The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 18THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, • FEBRUARY 2,, • vo OP A year o an Shetland pony, halter-broken; saddle horse,- Pal- amino colour, 12 years old, Phone ld red ro - FOR SALE black Shetland pony, 8 years old, saddle-brok n; 11/2 THE• TEESWATER NEWS - is available at. The Lucknow Sentinel, 1.0c per copy, If you• are interested in the news o4 Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up 'copy. PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- ialty,. wood and metal. Snyder Photo 4tudio, Wingham. •James Snyder, or, phone 357-1851. ------''-"WIT-FALE--2--------Beatty automatic- feed'and manure. handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact-Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. FOR SALE - Case 500 Gas with Arps Steel-ak-- half tracks, no reasonable offer refused. Phone• 526-7242. 1. FOR SALE - 2230 pound cream. quota. Grant Eckenswiller, R.R. '1 Holyreod, phone 395-2781. FOR SALE,- a Heintunan player. - 529-7417._ FOR SALE '- pair Tyrol skiis, 6 feet, ski' poles and size 10 laced ski boots.. Dale Hunter 528-2473. FOR SALE DEAD ELMS cut at 50c each; al- so... general chain-saw work. Call Roy Huber 392-606V. FOR SALE - 1964 Dodge, 4 door 8 cylinder, automatic, safety - checked, excellent condition; one Beatty wringer washer. C. J. Mar- shall, 33A Victoria Rd., flit. 1 Kincardine, phone 395-5419. ,AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley • Wallace 'Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales, of all types • Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 • . LEGION DANCE. Lucknow. Legion are sponsoring dance-in--the ruary 5th. Music by ‘iThe . Twy- lites". Admission $1,00 per person. pergins 18 and over welcome. 0 THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING s , PEOPLE LIKE YOU ; ' FOR, RENT - upper one bed- room apartment near main street in Wingliam; reasonable rent to responsible party; Apply Box 46, Wingham. LOST LOST - a sum of money on Luck- now main street on Dee(mber 31st. Phone 529-7454. CARD OF THANKS' In appreciation, the 'family of- 'the late Mrs. Wm. D. Simpson wish to thank relatives and friends weather, who in' spite of such wintry remembered theduring their bereavement. - • I wish to express my sincere appreciation •and thanks to all who` called, sent cards, flowers and treats while I was hospitalized and -0e-comirt 'James E: Little. The family Of the late S. B. Stothers wish to *.express sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their many' acts of ,kindness during 'his illness and at the time of his death. Special thanks- to Drs, Corrin and McKim, FIRE, uTpmE To I Instal J. A Lucks Bare aiiirminiamaiaiainimairmarawarawei • hd f 'IS contact T 'Notch urt er al GP Feeds Ltd., Brussels, phone 887- 6011. , • WANTED - Herta barley and Gar- oats, for feed • purposes. • For • ATTENTION FARMERS With an .increase in hog -prices,. it would appear 'to be a' good time to feed 'hogs to market, For de- tails on a hog financing plan, ;con- tact Box T c';10 The Lucknow Sent- inel, a e r ary 'to Saturday, February 12th inclul- sive. • lo compliment its Stir INS f(ionder Henri Ounant, the international emblem • of Red cros, a red cross on. 'a white haat:Town'', is the rescrrsc the flag or k,it-- it:riand.: CLOSING NOTICE Lucknow Dry Cleaners will be I 1 I 1 BARN EQUIPMENT - 'complete line of-'Acorn Equipment 'end Clay. Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing; 1.^z Westeel-Rosco Granaries; Chore •- Boy Milking Parlours;• Also Complete Line Of Corrug- ated Metal Culverts; 6" to 24" sizes on hand at all times; larger pipe by order; Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley, phone 395-5286. SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS 1 Arry-oishing=to---Axten sions on their silos or roofs, please call or write. This , can, be •done now. George Wraith, Box 95, God- erieh. Phones Residence 44-7002 , or Shop 524-6511. HACKETT - in loving memory of a dear wife and mother. Mrs. Harry Hackett, who passed. away ten years ago, February 6,' 1962. -M- long- as . summer Jades to. . autumn And the. twilight ends• each day, • You will always be remembered And missed along, lifes way.. Deep in our hearts •a memory is :.FOR SALE ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- lows, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emherlin, your local dealei. EQUIPMENT -- BERG STABLE Q New Life 'Feed Dealer WOOD FOR SALE -- Hardwood slabs delivered to your yard,' $4.00 per cord in 6 cord lots. Phone Craig's Sawmill, Auburn 526-7220. PAPERING - PAINTING • Floor ,Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- now. SILVER LAKE GENER741. STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO 1/2 gallOn ice cream -- $5c Reduced prices on rubber boots LUNCH COUNTER NOW OPEN • Cheeseburgs HamOuigs kept • " Of the one we loved and will never forget. 