The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 4THE LUaKHOW SENTINEL, LNCKNOWir ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1972 PAGE FOUR x.:cb:•••: • • • " • " • ‘"• '•••••••:•••••:••••'• ••••••• • • • •.••••• ••• • ....:—....--,,,,.......;...•.:::::.:•:.:.x...:-..x.:.:•:::,:••••••••• ..:•:•:•z•:::•:•;::•••• ..•:.....>...„.:......:::...i:::.::.x.:.:.:..:.:::.:.:.:..:.:..•......f.x.x.x.:::.:,........0...........:.:,,;:x.:..o..7,..,•........wx.:::::o:::::::::::•:::Y:::::::::::•;$::•:.;•:•:,•:::::::::.:.:,,:.:4•X.M.:::.....x.:.:+.,:.:.:•;••••••••••:•.::,:;:•:•:•:,;•:•:•:..4,X.,: ::.....:.:.:.....:-.,..-...:.::::.:.......:.:44,:-:.:,,:::•:•:-:-:.......-:•:.:•:•:•:•:•:,:•:•:•:•:,:,:q4,•`••••:',x':',Wy*,-N'"*•$'•:•''''''''''''''''...x•':•."•:•''''''".... ......•••:•••'''."%•••"•••••••••'• • , • • . . . . . . • ... . • • • • ••••• • FOR SALE ROY'S ALUMINUM. SALES AND SERVICE, .win- dowg, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd. Johnston, R.R, 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. FOR SALE - dropped calves, Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far- K.R. 7 Lucknow, phone 529- 7305. PAPERING ,PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing,, Fred Emberlin; Phone Luck now. - N TI TO CREDITORS n the Estate of FREDERICK C. 'JOHNSTON ALL PERSONS haying claims against the Egtate of the above- mentimied, late of the ToWnship of Ashfield, in ,the County of Huron, 15th, 1971, are required to file proof of/same with the undersigned on or b197ef2o.re .the. 29th day of January, After that date the'Executrix proceed to distribute the. hclaavi Es- tate having regard only to the emshadofnowtilli cec.h she shall then bATEb at Wingham; Ontario his ItIrday01-Jimuary-,---A13:-;-•1972-:---•- CRAWFORD MILL Wingharn, Ontario Solicitors for the. Executrix Left to their own devices, children will Usually follow the straight and narrow,. That,is, the . straight and narrow path across your new lawn. CRAFT CLASSES The winter series under 'the direo tion of Mrs. Janetta Slack, qualif- ied instructress, seven 2 hour ies sons begin at THE WAXWORKS BOUTIQUE ON Monday, February.7; 1:30 p.m. —„---Througk Monclay,„March 27th • NEspA) CARD ,." A sincere ?remembered IT and VOS 'AU pital and since „Joe ConleY thanks for Pia he was a Pati( p Spe cial Corrin and I staff. 'Thanks is ex and friends in Vi1,;' to Crewe relatives for a sympathy at sudden death. dated. Since: COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO. Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45. p.m. Pot of Gold game - winner 'take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot Game' for $120.00 on 60 calls or $25 consolation prize.. ANNUAL MEETING The 61st Annual Meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. at 2:00 p.m.. on Wednesday, February 2nd, 1972. 'The public is cordially invited to attend and re- freshments will be served at the close of the business session. NOTICE) HILRAY,FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown Dry Fed Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom kil- ling by, appointmeiit Phone 528-2132 . NOTICE FARMER'S The best returns for your fat cattle, a canner'cow or a fat' steer, call .Omar Brooks, 528-3039, APPLICATION APPLICATIONS GRAZING; STEERS Applications will be received for grazing steers on the A:R.D.A. PaSture Farm for the 1972 season: Application forms available at Ont- ,rio Department of Agriculture and Food, Box' 1330, Walkerton. Telephone 881-3301. Application Deadline -- February 10th, 1972. FOR RENT • LOST a sum of money on Luck- now main street on December 31st. Phone 529-7454. • FOR RENT - upper one bed. room apartment near main street in Wingham, 'reasonable rent to responsible party. Apply Box 46, Wingham. LOST PICTURE FRAMING -- our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic •• feed and manure handling equip-, ient, stabling---and-pressure--sys- tems.. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- - vice Centre; Clinton 482-9561. FOR SALE - up to $200 allowance on new :300, 350 and Formula '3 . model Ski-Whiz snowmobiles; clothing accessories; double tilt & swivel trailer; 3 H.P.• and 7 . H.P. snow-blowers in stock. Clarke Ferguson, 395-5454, Massey Fergu- uson Sales and Service, Point • Clark. ' • ..• . . _ FOR SALE - 5 Holstein heifers, due soon. John Ferguson, R.R. 1 Ripley, phone 395-2755. • ---- cAR FOR SALE -- 1970 Ford LTD, 2 door hardtop, power steering, power brakes. Phone 357-2019.. WOOD, FOR SALE - Hardwood slabs delivered to your yard, $4.00 per cord in 6 cord lots. Phone Craig's Sawmill, Auburn 52677220. