The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-19, Page 3,Ti, eprospAY,. JANUARY 1.9th, 1911 - SENTINEL, MiCKNOIN.14TAR10 POO:- Wine • (or KING) BEST BUY! SQUIRREL BRAND BUTT R BEST BUY! -,- SERVE WITH WIENERS!. BICK'S WINE 32-Ox. 16-0z. Jir FEATURE! — DEEP BROWNED • WITH PORK BEST BUY! CHEFMASTER • PARCHMENT COLOURED FEATURE! — OCEAN' KING • 115 i/:-0s TIn PINK SALMON 88 FEATuREI_,CONpENSED TOMATO. or VEGETABLE 10•02. Tins LARKC Soups 2:21 FEATURE! — CRUSHED • SLICED • TID BITS. 19-0z. Tin '. LEE ClhoicePltilEAPPLF,24c_ BED & WHITE Tea Bugs6 to C1517)c B11y ge Wee II CANW BRAND CHOICE. BARTLETT FEATURE! 25c COUPON. IN EACH PKG. , King Size Pkg.. SUNLIGHT POWDER $1475 -"Mr, and Mrs. EZra Stanley and loyd Stanley of LucknOw visited ceLenclin_ Toronto._witl nd Mrs. 'Tony Bedford and Mr.' • rIch Mrs. Dan TollefsOnand`, mily. G. J. Mackinnon of St. Peters.- irg, Clorida spent a •feW days ha week in'LuCknoW at' the • • homes of Nelt; 'and Mrs. 'Ford , „(2tinningliam and Mrs', •Annie lvlac- Intyre. While here he attended liriciccy 'matches in Lucknow and • a. sport hols-keenly.inter ted Joc Conley ieturned to his„ erne in Lucknow on Friday after pending 16 days in Wingham, . lospital. • .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finlay of inlay'Vecorators.in Lucknow ttcnded the Floor Coverints la-rket and Decorating A scia - on COnViention in Toront,? last eck end, In renewing his subscription to e Sentinel, Bob Steele of iVonia,, Michigan wishes to tend the best in the New,,Year'to 11 his friends in the area. SET ,COIN:IN11T.T EES CONTINUED NOM PAGE that either municipality needs the aid of the Other., the fire chiefs have -the authority to go when called'. Rate. will be $10(j per, hour. Grants of $400 to the tticknow Agricultural Society and $200 to the Lucknow llorticulturarSOCiety were approved and will be paid on request. • A. M. liarper and Co. Goder-. ich were engaged.as:Nillage aud7 itors for 197 (2. Fire Chief c,eorge \Vhithy of Lucknow., representing the Lick- now Fire Depaitment , 'made a request that payment for firemen attending rural fires be increased from $3to $6 per hour. It was also requested that the annual pay of the firemen be increased $1000. ($50.per .man for the 26. Man department). These requests tWere approved by council.' Total remuneration for' the fire depart anent will now be $3b00 for local fifes, meetings, -mainten- ance of equipment and practices. Rural fire calls 'will continue to he paid on a $5 'per hour basis to Attend, The monthly payrnent'to Grant' dollan, operator of Superior Main tena was increased' from $6300 to. $66 „ Village clerk-treasure' Wayne Jamieson was on a two year sal- arY.agreement, 'with council which remained the same. He was engaged`by council to' extend his duties in 1972to include the accounting of the' highway books for WhiCh he is to be paid: $506. annually. This work was preVious ry done by-the lace Ray -MOfrell of. WalkeitO'n for .which'the village Was paying $840 a9nuallY. Mrs. Charles Webster was re;- engaged as deputy clerk-treasurer at $2.85 per hour, an increase 'from $2.20. Council set their salaries as, follows; reeve George Joynt, z$5.004cr year the—previous MADE ASSOCIATE from $90 to $100,foi janitorial CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. per hour paid for Sundays and area were in attendance at A jeCts in the Toronto area , in ,which he has been involved ,• are the improvements to several sec- tions-of the MacDonald Cattier Freeway, The: Queen Elizabeth Way', and Highway 27, and the change. 'The last project was d 'd h "Hi h B tif 1” Award of Excellence by the Can- adian Good Roads 'Association in 1970. This competition was sponsored -by Canadian Good Roads. Associa- tion for imaginative and creative design in'the- field of highway engineering. The firm Chose the een _Elizabeth _Way _and- High - Way 27 Interchange on the west, side of Metropolitan Toronto for their submission.. As Russell had been respOnsible'for the design of this interchange he .prepared the sUbfilission to CGRA and re- ceived the award' from G, E. Gomme at the joint CGRA/Inter-:. national Road Pederation ccinfer- enee--held---in Montreat-in-Octobi London Production Sullivan Society of the, present The Yeomen Of the Guard Twenty members of the Music Club of Ripley District High School -and Mrs,• Katherine Col- lins of the staff arranged the. bus' triip to London. 'It was the 'sixth performance .of the operetta which' ran for el'ght sucCessive- nights. The singing, acting, costumes, the set , lighting and_ orchestra combined to make an : excellent production. Playing the part of a fishwoman and singing in the choruses Was Corinne MacDonald, daughter .. of Mr. and Mrs. John C. NiacDon. ald of Ripley. Others Teeognized in the cast: were Jane 'Colwell, George---Jardine—and-Bill-A-sselstine, • All agreed it was a most enjoy- able And . sticeetg fill evening , "We look forward to our •Sentin , ,el every week" states J. Alton . Of London in renewing the paper s' rely and Cynthia both in public school. The family reside ih Agincourt, cOmMittee meetings amount being $400; councillors 19 70 . Eldon Wraith, Marvin Solomon, Russell is Russell Whitby, the son qf Mrs. John Oliver Glenn', each $350 Per year:, the; former Barr of kinloss and the late Mr. rate being $250. Barr. He was raised in the Kin Council als6 set a new polity - .lough area and 'attended LudknOW of paying $10 per member for High, School. each special meetingattended, other than the normal monthly He is married to 'the former Itie4ti_rigi_This4loes_not_inc.4twe . Barbara Carbert of Elmira and 'they have a family of two; Dar ' • a service at the town hall. Hourly rate for, Eldon Miller , town employee, was increased Fifty people from the Ripley from $1.85 to $2.00 with $2.25 / T4bot Theatre on, the University holidays. , of Western Ontario campus Thins- Annual salary of Cliff Crawford. day'evening_to see. the Gilbt rt 'and _Enter= new E_ er - nce Service, Was increased Ripley „ Girl In .4 ›.