The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-29, Page 13f • SPAY MARCH- 29th 1972 44 MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON. MEMORIALS._ Pat O'Hagan, Prop. • Established Over Sixty Years WALKERTON PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO I :4"!NP40,0"040"4.4,4n.4•44Proem t 44 • • TOE..14.14KNOW SENTINEL LUCKNO.W, ONTARIO PAGA THIRTUN 'Church Members At Nursing Home L.AVGSME NEWS MITES 40 YEARS CHURCH ORGANIST F! • Andrew Gaunt then pies - ', and. Mrs. Johnston 'with flowers wired here by daughter, Mrs. Ruby 1<e3ne Iishcolumbia, • Mrs. uatuir . read a message froM Mr. :'mrs., Keane., Kendra , Penn) , Jack and •Sherty. . The irfollow.ed with a . message ol the. following program was nted: Mrs,, George Fisher , 'a g "The Last Hymn"; Mrs. rt Ross and Mrs. Dawson 1;, a duet accompanied 11). it Mrs. Don floss; Mary jo , Pt, a recitation "The Alpha •-• 1.010,.Iii:-Wilftini--a-fortn-- hoir member, accompanied 'Organist Miss Merle. Wilson,. Mrs. Ross Henderson and tie Forster; Mn.S Victor- 'Eine r readings, "The rump Handle" • ne and her. father John de -Boer; 0 Janie, Joann. and Paul La id- , -.accompanying on -electric. :tar; Kathy Purdon accord is n Otduet, Mrs. Bill Gibson and sister Miss Doris Fisher. Mr,and.Mrs, Conn Were'called the -froiand-Aridrew---Gaunt I'd an address. A gift was pres'- ied by Elioi_Laidlaw:of -a Ca - :and purse of money. Mrs. • anteplied thanking' all' for Dear Mrs. Conn Since'.you. resigned as organist of our church we wanted to show you (in a small way) of our love and respect for you for the many years, yes,40 years of faithful -sec-v-iee-t-ha-t--yon-haw given-this t hurch in the capacity,of playing he organ. • .• When one thinks of the respon-.• sibility,of having to be here early , every Sunday both summer and ., . winter, of the res onsibilit of choosing suitable hymns each . Sunday and fOr special occasions such as anniversaries, of leading a mixed choir of young and old ; male and female and keeping them all happy, which is no small task.. • You always made every one Peel Wanted-andlreedrd -- You..were.always there with your contagious smile, your.word of encouragement and for this you have 'won a special, place in each Several members of the Lang- side Presbyterian Church visited Carruther s•Nursing !ionic on Sunday afternoon recently to share -with the residents an hour ,of Wor- ship and fellowship. Mr. Wy,benga led 'in prayer and. scripture :reading. In his medita- tion he focussed the aAtention on the Joy of Easter. Mr.,Philip Steer, Mrs. Agnes. Bregrfian, Nancy de Boer and Helen Weitsma sang .a number called: The Su-angel...from .Galilee As usual, the singing of famil- iar hymns were requested h} the residents. 6ne of our hearts, indeed in the history. of the congregation. We Will miss you because you did, a difficult. Job so•well .andyour .preserice was. auteinatie 'over • these many years. • • •But time•moves on and we real- iZedihat yoir would not he able to carry On indefinitely as >our So we have gathered -here t 9' night.including.soine of your , fortherchoir members of years. gone by.topresen0o you zi small token of our love and respect for the many yearsof .faithful service in this church, ---7--"May -t-od bless and kecri,you. Affectionately, The .Congregation of Chalmers and .Your Many., Friends.. Happiness Is . . . A Mother and Daughter Banquet Twenty-four Calvinettes of the Christian Reformed Church invited their mothers to asinorgasbord supper. last Friday, March 17. Af- 'ter the delicious meal the girls presented a variety program. The senior group had prepared a skit in whiCh they showed the methods for physical and spiritual good grooming. They stressed how true beauty comes from a heart that is. surrendered to Jesus Christ. . "Seven days a week, all through the days, ouL mothersitie _Lp. are rea.,d)a- c with loving service for their faniil j vinettes. prepares us ,for the task of using our hands in helping our fare ilies' and' showing concern and • love,. for', others." The girls took each day of the week. and with the tequirements of their merit badges. set out• to do the daily Chores.- Some did their chores pantomime while others ,baked a cake ,that was.Ailop Or went through closets to hunt for' poison on low shelves or unmarked bot- ties, re - their 'Safety badge. Instrumental numbers, organ, guitart , recorder, choral singing, were'enjoyed during the evening. They helped to develop the 1972 international theme, Happiness is... The Lucknow Calvinettes, chose to Complete the slogan with happiness is ... living for Jesus. A toast to the 'mothers was' given by Margaret Vander Klippe. Mrs pyanStempvoort replied with a toast to the daughters. 