The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-29, Page 17KINLOUGH Mrs, Ruth Colwell and Miss Ellen McDade of Toronto called ort relatives and friends here and at the Kincardine and District General Hospital. Murray Barr spent a few days • At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Bushell at W,ingharn. Mrs. John 'Barr and Donald Darr visited on Thursday at the same, horne. Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith Ma ulden visited during the week with Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Phillips at. Fonthill, ' Rev. Andrew Lane and his `daughter Miss Mary Lane visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolrh Lane and Hugh.. The Annual meeting of the Ei.w.j. will be held on Thursday, April 6th at the:hall. Hostesses - Mrs. Dan McInnes and Mrs. Ly- man Sutton. Roll call - The pro- gram I enjoyed most and a sug- lud" AGENT FOR BP OIL, LTD. GASOLINE ---,DIEM, HEATING FUEL AND • OTHER FARM PRODUCTS 24 OMR BURNER SERVICE , PARTS INSURANCE -, TRUCKS RADIO EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE WHOLESALE RETAIL DIAL. 528-3006 OR 528-3616 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO amilton *OF Huro C• ONTARIO Originally published by H. Belden & Co. in 1879 The illustrated Atlas of Huron County is one of 29 county atlases published in Ontario between 1875 and 1881. A remark-ably accurate source of information ,.for the' student of local his-tory and genealogy, .the Atlas with itsMaps, biographies, port-raits and pictures of landmarks has long since becortie a highly valued document of the past. AVAILABLE NOW .Bound in hard .cover, size 18," x 105 pages Price. $12:50 — '(,50c mailing charge) The Issue is limited to 1,000 numbered copies Please order from: MIKA STUDIO, 200 STANLEY ST. P.O. BOX 536, BELLEVILLE, ONT. Tel. 613.962.4022 on t- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • 'ESgA.Y foilt%5F11!tI2 1, 1972 . George Walling Spoke On CKNX WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch Women's Institute held their March meeting, Public Relations, on Wednesday , March Bat l!!,111. The first Vice Pres- ident Mist Merle-1~rlsan-pr-e-s-ide lathe absence of the President Mrs. Dan Tiffin.• Miss Wilson welcomed all to the'meeting at the hoMe of Mrs. 'Frank Ross. The singing of the' Wend repeati the collect. opened themeeting, Correspond ence read was a letter re Garden Club and thank you notes from Mrs. Mary E. Chapman , Misses Annie and Mary Laidlaw, , Mr. and Mrs.'Orville Tiffin. The roll call the last time I walked a milevaranswered-b ers. Mrs, Don Ross, Public Relations Convener, had 'George Walling' of CKNX come to the meeting to Jell of CKNX activities; He was introduced by Miss Merle WilSon. He reminded the ladies that it was ten years ago on this day when CKNX-had_the fire which burned the old High School and necessit 7 ated the biiilding of a new build- ing. Mr. Walling asked the ladies to ask any questions which they wished to know . the answers. He told the ladies it hadibeen the custoM of CKNX to'.hiire inex perienced help; train them and those who have .gone out frorn'the station have been able to accept good positions:: He was thanked by Mr'S'...Ate.Guire_ari resented-- with a gift, Mrs, George Fisher gave an' • interesting report on her attend - • adce at the Royal York. Toronto r- .th nd )1m Drf r- • of the 75ttrAhriiversary. She to about .the birthday: cake on are- volving pedestal and the grand food'tbey had at -the banquet. The A W. W .... president , Mrs.". Olive ,Farquharson in her. address • reminded• the-members that the most importint.'part of what the . W.T.•is &join& varies with the country. In Ghana they are busy, setting up Institutes'ta do 'what it was founded to do '73 years ago: The W. I; is the only:Ihternation- al organization. that does speak up. and work .With.rural•wOmen. Mrs. James Currie,' Mrs..*14s.. :McInnes and•Mts. JOh.n. CUrrie• served lunch.: The April meet- • 111.0411 be the Annual tneettn& and CuratOr ..ineeting:and all ate, reminded. of the. donation Of Home made candy for the Wingliani•- Hospital booth.: House Warming At Langside Hall were read by Secretary Janet'Ad7 arns and signed /by the president': The next meeting will be Satur- day , April 1st at the home of leader Mrs, Johh Gaunt. 'The sug- gestion of Janet. Adams for the bool covers was chosen. A discuSsiori on zippers and how to put them in was held, also how to apply. elastic when not in casing., The group all learned how to make a trimming for dress or jacket. .A pattern was chosen and transferred t.o goOds which was stitched around by the`sewing Machine to the piece to' he trim- med:: Then the stitched piece Was trimmed. At the next meet:: "Thrthey will-hr.-tat! 