The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-29, Page 16FLOOR PAINT • THE I.A,KKHOW SENTIHEI.4 IL,UCKHOW ONTARIO, 0A011 SIXTEEN WEDNESDAY., MARCH. 29tk 19.7 4 GALS. ors. 2.35 7.95 2.35 7 50 2.10 7.00 2.35 7.50 1.79 6.00 1.39 4.25 GALS. $5 95 WS. 1.95 GALS. 00 rch Council Meetind warbles 15¢ per head per spray; 3) the application of John Ruther- ford as Warble Fly Inspeaor at $2.50 ' per hour; and 4) that West Wawa- nosh farmers be charged 23 ,4 per , head per spray for the application, of warbicide. Motion by Councillors Hickey and Aitchison that West Wawa- nosh Township write off two dog tax charges for 1968, totplling A motion by Councillors mc- Dpnald and Aitchison taiied the expense allowance paid by the :township to members in attend- ance at Conventions froln $55.00 to $75.00. Motion, by Councillors Durnin and Hickey that the Municipal CounCil of the Township of West Wawanosh request the Departthent of Transportation and Communica,' dons to grant a Supplementary Alloc'ation of subsidy money for the year '1972 in the amount of REEVES PRO_HARDWARE - SPRING' SPRUCE-UP HOP4E PA.". :KEM 7GLQW-_.•::Zss. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COLOURS OTS. 'HOUSE PAINT GALS. GALS. ii3E.M"`'T.ONE: 'VARNISH...STAIN PRO.: HERITA:GE LPARIT .OTS.. GALS. 'ABUSE ...PAINT ALL SALES CASH & FINAL—NO REFUNDS ' COLOUR EXTRA West .Wawanosh Ma The March session of West Wawiosh Township Council was held .dfilie home of the Clerk on Thesday afternoon, March 7th, With all members iP attendance and Reeve' Lyons presj Wing. The minutes of the February . .meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Aitchison and Hickey. The Clerk reported that no word had been received from thetEngin-' eer in regard to the 'Dungannon Drain „and Council instructed her to write again to the Engineer in the Same connection. Conncillor Aitchison, .West Wawanosh representative to the Lucknow Fire Department Tanker Committee, reported to Council on, progress to date regarding a Tanker purchase. Tenders and applications for the 1972 Warble Fly campaign were opened. Council was informed that the 'Agricultural grant piev - iously paid on the Inspector s sa ary been withdrawn.' After considerable deliberation and calcuiations, 4ie following motion by Councillors McDonald and Durnin was carried: That West Wa wa nosh Tow nslii Council accept: 1) the-tender'of Murray Reid , Londesboro, io supply ap- proximately .600 lbs. warble fly powder Cie $4.50 per 15 lb. bag; 2) the tender Of Murray Reid , Londesboro, to spray cattle lor 17 March, for tenders for crushing and hauling.apprOXimately 12,000 cu, yds. of "A" gravel, oh a motion by Councillors Durnin and Hickey, The road accounts were passed for payment on motion of Coun- cillors McDonald and Aitchison. The following general accounts were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Hickey and Durnin:, Receiver General postage stamps , 8.00; Wesley Nivips, tile drain loan, 1480.00; Hilliard Jefferson, Tile Drain. Inspector's fee , EriC Stewart , fox bounty, 2.00; Harold Errington, fox bounty (2), 4.60; Wingharn Advance-Times, warble fly ads, 4.8Q; J. D. Durnin, convention expenses, 75.00; Jos. F. Hiekey , convention expenses, 75.00; Dun• gannon Agricultural Society, • 1972 grant , 75.00; Huron Plow- men's Associatidii, 1972 grant , ROAD ACCOUNTS: H. Culbert , salary, 197.66; Humphrey , operator , 445.50; A. MCDon- ald , wmgman, rba:377,-Roy Hardy , plowing snow , 1735.00; McQuillan Paving, plowing snow 1565.00; B. 13 : Oil Co., fuel and oil, 484.98, T,. Hackett & Sons, chain saw and parts, 81.25; D.R. M. Co. Ltd: , plow parts and re- pairs, 178.50; G. Smyth ,melding arid repairs, 39.00; Huron Coun- ty , sanding, 92.00; Receiver General, C.P.P.; U.I.; and In- come Road School, 60.00; H. Culbert , Convention exPenses, 75.00. • On a motion by Councillor , Aitchison, COuncil adjourned to April 4th, at, the Clerk's home at 8.00 p.m. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk. hardtop, autoratic, rdtop hardtop, automatic, power 1971. DODGE Dart Custom, 6 cylincier, 2 door hardtop 1970 DODGE Polar° Custom 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic power brakes, powir steering 1970 DODGE Monaco 4 door hardtop, air conditioning 1970 DODGE Polaro 4 door sedan, V8, automatic, power steering 1970 PLYMOUTH Fury II, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic 1969' PLYMOUTH Road Runner, VS, standard transmission 1969 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4. door sedan, automatic 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door hardtop, VS, power equipped 196-9-CHEv 4 door, V8 automatic, power brakes, power steering 1969 DODGE* Polara 4 door, V8 automatics, power steerinpg: power brakes 1969 PONTIAC Laurentian 2 door hardtop, automatic, wer steering, power brakes 1967 FORD Custom 500 VEautornatic, power steering 1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne., VS; power--‘ **************** _CA VSAl. E SAID BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 IIVHITECHURCH ston. ,Mr. and Mrs. Carl',:i'cCleriaQ.