'The leaders presented the girls with the ranks and badges :which they earned throughout, the year. The senior group, girls-l-5--15- years old , worked on the ranks of Sower, Gleaner and Harvester,, the merit badge's, Christian charm, physical fitness and sewing. The jtiniors, girls 11 and 12 year old, worked on the ranks-,,'Bud', Blos-' tom, Tiller and Sower, merit badges, Bible, CharacterS, physi- cal fitness aitd embroidery. Coun- selors;for the groups are Mrs.- H.' Kuyvenhoven and Mrs. Ben Malda' junior 'counselors Margaret Vander- Klippe and Maureen Geertsrna. Mrs. N. Peet spokea word-of - appreciation to the leaders and closed the evening with a prayer,. of thanksgiving.. • ••• r WHITECIJRCil NEWS 3:,$enday evening a program esented in Chalmers church with a hymn and pra er be'ehairrnan, Mr, Victor .attending„ kindness in planning the surprise party and their gift. She Lad.Qf many experiences itt getting to services due to adverse weather conditions. u Mr ..Wybenga closed the Meet- ing with prayer and extended an invitation to all to have lunch in the basement.', TheAdyance Times phOtograph- Nir'. Shepherd and Le.n. Balser took several pictures. During' lunch the Laidlaw trio,again sang accompanied by Paul on the elect- ric guitar. • r.• LOCHALSH :e- Remember The Dozens Of Times, You Needed A Stapler And Never Had One? Now Is The Time To Buy an KNOW SENTIN Family Moves To British Columbia' PURPLE GROVE NEWS Thecominunity bid farewell to' Mr,. and, Mrs ! Clarence .NidhOlson and 'family. on Friday when they left, for their :new home in South- ern BritishLcoltimbia. • 'Congr.itu.lations are in st e for mr • and Mrs. ltidd-MaTlette :(17a-n ,et Forster) on the birth of .a .son on' Frida)',, March .24 in the. Kitch- ener-Waterloo flospital. Ripley, hockey fans journeyed by' bus to Oa l'w.o.od on 'Saturday to. a game between the Ripley and Oakwood Juveniles. Ripley de- fcated OakWood. by.a.score of 9-5. - 11-1): , 'visited with their .aunt and uncle; Mr.. and .Mrs. Ed Gilkes Who attended the game from 0Shawa. William Wood will be spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dort and family. Mrs. Annetta. Robinson, Daryl- and Lisa; Mr. :and Mrs. Don John- ston., Ntark,-Susari and Kevin of Mississag,ua spent last 'week with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Foister., The Purple GrOve Women's In- stitUte'hoSted the District Direct- ors of Bruce South at a luncheon in the "centre" on Tuesday. Plans were made for the District ,Annual and by-laws were updated. Mrs. William AmOld'is District Presid- • ent And Mrs. Angus McLeod is Secretary. T-re.asurer. mittee in charge were Mrs, Mar- ford N1ackay „Mts. Don Robertson andNfts. Earl Elliott. _ Mr. and Mrs- Don NICCpsh spent Wednesday night at 'home with Mr. and',Mrs. Bob Thompson. We welcome. Walter Collins home from his winter sojourn in Friends of Mrs. Annie McMur- eh> will be pleased to hear that she is progressing favourably at Kitchener7Waterloo Hospital fol- lowing surgery. Mrs. Mc MU rc h y had spent the winter in Florida • along with, her daughter Mrs. •Hatherton, and took quite ill nee- .cssitating flying her to Kitchener during the past week. Mri. Henry MacKenzie spent, a_f_ew_sta4s irLawen Sound and Collingwood with her sisters, Edna and. Eliza Cook. MOVE TO BRADLEY HOUSE NV'. and Mrs. Paul Trembly.and family have moved from: the David Johnston house :to,the Brad- 'ley hotise and Mr. Trembly will ,be 'working 'on the Bradley farm:. RENTED STEWART HOUSE , Mr: and Mrs. Simon : Lajeunsse and familTof Sudbury , have rented the former. Bill Stew- ;art house.. Mr. Art Matthewman is a pat- ient in hospital in, Mississauga., having undergone surgery. Mrs. Alvin Robb enjoyed a trip: to Paris, France during, the holi- day Week. Texas. ' fx Mr. and Mrs. ,Roy Collins and Jennifer and Mr. and Mrs. Don' McCoth and Dick visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gilders in . Clinton. " A court whist partywas held in the community centre on Satur day night With a silent auction as highlight of the evening. Mrs. Margaret Harkness, Don McCosh and lan Elliott went home with 'prizes after the' evening's enter- tainment, Conveners for the evening festivities'were. Mrs. .Donnie Reid and Mrs. William'. Arnold: k. YOU BUY YOU GET FREE $5.98 VALUE STAPLER 15,000 FREE STAPLES - VALUE $3 $3.98 VALUE STAPLER 10,000 FREE STAPLES -VALUE $2 1 .99 VALUE STAPLER 5,000 FREE. STAPLES VALUE $1 1$c VALUE STAPLER' 1,000 FREE STAPLES - VALUE 25c 1,511C:=24.==>*c===qi.=410==i4K===-Isc=oc==xic=0,===,1 THE