'Always\ remembered and sadly missed by husband and family. WANt ADS ()UR TRll On Mol grade on( al, We Miss lie took.us tc hospital. the heart ery.- At us hot ch After t 14, Th the oxygi the siren Our tri SPEAKIIN by Head On Jant School he contest in The sp( order: 1st Making a Sutton, '1 Farrell, 'I nie Irwin, ' Other s Were: Jan, • C Bruins; In, Opinion o ledge, A Island; Ka SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY TAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529.2403 FOR ESTIMATES •••••••,••••••N•::,0."Ri,l1'.'g - frp.m. 'BUS- TO CONVENTION convention February 23rd and 24th. The bus leaves Lucknow.' at 7:15 a,m. on the' 23rd and returns-Feb, ruary 24th at 5 P.m. If you are interested in going to the conVen- tion or just to Toronto for 2. days, contact Mrs.--Ross-Errington on or before February 12th. The fare is $4.25: 'per person. B Come to Blyth Lions Club Bingo, .every Saturday night at. 8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. Admission .00., regular games o $10 0 under; if not: taken $10 added each week.- • ' EUCHRE PARTY Maple GroVe.T LIO.L. 1044 will hold a euchre party in 'Zion Hall on Monday,' February 7th at .8:30 I. p.m. EVeryone welcome. • Ladies With lunc free. • .1 'PEN HOUSE .In hn our of her 90th birthday; the fam!:y of Mr's. Ed. Thom. in- vite relatives and friends to Open House on Friday, February 4th from 2 - 6 p.m. at the home of her (laughter Mrs. Stuart Collyer. USED ADDER FOR SALE Used Manual Adding Machine With Subtract• Looks Like New-Works Like New Overhauled at the Factory UST-$10 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and •Installation. Free Estimates. Year Round 'Service, Doug Harker, Phone 3,... 313• ,.Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, d ntario. IN MEMOkIAM STABLE CLEANING, • sand and gravel. Phone . Symes Brothers, Lucknow, 528-5203 or 528-2608. PLAYING CARDS Plastic • coated single decks--„from $1.19 up as well as double decks and'euchre _decks__Ceuchre_cards_ only). Drop in at The Lucknow Sentinel. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco, Umbach's, Pharmacy, H. and B. Discount and Johnston's Supertest in Lucknow, REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types Complete-appliance-repaws-at- , BURKE ELECTRIC • Wingham' 3574450 Electrical .Contractors Appliances - Motor ReWind 24 Hour Emergency Service ti HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES. paid for dead and disabled cows and , horSes. Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. 8 COMING - EVENTS • SUPER CASH- BINGO Legion. Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 81;45 p.m., Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14. Yeg ular games, •$10 each, 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- 1 1 0 SHOOT PARTY A Shoot Party will be held in the 1 -St. Helen's Hall on Thursday, Feb- ruary 3rd at 8:30 p.m, Lunch will, be served. „APPLICATIONS WANTED • Bruce Farm . Report - ..so _you fiaye ,that problem! the fact that the amount suggest-' ed on the pattern envelope,' al- , ways seems to be too Ulna: ActUally there. are 'several tabul, Aniong•gdnie of:t1w lesser knoWn ones; •The• Accoun:-. -artt's Book club, The Pes- Igp Book.Club,. The IlOrset.'n's, Rook Society , The Wok .0 b • and the La ft i;ook • . Club. 4. FOR RENT in 1 1 0 figures and layouts are worked• out for specific material widths as a • result, many variations. from •these conditions may make a difference. in the yardage re- quired. , Pattern companies alsO have a• system of calculating the yard.' ages which may account for a suggested _yardage being several inches `too hLg Wleir a= lay ~~ takes more than one inchover en even yard, then the yardage is increased