The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-08, Page 11idles tint rind Mulch tittle onduc• 4 i th PUPPETS - PUPPETS Grade One has a puppet theatre in our classtooni. Five peOple may go to it, every day. Some of us even brOught Our Special pup- pets to school. 1971 PLYMOUTH Duster, 2 door hardtop, cylinder autotnatic " power steering .1971' PONTIAC Catalina 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power. equipped )969 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic 1969 PONTIAC Parisciennef 4 door hardtop, V8, power equipped 1969 PrIEV 4 door, r automatic, Power brakes, power steering 1969 DODGE Polara 4 door, V8 automatics, power steering, power brakes 1969 PONTIAC Laurentian 2 door hardtop,. V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes 1968'CADILLAC, 4 doer hardtop, full power, air conditioning • 1967 FORD Custom sop V8 automatic, poWer steering '1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienns, V8, full power POLARIS USED/ 1969 'Scorpion Snowmobile 1971 Polaris Snowmobile — nomobiles IN STOCK ****)!(************ t$ Michael'Hunter has been, tick, We will he glad t6 have hint back. Open House is next week. Our patents are coming to see our work. :Some people in our class did . blow -painting. • GVe.. had to blow paint around 'our piper with .-a straw. 1e-Was fun: GET ATTENTION A Bud" Hamilton house N.011 hesitate 'to buy today because of the cost Of a mortgage,.... what will it be worth in ten years or longer'' Just look..every.- ' where at the record of, .'increased real estate values over the years!. So come in and discuss a, mortgage loan tei help you enjoy that dream horne' right now ... and own it While its long term value rises. Borrow today at Victoria and Grey : , s. AERIALISPRAYINO .: John Tarr, President WISH TO' ANNOUNCE THAt\THEY WILL BE DOING 1 THEY WILL BE REPRESENTED BY 'JERRY LOSEE WHO IS NOW BOOKING AEROPRILL WORK HE WILL BEGIN FLYING BY THE • END OF THIS MONTH •• lost. ,on de.d, was •,“•• D fie:. OF • 1972 100FIDAY.24_:_MARCN 8th, 1'972 C1RLS' 110C EY On Friday, Febru'ary 2,r)•, Brook- side defeated' Ripley with, a score. • of We arc .going; to beat , tbem next game. Yah.l , Ripley I RIPLEY7HURON SCHOOL:111011LIGHTS SATES PHONE:5234342 PAGE ELEVEN NIts; cv. t ines The Ontario government 'may ' incorporate Bruce county, road No. frbin Sauble BeaCh to Ilepworth in the provincial highway system' as an extension of Highway 70. In summer this is one of the . most highly travelled roads in Bruce. The intersection of this road by County Road 21, near the beach, is slated for improvement by the county this year. • It will be wid- ened. and possibly equipped with traffic lights. Aniabel Township will be asked by the county to as- sume part of t116 costs of the sig- nals. . The county's roads co-ordinat- ing- committee will review a re- quest to take over the road from Tiverton north to Concession :2 of Bruce Township and then west to Douglas Point. . At-present , Bruce Township is the only township, other than the' two at the tip of -the •Bruce Peninsula , without a county road withia its borders. -The department of-transporta- tion and communications has not- ified-the--Bruee-highwaopinrii it- tee that, $336 MO b_c' avail able for.construetion and • .$290,000, for -riiaintenarice in 1972. In addition there will'be $121,000 in direct aid. 1,ow•eStimate of costs on work done last Isar. in Ripley and at the 'recently. Opened Pike 'Riyer •bridge were responsible for 1971's. ,UOU' de.fic it. , the highWay committee says. Highway :construction proposed for 1972 include: the road from Tiverton to InverhurOn Beach, $92 ,u00.•,..01ipliant to Wiarton higs hway, 000:, , .of sharpeurves north of, Hope `Hay, $14,U00; county road No. 11 east from North .Bruce, $'7!:),0,00; road No. 17B front Tara .to Inver-may, $06,000. • • The 001111TiitteC proposes spend; $26•,!