The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-15, Page 31 MONUMENTS nr_sounclueounsel-uand—a- ,fair--price. 'On -a montuhent--- - correetiy designed from quality material, rely, on SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON Pat 01-11figan; Prop. 'Established' OVer Sixty Years 'PHONE 181,023'4 ONTARIO • RED& WHITE FOOD STORES • WHEREC T CONVENIENCE CONES/NSF; ft, FREE! ART MASTERPIECES YAIIOUS ART IBUBBOOUCTION6 by the world's great. -----.-saluttacto-anhoommt.,Bamik-Wer• 01/000007044,_ to you this week with the Coupon frOnt—orelinichiate• to you recently end a purchase. of 15.00 or monk This week% picture size: lrf--)FW" Save upb50%onqualty frames ti FEATURE!.— BY SALADA . Prior Park Burfthe eek TEA BAGS. 75° Date and Nut Loaf FEATUREI GENERAL ELECTRIC' • SHADOW BAN LIGHT 40• 60 • 100 W.tt BU 2 49, Reg. 59c „ Ini SPECIAL 431; MOUNT" ELEPHANT FANCY QUALITY GREEN SEAN .14-oz. tins —r —Thellextiwo -Weeks- 24 Ft. Os. Mai Keep-Tour-Cas Slip 'When You Have An Order Of $10 OR OVER. PALMOLIVE Limn .....aaMM0/11111.111111.W.m.„ REST BUY! — BATHROOM !ISSUES' NITS STORE 528-3001 satt hone BEST BUYI . . . CORN FLAKES . KELLOGG'S ,6-0Z. BEST BUY! -,- READY CUT MACARONI - .SPAGHETTINI • LANCIA $PAGHETT1 2,111, "no 43c FEATURE!' — FACIAL 100 x 2=PLY '',CANADIANA" ', KLEENEX TISSUE . S 599c AmpioN DR. BALLARD'5 DOG FOOD151 F8C 15 fl, oz. tins FEATURE! FANCY OUALITY 14 Fl. Oz. Tins CREAM CORN . GREEN GIANT BEST BUY! — ROASTED BAG MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee 33 BEST BUY! -- BOSTON BROWN' 14 Fl. Oz. Tins LMER BEANS With P°111 2i3 AY BEST BUYL— STRAWBERRy - RASPBERRY - CHERRY (pectin) 9. Fl. Oz. Jars BERRY B -JAMS 4.i 0 R. fl O ifinifl 7 ALLEN'S FL. 02. GLASS Funiy Macs aid' Spies please bring empty hamper • Georgian.. -Ba: • Apples $7.99. bu; For Each •Week You Will Receive - 254, OFF AN '-'EASTER LILY 5 BLOOM AND UP /— /— gara.,e in. N One hockey match' for the "tykes" -with Winghain at the Ripley„Dia- mond Jubilee arena. Also at the Ripley District High School Aud- itorium the students sponsored a the same auditorium the Bruce nigh Schools were -here for the table tennis 'competition with Kincardine the winners in two div- isions. On Sunday afternoon, the :Ripley-_ Juveniles wept to Alvinston 4 • For -the first part of last'week Rev..-and daughters Pam and .Phoebe, and son Steve visitedWith her parents Mr. and -Mrs. Redvers Johnston • while they were awaiting the. arrival of their household effects in London from British Columbia. While in Ripley they also visited. with Mrs. Mitchell's.sister Joy 4 and husband, Mr. and Mrs. e 0 rge- family has' been living in Kam- loops, British Columbia', Among those recently reported CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 1t EPPIE.SDAT, .MA.RcIf 15th, THE 'OCKNO4, SENTINEL, I4ICKNOIN, ONTARIO w. PAO" THUS / Mr. and Mrs. Norris Wilson, Ronnie ,:RiCkey -and Raindy'.of &One).- Creek spent -last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross P'rrington at St r. an Mrs.' Bill Ware- ing, Stoney Creek were callers at the s.amehorne during the week end. James O'Donnell suffered a .second coronary On MarchIst and is a patient in Intensi.ve., Care in' WinOlam and District hospital. Mr. and 'Mrs. 1-1Oracc Guire of London ,Were Sunda) callers in.Lucknow with h.is aunt Mrs. Ed Thom. lc SORRY • Because of crowded conditions in this wecVs paper , sonic storks had to be, held over until next week. Npoticcd Ironic to 1.b.ple\ week end were the following youngpcople-•frOm the cities - Garry Carruthers of. Toronto with • -Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Carruthers Boyd and Blaine; Miss Nanc\ Mac , -Kay , taterratory--teelin-ic-ian in the Kitchener-Waterloo I lospita 1 with Mr. and .Mrs ; Allister MacNa\ and fainily-; 'Brian MacDonald of 'Fanshawe College in Lenk.lon with Mr; and Ntrs. Kenny MacDonald andi family; Kenn\.1rwin with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Irwin and 'Lau\ ; Bruce Danforth of. Toronto W'ith'. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Danforth. * 0 '0 On Thursday evening cord ' .,Maeltavre drove to London to bring home Jack MacLean. Jack' was a Patient in Victoria' Hospital for a week's treatment on „his. intured cive..,Over a month ago' Jack tindcrwent surgery to remove a steel -splinter from his eye. This intur 1 /2.was sustained While at his' job as mechanic for the-Wald-. ett Tran0o:t Company at their A ground hog came Out of his burrow through the snow to see. • . how winter Was going. down the tenth concession west last , Friday afternoon.- Either-to get a,-better- lookor get hiS feet away from the cold snow the aninial climbed a post behind Howard. Harrison's -• 'To prove that -he Wasn't seeing imaginary things Iloward • picked him off and brOught'it to Ripley. .8irice:it is six weeks since the first of February: it is , lil sly that this ground hog saw,its shadow on the second day of 'last month. 01 0 Once again there were several group zvivities on the week end. On Friday. Afternoon the members of the Ripley Women's Institute held their March- meeting in„ the Ripley 'Huron- Legion hall, -EArly Friday evening it Was 'a.One This Week In Ripley BY Al) WILDS