The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-08, Page 18LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE. SENTINEL 'FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON • ..................••••••••••••••••••••••4••••• 20 'YEARS AGO 40 YEARS AGO $7000 Grant For Brussels Project . The Honourable George A.. Kerr, Q.C. , Minister of the En- vironment and Murray Gaunt, • M.P.P. for Huron. Bruce, announce the approval of a prov inCial grant of $7,000 to the " Maitland Valley Conservation . Authority for the Brussels Conser- vation Area. This Conservation Area will comprise some 50 acres of land and water in. the Village of Brus- sels and the .ToWnshiP of, Grey. The putposeeis fo acquire what is now the coiiiifiliriiryTond-o-f-the- lor, Debbie Wraith. Glen Haldenby won the prize for the youngest skater skating the long- PRITCHARD Wingham and , District Hospital on Thursday, March 2nd, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pritchard of Lucknow, a son, GAMMIE - in Wingharii and Dist- rict Hospital on Sunday, March 5th, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gammie (Yana Rosenhagen) of R. :R. 1, Lucknow, a sOn, a broth-. er for Jeffrey. PRE-FINISHED DBOARD PANE 4 feet x 8 feet CASPIAN WALNUT TYEE CEDAR NICOLA PINE SIENNA OAK WHITE OAK ELDORADO OAK .111111111H111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_ • GYPROC WALLBOARD SIZES 4 FEET. x 8 FEET' _FEET_x_9_F_E_ET 4 FEETx 10 FEET - GYPROC FILLER AND TAPE GYPROC LATH 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U M11111 JOHN-W HENDERSO // LUMBER LTD. 00 AMY WITH PAINTING WALLPAPER 111 PillE111G THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LLICKNOVil, ONTARIO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..... WEDNESDAY MARCH 8th 102 JANUARY 1952 llector,Purdon disposed of his sbatekweraa Mullin.ypreniis es.and .business - in the fall. of 1951 Hector opened a gilt, paint and wall- paper shop in the Treleaven Block, with a view to disposing of the bakeiy , which, lie took over when his brother Athol POrdon moved to Wingham. Stewart Mullin had several year's eXperience in the baking business. lie was employed in the business by Edgar Hollyman and continued in the eMploy of the Purdon brothers. The chairman of the Lucknow District High School, Mr. :Robert Ra'e,, announced that the sketch . plans of iheproposed new school had, been approved by the Depart , ment of Education: 29 years old son, of Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Ivioffat of contession-8, Kinloss Township, was fatally injured in a bush acci- dent when,he was crushed under a falling tree.. est . ' A draw was Made during the Village of .Brussels and by corn; present--; Wilkens, who quilted the cinilt, ,. ly owned by the Village, a sub- • made the draw which was won Stantial step.\,iill be taken toward. by Mrs..1rwin Campbell, R. R. creating a municipal green -belt 3 Lucknow. Second prize, pillow which will prOvide recreation cases, went to Mrs. Pete Mac- areas and protect flood plain land, DOnald, Lucknow and third prize, All member municipalities will dresser set, to Charles Anderson, bear the Authority's share of the Lucknow. PAGE' EIGHTEEN EIGHTEEN, IDN, ro pig The eph's -Redo borne Boa soil of the la He office joinir servir Corps On vied They Craig 1953, Mr broke own the IJ Bpi He of C NO, and 1911 Hf • . • cost. • . . Donald Mcdiarles ;...0\-cd-his chet IvIcaarles whO. I..; ises -and' joined his brother rot- stook; frOm. the Star c -roit.':.•ar\L• tr:. '..§u Hug firm Ra tile _- McALILL1.0 L:- .1).1"0. R now •bakery.*•.The IICQriit.:ES they. m .formed a partnership•!