•)00 for paving of five • miles north of Sauble 314 ,000' for 2 1/2 miles east of ed In 1TB ear Deborah lIelen Bottler , daugh- ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Puttler of Port Carling, passed away suddenly recently at Toronto Genera I I lospital. Miss 13tittler was in her eight- centh4ear,_ Skeliad been afflie- •ted with leukemia since. she.'was nine,years old but she .herself hem lieed she had anemia , a •blood. ,deficiency. Ifer parents kept the truth frorn her ,.as they .felt it niight wea ken her Spirit ', Debor- ah enjoyed the-best breVerything and 'enjoyed life to the full. She was quite active in'activ- itics both at her school and corn. mu.nity. Besides being a trombone player in the'high school band, Bracebridge, where she was a . Grade 12 student, she took part in !natty events of the school. In the 1971•Cavalcade of Color , Miss Bottler represented Port Carl , ing in the bliss Muskoka' contest. At the funeral, members of the B..M.L.S.S. band formed an honour goard for' the forther Mem- ber and friend. Miss Bottler is survived by her parents., one sister Vicki•and a brother Colin. • ,Iler grandmother, is a sister of Ntrs, Leonard Webster of Milford. Bay. Lconatd Webster was a form- er resident of this arc`,. 1lis death oceurted tew weeks ago. Card Party A card party was held ill the. Zion Hall on Monday, of this 'eek , spOnsore-d-b344-1-a-ple-c.rove L.O.L. 1044, High prizes'went.to.Mrs. Allan Gibson and. Gordon Carter, with low to. Mrs. Lorne Cooke and Al- lan Gibson. There will be another card patty in two, weeks. Says Treat cause, Not $ymptotns. The National Farmers' UniOn has cautioned the Ontario,G:overn- mem not to use its resources to develOp beef prOduction incentive' programs which would have the 'effect. of driving prices down, in light of reported increased cattle. • numbers'. Walter Miller, Vice President • of..the NFU, in a recent letter to the• Hon. WM. A. ,Stewart , Ister of Agriculture and Food,. . called' on the Minister. to use his influence -to get other govern-: rnents of 'Canada to help establish a totally co-omit-mated prOgram to develop the livestock industry, and help establish an overall national meat authority. The letter said the NFU.is un- able to. support any production in-. centive program for beef without. first having established an overall national meat authority to avoid placing•beef producers in a comparable positiOn•to that ex.- • perienced by hog .producer'sOver the past few, years or shifting Prod- uctiOn from one commodity to. another. • .Thejettersuggested low 'interest partially forgive-able loans could sere 0-Seidl' purpose i.f applied on a general' basis to establish yonng•farmers in the business.of,.farming, but not on. a 'commodity basis. T,he - union Vice President .called - fat-;a-progra-TM compara-ble' to the Veteran'SLand Act used following World - War ,2 to help get uyourfg farThers• established. •Miller continue to pursue the policies. • established by its men bers in convention 'and -will ask govern - • ments to treat the cause of the problem - not the, symptoms AMbelside south of Formosa , and $8,000 for 1.1/2 njiles at Barrow Ray. . . The. bridge program includes an additional '$5.2,000 at:the George Grant Bridge iii‘Paisley; $37 1 0001 on `the Pike 'River • THE LkicKNOW SENTINE'L, •LticKNOW,.,ONTARIO COunitef Bruce Plans Extensive 72 Road Piogram. Don't let lack of cash hinder a bargain buy! al . Jut, ite AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. GASOLINE — DIESEL —‘11EATING FUEL AND OTHER---FARM---,RRODUOTS .24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE PARTS' INSURANCE TRUCKS RADIO EQUIPPED. FOR SERVICE WHOLESALE RETAIL DIAL 528-3006 OR 528-3616 LUCINOW, ONTARIO VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1.889 Jdealand Hill, Manager Elgin atill—Kinjgsto-n - Streets Galeria), 524-7381 Bridge; $18,000 for' a bridge over, Pearl Creek ,and $22,,000 for a .bridge over Sriake Creek. Other expenditures include a $374 ,0 00 total for maintenance and $4 0,000 for new machinery.' NORFOLK AERIAL SPRAYING IN'THIS AREA ,•••$$ • ify JERRY MAY BE CONTAlbTED IN LUC,KNOW 5284533 Evenings i==t,i2<=:›il-4==Nict=t>ii<==64kt=i=t i AERIAL SPRAYING DOESN'T COST — IT PAYS