The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-19, Page 7356 PRINCESS STREE\V orts Centre KINCARDINE, PHONE 39643200 rag mmicsOw siorrom,, LoCktiow, ONTARIO Ripley-Huron Central School News PANS isms, • 75th anniversary celebration of the Women's Institute in the Royal York .Hotel, TorOnto, on February 12. Mrs. Charles Steward reported for the Cheerio and Pinecrest Your Ski-Doe dealer is dealing Ike crazy. Before you buy any snowmoble see your SkinDoo dealer first. He's dealing on al avalable models. wEptiospAt, oiNuAgy. Ittb, titcknow Following the singing of the Opening, Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs. Alex MacNay presided for the January meeting of the Lucknow Women's Committee. Institute, welcoming the -mern - Mrs. Alex MaeNay, , Mrs. Arm- bers and visitors and read 4 poem strong Wilson, Mrs. John Camp on the: New Year. . Miss. Elizabeth Robinson report- ed that the course for the, 4-H girls was "Working, with Knits", and the leaders are Mrs. John Kreutzweiser, Mrs. Gordon Maize, Mrs. Glen Walden, Mrs. GeOrge McInnes, Mrs. Orland Richards. and Mrs. James Boyle. ' MrS. Philip Stewart was appointed to represent the Luck-. now Women's Institute for the . 'bell and Mrs. Omar Brooks were appointed on the committee for planning the district 75th anniv- .ersarycelebration. Roll call was answered .by "Canadian exports and their destination". Mrs. J. conven, er of the Agricultural and Canad- ian Industries Committee, presid- ed for the program: A sing song, was enjoyed with Mrs. Wes. Rit- chie at the piano and MtS. 1-e, MiacMillan read a poem on "Don't be' jest a Mernber". The motto "An institute is like• a ship everyone,should take a turn at the wheel"., 'was very ably prepared 4nd given by MrS. N. J. MacKenzie. Miss Helen Thornp- ,s0n sang two lbvely solos, "Beau- tiful Dreamer' and '' I dream q Jeannie", with Mts. Ross Cum-'-' ming accompanist On the piano. Mrs. Wm: Helm gave. an interest '" ingtalk on different articles that were in the Federated News: The, Queen, arid ,Institete.Grace . were sung, followed with a con- test conducted by Mrs, Howard Barger . A . delicious lunch 'was served by the hostess, tion and pictures about several animal groilps are being complet- ed in,Science. " Each pupil is preparing an oral talk which is to be given before the class next week. .801'S WIN VOLLEYBALL CHAM.F7. IONNSHIP ,' On. January & Ripley-Htiron Central School boys' and girls' volleyball teams arid their cheer- leaders. went to. F. E. Madill • Secondary School in Wingharn.. They competed in a volleyball tournament which is held each year. Mrs. MacKenzie, Mr. Armstrong and 'Mr. Stanley - were in charge. The girls played their first game againss Blyth and won. In the second game they played • Wawanosh and lost. In the-third game they won against Grey Cen- tral. In the fourth game they lost againSt •Howick. The boys won four games . straight against Turnberry, Brook.' • won the championship. • The 'boys brought the trophy back to our school and the girls came in third. • •.BROOKSIDEl. HAPPENINGS Lou-Ann Duhamel Mary Jane Cotirtney Julie Johnston. 'ACTIVITIES IN, GRADE FOUR On Thursday, January 13 every- one-mas busy working on our skating rink ar school. Even though the grade four boys are not having very good luck play- ing hockey.they like skating. MoSt of the grade four children have snowmobile suirs;to wear to keep from freeiing to death. In social studies we are studying a rainforest community in the Congo. Scrapbooks.containing ieforma , Come in and write your own deal now. The snowmobile season is just starting so get in on al the winter fun. esakAii-doo.772 knn:Hok . • 16 PATRICK 4,T. WEST nterprises WINGHAM PHONE 357-3435 DRINKS Last week the senior wing start- ed buying Bev -a =Ready drinks, at our school. During, the last months Room Eleven tried it out and now are serving it to the rest of the, senior classes. The drink . costs 100. There are different flavours, to chock from. Thcy are orange, grape , fruit puech, lemon and, apple, `ye will have hot drinks in the near future . '• There will be'hoechocolate, beef soup, chicken soup, etc. The junior wing may soon be buying the drinks also. On. Wednesday , January 12 the Bruins 'played against' the North Stars, The score was for the' North Stars. We hope.,that the. Bruins will have better luck next. time:a.• • - HOUSE LEAGUES House League games stated again last week. House colours take.turns playing table tennis. - The Junior wing teams play for floor hockey and crabsoccer on their days. The senior girls play volleyball and the boys teams play volleyball also. ,These 'games are played during the noon hour." • VISIT FROM P. E. MADILL On Friday of Tast week, Mr. Kopasa. guidariCe director at'F.E. Madill Secondary School in Wing. •, ham, visited with the Grade eight ' students why will be going to P. E. Madill next school year, course outlines were given out As' well as an Ictir011inent sheet.. I am sure this helped the students.. in getting ready for high school' •' H !,1 Ipe*citor.$ next school year.