The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-19, Page 101.C.ereei: )1 /4.1zs. 124%. !V: Ea.:1 • „.Leo haltzeg,;,, , =Sozial. 31:c .A.Itczi,s; 1T.1.3kr ftn titZ: Feter.$ E..txitmoui L1 4 45 Schoolt a.edr. 3 -‘41 ;.2111. Ind mitt .41:5/ Sznifilys C1irf5t Fiart iilb4rt 7.132. 1.1:t..". 4.111. :e:1117/,•: tht. ei-47./.11t:.11 4 .vittz$: Ictztir um.-1,$4,:x, • $L.,stitti p4g1'.4 44'141, ,,o\fQ' lIttC,,'.$14.14%1V1Z"C" U4411.W.V.. N+44$ tiW• .11X-1XX!' tie the de- 41,,Ltot teactiir, the . • • fteiT the, attt. tezr teareirm. v -Um am at,:tutuzg. *as he.$1wss, on itata,aty trec. the trace Uttite,,f the tug-kw*, er,11..ed akazot \04,e4.tett, six,w4 attattlt4T eakteyeNt act ttt,tte Etia,Zi% Matb.ets. FAtudiu ., 344 401-$., L.71.mtat.i,14, t.f.te ftatsg, Nly S4ztt,3a Tg",k. ZIA k \*44,$• et',`<f4t4' hY?r-311 - rit,4 thg 44.1' '-‘'12.1 • 11- 1'104 ittze Sage. of r.e.P.rietto'f,." Po ate 'have ;,.:,444e,.t.n, the Ifiezite;' 'ib•ZILL:td •Te-:TXT - IX7414 • dzi.e AU* Qy :QRS.. .1,d;'[47•11 ,Ntivre a. ",St\ffit /ear Itathezlii• :ea l'Exalyezi:tQ ,,trX .411;Wt.'rte e' !•.:e 7n7 0-C:it* 7gPte.:1;%-1 *.5-A • f"'r"-'417, .:t,24-1.. E. .771,4-ke, The jahieazy meecipz qf 1:hi; 4 Fe Lr,IF,.kww. • *.4s held • 1.4h44;y 4-4th 31"- 04,e erne a:4,'1.,,Ohgr4,- The gheiTae.' 7i'"e uAS.:'...0•44, :NZ,: a 1;144' ar-,4 c~ rem tr„.P7a.ve,z, • 41.74. .Nkti,71.- .3, ."_S-z"•40, h4,4 m-er !• "14c,,,•i -341 fifiC N.ke'r.1 ''Yt'.1•7*... • -tu. 7-mew n' t1117.17.11.3. 3. •:r4t,i,„:„' -1 Jet Vte4 •Fitt •IV :/e17.:e• •Ni4-1.n:Lu , • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Sift, ttn E DAN r LUCKNOW CHRIST AP REFORMED CHURCH d, lq% Van Sternproott •PotOr :Seinftoev, ..$01510 3:30 pan. Serriee 111,511Qta IFMCGME • Derlant4t$4,40 Rai nag, .41be. Batt To God: Row", ern,' $unday: C4C;S: (Shritford"). 3:00 :pm.; CFOS tOirtot ANGLICAN' CHURCH . ilitti0401111 AR/L.4 PA The Rev 1.Odesafabli Rettor d. VARY 73rd EPIPSWAKY 3.. Faiars Ripley. 7, ttsef.s.trision Farita14.th tok.:31t LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev, Robert feachotis, B A. ' MIThister JANUARY nr.d $ am_ Sunday SeMoi 11 aza. Morning Worship Jarg '8p m stattY ICIL'istian 5Peer sated by the Lotrtnecr "Pettriej.24 -.7440 frarl or woman. et the ht/L= blest sort can many be sti7g. gam. ;are and vot.t wrIttaz the Aimed being better vilithetz s2meene crrmidited by the •itr-y e/. istanee C tP.it gcednes5. Phracs Rev Glenn B BD • • • • • . 1••• 2,ra , ::41•11:Z:.••••:11:S .•. 14111 ary OV1 lie 41 uhu4 resb) °nal 0.C! ndre ingt 11 lid ll r6ici el 1111 Ch l'11( war a.1 Ca tiot StOr ccl di 13 d lv e tt , Lie V. 111e 110411VS.i 41.C.10114W.S, orni. Illiff4fS, anti WIT, _0411441;R. Pt.unit 5M1-23.441. .1.411ty,ARY 2.7r1 Sanda? S=1:1:1. Iforpmg :To d tl, [tit •V ' ii se 'At Pr tide cia .spi be . dur the at, Foil slot 3,, w E rtic urn' , tt..111 net7t4C.7....!1•:: ' ' # 3 ' Y•CinQll .41 n4-1.: !.._"11,11:ii.:11 1. 1.1M. f.:17. • :-.11111:14'; ' 1'11.1412 T1' ,21.711.14 1.7r "ZZ Lt I1 -ft .1 ,f.fr :1tf 'x!• ',41•7••• • , • 1.Zr: :1„ It ii r ,.:r.ff: V' »t, i A:3,14: Z) • 71It: til‘i(„1:1:1141:. va ‘41-7.. r- v:L.: %%1,4 TY:yr: -t-•71f-'4"yr JJIt J1; tilt ::st. ;41 ',pl.! Q.11 c, '11 4 ,..tr.:Ir :11111u, Rttut iv IX:. '.if". 4V/r111 ivntf17. tY:tit nri v ...11••11 at. Ird and. 3tt Star.ea'y ..:771217 lute ht i riea est • n, .111.71111. : i . YP -• :a foams 1,: '1' 11•••.I7ef • „la ::11114 I CI, 11.1(::1 va.. k4i r:rr)t1.t11 Cf 1,11t.: ,7t••11:111'. •• • .• . reku ;'::•111 A1111 .e • ..11.1, •,.. - • titit::: 7%" .71 to- • t vi., • • • r " " l'". 1 111"U l'1!1 t 'Ill 11 7' 111" ;.1 • " t _ - •• tar:n:1u - tlf • „ t 1:111..p•rr "11" ..1 " 4. ra..."i;i:r• . rift; , • . I ..; t(%, .7”. .'":1• • • • • flu 'nil': • ..I 111".-1."' . f;.1.• 11.1•1 •. • 311r.1": • .11u.:• 44,: •ra 41:1'.*!1)4i • va.,• 7111 t' 1•1:)1., • ' .414 • 11 1,1.•..i.r;I• ti: • 1471 s r11.: 111.1111Li..11111 /It .e • Z11.1 aurit,' TIg.tit:. •.111:d "4,111; 101111 tr; •rrnal'• 1.r:i..11(,•4 Er illt44 YjIft• A.L.t 11'1:11 1111. '''''rit41111:71`,•. ,C•1, 11 ii':' r ;j1,)r11 C: 1111 t1.1.fil111741. ri . • * , 4. .1?:. tit:thiii.k:11 Vat. 4,111/11111t1"1'1 .,111;111141' 1:11;.•:" 1i7 'AL: kry if ,„ thr tr*. Itin.:11:kal tv- I at tiur