The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-23, Page 15HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ? IF YOUR MAILING. LABEL STARTS WITH NOVEMBER AND ENDS WITH• 1 • THIS IS THE LAST WEEK YOU. WILL RECEIVE YOUR PAPER PLEASE CHECK ' THE LABEL ON THE FRONT OF YOUR • PAPER. To qualify for. Post. Office mailing privileges, all subscrip- tions must be no further than 3 months in arrears. • In order that your paper will continue please mail your subscription or drop into our office to pay. $6.00 for Canada , $8.00 for U.S.A. and Foreign THE LUCKNOW SENTIN BOX 38 LUCKNOW The fifth annual meeting ,of the uron.Pfrqi Presbyterial United of rchWorilen was held at Cen. al United Church, Stratford on ciinesday, February 9, 1972, erne for this meeting Was "To - rs Ch,allange" - Be ye doers of e• word, and not hearers only. The meeting opened with the sing of several hymns and ,a few ords pf welcome by the Presby - erial President Mrs. Stewart 'ner. The Treastftet Mrs.' Wal- (McDonald reported an increase givings for the year. The aron literature secretary gave a binary of some of the books and urces that are available for ogram planning and good read - 8. The executive of Huron-Perth tesbyterial presented their re- ts as a skit (The U.C. W. on iai by jury). The literature sec - ary -for Perth gave a resume of me of the resources and books vailable'to-LI.C. W. asking that eryone visit the literature room the lunch hour. A Panel, Concern for Youth , as moderated by Rev. F. Faist teat or , lie-panel--w-as-Mm , eida McAVoy, Toc Alpha work- ; Miss Sheila Harley, a condary school student;, Mrs. y Galway,. an interested Moth:, , Mrs. Jean Parker, Education- worker. This panel was ion. .,• „,. the Ripley Minor Hockey 6 The ams, Lummus vs Canadian As- tos; are men who work at oglas Point. Bob Gibbon's, who. imselfworks at the Point and yes on the fourth concession of uron about a mile east of Reids: orners, has made the arrange- ents. Thanks goes to hint and ople in•charge of. Kiricaidine aren- as well the men from the Point r this help for the young hockey layers of the Ripley and iluron rea • 0 0 • * 0000 President Lester Ferguson,had a rge turnout of directors and cials of the Ripley Agricultural ciety. Filither plans were made r the fair on September 30.. ' morning,his the Bruce Coach nes bus from 'Kincardine, was• upping around 6' a.m,. at the me of Mr. and Mrs. .Wrn. imtb-e-west---L - , is 4 ge to pick Up delegates for the ntarioConVention being heid'to- ay and tg-morrow at the King die in Toronto. It will also ave delegates on it from Tiver- n,Xincardine and Ltic know rdent at the February Meeting. tewart Needham, John C. • ' cDonald , Jack Farrell ; Gordon atterson, Mt. and Mrs. Russ . rooks, Hugh Mason, Mrs. Wm. Arnold, Alan.McLean, Dr. and s. Pete Bissorinette i MOrtey • Ott ; Mrs, Marjorie Reid., Lest- r Ferguson and Ab Wylds. Mrs. don Stanley , unable to attend, nt along her report. • ick e at h el' .e .14ry nlior fary :on ie he er- first the e for This ahe ich an• for THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FIP 19 0$ AY, FEBRUARY 0$., ni Ind CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 K. (Pelt 1-arrell and • .. atighter were on their way tor 'Mon this past week...Sol-rip-. herehetWeen Goderich and linton they .were in C011isionwith truth skidding sideways on the icy a verment,. it,..V.tinderstood that. lisuffeled lacerations. Mrs. arrell is, a sister of Mrs. Russ tanley of the Sixth of linton. thought -provOking, informative •and of interest to:all, Mrs, Clark of Central .United Church •Worn- en extended greetings to all; Rev. F. Faist brought greetings .from Presbytery, . The worship service by Central United Church Women concluded the.Morning session. Miss Eliza - beth -Facey dismissed -the group • with the Grace foe lunch. The afternoon session began with quiet music. Miss Eliza- beth FaceyintrOduoed the guest speaker Dr. Harriet Christie of Toronto. Dr. Christie gave a very inspiring informative ad dreSs, . With the call of the roll by regions it was found that thiS . Meeting was well attended ,by all regions. The afternoon offering. was dedicated by Mrs. Bert Alton, West Huron Regional. President. A musical number .wa.s present- ed 'by Mrs..Wardrop and Mrs. . Guest accompanied by Mts. PasS- more .olthe Wirigham United. . Church . Women. • E. 