The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 21PAGE TwisTy,oHE THE 1..14CKNOW SENTINEL .14:ICKNOW ONTARIO.,.., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 5th, 1972 OOKSIDE PENING CHRISTMAS CONCERT • DRESS, REHEARSAL At the dress rehearsal on Mon day, December 20, the pupils in- volved in the concert presented it for each other and the other 'pupils of the school. About half of.the school took part in the concert..., . CONCERT On Tuesday., December 21, the Christmas' concert was held at 8.15. 'Room §even.(grade six),6 , presented. a number. of Sailor Songs as well as appropriate jokes and as dance, The Sailors Horn Pipe. ,Room One (grade one) and Roam Three (grades two and three) joined .rogether_taxell____ about a trip to the zoo. They sang songs about many different animals and recited some animal,poems at. well. The senior (grades seven and eight) choir and recorder players piesenred-sev-eral-selectioni-of Christmas Music which were .en- joyed by all... The last number Was the christthas. Story as4 told• by the Little Donkey,. Once again two rooms worked together on the one number. They were Room Nur (grade three) and,. Room Two (grade four): A large crowd was present fOr the concert: RED CROSS IN:ACTION On Monday, DeCember Room Twelve went to the Ontario ' Hospital at Gbderich. We sang carols with the help of the pat- ients and put on a Christma.s play about Marshall Dill Pickle and the 'Dead' Gulch Community. This.play was written by one of our classmates Donalda ' Hainilton. After the play the patients were allowedto chOose carols they wanted 'to sing; After this the . patientS were given Christmas treats of apples,and oranges. The following day the play' was presented at our school for the. • rest of the pupils.' We all enjoy- ed•going thereand:Larn sure the patients there enjoyed our visit too. . Room eleven visited the Pine- Crest Manor. Nursing HOme on Decernber-2. ' They split up the class so they could' entertain up- stairs. and down. They sang carols and give the Ipatients candy treats. rm,sure everyone had' an enjoyable time: FREE DRINKS, • ,On Tuesday, December 21 everyone in our -school got a bottle of Coke froth the Coca Cola' company:' Several claisei had their cokes the fOilOWfrig day ,at a Christmas party.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl MeCleriagh- Ilan were Saturday- guests with Mr„ and Mrs.' Tom Pritchard, Luck- now. and Mrs.' Herb Hunter and Trevor of fond& were Sunday guests with`Mr. ancI'Mrs. torn Anderson LuOknow. . hlr . and WS. Hugh McMillan and family and Mr. and Mrs. George-Tiffin of LtickhOw were' Christmas gueSts•with Mr. and Mrs.., Wesley Tiffin: • Mr., and Mrs. George Conn and. Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace Conn wer,e Sunday Yititors with Mr. ari0 Mrs. Gordon Scott of Ripley. Cr.. and Mrs. Jim ROSs arid " Mark of Kitchener we're holiday visitors with his parents Mr. and Russel Rois-andliCi it8. and Mts.. Joe Millei7 , WHITECHURCH -and 'Mrs. Billie caslick a'nd fam- Celebrating ChriStmas with Mr. ily of Culross were Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Conn and their families, Mr, and. Mrs. Russel: Ross and their families, Mr.• and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick and' their famil- ies of Wingharn, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and their families., Mr, and Mrs. *Earl Caslick, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Scott, Ripley and 'Mrs, •IvicAllis- ter , her mother of Teeswater. Mr. 'and Mrs. John Willis of Toronto spent the holiday with his mother, MiS.Dolis arid her pdrents, Mr., ,and Mrs. Billie Caslick of Culross. • Christmas week end gueSts with-Mr*. and Mrs. Robert Mow-. bray and Mrs. A .: E. PurdOn were Mr. and Mts. Relison Falconer, Brian, Paul and Lynn of,Sarnia 'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Falconer and Tony of ,Streetsville , Mr.'and Mrs Angus Falconer and Kevin of Strathroy.. •• Mrs. J. .;etchusino was a Cluistrnas gue (7- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott; Paul, Ruth, Barry, 1)-N/id and Christmas .Day with his sister, Mrs. Karen, Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Galbrailth of Wingharn spent Bill MacPherson and Mr. Mac- Pherson and family of St.., Helens. Celebrating• Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran and Paul of West Wawanosh were Mrs. Robt..,Purdon, Belgrave , Mrs. Floyd•Bott , Betty and Bobbie of BellWood, Marilyn: Bott,and friend John Shaffer, Mr. and, Mrs. 6-On Brown and Jim ail Silvery Lace of Elora , -Mr. and. Mrs: LaYerne 41.70 Grasley, Trevor and Dwayne. of Elmira , :Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintouland Brian, Mr., and. Mrs., Archie Purdon, Lorie and Kendra. • Mr. 'and Mrs. Tom Jamieson were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs: Earl Jamieson and family, of West Wawanosh. Christmas celebrants with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCienaghan and ' Mr. and Mrs. Cari.MeClenaghan • were Mr. a ii-vr-7 vrn 'Clenaghan and Michael. of Water loo Mr: arid Mrs,..' McClen- aghan, Mary Lou, Nancy, .Ronnie and friend of St. Thomas, Mr. and Ws. Bill Parker ,.Jim and friend of .Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. . Harry Moss., Ben, Susan, Don and Janie of PlatisYville ,' Mr. •and Mrs. Jim*MCIntyre, Allan, Linda , „. Heather and Mary Beth, of Sudbury, Quite a number of folks in • the village„had a real thrill on Christmas Eve When. Santa Claus paid them a Visit. Mr. and ,Mrs'. Murray Coultes of Toronto spent thl.holiday week end with his parents Mr. and Mts.'Ronald Coultes, and family. Mr, arid Mrs. McGowan of London 'visited from Thursday to Saturday with Mr,. and,/Ars. Ronald jarnieson'and family. On Saturday his parents'•Mr.•anci Mrs 1Torn Jamieson joined them. fOr Christmas.' Ronald had been taken on •Wednesday to Winghari~ Hospital,and .had surgery for acute appendicitis. He too was able to•be home for Saturday. Mrs, ,flazel Purdon of Belgrave spent' the vie k' end with Mr„ a'nd .----G-0P4on--Rintoulalilv • • and MiS, 'Carl Weber and family. Mr. and Ws. Bill- Evans spent 'the week end as. Christrnas.guests .with W. and Mrs. Eric Evans .and family, of Hyde Park.. Mrs. .Edith Brown of London also joined ;them. Christmas guests with Mr. and MrS. Albert. Coultes were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichteriberg and faun ly of.po(rt Eigin,41,1r. and -Mrs, Jack C&4.es and family of Oakville, Mr. 'and ilex Craig and family. Miss Rudy Wybenga of BOwman- Yille spie'nt :Christmas week end With her parents Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wy benga and family. Mr. and. Mrs. Orland Itwin, Stephen, Faye , Donald and Mich- ael of West Wawanosh were. Sun- day guests with his sister Mrs. Ber t Hastings, Mr. Hastings and fa mily'of Morris Township. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt 'of Kitchener spent the Christmas' 'Season with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt and her *parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm'.., Puidon. s., Torn Inglis is.. still a pat ient ngham and District Hospital. She is wished a speedy ,recovery by the community. Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Inglis artiyed on Sunday. from Eariton to visit his Mother in the hospital, and visit with other relatives. Russel Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, Miss Lila' Emer- son were Saturday -guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Tiffin. • At the .United Church on Sunday the Sunday School leaders had charge of the .Servide in the alp- .sence_ of Pastor 4(44 de Koeijer convalescing' from recent surgery.. 'Clifford Laidlaw ,.Sunday School -5uperintendant , presided and )pened the service. ,•Elmer Sleiglitholm read the" Scripture. Mrs., Clifford Laidlaw gave the children's story and led in prayer. Christmas carols were sung. °Clifford Laidlaw gave the Christmas story and a poem. Mr Gary Chapman led in prayer. Clifford Laidlaw closed' the nrleet- ing with prayer: - Sunday guests with Mrs..Bessi Mullis and Wilfred Clipperton were Robert Mullis ,: Mr. and MIS. Cousins.and Joann, Mr. and Mrs./ Neil Fay and his rnbther Mrs.. K. Faw all of Thorndale, Mr. arid . Mrs. Jim Ward, Stratliroy, Mr. and Mrs. Pill Reynolds,: London. Mrs. Be,ssie Mullis returned with Mr. and Mrs.. Cousins to. Thorn'- dale for a few days visit. - Mr. and Mrs. Dawson 'Cra'ig, Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon McBurney and Ronald of Hamilton, Mr." and Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mari-. lyn, Margaret and. Jim were Christmas, guests with Mir. and Mrs. Bill Peacock and family of Bluevale. Jinn Orr of London spent Christ!. mas with his mother Mrs. Wrii. Orr and Bob of Langside. .;0 •Christmas guests with Mr. and" Mrs, John L. •Currie and Duane were Miss Rachel Curried Galt -Mr-w-ancrMrs-,---Bruce-Currie; Dav- id and Debbie of Wingham.. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw were Jim Bean of Galt and Davy, Bean and. Miss Barbara' Lyons' of Brampton. 'Christmas guests with and •Mrs. tigin Johnstoribl Turnberry7 were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Short- reed of Walton, Mr. 'and Mrs: Elwood Shortreed of Wingharn... Honie for Christmas with,,their parents Mr. and Mrs. 'RUssel McGuire were Lee and. Elmer Mc- Guire of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mc.Guire on Sunday s took Lee , back to Toronto. ° Palmerston.- with Mr. SAPPHIRE. PATTERN . 20 PIECE SET REG. $18.95 SpeciaI $11S9 PHONE 528 3532 :WHILE THEY Ithig Frederick 5 Pc. Place Setting $11.70 Leilani 44 pc. sets Reg $156.00 OVERSTOCK SILVER FLATWARE LAST 5 piece place setting $12.95 r , , ,. ALSO MANY SERVING SETS, MISCELLANEOUS PIECES 'AND. " i SILVER CHESTS AT REDUCED PRICES i. 1 I. ... Flair 44 pc. sets Reg. $156.00 HARVEST . PATTERN Reg. $18.95 SPECIAL $11.99 SPECIAL PRICES FOLLOWING Vintage Carousel ClematiS ALSO ON THE PATTERNS Tres Bon Hacienda Fabrique BLUE PACIFIC Reg. $15.95 " 'SPECIAL $9.99 • e