to the nearest 'one- eighth of a yard. Pattern alterations,. differences in widthS of material and incor- rect cutting' are often the reason why amounts of material are left. Inexperienced sewers, often have a large piece`nf• material left be- Office cause the pattern was incorrectly placed on the fabric When sixty. inch Material is 'used for a style - requiring a narrower width,' this often leaves a lengthwise strip down' one . side., OPT0 New conversion tables put out by pattern companies help to de-. termine yardages required. for the new Wider width 'knit fabrics, Be sure to take advantage of these tables and if you still find you, have a lot of material left Over, then' take the 'tin=e to Slal' the pattern on the fabric before buying. Fabric 'stores are. ma 'co-operative in this respect, be- -cause it • guarantees your satis- faction and the ktiowledge that you will return to bay 'again. Judi Reasbeek Home Economist CRAW • J. I, ALAN ' ROSS I EN Loci 55' Holyrood, phone 395-5390. 125 consolation prize. . pot Game for $125.00 on 61 calls or , and Food, Box 1330, Walkerton. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 FOR SALE -- dropped calves, --- Telephone 881-3301.., Application Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far- PUBLIC SPEAKING Deadline - February 10th, 1972: • rish, R.R.. 7 Lucknow,. phone 529- Lucknow Legion Public Speaking 7305. • Contest will be held in the Legion Hall, Friday, February 4th at 8 p.m. Wjnners from Kinloss, Luck- POW, 13rookside and North Ashfield Public Schools and Kingsbridge Separate School will partiCipate. Junior classes up to Grade 6 and Seniors, Grades 7. and 8. The win- net* of this, contest will advance to the Legion Zone finals -at Goder- ich on Saturday, February 12th. ABILITY FUND CANVASS Members of the Ladies Auxiliary and 'other helpers. APPLICATIONS ' GRAZING STEERS Applications will be received for grazing steers on' ,the . . . Pasture Farm for the 1972' season. Application forms available at Ont ario Department . of Agriculture WORK WANTED - tile ceilings, paneling, remodelhig, all carpent- • er work, pit silos, concrete walls and floors. Reasonable rates. Roy Schneller, Kinlough, phone Ripley 395-2221. WANTED - R.N.A.. required for area 'nursing home. Apply by let- ter only to Box N, LucknoW Sent- inel. No phone calls please. will be canvassing in Luc now or WANTED - -a-quan The Ability Fund (March of straw.. Cleason . Martin, R.R. Dimes) during the month of Feb- Lucknow, phone 395-2854. • V TEXAS OIL', COMPANY OPEN BOWLING WANTS MAN OVER 40 Following are the alleys • avail- FOR LUCKNOW AREA able for open bowling at The Luck- • We- need' a good man who 'can now Bowl; 2 lanes Friday night 7' - make short auto trips: Weare wil- 11 p.m.; all lanes Saturday after- ling to .pay top earnings. noon 2 - .5 p.m. and Saturday night $15,000 IN A YEAR. 2 7_5 .m. and Our top men in' other parts of Canada draw exc-uptional earnings.. Contact customers around Luck- now. Air mail S. V. Dickerson, .Ther.e arc -1-247a40-1-tLhoO-li, a nd .19 for children, ec z to . w h ara pears to be' an .1cc..;ratk.. District No. 10, of the 'OA. SouthWestern Petroleum. • . A.S. is sponsoring a bus 'to the Corp, Ft.,Worth,. Tex.' , ames; you enjoy mee lit:, terns are made to fit standard $125.00 jackpot on 69 calls or each; 2 share - the - wealth managerial ,help in closing sales. ' reasons for this happening. Pat- • SALESPERSON WANTED SELL REAL ESTATE We •require .a person who is in- terested in selling Real Estate as a -full timecareer-to _repres_ent_oUr, Company •in the Ripley -' Liicknow area. Our Company offers unlimit- ed advertising in local papers and city newspapers, telephone, and and want to earn a •high income, contact Mr. Don Hoist, 208 - 10th Street, Hanover, phone 364-31.10. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS NUKE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD • The best in Home Grown, •Dry, Fed, Drug Free Beef, • Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. CuStom kil- ling by .appointment: Phone 528-2132 FEDERATION MEETING The monthly meeting of Ashfield NOTICE FARMERS' Federation of Agriculture will be The best returns for your fat held on February 7th at 8:30 •p.m. Cattle, a canner cow or a fat steer, Brooks in Brookside School-. Everyone wel- call Omar '- 528-3839. come.