'Egilsson -117 .ciandP1r,CM-f-ete-tic spoke briefly and presicl'L • ed for the election .and installa- tion of officers. Exeter, U.; C.. W. conducted the- cIosing .worship- service. Former Resident— Died In 56th Year LEONARD C. W EBST ER ---Friends--, relatives- and -a-cquairr-- tances of Leonard Clark: WebSter . were saddened to learn of passing in Bracebridge Hospital. on. Monday, February 14th his'5 Gth year, .v.there.he..had beenconfined for 'over two" months. lie:Was the son of the late James T, Webster and Rachel Reid , formerly ,of Luc know , where he' was •born on' • their farm about one. mile west• of the town. : Here he grew up .and as young. man spent most of his life in Toronto, where he Married the former Kathleen .Clark Of Brace bridge. Following surgery a year 'ago andin.declining health they moved to his wife's old home', ' which they Purchased after the passing, .of her mother. , located in Bruce ,Eresbytery. Meet At Toro A change of format took place at the regular meeting of Bruce Presbytery of the United. Church held in Tara on Tuesday , February 8th, when Mrs. Ralph Jackson ofi; Tara gave a musical devotional using hymns and folk songs, both new and olci. Her message in song and guitar was •most impres- sive. . The afternoon devotion was, conducted by Jim Conrtney of Allenford , his theme being "No Man Stands Alon6".. This being the first meeting of the new year, many new del ,, egates were introduced and Wel- comed into the Courts of the church. They were informed that all audio-tapes of singtirne programs were available for church ,use from Rev: Ev. Smith ,'WeStminster College, London, Ontario. On February 29, at 11.30, a .m, over CKCO-TV; Channels 13 and , • 2, Elaine Cole will interview Rev. Lester Settle , associate Secretary of Division and MisSions, a spec- ialist in' the problems of rural churches. ' -Bruce Presbytery will place the. United Church Observer in all high school libraries:of Bruce County on a trial basii for one year. The highlight of the days meet- ing was the dynamic ,address by Rev. Ernest E. Long, B.A, , D.D. LW. , general secretary of the General council. Speaking on the concerns with- in the church he Iists tliTtour most important. Education, evangelism, new ways of worship and new understanding in mission outreach. ' ,A question and answer period followed. At this .tirrie; Dr Long refuted statements made in • the Readers Digest about the stand of the World,Council Of . churches He-issue-of-the on hundred and thirty-five members, of which only thirty-five are from- communistic countries. Concerning church union he stated - "Problems are gradually being worked out„and Bishop E. W. Scott, primate of the Align - can Church will not press for union until he is sure the church is ready BROWNIE NEWS . The 1st Luckhow Brownie Pack opened. their meeting On Tuesda.y., February 13th with .a ball game "One Little' TWo Little Tosses" ea-dr-W.6+f". 'After Fairy Queen Debra Arnold placed the ,Toadstool we had. .• *Brownie Ring. The Sixers col-• • lected Fairy Gold and inspection was for clean hands and finger- nails. _During Pow Wow. Tawny Owl presented Barbara Hackett with' her -N1-44t-a=nd--Jan • _ received het HOUsekeeper and ' • C. ook 'Badges.' All the SfxerS re- ported that their Six had chosen the country .that they wanted to tell about at our Thinking Day meeting. The Brownies were told that ,the church service for Thinking Day would be on- Feb- nia ry 27th . • For work period Snowy Owl had sohie of. the Golden Bari Brownies for throwing and catching a ball with Marion Raynard, ,Betty Stan- ley , Suzanne Kirkland and Dar- lene liowald passing' this test. Tawny Owl.had the rest of the Golden Bar Brownies- playing a 'skipping and balancing game. Snowy Owl then took the dbideh Ladder Brownies for a compass gL e "Round And Round Tile Country". Tawny Owl worked with our Tweerrie who was learning..to braid and Brenua 'Phillips'passed her test 'for clean- ing a• pair of shoes, Everyone then signed .a card to send t6 Brown OW1 in the hospital to let . her' kriow