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE. KINLOSS, ONTARIO '/2, gallon ice cream - 85c Reduced prices on rubber boots LUNCH COUNTER NOW OPEN- Cheeseburgs Hamburgs New Life Feed Dealer HUMIDIFIER CLEARANCE ' Humidifiers suitable for 5 room house or apartmeent. Variable speed control. Special •price $39188. Greer. T.V. and •Electric, Lucknow, phone 528-3112. CRAwF0 J. H. CI ALAN R. ROSS E. 1,1 IN --EVER1 10 a, Located Ph II In Ross Pia Office 357. SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please • call or write. This can be done now. George Wraith, Box 95, God- erich. Phones Residence , 524-7002 or Shop. 524.6511. EXCELLENT SNOWMOBILE' BUY ' 1972 Massey-Ferguson Sid-Whiz, Formula• 3 model, 33 H.P. factory - new engine, OWner must sell. Phone 395-2256 after 6, p.m. FOR SALE - like new washer spin dryer. Lucknow Pro Hard- ware, phone 528-2906. • (Phoft aimagom,„„,„ A. CHARTE .55 - 57 St Frei BARN EQUIPMENT -, complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment ,for pushbutton farm- ing; Weteel-Rosco Granaries; ‘`.:- Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; Also Complete Line 'Of Corrug- ated Metal •Culverts; '6" to 24" 7-- sizes-on-hand-all-times;---larger pipe by order; Lowry Barn Supply, FREE - 8 pups, part German • Shepherd, part Collie. Wayne Dur- nin, R.R. 3 Auburn, phone 529-7112. SWATER NEWS - is availEl-Bre-al The Lircknow- end 10c per copy. If you are interested. in the news of Teeswater and, Dis- trict, pick up a copy. STABLE CLEANING, • sand and graveL Phone •Syrnes Brothers, Lucknow,,528-5203 or 528-2608. 'PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated-7'. $1,19 hp as well as double decks and euchre decks .(euchre Cards only). Drop in at The • Lucknow Sentinel, FOR SALE - corn. 'and mixed JUST $70 5297459. IN MEMORIAM graki, also soma- Curran, R.R. 1 Dungannon, phone Araberley, phone 395-5286. A meeting of interest to all pork The call was sudden, the shock THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL 7 is for sale at. Mel" Stanley's Sunoco,. mbach's Pharmacy, H. and B. Discount and Johnston's Supertest in Lucknow, I .1 • ; • Of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Ted. Haldenby, who -passed away two' years ago, Janu- ary 26, 1970: We little knew as we woke that itiorn, • The sorrow the day would bring, severe, To lose the one we loved so dear. It is sad to walk the road alone ' • Instead of side by side But to all there comes a moment- When the waves of life divide Two years have passed since that day you left . To go to Heaven above But 'your laughter still rings in our. hearts And we still can feel your love. HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES Paid for dead and disabled cows and horses: Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types elete-appliance repairs at - BURKE ELECTRIC Wingham 357-2450 Electrical Contractors . Appliances - Motor Rewind 24 Hour Emergency Service USED ADDER FOR , SALE Used Manual Adding Machine • . With' ,Subtract Looks Like New-Works Like New Overhauled at the .Factory OPEN HOUSE HALDENI3Y - in loving memory honour of her. 90th birthday, the fairay ,of Mrs.' Ed Thom in- onte relatives and •friends to Open House on Friday, February '4th from 2 - 5 p.m. at the home of her !daughter Mrs.. Stuart Collyer. Lovingly 'remembered by' his wife, Bertha, family, and grand children, • 'DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD . ST0THERS PHONE 529.7403 ,FOR ESTIMATES V' " CARD PARTY A Card Party will be held in St. Augustine Parish 'Hall on Friday, January 28th at 8:30"p.m. sponsor- now Snowmobile Club.• ed by St. Augustine C.W.L. Lunch Vvill-be served, - HELP -WANTED- MALE AND FEMALE •FARM . IMPLEMENT 'SHOW A bus will be leaving Lucknow at 7 a.m. for the Farm' Implement Show in' Toronto on Friday, Janu- ary 28th. Anyone wishing to go, contact 528-3426, 528-3530 or 528- 3010. BLYTH BINGO Come to Blyth Lions Club Bingo, every Saturday, night at' 8:30 p.m. in• Blyth Memorial Hall. Admission $1.00; 12 regular games of $10 each;., 2 share - the - wealth games; $25 special; door prize. city newspapers, telephone,. and $125.00 jackpot. on 60 calls or managerial help in closing sales. under; if not taken $10 added each If you enjoy meeting the public, week. . and want to earn a high income, contact Mr. Don Hoist, 208' - 10th EUCHRE PARTY , Street, HanDooveNr„ HpohLonseT 364-3110._ Dungannon L.O.L. ,324 will hold • REAL ESTATE LTD. •ursday.,4a - uary 27th at the Orange Hall. Everyone welcome. WINGHAM, PHONE 357.3805 ATTENTION. SNOWMOBILERS Snowmobilers-are requested_ to WANTED Herta barley and Gar- stay .off•• the Village streets after ry, oats, ' for , feedpuTigig. For 11 pan: unless leaving town or. re- turning home from out of town. Show •the community that we res- pect • the rights of others. The Lucknow Snowmobile Club. producers in Huron, Kinloss and Kincardine, Townships to explain the proposed Pork Insurance Pro- gram' and other matters pertaining to the , marketing of pork, will be held in Ripley Public •School, Thursday, January 27th at 8:30 WHAT IS P.I.P.? WORK WANTED - tile ceilings, paneling, remodeling, all carpent- er work, pit silos, concrete walls and floors. Reasonable rates, Roy Schneller, Kinlough, phone Ripley 395-2221. WANTED - donations of wooden chairs. Phone 528-3009. The Luck- ATTENTION: set an honest person up 'in a high income sales and service' husiness for motorists. This business repeats 'year after year. No money reqUired to start. Apply to: ED BAUER, _Of furniture, furnishings, Vintage items of inteOest and several anti. quities for' the collector. The offerings are from a very .old Lucknow' residence and from an. East Wdwanosh homestead; being sold for the proprietresses and the.trustee 'through the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING' SERVICES e Auction_-__Centre_ • - Wingham, Ontario On .SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 12 noon Examine the entire 347 lots dui% ing the preview Friday, January . 28th 9 a.m. to 6' p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to sale time. • Auctioneer, Jack Aleiander Direct , all' enquiries to J. A. Currie Mgr., Estate Marketing Services, Auction Administrators, 357:1911. • further • details contact Top. Notch I The . only Auction Centre of its Feeds Ltd.', Brussels,,phone 887-1 kind serving Western. Ontario with 6011. SALESPERSON WANTED SELL REAL ESTATE We require a person who is in- terested in selling Real Estate as a. full time career' to represent our Company in the Ripley - Lucknow area. Our Company offers unlimit- ed advertising in local papers and ATTENTION FARMERS With an increase in hog prices, M permanent established furniture arket place. . NOTE - an official severe weather advisory would postpone winter sales one • week. Tune C.K.N.X. radio, Saturday mornings re can- . cellation. N Etta Campbi of the late Pet express their appreciation ti hours for their ness, the mes beautiful flora to the Heart. F ies who helped church after kindness' will tiered, , I wish to thanks to my class at=selim giftf and car when I was in. pital, London. nurses. INS1 ;FIRE,Avii AUTOMOBILE To PrOil Insure Wi J. A. N Lucknow, R. R. W. Barriste L 'STOW IN Every Saturc Office in Luck p.m. Keith Weeden, vice-chairman it would appear to be a good time of Ontario Pork Producers Mar. to 'feed hogs to market. For de- keting Board, is Guest Speaker. tails on a hog financing plan, con- tact Box 'I' C/0 The Lucknow Sent- The Lucknow Women's Institute "--": 'CLOSING . NOTICE are sponsoring a. Dessert Bridge on Thursday, January 27th at Lucknow Dry 'Cleaners will be 1:3O p.m. in the Town Hall, also closed.from "Monday, February 7th to Sattirday, February 12th inclu-a Progressive Euchre .party, Fri- sive, Any individual interested' in do- WIN qmAtotsaiNGO , , a Poster-for advertising= the- . Wingham Legion Bingo at The Lucknow Summer Craft Festival Legion Hall, Wingham, Wednesday, is asked, to contact -any of the fol-February 2 at 8:30 p.m. 15 reg- lowing: • ular games, $10 prize each game;' Convenors, Mr. and. Mrs: Oliver imniediately. Class size is In, it°. " 2 share-the-wealth games; $50 McCharles; Treasurers, Mr. andr .. i special, must go. Jackpot game Mrs. Dan McInnes; Secretary, Mrs. Ross Errington, R • obt. Gilchrist. r or full Mformation phOne 357-1011, $V0 on 6 , calls, with a $35 censol- Robt. Struthers; Directors, Robt. The Waxworks Boutique ation. Admission $1.00. Extra and Struthers, Mr, and Mrs. OmEir ' lidin 20 Water St., Wing special cards 3 for 50c or 7 for Brooks, Mr. and Mrs: Russ Ritchie, $1.0o. ' 'Brief cases are those things ear-, ried by lawyeri who hope that the ones. they are working on won't be. WANTED AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE DESSERT BRIDGE, EUCHRE, ilia_ day, January 28th at 8 p.m. Pro- ceeds for the. Golden Circle School, NOTICE RE , Wingham..Everyone welcome. 'CRAFT, FESTIVAL POSTER Featuring antiquing, flowers, rug hooking,• macrame and crewel.-.Full Full series $9, per class $1.75. Register • r • • FOR SALE FOR SALE size 18, beige, all. weather , coat; good as new,, freshly dry cleaned. Mrs. Clarence Greer, Lucknow, phone 528-2327. FOR SALE -' 1.964 Dodge, 4 door 8 cylinder, automatic, safety - checked, excellent condition; one Beatty wringer washer. C. J. Mar- shall, 33A Victoria Rd., R.R. 1 Kincardine, phone 395-5419. AUCTIONEER' SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley .395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170