- hari 'visited on Sunda% with \.11. and Mrs,. Nlaleoln: Stco;a7t „of, .Wa terloo . be .held April 401 in. the United Churcl, Blue- vale , Ca 1Vin -Brie k , HeJens and Ch'almer's ,Proz.b, 50det• ies will be guests. A . .from the staff of tire i • Hospital, Goderich gUeSt speaker., .Rev . 'George W,1 , Ileather.and visited, Wednesda:, with his sisters Moore and Mr. son and fa mil) Mr. and Mrs., and Earl. visited L ;' 1810 NIT. and Mrs. rrnist , and fa of Prokm, Thompson of : and N:r. and' 'Mrs. Ro, ,Tiro:,;-soi: of Not - W a • On .motion oif Councillors Aitchison and McDonald the goad Superintendent was authorized to apply to the Department of Tkans- pottation and Communications for the Annual Subsid on 1971 Road Expenditnres in the amount of $87,347.77.• 'The Road Superiri&endent was instructed to advertise fOr tenders in the Daily Conimercial News on ors. 2.35 GALS. 7.50 REEVES HARDWARE Mit64 ONE COAT ,WGLOSS •4•J‘."' The Directors also want to see • 1071 PONTIAC Catalina 4 door ' power equipped 1971 DOD6E Charger 2 door ha 1971 FORD Galax' le 500! 4 Oar brakes and power steering Directors recommended to their other social functions during' the Ex.ecutive that they look into the year. The annual' 'Meet th- •• '.* • -stalalistlin Members' meeting in the future accounting arid incorne tax serv is to. be Opened up to the Board ice fot Individual Service Mern- of Direbtors and their wives with_ bets within the County. They the recommendation that there be also want a list of qualified eval- 'a wine and cheese party and , uatbrs' within the area to do farm baTiquet at the function. Direc valuations for tax purposes. Dir- tots said the 1-ederation must re- ectors charged that some evalua'- conize that '.'elaxation and social tOrs have established rates of seV-,.. Lnctions can 'a \ er\ import- .eral hundred dollars While,oth6rs ant roie within:the otz'anization, are charging $20.00 to $25.00, question Was raised as to tia r; an ,j a .5td.nd whether all of these are ,qualified are.i:-..r.c:.tant. As and whether some farmers may s-aid ., experience real problems in the :vso futu'e )ears ' that 7.ipon thei: respor,sible The Board of Directors of the Bruce Coulty Federation of Agri- culture want the organization to provide more social functions kir its Membership. At a meeting / held in Walkerton on March 16fh, it was decided that a move bership be given free pasSes tO the daughter Janet and NI's.; would be made in this direction dance.. At provincial level, APril Tiffin to Torohto to spcnt the starting with their semi-annual 10 - 15 has been desigliaiet—arre-1--week end-wit meeting. to be held the first week newal week. As Bruce County has in June. While continuing with a low expiry rate, it was suggest- a supper and speaker, most busi- ed that the .Board of Directors ,n(ss will be dispensed With atid replaced by a. dance. NOMINATE HURON TWP. FARM WIFE FOR COOPER AWARD Federation To Blend Social Functions And Reguiar Program Within County Mrs. Trancis .Bo le , R.' R. 3 Ripley , a tiuron Township farm Wife, was noniinated as the Fed- . erations candidate for the T S ...is COoper Award. This award is presented annually to the person - • sc,:r,e town- dbitiz the MOSt en' behalf of agri.:. culture and: rural living in either :a : 1.7 a:ticn or.'Bruce. 11c. heen active in rural learning .apt leadership program's, 4-H and e; community programs. members and Mt. over one year ago wasn't even organized. lp an effbreto-generate more sales it Wis suggested that eVery per- son who attends the semi-annual meeting and takes a new Mem- might better use this week as new member week. Elgin SleighthoIni. :On Sunday Mr. and Ger- shorn Johnston of were visitors at the..home and, Mrs.. McMichael' Of td:th." Oil' 'Sunday . evening .Mr. arid Charles WOods and S'.1 Li of Egmondville visited withlier par- 'Mrs.. Russell Gaunt retwued • home on Friday after d \N visit V.iit.h Mi. and Mrs. Don Dir- 'steinand faMily of Aidx". • • . . Mr ..:and . Mrs'. Elwoo2 ,roshorth were Sunday.visitorS and Mrs. Bert Moffat of Tet.':,water., . Mr.. and Mrs. ElAT_in on Tlitirsday night ton i‘; their he Re th mi Co He te th at la th th pc th sta g° wi an