we. were thinking of her. Theiniftting was then brought to work in unity.. Three people were appointed from Presbytery to work with three . Anglicans for an' area study with a view of setting up a Bruce Pen ins" la Church Council. ev. D. Byrd presentee] the r ',solutions and Rev.. George ic,cht of Mount Forest,. Chair-, man of Presbytery,, 'closed with prayer. GIRL GUIDE . NEWS New Experience In Winter Camping KIN.LOSS NEWS First Kinloss Scouts and Leader's had a new experience in win er • s • • camping at'Dikie's.on the week. end, : On Saturday. they dug a snow,shelter in a huge- snow drift on a hillside and, in 'this..they'slcpt qUite comfortably .through' the raging storm Saturday night. Mrs'. John LOwndes of Queens'- . ville , v,isited l'o•;: a few days with Iv' , vi dlla y: -a- -i. -'w 'Viii--Its-we&-m17--'- =firr-tratite-r-7--Al-i-a-ri c•ra ha P- Bracebridge, - *A second operation fa Mily and artier sister's , MrS: about Christmas time' failed to Dorothy' :Mac Kenzie. of t;eeswater. restore,his health. ' , Mrs.. W. 'A .. Bud:ton of Forest, Funeral services were held at • spent a' few days last week with . . Bracebridge. Off Wednesday' fronl Mr. and Mrs. John. Mowbra y and Reynolds' Funeral hoMe with a Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton. • large number of relatilies and ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hanalton, friends attending. A' Masonic . Karen and David, who have been service. was held on.Tuesday night visiting with Ross's parents, 'Mr. With aboutseventy 'members pan ie• and Mrs. .C;i1bert Ha !ninon , re - ipating. Interment was made in . turn,ed home to Winnipeg on Sat- t.he BraCebtidge /ylaUsoleum With urday. ' ' . , . ' - final resting place to be in'Mil- Brian and Murray Keith were ford Bay Cemetery. : ' storm-stayed in Goderich on Sat- . Left4o• mourn his passing,' his • urday following the Band Work- one son Douglas, two daughters -Kenneth and. Wallace ilouston wife Kathleen of .Milford .1lay , shop. . Mary Ann (Mrs. Len White) and spent the week end*with their Nancy (Mrs.. ROn Harris), all of •' parents NIP. 'and Mrs. Harvey Toronto, and one grandchild; also Ilouston. . . one rot er i or o en on, , Denver Pie kir., , engineer with two' sisters Laura (Mrs.:1pck Bain) Dominion 'Road Meh.g. Co. , . and Grace (Mrs. David MacKen- c;odelieli , motored- to Sudbury .on zfe), all ,of London. A brother Friday and ,Was travelling from Cecil .predeceased him two years there by. train to- Fort Churchill , ago. A large'cirele of relatives . Mai4toba . 'There lie will'See attended . the funeral' from London the '77y, hydotplanetary Cha mpion Toronto., Clinton'-, Luc know'', • ' grader.und(:‘r.i,o.ing testing -by the nephews acted as pallbearers, United States army and Goderich and Kincardine. Six —. - --kr - Hovey Xssoeiates of Ottawa. • . . .4111.1.1IF IF YOUR LABEL STARTS WITH DECEMBER AND ENDS WITH,1 STARTS WITH JANUARY AND ENDS WITH 2 STARTS WITH FEBRUARY AND.ENDS WITH 2' YOUR PAPER 'IS DUE NOW In place of aregular meering, the, Girl GUides'met at the. Park Hill at 7 p rn.. Thursday, ,..reb- rUary lath for a combined skiing -Party . Several. girls'Were /tested on various skills required for the 'skier badge,, while the remaining girls enjoyed swooshing down•the hill on toboggans and crazy. carpets. A luncheon consisting -of hot dogs and hot chocolate was serv- ked_in_th_e_chalet_:.,Alleni o_y ed the outing despite the nipped fingers and toes. The Meeting closed with Taps. On February 17, the regular meeting opened with roll call. In horseshoe formation the ' girls were reminded that the week of February 20-27th marks Seout- Guide week across Canada and also that the girls were asked to `wear their uniform on February, 22nd, Thinking Day, to, mark the anniversary of the. birthdays of both Lord Baden Powell and his jwife Olive, Lady l3aden Powell. The girls were divided into two groups. Lieutenant Linda Johnston taught the one group their local knowledge, while Lieutenant Barb Helm rst Aid to the remaining group. FollOwing Campfire, the meet- ing ended With Vespers and Taps. to a oldse with the Squeeze, Taps and all the Brownies leaving by the Arch. arriet Christie. Is speaker At Presbyterial • ••