-inkhr-tilt: He2,ill Ed McGuire, .100 9:1.,:e:01' the Of Li Luc know ,branch of2t1,y ! aid, of. Hen Hamilton. ,.sev-ere-cl-li.. 1.,!k_k_ bra. Lions with_ the 'ha sil .J.i,e, •,0%..ed-,0 Winnipeg." Ja nie:z lk..'tic, v.ric, had been at Blytli , \:,. . ,,..ipointed manager to .replae e .„',:c.....i,::e at the Lucknow hank. Jan don, Man T the Hon onic of( No, 4 JANUARY Mr. and,iNtra. Geor.2.v allies celebrated their .0th 'Wedding anniversary. ' Mr. • (ji wo,s and Mrs. Gillies. 86. Tht..ir [loin 1;14s just north 'of -,tile depot, whiOh was forici.1\ 1,0 Presbyterian church manse. W. Logan Craig, edrtor and publisher of the :Wingha,:i Advance Times , died in.iis u4th year. Mr. 'Craig's son-in-law we W. Arthstrong took cs) I as business manager and iti , Cool, who had been ir.l liar, e of the Win ;harry office Craig's illnesS, was, production manager in the newly_tur_med • _. partnership. 60 YEARS )AGO' .JANUARY 1 1 • PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW c Thing) Jeanne Reid, Joy Ember- lin, Janet Marriott. Solo by Debbie Haldenby to "Tracey". Group 3 (skating to Chim Chim Cherie) Connie Stanley, Cathy Chisholm, Bonnie Clark, Cindy Nixon, Peggy Gibion, Lisa Husk, Tracey Mc.Donagh, Linda Taylor, Charlene Elphick, Debbie -Bolt ,.Sandra Reid, Patti Barger , Lynn Taylor,, Corrine Enright, Lee. Ann Haldenby, Sharon McMurray. Group 4 (skatin:c; to Up Up.and Away) Nancy Haldenby, Indy MC- Donald , Susan Thompson, Kendra ,Haldenby , fancy Thompson. 'Duet by Debbie MacRae and Suzanne Corrin to Raindrop's. Duet by Joan Hamilton and 'Brenda Johnston to Aquarius. Elementary Group 1 and 2 (skat- ing to Whistle While You 'Work) Joanne Ritchie, Lath Clark, Brenda Chisholm,' Kathy Stooks ,' Fayanne Forster , Dawn Nelson, Bev Hedley, Kendra Elphick. . Elernentary croup 2. and 4 \srtar..- ing to Spooky).Pentia r , Terri' Taylor., Kinr. Kathy Taylor; Parrela Mcint,esh 1k Ta v 10: , Rtienda Anetta P"a:, e en . Kim Haldenk Arlent Brenda Taylor , :inntescr. NI:11'111a ..--,raha:t . Solo by Lynda 2'..a -nit,,t$e- to Grazing in the. Grass.. The boys of the Skating Club did a number to the Bonanza Theme song. They were. John Barger, John Husk, Mark Farquar, John McIntosh, Tammy Forster Michael. Jansen, Eddie Husk, Steven Hamilton, l\lark Halden- bY, .,EricleHalderiby , 'Glen Hald- enby , Joe Jansen. This niimber a so inc nee• a orse w is .was Very ably. characterited, by Mrs., Ken Taylor and Mrs. Johri,Fludder. After each group-, finished their act they, presented with the' Lucknow Skating Club crest by Donna' Elphick. Each .skater. was then introduced and received their badges from Mrs. Eldon Wraith., -pre&ident of the—Q1u1), Mrs. Nixon thanked everyone for corning and introduced the executive of the Lucknow $kat- ing. Club: President, Mrs. Eldon' Wraith; 1st Vice President, Mrs. enelberr*NiYon: 'Thd_Vice-Presid- ent , Mrs. Leonard Stanley; Sec - retary, Mrs. Bai-ry MeDonah; Treasure:, Mrs. Gordon SrOoks; Badge Secretary, M_rs. Ken Tay.- lor . The Dick owSkating Club held a Skate -a ,•thor: in December. At the Achiever-err: !,:ight a silver dollar was presented to each participant who ce-rtpleted the the State-a - ther.. -..ace zne Ha9 f1tcr. , glr.; a yne. 2f07. . - • . --- • • 4.• • Triple dresser and mirror, chest, 60 inch headboard and frame, 2 nite tables • SLIGHTLY MARKED Stereo COmponent Set AM-FM and RECORD PLAYER OR_A.M. F.M. and TAPE_DECK REG. ;359.00 • •'¤• ••- -•- -•-•• 04 ••• •a••••••# • •••••**••••••••• •••••-•••• L.- •,•• • • • JOHNSTONE and LUCKNOW. SON FURNITURE . SKATING CLUB CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Group 1 (skating to Spoonful of Sugar) Cathy Stanley, Debbie Hedley, Patil Johnstone, Rose- . 'rnary Gilmore, Mary Helen Mc- Donald, Teresa Jansen. Group 5 (the senior girls skat- . ing-to-WGrking7en-a-G.r-Go* REG. $319410 NS • •-• •-•••••• AV*. # • • • • • PHONE 528-30 3