The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-09, Page 3FEATURE! — CHICKEN NOODLE 2 Pack' LIPTON SOUP MIX FEATURE! — ROBIN HOOD • CELEBRATION' .CAKE MIXES 099c, '2-Lb. Cellb Phone RED& WHITE FOOD STORES FOOD MA 1.0 =i1=4=4/3/1=4/=-1/1/==10(fe-iterOac&W(0/4/0. ri,41 1--(" ' BEST suit! PARCHNIENT,, COLOURED MARGARINE MONARCH. BEST BUYI -,- READY CUT MACARONI - SPAGHETTINI LANCIA SPAGHETTI FE.BR‘iARy 1972 • TIE -I,UCKNOW SENTINEkt`.141CKNOW* ONTARIO, • PAGI Vila • .• 7 FEATURE! --•L INSTANT 'COFFEE CtIASE. FEATURE! MOUNT ROYAL CHOICE Quality TOMATOES FEATURE! BLANctigo. OR SPANISH SUPREME -Salted 'PEANUTS 12 Ox. Cello pap 6-Oz. Ja'r $1 .09 Red Breast COHOE SALMON .CHERRY utoe.'01b FEATURE! Staffords NOW Label PIE FILLE 73/4 . oz. Tin 490 STRA'BERRY lir1IHUBARB---7 • 'IS-Oz. TM • FEATURE! — NEW! — FROM 'HEINZ BEST BUY! — GOLD SEAL BRAND ETCHUP 32-Oz. Glass, 7 3/4-0z. Tin Westons 12: to pkg. 120 FAMOUS ART REPRODUCTIONS by the world's great- est artists to enhance your home. We're offering one FREE to you this weekwith the coupon from our brochure mailed to you recently and a purchase of $5.00 or more. ' • FEATURE! — CRACKERS. WESTON'S .PREMIUM n ONO • ; JEMIMA 11-0x.Mty • ••,FRENCH Toast 55c Sionimisamiumumummuummummusuu n Georgjan Bay Apples JAM FILLED BUNS 454 I6-oz. 39c Fancy Macs and Spies $2.89 bu. Please bring empty hamper , - 9 RED WHITE Save up to 50% on quality fratnes till,!favoinOsh.-NOrne• Representatives On TownshipaecrOotion conimittee-Fot '72 Miss Hazel, Webster 4of Luc know is-a patient at GoderiCh P4chiat- ic HOspital.4 Mrs.. Otto. Pederson of 'London ;pent last week with Mrs-. Steve: 3 tothers,'LueknoW. The Lueknow Women's institute ,villt)leet on Friday, ;February [1th at 2 p.ru, in the Luc know rown Hall. A full attendance is :equested e Stuart Jamieson and Dick Kil- patrick.of the Lucknow District Co-op attended the Spring'Sale Viewing and hardware 1.. oronto on 'Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Annie' Dewitt returned on Sunday to the home of her son Dave Jewitt, 'Kitchener, after spending two weeks in Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital, She is spend- bloke winter in Kftehener, with members of her family: , Mt. and Mrs. Hatold Ferguson of Goderich visited bne day 1.st week in Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs. NelSon'Raypard. Other vis- itors were Keith Webster and Mrs •Mervin Lobb of Blyth. Mr.,.‘and Mrs, Allan J. Arm- strong of Saskatoon ., SaSkatchtwan are visiting in Lutknow with Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Mdc Kenzie . Mrs. Roy Parker is a patient in Wingham and. District Hospital where she was taken by ambu-7, .lance a• Week ago Sunday. Mr: •and Mrs. Jack Wraith of Lucknow visited on' Sunday in GOderich_With Mr. and Mrs. George Wraith. BONEIREPHIRE West Waw.anosh Township Council met in regular session at the Clerk's home on Tuesday, February 1 at 1.30 p.m. , with all' members in attendance; Reeve Lyons presiding. ' " The minutes of the January meeting were read andadopted oil motion of Councillors MeDon- aid and Durnin. • 13). -.Law, r# 4, 1972, leVying a special rate on the' N 1/2 Lot 15, Concession 3 ; to cover a tile drainage loan was given third rcadins and finally pa,ssed on. motion of COuneillors Hickey and McDonald. By-Law # 5", 1972, 'a by-law to amend the Boyle Drainage Works By-Law was given tpird . reading•and finally paSsed on motion of. Councillors Durnin and Hickey,. This by-law' amends the original due to the fact that the actual cost Was less than the en-; gineer's estimate. The followf,ng persons were named by Council to fOrni the West WawanOsh .Recreation Corn- mittee for 1972; Harold Errington, Vernon Hunter ., William, McPher- son, Clare Mrs. Susan Cook arid Miss. Marion ArrnstrOng. The matter of the proposed Dungannon Drainage Works was raised by Council and the Clerk was instructed tb contact the Engineer in this -regard again, to be sure Of an early decision on the proper course to be followed in the construction of the drain for village residents. A motion by Councillors Aitchi- son and Hickey instructed the Clerk toadvertise for tenders for , approximately 600 pounds , warbicicie; cattle spraying for warbles and applications for In- spector for '1972 at $2,50 per hour. Tenciers_and_44lications o •en until •4 March 1972 at 6.00 p.m. The. road accounts were ordered paid on motion of COuncillars . Hickey and Durnin. The following general accounts were .passed ,for payment on doh of CoUnCillOrs Aitchison and. McDonald: Larry Pentland, 1970 residential property tax redUction, 60.90; Luc know Agricultural Soc - iety , 1972 -grant , 100%00; Gamsby and M'annerow' Ltd. , Forster Drain superintendence,, 250.00; Gamsby and Mannerow Ltd. , Purdon brain 7peA4iwild=e4i—Ge SandersOn, 'Forster Drain construC- tion, 1266.50; Robt. Sanderen, Forster Drain final payment,, 500.00; Joan. Arn7strong; fees,, by- laws, Forster Drain, 140.00; Joan CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 Completes Soles Sales recently completed by Rosalind Hodgins Of .Kinlough , selling for Don Hoist Real Estate, are: . • Winston MacKay of Teeswater .sold property on the 10th conces- sion of Kinloss to .Mr. and Mrs. John 'Nicholson, formerly of dsh - awa. •They have •3 children.. He will be working as an electrician (at Douglas Point. Ezra Stanley of Lucknow has purchased tie home of Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Harris, R. R. !..Ripley, The Harris. have ,purchasedthe ,Ezra Stanley home in Brussels. •