston wai'6orne from Mohawk Raceway for the week end: