The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-23, Page 6wow Alt RIPLEY ABATTOIR Cultom Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting'and Wrapping Sausage Making — Fast Freezing dew HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for -rriday's kill .411111• 411011'11.110 05. 11.1W 411911. 411110 assa..iess. !sr im5. p .iims.44imp With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks ---- Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork • and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATSARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION " .- ••CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 • On Thursday, February 17 Mrs. 4 • Harvey Houston WaS•hostess to.. eighteen: membersof Kairshea --.-Womeri!sinstitutea nd two visitors. for, their meeting.. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie. is president and Mrs. Gord- • on' •Wall.,:Secretary. After the iti7 • . ual opening, Mrs. Dick MCQtriiiin . read the scripture. • During the business, Mrs.,.,Rob- errtflpristvaralIp-ointed delegate; to: the Officers: . Conference., courses for the, next • year Were voted on. It' was decid,- ..edkto sponsor a Garden Club, for .4-H •girls.if they .withedlo attend., Mrs. George young gave a •• report of the 4-H club Sportswear from Knits.and.,showed several • , articles she,had made. The Stan& tug COMmitteec Conveners each gave reports. •• The roll call,' bring an iterh, from another .country or province, was.ivehansWered by members thOwing',jewelry, souvenirs and gifiOloin, faraway -places-. . . . Hymn of all, nations was sung. Mrs. Ira Dick*, iji reviewing the book .''Ontario Women's Institute . Story" traced the history of Insti- tutes from its beginning .a.tStoney Creek, Seventy.:fiye years ago .: till .,today when. over severi Million women 41,66 countries belong'. . A poem "Advice"- was read .'by : Mrs.. Eldon Welsh. Mrs. Evan • Keith reviewed the new handbook. dealing With duties of officers and . good form for members, Mrs. Allister Hughes cut the anniversary cake made and de&rated by Mrs. Leonard MaC7 bmes, and toasts were made to Women's Institutes arid the execu- tve of Kairihea. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, deiegate- to the 75t Anniversary dinner at TOronto, gave an interesting report. ° The motto, All nations srriiie the tame language, was capably given by Mrs. Cliff Roulston. The March meeting will be .held'on March 16. at Kairshea Hall. Miss Judi Reasbeck will , give a demonstration on blenders. The-hostess and directOrs serv- ed a tasty lunch. There are six species of Elm native to North America. CHISHOLM FUELS Hisirema mug SUNOCO DISTR IBUTORS LUCKNOW Pianne 529-7524 or 524-7681' FREE BURNER SERVICE ProdUcts For Farm, Borne and .. • Bruce Farm Report =Recently a Tower Silo U.nloader School was sponsored-by the De- partment, at which the operation, care and maintenance of the silo., unloader were discussed. As a re- . suit of this discussion, several general points emerged as being highly important to the succesSful operation of any top unloader, • regardless- of make. These might be listed as follows: — L. The care and accuracy with which the unloader was or- iginally set up and installed is highly important if sat- isfactory operation is to fol- low in the months and years •-afterwards. . Equipment knowledge on the part of the farmer _is higlily important; adequate instruction on care and op- • eration -(with emphasis on the use of the operator's manual) should be given by • the dealers at the time of installation. 3. The conditions of the crop at the time the silo is filled greatly affects the subse- 'quent operation of the un- lbader. •a) The material • should be chopped finely (one-quarter inch theoret- 1 sible, however particularly with hay-crop silage that is • either very wet or very dry, to chopithe material too finely. b), Care should be taken to ensure that the crop is en- • siled at the right moisture content (both very wet and. "verydry material will ------cnladfr=prob1eths- with all makes of mach- ines). In most cases frozen silage need not be --a problem if the wall chippers are prop- erly maintained and adjust- ed. As with any piece of equip- ment, there is. a .certain lub- rication schedule which should be understood and carefully followed wit h every unloader. Each machine contains a number of adjustments to accommodate different sit- uations a •n d •conditions. (This is where machine knowledge on the part of the operator is highly im- portant.) 7. Any piece of equipment, in the long rim is only as good as •the manufacturer and dealer behmd- it. The ial purchase should be from reliable , companies a ti d dealers litho are going to be in business for years to conie to back up their equipment with parts and serviee. H.. E. Beaman, P. Eng., Agriculttral Engineer ' DUNGANNON George Rivett hat been a patient in Goderich General Hospital this past week. It is hoped he is soon much improved in health., Mr', and Mrs. Robt. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nelsbn Raynard Of Lucknow, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall, Teeswater. The three ladies are sisters. • Mr. and MPS. Grant t owerby of Thornhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake and Becky of Galt spent the week end at their respective • homes here and in Goderich. On Saturday the sudden and severe snowstorm caused many blocked roads and along with the poor visibility, combined to leave travellers stranded away from their, homes or destinations until Sunday. HoWever there were young folk who enjoyed snowmobile and tobogganning parties. Sunday services were, •cancelled in -the- three.churches_ in Dungannon. -Last week end Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthew from Kitch- ener spent the,yeek end with Mr.. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and Martha. On=Ma-solL(Isr Friday) World's Day of Prayer is to be observed for community:in Dungannon Presbyterian Church. Members from the four churches in the area will be taking part in the services at-,2 p.m. Father Phalen from' St. Augustine will be guest speaker and special mus7 ic will be given. Plan to attend. -Girvin Reed, Reeve-of Ashfield` Township is attending the Good • Roads Convention inToronto part of this week. John Young was home from London for the,week end with his 'Parents N/Pr. and Mrs. ,Fred Young and Sharon. • Chuck returned Sun- day evening following an inter- view, in London; and a few days WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, On COUNTY OFIRUCE . Deputy. Treasurer Applications are invited for the position. of Deputy-Treasurer for the County of Bruce. Duties to commence on or about April 1 1972 Applicants must have iccaunting experience. Initial salary to be negotiated according to nigilifications. Usual fringe benefits-and pension plan provided. - Applications stating experience, qualifications and telepbOne number will be received by the undersigned up to March 1th, 1972. T. H. ALTON,. County Treasurer-Administrator, P.O. Box 70, Walkerton, Ontario ST. HELENS • Over 1/2 billion trees have been planted in.' Shelterbelts in the Prairies., • Kay, Can .ray Farrel Humphrey Legion 'tit `,1elay an dropped .see how t The Legi and has s asions organizat Legion at 58 e ha for Grad District f served a • Ripley Pt also hou, rict libra 14, Kairshea Mark 75th Atiniverta OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, .MARCH 3, 11 A.M. - 10 P.M. IMCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKINOW, 0,0111111t10 morning to visit her aunt, Mrs. 'Olive 6oudie tor a few days. , On Friday, February 18th the Annual meeting of the West Wawa. nosh Mutual Fite Insurance Corn- pany-wa-s-held--i-n411P. DIFVfaPnf.z?n Agricultural Hall; ,Mr. and Mrs. Art Danahy and ,children Kevin and Terri-Ann a Kincardine, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and Joanne on Sunday, in honour-of,' Joanne's birthday. Dungannein W.I. will hold their regular meeting on Thuisday. at 2 p.m, at the home of Mrs, Fred Young. Historical Research is to be the theme of the meeting. YoUr correspondent, appreciatet the phone calls, on Monday ' mornings from those who have items of interest to report for the Dungannon column. Readers from spent in Tillsonburg. __miss. Beatrice McClenaghan went to. Kitchener on Saturday a distance have expressed their , interest WO 7 seeing your names and activities in print.. Ten tables enjoyed the Shoot Party on Thursday night. I HO' prizes went to Pete Jefferson and Allan Miller with the consolation prizes going to Mr's. Stuart Chaniney and Wm. A. I itimphrey Either WOWS-WOri th e-tra v ellirrg 'shoot. The next party, is March .2nd. • Mrs. Harvey Webb retiirned on Thursday folloWing a six week vacation in Montreal and Florida, Mrs. Ward Shickluna of Mis- sissauga and Mrs.' Earl (-J aunt of bandesbord were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. AndreW Gaunt. Miss-Marie Mew-hinney of St. Catharines was a week end visitot" with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mewhinney. The March W. I. will be held on March 2nd at 2 o'clock in the hall. • The RipT Branch 440 Thursday a was a seen interior wa moved a.n 'were insta were resto. insulated ' White tile into place thelialral Among th hammers and Gary . Mrs. Bill" Albert. \/ contents of started on t cook's big last Saturda was parked 'main street shops of Eli James and ( fortunately blizzard sta . they carrie ,an hour in t ever, with a chill fact • below. Th ferreçi to th Township h, shelter mad time throu tiOneers Huron and water, We Cashier Nel and Clerk now. Handing-, eets were 3( Farrell and Verheye, a. ers, helped articles fro' the Huron 'I thoSe attenc while in th( Maxwell; o the HolyrOo very adversi winds, blobs visibility at eratures a f, attendance; Thi DEMONSTRATIONS AND DISPLAYS SAT., 'MARCH .4, • 10 A.M. -4:30 P.M. Glass blowing demonstrations — student designed and contsracted four channel quadrasollic stereo system -- computer operated machine tools --- student prepared-161-KgibiFp-foductiOns on closed circuit' TV system,— -and many others — EORGIAN COLLEGE Of APPLIED ARTS, AND TECHNOLOGY 401 Duckworth Street, Ilarrie In the Applied Arts • Business - Technology Continuing Education and Retraining Services Divisions Student 'employment information 'centre. Uformatiiiiibil7theStiMnier-School-of-the-Arts. Cafeteria open. Ample parking. Thurs curler's f the aunt' .tion.of held in four rin 'when ih ly t°13 fPuN bOn Ma record f plus lo- pOints alto 3 gate of 41111111111I •