'tor nra-ke- , button holes. Whitechurch Knifty Knit 4-H Club held their '6th meeting on at the home o son Saturday forenoon f Mrs. Victor Emer la nene Purdon president opened•the meet ing with' repeating the 4-H pledge 'flranfton. All members were present to answer the roll call.. The minutes Zippy Trinettes The 4th meeting of the Zippy •Trinettes was held on March 18 in t e easement o Trinity C lure ,. with an attendance Of 2 leaders and 11 .rnembers. • :The meeting was called to ord:- er„,by repeating the Pledge and ta king the roll:ea IF which waS answered 1.)"'llow I Plan To Trim Ni)• .Gown". Mary Anne Alton read the minutes.of the laSt meeting., The leaders Made com- ments On'the Record BoOks. liac,kett gave out , the program sheets for Achieve,7' merit Day on May 21. We will have a choice of three clubs-fpr our next spring•seWing club,, and will. Vote on them .at, Achieve- . merit: Day. • Thc.'y are as' folioWs; "Sportswear from Knits", "Cottons May Be Smart" and-'1The Jacket Dress". Mrs. D. A. Hackett demonstra- ted how to make bias binding and how to apply it. Mrs. p. Hack- ett demonstrated how to make bias bound corded piping. The next fleeting will be Match 23th at 1.15 p,. tn. in the basement of Trinity Church„, Knifty Knits • gestion for next year's program. Payment of fees. Election of officers. Annual reports. Direct , or - Mrs, Howard Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Bennett of Toronto spent Saturday with - Mr. and' Mrs. Art lialdenby who returned with them for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden' spent the week end in Forithill with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips and attended the funeral of Arthur's sister 'Stella. Friends here extend sympathy at this time. • Mr. and Mrs. James!Hodgins are enjoying a holiday in Florida. A Good Friday service will be_,, held in the Anglican Church at Tammy and Michele Hodgins spent .the holiday with their grand- mother Mrs. Tom Hodgins at Kincardine. . Mr!. and Mrs. Jack Scott were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cox at Bayfield. The third meeting of the St. Helen's Happy• Handicrafters was held Saturday , March 25 at '7...00 o'clock. The .meeting opened with ripe Pledge. There were 16' members Present. , Following roll call, the minut- es of the last meeting were read by the secretary. The'discussion' for this meeting was joined with• the deMonstration. 'The leaders Mrs.' Ernest Gaunt and Mrs. Gord- vv.ay to do-the following:Prehe'h onaCa spent Saturday. evening with.Mr..and Mrs.' Robert Engel and family of Dublin.. 'The community eXtends syinp7 ath.y.,to rhe Osborne family., on the passing of Mrs. Elmer Osborne's sister , Mrs. W. J. Roulsion pf Wingham. Many from this corn-* munity visited the Funerari-come garments until the meeting closed on MacPherson showed us the prop Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and seam , gathers, darts Mock french seam, and the flat fell seam. The meeting closed with the Creed.. The ,fifth Meeting of Dungan - non •Dainty Dolls was held• at the home of Mrs. Bev 'McInnis on March'25. The meeting opened with t-be-pleAg.e_-‘- vrhich v as follow ed by'the secretary's and treasur- er's report'. The roll-call was to compare cost of garment being made with cost of 'similar ready-ma,de gar- ment. A fter bu 5i rress and discus- sionS ths=arls worked oh the'ir When you purchase your wedding invitations from L4cknow Sentinel you will receive one ear'sy free subscription (value $6.00) to ,.-The Lucknow Sentinel Dainty Dolls " A THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 0 THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE Yu° Happy Handicrafters S-UBSCRIPTIO TO CongratulatiOns to Mr. and Mrs ! Ambrose Redmond •(Barbara Riegling) on the' arrival of a son on Tuesday ;March 21 at the Wingham Hospital. ' - Congratulations- to Mr. an d Mrs Bryan Black ,(Jean Drennan) on. the arrival of a daughter , Sunday. March 19 at the Goderich Hospit- al. . Frank Riegling and a friend.' left early Sunday morning io ice- fish on Lake Simcoe. • "Mrs. John Howard., Kathy and -Steve-spent a-feW-days-visiting in Jackson, Michigan and Detroit 'this past week. VISIT TO HOLLAND Mrs.'Tony Miltenbtirg and daughter Wendy , left on March 16th by air for a three-week visit in Holland with her parents and family. She was accompanied by her father-in-law John Milten• burg, who is also visiting his relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van bsch and 13,111 Van Osch attended the : funeral of John Bardael, a cloSe friend ,.of Freelton, Ontario thii past Monday, Match 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Colling visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. 'John Coiling. . Mrs. Walter Black visited with • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howe of List- owel on Friday afternoon./ Mrs. Ray Hamilton, Mrs. Jack McGuire and Nancy, and ,Miss Joyce Black, spent last Monday in London. Mrs. Oscar White re- turned to London with them fOr further •treatment.. Mr. ands Mrs. Ronnie Nicholson. and family' of Preston visited with "* Mr. and MrS.Gerald Coiling and family. Nancy and Brian and nd Joyce Black enjoyed a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engel, Robbie and Marilyn of Dublin. Mrs. Fred Fred Slavin of Clinton Visited with her Cousin Mrs. Mel- vin Coiling on Saturday after- noon. • plaa, spocommt KINGSBRIDGE OLIVET fL A pleasant get together was .enjoyed at Langside Hall by the residents of the 6th concession west Cultoss on Tuesday evening March 21 when neighbours, friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompscin gathereif., to wish them well on the occa- sion of moving into their new house. .As the house is not ad- vanced enough to hold the "house warming" , it was held in Bob Bregman, Elmer, Scott and Bill Bates.Were in charge of the presentation of a beautiful platform rocker. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson thanked everyone for the beautiful gift and the thought- fulness of all their neighbours. ANNOUNCING A FACSIMILE EDITION OF THE ILLUSTRA ED Historical Atlas