The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-23, Page 2PAO" Toy • THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO' • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1912 The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "the &Toy Town's - On the Huron-Bruce Boundary • Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 -7 Publiihed Each Wednesday Afternoon Member Of the C.W.N.A. and OW.N.A. • Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance - to the U.S.A., $8, Donald C. Thompson, Publisher , , WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1972 it•or. Radio stations perform a valuable service-tor rthe-travelling- public 'by keeping them provided with details on road conditionst 9nt- ario Department of Highways and Ontario Provincial Police ptovide this information to the radio. • However, some of this information is having a negative effect lnutfave ,•• c ormation, from time to time, can not be accepted as credible. A number of area residents, irrecen have commented on this to us and we have experienced this per- sonally on more than one, occasion. Winter snow storms' have hit the area in recent weeks and the accompanying problems of travel have resulted. NOT ALWAYS CREDIBLE! .._LETTER TO IRE EDITOR ants Action On:- Swimming Pool February 18„, 'Editor, Lucknow Sentinel. Dear Sir, • For the 'past 2 years, the Ashfirld Recreation committee • has spent-close to :$20.00:.00 in transporting child to swimming classes at the Judith Gooderham • Pool in doderiCh... This motley was raised through Walkathons, b • a community effort. Through joint meetings With the four Recreation committees in the Town Flail in Lucknow in . 1970', we were told there would, be a swimming pool in Lucknow. because no'swinining pool was the sUmnier of.1971, the executive of the • • committee made a motion to approach the County SOhool Boards, requesting that a swi-nP,- Tiling pool be made availableiin Ashfield TOwnship. Again, we were told that money was available from service clubs' in Lucknow and a swimming pool would be definitely provided for the summer of •1'972. A, system could be worked ou t where the north part of the Town- ship could be served by Luc know , the south part' .by Goaerich. All classes'qould instructed in a 2 hour period, so parents could arrange Oar pools, rhos saving the high cost of transportation. A,fter reading, the Lucknow Sent- inel Of February hi'. apparently no decision has been taken yet. . Arc We in Ashfield getting the run around again? Can Lucknow • 'afford to ignore the municipalit- ies? , • , lours truly , LETTER TO THE EDITOR What Is Our Town The Editor, Lucknow Sentinel. What has happened ts..) tIt swimming pool?' Coulicii Iliin- utes mentioned this 'List 141; What is our town projey,' . Almost every surrounding town 1, build. ing under a governmCnt Time we received our A SWi111111i1V pool.is erdue, AN, INT EREST P1) ( I ilz EN. WORK WONDERS OLDWIDE • SPONSORED BY LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT , LIONS 'CLUB GE Is important that. accurate highway conditions be reported to .travellers, but if the public receive exaggerated hazard conditions, they' will soon tune out ~all advice about travelling. and this presents an even more dangerous situation. One area resident, who travels .a number of miles' daily to and from work, told-us, "If I listened to highway reports, I'd never get out of bed in the Morning." No doubt anexaggeration, but this is indication of how this 'man feels about the credibility to which we refer. • A few weeks ago, when driving from Teeswater to Lucknow on Highways 4 and 86, we, heard on radio three dines that the road was -closed.. Driving at the time was not excellent, but .was not, a hazard. A short time ago we had to make ''a trip to Walkerton and phoned the. O.P.P. office there. We 'were told that No. '9 highway was 'not good and it was suggested that we stay at bailie, which we did. We found out later from another traveller that this was just not true. On Sunday of this week; a couple of hours after hearing on radio that all secondary roads in the area were closed,'we travelled 25 miles" over these same secondary roads referred to. A conversation with an- other motorist, indicated that he had travelled the' roads, plowed to the fences, before the newscast was. heard. BE! BES Onr-p-oist -.--we-w-ant--tr-thelley-s-to-co=operate_tinder_haz.r. conditions, we must provide them with Credible information: "Stay Off The Road'' is not good enough for people who lave important husiness aid personal' matters to attend 'to by traVel.1'f we.want them to heed warnings, then completely credible inforination must be ,supplied at all times. .• IIIII1111111111VlIIIIIIIIIIUIIII{Illlfi;in nGi: ii ilmddhu!ia„; ,I„ arid'„ 1,,, • ii.,111! 111111111111111111111111.1111i THREE TOWNSHIPS COSTUME EVENTS 7 0 The Torture Test, A Tale About Oliver's Watch . We've all seen those commer-., cials on TV about the watches which withstand all types of tortures. Oliver McCharles of Lochalsh should sell his story to a well known Watch'manufacturer. He lost his watch during haying season last summer and last Week . it turned up in the hay mow of the ' McCharles farm'.. The Watch had been bound in a hay' bale. Mice had eaten off part of the' band. - keyotrgueSsed-it-, ed it up and upon listening for the ticking heard it coming through loud and clear. The watch was. going. it is a self winding watch and it.is assumed the action started when Oliver picked it up, unummisiminuni • • CON A 1.1-ELY-i--o - Councillors Jim Aitchison 'of West• Wawanosh and Leo Murray of Kinlois recently made some fact finding trips to. WalkertOrr and Mildmay to view similar equipment and discuss the merits of such equipment in these areas.. , A further meeting is planned for this week at Holyrood with 'Fire Chief George Whitby of Lucknow and'a representative of a fire equipment supply firm. . Speaking at the annual meet- ing of,the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Corripany in Dun- Bannon on Friday, Reeve Girvin Reed of Ashfield suggeited to. company policyholders and direc• tors that they might wish to con-- sider making .a grant towards the purchase of sucTre-quiprnent. Mr. Reed ingested the grant Might he •recovered in the 'successful control of one fire, He stated that preliminary investigation had indicated an expenditure of $4500 to $.50,00 on the-tanker with the necessity of a vehicle undet•it and a place to house it, in addi- tion, . PRE-SCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN - Best Boy' or Girl :$2.00 $1.50 $1.00 PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS: Grades 1 and 2: Girls' race, s rac , Boys' race, Best Boy or Girl $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 Girls' 'race, Grades 3 and 4: Boys' race, Best 'Boy or Girl $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 Girls' race, • Boys' race, $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 Open race, • • • 11•• it oii to: • • • LUCKNOW FIGURE SKATING CLUB B. 8 ACTS • NINIMINEN741111111111141 11!1•11111, Open Class .75 .50 * .25 25 age 8 and 9, age 8 and 9 age 10 and 11 age 10 and 11 age 12 and 13 age 12' and .13 girls and boys .75 .75 .75 :75 • .75 .75 50 ,50 .50 25 .50 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 'Mrs, ow re ay of ingh hid) ent:a ay.' oe ,Ai etroi nizL Firs st w a tieer 4-- Anu f . Ilro nee! Oro() nd orm ante `ey Oat RACES . . . Girls' race, age 6 and 7 6 41 41 4, 0 40 6 40.41 4/ 41 11.41 4, 6 40 6 6.41 41 41 4, 4,4, .6) re 4, 4, 4, 0.40 40 411 40 411 40 40 411/ 4111 4' II.. 11'i: 41 FIGURE SKATING ;I-EXHIBITION -,HOCKEY GAME: ...DEMONSTRATIONS • • LUCKN0W INTERMEDIATES . VS el • . GODERICH INTERMEDIATES e •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S••••••••••••••••••ao. PR_ESTQN_FIGURE_LSKATIINALG CL )B These skaters are Runners-up in the London Olympics and competed in the try-outs with those who went to the Olympics in Japan. •